
Holdwater #conspiracy tallarmeniantale.com

I realize fully that the reader must have been awash in the prevailing view that there has been an Armenian “Genocide” during the days of W.W.I’s Ottoman Empire. (Nobody can argue the catastrophe suffered by the Armenians was genocidal in its impact; where the deception lies is that the impact of genocide was felt singularly by the Armenians and not by all of Anatolia's citizens, and the assertion [which is what "genocide" basically means] is that the destruction took place as a policy of state.) After all, Turkey has never been seriously interested in explaining what truly occurred until the early-to-mid 1980s, and Armenians and other Turk haters have had the field wide open to tell their side of the story, virtually unopposed. The Turks made the very mature decision to not dwell on the tragic events of the period... not to sweep crimes under the rug, but to look forward and avoid the destructive forces of hatred.


Therefore, the site targets the Western reader who is interested in getting to the bottom of what really took place. I can understand the Westerner is not going to trust Turkish sources, as the word of an accused criminal will always be held suspect. Save for commentaries and the occasional Turkish source, an effort has been made for the information in this site to come from impartial Westerners. As opposed to the handful of web sites that present the Turkish viewpoint (that I’ve seen), this one also presents various Armenian sources.

As a matter of fact, this site is a unique one. I combed through Armenian sites, of which there happen to be no end (in fact, Armenians are so obsessed with the genocide issue, they have constructed pseudo- "generic genocide" sites along with pseudo-"Turkish" sites, which is pretty immoral; meanwhile, there are extremely few Turkish "genocide" sites put up by individuals, because the Armenian "Genocide" is simply not a driving force of life)... and I was hungry for the best facts the Armenians were ready to throw out. Unfortunately, that's what many of these "facts" deserved... to be thrown out. Aside from the incredibly deceptive garbage long recognized as forgeries and falsifications (such as the Talat Pasha telegrams) that many of these sites still unethically present as genuine, the best defense the Armenians offer are charges of Turkish "lies," "propaganda," "revisionism," and the ever popular "The Turkish government says..."

I did not hide a thing. The more incriminating the "evidence," the more I chose to highlight it on this site. Anything I couldn't analyze with the real facts or just plain common sense and logic, you will see I've been man enough to admit.

The reason? If the Armenian "Genocide" were to be proven as a genuine fact tomorrow, it wouldn't make a bit of difference to me. Genocide is a terrible crime, and I wouldn't be proud about the episode... even though the event took place under a Turkish government the current one worked to overthrow. What am I going to do, allow this historic episode from a century ago bend me out of shape, as with some Germans who are still struggling with guilt... and by the same token, should I also not be able to live with myself for what Americans did to the Indians? It would also be a great help for me to know the Armenians violently provoked the events (unlike the Jews of WWII), by committing the ultimate treason.

Turks choose to live in the present, and Armenians choose to live in the past; the Armenian "militia" has made the "genocide" a cause for their existence. Their obsession and deep pockets allow them a clear upper hand in the West, regarding the information war. I maintain an open mind... and when all is said and done, I really don't know if there was a state-sponsored extermination policy by the Ottoman government. (Although after preparing this site and learning all I have, I'm convinced more than ever there wasn't.) And anybody who says they know for a fact the genocide occurred are either deluding themselves, or hoping to delude others. All we can go by are the cold, hard, reliable facts...and the only factors that guide me are truth, honor and integrity.

By the same token, Armenians have been allowed to get away with murder (which can actually be taken literally) in the presentation of their story, and it is very frustrating to see lazy-thinking Westerners blindly accepting their version of events. I will at times not hide my emotions, and consequently talk to you on a human level at this site, and not in a cold, clinical and scholarly way. In fact, those times when I'm not outraged by the degree of deception on the part of the Armenians, I believe the examination of this subject matter calls for some humor now and then... since it's unbelievable in this day and age Westerners still choose to overlook the volumes of impartial evidence against the genocide argument. (Admittedly, this is a kind of "bitter" humor, but the situation is so absurd, it's kind of funny.)

