
Roger Marks #fundie #dunning-kruger disqus.com

(commenting on story “Freedom From Religion Foundation Lodges Complaint Against Teacher for ‘Undermining Theory of Evolution’”):

I can't believe that intelligent human beings can believe the fairy stories raised by FFRF.

Lets list them....

1. The teacher undermined the teaching of evolution. FACT. There is nothing to undermine as it lacks substance.

2. A concerned parent. So one person's knowledge supersedes the knowledge of over 1,000 scientists.

3. He explained that none have been “able to find when something becomes something else” and that evolution is contrary to genetics, such as if a dog “underwent several mutations and became a cat.” So the teacher has to teach lies to satisfy one parent.

4. “So, what that means is that you have to play the evolutionary game because the people writing this are married to that idea, despite the new proofs and the science coming out,” he is quoted as saying about the exam. So the school demands that teachers teach lies.

5. Evolution, like gravity, is a scientific fact. … No controversy exists in the scientific community regarding the fact of evolution, Another lie that the school has swallowed hook line and sinker.

6. “Teaching creationism or any of its offshoots, such as intelligent design, in a public school is unlawful because creationism is not based on fact.” And evolution is based on fantasy but never mind if students do not learn the facts.

7. “Mr. Lucason must be directed to refrain from promoting religion or attacking evolution to his students,” it opined. “If he cannot do this, he cannot be a teacher in a public school.” But the school is bowing to the dictates of a religion of no religion.

8. The parent who complained to FFRF — who has remained anonymous — similarly claimed to the Utica Observer-Dispatch,“A biology teacher telling students that evolution can cause only minor changes within a species and cannot cause one species to gradually become a different species over the course of thousands of years is the equivalent of a math teacher telling students that it’s possible to add two plus three, but it’s impossible to multiply 987 by 6,789.” Evolution is pure supposition with no factual evidence. Maths is factual with plenty of evidence.

9. “We have consulted with our legal counsel to confirm a clear understanding of the constitutional requirements referred to in your letter regarding instruction on evolution,” he wrote. There is nothing in the Constitution about teaching evolution.

Seems that the school is run by a group of blockheads that do not have single spine amongst them, letting one parent dictate curriculum.

Roger Marks #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

(commenting on story “Apostate Texas ‘Church’ Announces Homosexuals Allowed to Lead, Pastors Can Officiate Same-Sex Ceremonies”):

This shows you how clever the homosexual mafia is. Way back they said that the church was the biggest barrier to them gaining acceptance in society so of course they target the church. And they have done it with a very successful fifth column.

From within they have convinced some churches to disobey the word of God and replace it with the word of Satan. In this case I see very clearly Satan in the board meetings saying "Has God said..." and the board happily saying "No he didn't" although it is clear as day that he did.

I used to run a support group for homosexuals who did not want to be. On Sunday evening we filled up a whole row in the church and the members knew who they were and treated them with love and affection but not one of them had any position of authority or ministry in the church until they had been set free from the drag that homosexuality is.

Many went on to freedom in Christ and got married and had children.

What the church is doing is giving authority to any sinner to join the church and be involved in the running of it whilst they are still sinning. if they accept homosexuals then they have to accept fornicators and thieves.

In another church I discovered that one of the Home Group leaders was beating his wife. I didn't say that is OK, you can do that and lead a group. I reported the fact to the leadership and they removed him from leadership straight away.

Roger Marks #homophobia disqus.com

Roger Marks:
As you have asked me a stupid question I will give you a stupid answer. A homosexual is a celibate heterosexual and gay means being miserable.

Jim Boss:
A homosexual is a person attracted to the same gender.
Gay is a synonym for homosexual. It also means happy but not exclusively.

Roger Marks:
You asked a stupid question so I gave a stupid answer. If you don't want that to happen don't ask stupid questions.
I don't know how long you have lived on this earth but the word gay has always meant happy until the homosexuals hijacked it and made a lie out of it.
If you want to know the truth with homosexuals all you have to do is take the opposite position and that is the truth. I have spoken to enough homosexuals, read about enough homosexuals. watched enough homosexuals, and studied enough of the pathology of homosexuals to know one thing they are not and that is gay.

Roger marks #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

It is called deception. Deception. Satan who is behind homosexuality is the father of lies and could not tell you the truth if he tried. So anything you hear from him about homosexuality is a lie and as we all know if you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth.

A classic example is the idea that homosexuals are gay. A complete and utter lie.

I have a got a book written by a researcher that spent TWO YEARS following 200 homosexuals on Fire Island. In the book he said that one of the things that was a stand out was that they were definitely not gay. He said that they were some of the saddest people that he had ever met.

Which is surprising as Fire island is a place where you can be homosexual to your heart's content.

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “’Facing a Decade in San Quentin’: Daleiden Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Charges for Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos”):

This only goes to show that pp people do not have an ounce of compassion in their bodies. They have completely desensitised themselves to the slaughter of babies by paid assassins and as a result justify the follow on from their murderous actions.

To them, the baby and they know it is a baby is a bit of flesh to be used for the benefit of adults and raising cash. Nothing more than a link in the chain of barbarous intent.

