Eric Hovind #fundie

A good punishment for Josh Duggar?

Since as a young teen, Josh fondled girls, which could damage their trust of men, which could damage their future marriage, which could damage their future family, we should make Josh Duggar work the rest of his life to help families stay together and help them recognize how twisted the world is and how God offers instruction on how to live righteously! He should be forced to push faith, family and freedom in the public showing the Christian worldview has the answers.
We should force him to get a job at the Family Research Council* whose mission is "to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview."

That would be a great punishment!

But wait! He already asked forgiveness, went to the authorities, went through counseling, and was honest and open about his sin to those who needed to know. He already served "his punishment."

In reality, that would be a great calling for his life's work, demonstrating the amazing grace of God to the world!

*Edited because some people don't realize that Josh was working at the Family Research Council when this came out. This is from the Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

"Washington, D.C. - Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement regarding the resignation of Josh Duggar:
"Today Josh Duggar made the decision to resign his position as a result of previously unknown information becoming public concerning events that occurred during his teenage years.
"Josh believes that the situation will make it difficult for him to be effective in his current work. We believe this is the best decision for Josh and his family at this time. We will be praying for everyone involved," concluded Perkins.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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