The main reason for why Westerners have been unable to shake their deeply-ingrained belief systems, of course, is that there are very few outlets that present the contrary, Turkish view. Even many professors think twice about going against the Armenian grain, as they have learned during this last quarter-century (or so) how harmful Armenian fanaticism can prove to be to their reputations, or worse.

While Turks will no doubt make use of the information presented here and will enjoy the impartial facts and figures which serve to absolve them (in a "one-stop shopping" kind of a place, which can be very useful), this site was not prepared with Turks in mind. I have put myself in the shoes of the non-Turk. This was easy for me to do, as I was born and raised in the United States, and have had little contact with Turkish people. (The reason for that is there have been few Turks. American immigration policy only allowed for the cream of Turks to enter the country... the scientists, doctors and other skilled professionals... until around perhaps a generation or so ago, when the “ordinary Turks” were allowed to trickle in. Living in New York City, by the way, my best friends — not just regular friends — in different phases of life have been Greeks. At least at one time there were more Greeks living in NYC than in Athens, so it's not very hard to cross paths with a Greek.)

I can only hope Armenians and Greeks who come by will consider the material here with an open mind... but I know that unlike Turks — who are generally raised to look upon these peoples (with whom they have shared a common history for so long) as their brothers and sisters — too many Armenians and Greeks are raised with hatred for the Turks. Coming across information that counters their deeply ingrained belief systems often proves too rattling, and such information will likely be dismissed as lies... no matter how impartial and sensible the information sounds. Not all Armenians and Greeks are like this, of course; such is the danger of generalizing. However, there is a definite pattern with the great majority of them that cannot be ignored.

The difficulty in presenting impartial Western sources is such: Turks are not just unpopular with the Orthodox peoples; since the Crusades, the “infidel” Turks have been regarded as the enemies of the West. (And it is precisely this historic Christian-Moslem animosity that Armenians and Greeks have learned to exploit, in selling their sob stories to the sympathetic West.) The average Westerner has grown with a negative impression, regarding Turkey. Therefore, few Westerners are going to make it their business to learn about a people they have come to regard as historical villains... and fewer are going to write books and articles in defense of the Turks. (Turkish people themselves could not defend themselves in the West... until the last half-century, few Turks had been living in the West, and those that were Western residents had other things on their minds besides presenting the Turkish viewpoint... assuming they possessed the language skills of their new countries to effectively do so.)

All the more reason to keep in mind the Western sources in favor of the Turks (that are comparatively much more difficult to come by than the Western sources in favor of Armenians and Greeks) can be trusted. The reason? Those Westerners who spoke/speak for our Orthodox friends often had/have their own prejudices and agendas... and very few were/are impartial. However, the Westerners who speak for the Turks grew up like any other Westerner, where the image of the Turks has almost always been negative. In their delirium to discredit anything that comes across as "Pro-Turkish," Armenians and bedfellows are known to make unsubstantiated charges that these people must be getting paid by the "sinister" Turkish government, as if the Turkish government has so much money to burn... but if you don't buy into this nonsense, you can easily conclude the only motivating force for those who speak for the Turks is respect for the Truth.

If you think this logic makes sense, and realize there really isn't a reason for a typically prejudiced, anti-Turkish Westerner to speak well of the Turks except for reasons of integrity, then... generally speaking... regarding information that comes from a "Pro-Turk" Westerner, please keep in mind the following scientific formula : Pro-Turk = Pro-Truth.

Unknown author #conspiracy tallarmeniantale.com

For many years in American media, the Indian was portrayed as the savage "bad guy." Certainly, native Americans hardly had anyone speaking on their behalf, and it was natural for the public to unquestioningly accept a one-sided version of events. Finally, as the indisputable truth became reported more and more (especially following the1960s publication of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee), the real version of this historical conflict became widely accepted. Ironically, the formerly accepted "good guy" side was revealed to have been the actual dishonorable ones (having broken every treaty) and the ones significantly engaged in heartless slaughters, coupled with, at times, campaigns of systematic extermination.

