
Ann Tagonist #fundie anntagonist.wordpress.com

As a heterosexual white male who is attempting to decolonize my mind as well as erase years of conditioning by the dominant patriarchal culture of abuse; reading this makes me feel very sick and quite disturbed. My female partner who have been involved with for some time (who i truly love) has assured me that despite the stated perspective, that she will never stop enjoying “piv sex”— While of course i enjoy this type of sex, I now cannot help but feel overwhelming guilt. Is it impossible to be a true advocate of smashing patriarchy if I still engage in piv sex?? Props to the author for a thought provoking piece.

This isn’t about ‘smashing the patriarchy.’ Do you love your partner? If you do, why would you want your sex to put her at risk of death?

As i implied, I would give it up if she wanted. I never have seen my penis as a weapon—.She identifies with radical feminism. After consideration I believe this anti piv sex stance de- humynizes the experience of womyn. Are there no womyn who can make a rational choice? People are affected by abuse and patriarchy in different ways. It is soley my partners choice and there are womyn who KNOW piv sex feels good to them and is worth the perceived risk. In closing men should be encouraged to take Neem leaf if they do not want children. Great choice for male contraception.

Please do not ever comment on my blog again.

Ann Tagonist #fundie anntagonist.wordpress.com

TERF is a word that is predominantly used against women. I have seen one or two men be called TERFs but men are more likely to be called TERF tokens or something similar. Of the women TERF is used against, many are lesbians. Recently on Twitter, I was informed by a young, white, heterosexual, clean-livin’, Christian, LGBT ally lady, that TERF is not a slur. I can’t remember if the word she used was ‘descriptor’ or ‘definition’ but it was one of those. Definitely not a slur, she says. This girl didn’t even know what a woman was so I’m pretty confident that she also has no idea what a radical feminist is. She’s just heard somewhere, probably from a guy in a dress, that there are feminists who think trans women are men oh my god what even and she can’t wrap her head around that because, like I talked about in my post yesterday (http://anntagonist.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/frankenstein-meets-the-handmaids-tale/), and as witchwind carefully describes here (http://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/24/on-colonisation-by-men-friendships-with-type-2-colonised-women-and-how-we-understand-it-as-radfems/), she’s been so perfectly colonized, she doesn’t even know she’s colonized. She is so used to women having the power of naming ourselves taken from us that she doesn’t recognize it when it’s happening right in front of her.