
Unregistered #racist niggermania.co

science PROVES niggers evolved from apes


The study concluded that Australopithecus sediba was a transitional form of ancient human relative and its spine is clearly intermediate in shape between those of modern humans and great apes -- meaning that the species would have possessed both human and ape-like traits in its movements.

Dany90 #racist niggermania.co

There are many reasons I fucking hate niggers

I hate them because they always have a chip on their shoulders and think everyone owes them something ("gibs me free money, my ancestors were slaves and sheet")

I hate them because they like to sexually harass and assault human women(I have been sexually harassed by these beasts)

I hate them because they are violent savages (not a day goes by without a shooting in a nigger neighborhood)
I hate them because they act as if they were the only race that were enslaved
I hate them because they are ugly inside and out.
I hate them because they are cowardly bullies that can't fight unless they outnumber their target or if they have a weapon

I hate them because they're ruining america

I hate niggers because they always bitch about slavery and act as if they were the only ones ever enslaved. The Irish were slaves too and you don't see them bitching about about it or demanding free shit.

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