
Important Note!

We don't actually believe in a doomsday either.

admin #fundie december2012endofworld.com

They [atheists] do not believe that God or the Supreme Being is going to save you from Doomsday. What they believe instead is that you are going to face obliteration when the end of the world approaches. The reason why the Atheists are obsessed with the end of the world is that it will question the very existence of God.

Even if there is a God, is He that cruel so as to watch the entire human race being wiped from the surface of the Earth? Those having faith in God tell that God is merciful and forgives even the sinners if they ask for forgiveness. If God is that merciful will he attempt to rescue the humans from their awful fate? That is where the Atheists belief is getting stronger. It has been reported that dinosaurs that once roamed the surface of the Earth were destroyed once and for all when some asteroid came down crashing on Earth’s surface some millions of years ago. At that time there was no one to save Earth from such a collision. This means even if such cataclysmic events take place in 2012 there will be no one to save mankind from destruction.

These ideas focus on the one theory of the atheists and i.e. the non existence of God. Here lies the victory for the atheists. Clearly they have the upper hand when it comes to questioning whether God is present. Instead of seeing the Heavenly interventions the atheists choose to look at the scientific researches, geological findings and other studies being conducted on the Earth’s environment that may suggest the destruction of this planet.

This means if there is an end of the world in 2012 itself it will be the Atheists who would rather enjoy it, proclaiming that there was and is no God. That is why the atheists have a strong opinion and believe in the end of the world.

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