
The Last Reformation (TLR) and Rev. Torben Sondergaard #fundie #ableist #quack #conspiracy au.news.yahoo.com

The Queensland Department of Education has spoken out after a controversial religious group that says it can "free" people of autism, cancer and homosexuality promoted an indoctrination event at a Brisbane school

The Last Reformation (TLR), an evangelical Christian church founded by Danish baker-turned-pastor Torben Sondergaard, angered locals by announcing it would hold a "Kickstart" at a public high school next month

"Am I reading this right: a religious group that performs child exorcism is travelling to Australia and has been allowed to use Cavendish Road State High School to recruit followers?" a concerned resident asked[…]
In an interview with Spain's The Local in 2016, Mr Sondergaard clarified he does not claim to "heal" autism but instead, "frees" people of the "demons" that cause it

"It happened in Australia to a nine-year-old-girl who suffered autism. She was freed from demons and she was happy," Mr Sondergaard said. "It wasn't something shocking like a big man holding her down. She was with her mother and we all prayed and the demon was cast out and she was happy and the mother was happy"[…]
The group announced a series of training events — or "Kickstarts" — in Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide[…]
Mr Sondergaard is currently in detention in the US after he was arrested in July 2022 for alleged gun smuggling – an accusation that TLR vehemently denies[…]
After the Department of Education addressed TLR's request, the group announced a change of venue and has since cancelled all forthcoming events in Australia, citing "attacks and persecution"

An update on TLR's Eventbrite page states that the events couldn't go ahead as one of the church's preachers, Jón Bjarnastein, was denied a visa[…]
"So from all of this, it's very clear that there are people working behind the scenes; and they seem to be working very hard to prevent us from continuing"

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