For nearly a century, the Western World has wholeheartedly accepted that there has been an attempt by the Ottoman Turks to systematically destroy the Armenian people, comparable to what the Nazis committed upon the Jews during World War II. Many Armenians who have settled in America, Europe and Australia (along with other parts of the world, known as "The Armenian Diaspora") have clung to the tragic events of so long ago as a form of ethnic identity, and have considered it their duty to perpetuate this myth, with little regard for facts... at the same time breeding hatred among their young. As descendants of the merchant class from the Ottoman Empire, Armenians have been successful in acquiring the wealth and power to make their voices heard... and they have made good use of the "Christian" connection to gain the sympathies of Westerners who share their religion and prejudices.

Turks characteristically shun propaganda, and have chosen not to dwell on the tragedies of the past, forging ahead to build upon brotherhood — not hate. This is why the horrifying massacres committed upon the Turks, Kurds and other Ottoman Muslims by Armenians have seldom been heard. When such reports are heard, Westerners can be callously dismissive... Turkish lives are apparently as meaningless to them as Indian lives were to most early Americans.


This web site will present evidence — mostly from Western sources (not easy to supply, as few Westerners cared about seeking out the truth back then... a situation which has barely improved with the passage of the years) — in as impartial a way as possible*, so that visitors can make up their own minds. (Assuming, of course, that the visitor is not beyond hope and not totally brainwashed, like most genocide-obsessed Armenians and their supporters... everything is a "lie" with them, no matter what the source.) Was there an Armenian Genocide? None of us who are rational and reasonable can say with absolute certainty.

However, all we can rely on are cold, hard FACTS. Certainly, Armenians were killed as a result of massacres... often by their Muslim neighbors, in reprisal for the murderous acts committed by the Armenians (when they sided with the Russian enemy in hopes of carving out their own independence); but anybody who calls acts of massacres a "genocide" doesn't know the meaning of the word. (At least the way most of us perceive the meaning, as with what Hitler did to the Jews; the legal definition of genocide is essentially meaningless, and can be applied to almost any conflict.) If a genocide is how you like to describe what happened to the Armenians, then you need to refer to what American soldiers committed in My Lai as a "genocide."

Ironically, if anyone acted genocidally, with the intention of systematically wiping out people because of their ethnic or religious identity, it was the people who are traditionally accepted as the victims of this conflict. Another irony is that while Armenians have been doing their utmost to portray Turks as Nazis (in an effort to equate themselves with Holocaust victims, the one group best known to have fallen prey to genocide), Turks did their best to save Jews during World War II... while European Armenians actively supported the Nazi cause.

Since the Turkish perspective is attempting to undo nearly ninety years (and well beyond) of the unopposed one-sided view that has permeated Western minds, also having to contend with charges of "revisionism" and "denial"... defensiveness unfairly becomes part of the picture. While the aim of this site is to present mostly impartial views to get people to question what they have unthinkingly accepted, what this entails is that the Turks are put in the uncomfortable position of having to prove a negative — a difficult, if not impossible task... on the order of attempting to prove God does not exist. The issues are whether there was a state directed policy of extermination (that is, genocide... with the provision that there must be intent — backed up by tangible, no-buts-about-it evidence — as defined by the 1948 United Nations rule... and also whether Armenians constituted a political group, unprotected by another article from the U.N. Convention on Genocide)... and whether the Armenians and other minorities were the sole victims of massacres.

Samuel A Weems #racist tallarmeniantale.com

Today, Armenians claim they were victims of an Ottoman genocide committed in 1915. The Armenians blame Turkey even though Turkey didn't become a republic until 8 years after the "fake" Armenian claims. The real historical truth is that there was no Armenian genocide and the following historical facts are absolute proof that the self-claimed Armenian genocide is nothing more than the figment of their rich and vivid imaginations to try to get something for nothing. The Armenians have created a "genocide industry" for one very simple and basic reason--to deceive, fleece and scam the Christian world out of billions of dollars.

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