1111111111- #sexist reddit.com

"Stop blaming others on your problems, incel."

Another form of shitty advice normies love to give us. Even though incel is definitely not self inflicted, it's caused by bullies, chads, and women. Other people cause us to be incel. If people were able to choose their height and facial features at birth, then yes, it would completely be our fault. How is it our fault that women go on r/r4r and look for male models???? Or our faults that women don't swipe right on tinder? Women cause us to be incel because they choose to sleep with abusive men. For women all issues in life are self inflicted but for men, life gives us all the issues, yet women are the ones who get all the support.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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