
the-wrong-company #sexist the-wrong-company.tumblr.com


I see many of you are becoming more vocal. Taking back your independence, crushing “rape apologists” in their tracks. Good for you. I applaud your rebellion against a “rape culture.”
Truth be told, I’m on your side. I agree with you. Women are treated unfairly, objectified, exploited and even have those problems ignored no matter how clear and prevalent. It is a sad state of the world that men live in a world of privilege and rarely get prosecuted for their wrongdoings.
There should be no difference in rights for men and women, or at the very least no reason to hold the rights of one above the other. In a civilized culture this is simply unacceptable and I want you to keep fighting back.
Why? Strong, outspoken, powerful women turn me on. I will find you and I will fuck you.
You see, I agree that nothing a woman does is an invitation or excuse to rape her, but to hell with it, that short skirt turns me on. I support your right to not be judged for your choices in apparel but that doesn’t mean I will lust after you any less.
Bothered yet? I want you to understand that there is no reason or excuse to ever rape a woman and I’m going to fucking do it anyway. I promise, it’s not your fault. I gladly accept the blame on this one.
Why target women? Simple, men don’t make me hard.
Do I target women in provocative clothing? No, but if you catch my eye, you catch my eye. Be sparkly, show some leg. I like that.
Do I target drunk girls? No, but sometimes it’s nice to know that no one will take her seriously anyway. I prefer to work for a fix, thrill of the hunt and all— but hey, we all like fast food sometimes.
Out at night? You should be able to feel free to get home safely. We all have to work right? Some of you get home late, that’s okay, the night time is no excuse to be assaulted— but I mean— I’m just so much more likely to get caught during the day. It’s not likely I would be convicted but still, who needs all of those lawyer fees?
Asking for it? Hardly, I don’t think you “need it” or “want it” in fact I don’t want you to do either. Then, how will I see you cry? I don’t believe for one second you want me to do this. If I did I simply would have propositioned you.
I want you to understand that it’s not your fault. I promise, it’s mine. I know it’s mine. No one has the right to touch your body without your consent. I know the difference between right and wrong, I promise I do. I simply don’t care. Sad fact of the world but you see I’m simply not a good person, doesn’t bother me much.
You can sit there and say, what kind of person would write such filth? Who would dare put these words down? A bad one. The same type of person who would rape you. Someone who doesn’t care about right and wrong. It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what you do. I am out there and if I want you I will take you.
Life isn’t fair.
See you soon.

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