jon914 #fundie

[What is wrong with "feminism"?]

Great Subject! The problem here is these feminest don't want respect, they want men to know that they are equil, or even better, smarter. That is so sad that women have raised themself over God.

Ladys! we are not equil. Men can't have a baby, nor can many women give a black and white answer to a simple question. Men and women receive information differently. We retain informationly differently. Men only use half there brain, but women use the whole brain.

Men take information and there answer to the informaiton is black and white, right or worng. NO gray area

A women take the same informantion and depending on she feeeeeeeeeeeeeels will respond to the information. She uses her emotions to giver understanding ....

I have great respect for women, but as hard as they try, they will never be a man.

God made Adam and Eve Differently, and that is why Adam was in charge. Adam failed when he allowed Eve to be in charge, as she looked at the tree with her emotions.,,,,



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