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Center for Disease Control Bulletin: Trump Derangement Syndrome

First known occurrence: Nov. 8, 2016.

Etiology: Festers in brains of so-called liberal elites.

Route of transmission: Sporulates through social media as primary vector, with fake news media as secondary reservoir.

Cause: Self-inflicted, exacerbated by unwillingness to think for oneself.

Cure: The Bible.

Prognosis: Usually results in terminal liberalism, with poor to zero chance of recovery.

Manifestations: Bizarre, self-defeating behaviors such as: public harassment of conservatives; talk show psychosis; obscene diatribes; humiliating lack of success debating conservatives; desire to flood the country with criminal illegal aliens; hatred of strong economy.

Consequence of infection: Loss of restaurant ownership; delusional belief in furthering the democrat cause when the opposite is true; fear of Rod Serling.

Help: There is little hope of cure outside the Bible. Since TDS sufferers have been programmed to reject the truth, the prognosis is almost 100% negative. Rare individuals have been known to suddenly wake up and fight off out-of-proportion infection in minority groups.



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