selahgreene #fundie

I too have wondered, usually in total disgust, at the very timidity that you nicely refer to as politeness. Repubs don't seem to understand that the Humanist Democrat party has left the reservation as far as decency, honesty, integrity and morals are concerned. The problem seems to be the world view difference between Christians and non-believers. The left operates by the principles of the ruler of this world, the Deceiver, and they are ruthless, soulless, and venomous. Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is a good, cynical primer on how to win using lies, slander, manipulation and intimidation; and I don't think any Republican candidates for President have ever read it. The right has a foundation of decency and respect for others that comes from their Christian background; although they often display their own contempt for Christian principles in their own lust for power and mammon.

The last Democratic national convention was a good lesson in how far the Dem party has sunk. Three times, in a voice vote, the entire convention loudly proclaimed against God as they were asked to vote on whether to include God in the national Democratic party platform. The large majority of Godless delegates were then overruled by the chair. But that is the spirit we are battling - Godless, lawless, soulless. I am praying that there will be a conservative candidate who will actually recognize the lawlessness of the left for what it is, and will actually fight it. We've had enough of wimpy candidates who want to "reach across the aisle" and play nice with the rabid doggies.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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