Kalkaska, MI village President Jeff Sieting and village residents #fundie record-eagle.com

Krystle Nichols hoped to avoid diving into arguments centered around a Kalkaska leader’s Facebook activity but quickly found her business immersed in the debate.


Nichols berated Sieting while the room listened and at least six members of the group Great Lakes Three Percenters — a group that states its purpose is to protect Americans’ constitutional rights — patrolled outside, armed with assault rifles, pistols and bullet-proof vests. Group members reported to Kalkaska after hearing rumors and threats that never developed, according to Gary Howell, a member of the group from Zeeland.

Sieting said he was unfamiliar with the group and continued refusing to apologize for his Facebook activity.

He shared his post that called for the killing of “every last Muslim” for historical reasons, Sieting said. He blamed unknown opponents’ “malice intent” in looking for something on his Facebook page they could use to “inflict damage” on him.

Jerrica Temple, a village resident, said the recent attention was an attack on his First Amendment rights.

“They’re not attacking what he’s saying, they’re attacking his freedom of speech,” she said, agreeing with his anti-Islamic post. “I support Jeff wholeheartedly.”


Joyce Golden, a county resident, fears the impacts the argument is having on the village. She joined others who wore shirts asking for prayers for Sieting and President Donald Trump. She wanted to show Sieting support and hopes to see the arguments subside so business can go back to normal.



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