Dynastia #fundie kiwifarms.net

[Topic called "Is Suicide Selfish?"]

Yeah, it is. With the exception of people with terminal illnesses, your problems are not so bad that suicide is anything but fucking ridiculous. Losing someone fucking sucks, and if you're willing to let the people around you go through that just because you think you have it like shit, you're selfish.

Everyone dies. It's the most natural thing in the world, and we all have to learn to deal with our loved ones dying. It's sad, and then you get over it, because that's what people do. If honestly you think people should feel obligated to suffer through a miserable life they don't want to live just so you don't have to deal with being sad for a few weeks, you're the selfish one.

what's a good reason to kill yourself?

Not wanting to live. That's good enough.

You really are a disgustingly selfish person, you know? I'm not even saying this to try and insult you or shame, I just think you have no idea how incredibly morally bankrupt you are because you're blinded by your own selfishness. You are quite literally saying that if a person is in such crippling overwhelming misery that they're ready to take their own life, they shouldn't do it because you will feel kinda sad about it, maybe even for a longish time, and they should consider your feelings first.

That's appalling. You are appalling. You are an appalling, disgusting human being. Just look at what you're saying. You're telling people with a case of the sads so extreme that they are literally ready to die to escape it that they should stay alive being that miserable, indefinitely, because if they die you'll have a much smaller and manageable case of the sads. You are looking at massive, unthinkable cases of the sads and saying "No, that's not as important as whether or not I feel a little bit sad and they should accept that." This is like telling a starving man he should give you his sandwich because you're slightly hungry. Your sense of entitlement is incredible, and your myopic blindness to it utterly disgusting. You might consider yourself a good person, you might do good things, make the world around you a little better, but I want you to know that no matter what you tell yourself, you are such a fundamentally selfish person that you assume starving men should give you their sandwiches.

You need to reevaluate your moral compass, because assuming your feelings should be the center of it makes you an appalling piece of shit, dude. Appalling.

I'm just saying, death is kinda permanent. There's better solutions. If you really feel like you can't handle it, fine, do it. I'll deal. Don't pretend like it's some big moral issue that I'm minimizing the pain of the mentally ill when you're minimizing the pain of the people around them. It's not like the death of someone close to you is something you shrug off, that's bullshit. Emotions are erratic, sporadic, and lie to you. I've felt that, friends of mine have felt that. Shit has looked bleak many times and we've carried on and had brighter days. Your feels are a fucking stupid reason to kill yourself. If I'm bankrupt for that, cool.

So now you're basically saying the starving man should give you his sandwich because if he works really hard he could have a roast dinner instead.

Morally bankrupt, dude.

Everyone that cares about you is going to fall asleep a couple of times a week trying to push your death out of their minds, wondering what they could've done differently. It's going to last the rest of their lives and it'll probably cause them to fail in the exact same way you did, you loathsome piece of shit.

lol no it's not, holy shit. What kind of weak shit is this? People die. Most of the people you love are likely to die before you. You get over it. It's not life-shattering, it's not unsurmountable, it's normal. That's what literally everyone who has ever lived does, and has been doing since people have been around. If you're so weak that you can't even cope with the basic fundamental reality of life and death that all of us are expected to live our lives around, then you should just kill yourself. Nobody would blame you (except entitled little pissbabies like you, I guess)

lol That's sociopathic.

Yeah, death happens. If you choose to inflict the grim realties of death on someone, you are either insane or a piece of shit lol.

I feel sorry for your loved ones, and hope you never put your sociopathy into practice lol.

So you think people should suffer through long miserable lives they don't want to live just so other people don't get bummed out for a while that they're no longer around being miserable? That's sociopathic.

Life sucks and it doesn't stop sucking until you die, but that doesn't give anyone the moral right to make it worse for others.

Cool so if you're in a shit marriage you should stay in it because your husband will be sad for a while that you divorced him?

It's your life. Nobody elses. Nobody else has the moral authority to tell you it's wrong to opt out.

I have experience in this field.

Pretty much everyone has experience in this field. Suicides aren't rare. I would honestly be surprised to meet anybody over the age of 25 or so who has never had a loved one commit suicide.

In the end though, people fall into two camps when dealing with it. Some people are reasonable, compassionate, understanding human beings who accept reality and move on with their lives. And some people are screeching crying selfish babies who want to yell at a corpse for inconveniencing them.



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