Miss my village #racist dailykos.com

"Decent" White folk now days like to think this shit just up and disappeared (until it happens again), and/or any avowed racist nowdays is a "lone wacko" type(except for the websites that can generate hundreds of dollars toward anyone who puts bullets in a thug).

Open your fucking eyes and go read the comments section of any major online news site. Go play a game online where white people can tell you how the really feel. These are your people white folk, shit has NOT changed.

Recognize that your race is only decades removed from what one might call inhumane levels of pure race based torture, castration, rape and glorification of all those acts. Yet not one white person will claim their family or any other white person they personally know, was capable of this shit. No white person will name names, so it just all kinda disappeared. Fuck That Shit.

And no not every other person/race would have done the same fucking thing in the same fucking position. Own IT!!!!!!

Why should black people trust that white people just quit being violent racists?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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