America is a wonderful country and Americans are wonderful people but it is time the government outlawed everything to do with abortion, made it illegal in any shape or form and gave some semblance of normality to the Constitution's right to life and liberty for all.

As far as abortion is concerned, their is no justification in any shape or form to kill a baby in the womb. None whatsoever. Roe v Wade was the biggest mistake that any government could make because it said that the baby only deserves to live if we say so.

tovlogos #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “Pete Buttigieg Drops Out of Presidential Race”):

“That same month, Buttigieg asserted during a fundraising event that those who take issue with his homosexuality rather have a problem with his Maker."
That statement is a technique used by the LGBTQ ilk more often. That God made them that way...
The problem there is it contradicts the Bible obviously (which is always the case when anyone sins and rationalizes it), since God made man to desire woman and woman to desire man -- that's the way it's been by the vast majority throughout human history. But because some people cannot break away from continuous sin, of course, it's God's fault. To say 'God made me do it...' is a very common excuse for 'practicing sin', in contrast to stumbling temporarily. cf.1 John 3:8-9.One thing reminiscent of Sodom is the boldness with which today's LGBTQ persuasion approaches heaven. In Genesis 18, God appeared to Abraham on His way to reckon with Sodom. When we arrive at Genesis 19 at which point the Lord went His way and two angels were left to continue to Sodom after God's conversation with Abraham had ended -- there Lot was sitting at the gates of Sodom and immediately arose to meet them, bowing his face toward the ground. Needless to say, the angels were not afraid of refusing Lot's hospitality and intended to spend the night in the open square but Lot insisted and they followed him into his home...
Before the men of Sodom turned in for the night they quickly surrounded Lot's house and demanded that Lot release the new Men so they could 'know' them.Due to their spiritual blindness, they had lost all discernment which is a passport to doom.
In the present article, the very same spiritual blindness possesses the ex-candidate. So, yes, he needs prayer and a turnaround if he is to have any hope which in Sodom's case it was too late.

tovlogos #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “Va. Democrats Walk Out After Pastor’s Invocation in House of Delegates Urges Protection of Unborn, Biblical Marriage”, excerpt follows:)

Grant warned that God has poured out His wrath on nations for their disobedience before, and “we are not exempt.” He then began to speak to specifics, referencing prominent societal sins such as abortion and homosexuality.

"Some Democratic members of the Virginia House of Delegates reportedly walked out of the chambers on Tuesday after the pastor who delivered the invocation exhorted lawmakers to protect the unborn and uphold the sanctity of biblical marriage. Two of those who spoke against the prayer were also identified as ministers." Obviously they are not ministers of Jesus the Son of God.
That reminds us of a passage in John 6:66-68 -- "From that time on, many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. So Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you want to leave too?” Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life..." Amen Peter, I can't imagine where we would go...

Off Shore:
Two that were identified as ministers.... Let me correct that statement, two that identify as ministers of satan or better yet wolves in sheep's clothing. Nothing about these two show them as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lydia Church:
Right. It's amazing to me how many are aligned with hell but still claim to be a 'Christian'. But it's nothing new, in the OT many times folks thought they were doing something in the name of God, but they were against Him and God actually punished them, the Golden Calf Festival with Aaron is a prime example. Today's apostasy in the church, which is falling like dominoes to the agendas of sin, the world, and the devil, are another example. So many will be shocked when Jesus says to them, "Depart from me, for I never knew you!!! You who practice sin!" At best it's the five slumbering virgins who are left outside of heaven's door! But now they are full of arrogance, later they will be crying but there will be no hope left for them. NOW is the time to repent! Repent NOW of abortion and homosexuality, pornography, drug use, fornication, and all the other sins. The Bible says if you are not living a holy life, you will not get to heaven, be not deceived by smooth talking snake oil salesmen 'ministers' promoting the heresy of licentiousness, salvation by grace is NOT a license to sin! We as Christians will stand before the judgment throne of Christ, for what we did AFTER we got saved! Let that sobering fact wake you all up!

Justus Jonas:
If you believe all that, that's well and good, but the issue is that this man said these things not as part of a sermon in his church, but in a government building. In other words a place which should be free from religious haranguing.

Roger Marks #homophobia disqus.com

Homosexuals are against hate unless you tell them the truth and the hate comes out. They are against discrimination until you discriminate against what they do then the discrimination comes out. They are against judgment until you judge them and then their judgmental gene gets into gear. They are all for love until you are not gushing all over them and then you see the lack of love surface.

A friend of mine who has investigated the world of homosexuality and written two books on the subject said that homosexuals are the most hateful, unloving and judgmental people he has ever met.

Roger Marks #fundie #wingnut #homophobia disqus.com

(commenting on story “Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren Objects to State Programs Funding Private Schools With ‘Anti-LGBTQ Policies’”):

Her comments, or how the comments are reported are full of double speak.

She said States should concentrate on funding state schools not private ones who are anti homosexual. The fact is the State schools are anti homosexual because they wil not allow a full and frank discussion of the matter. Their refusal to address the obvious keeps unhappy children in the chains of homosexuality.

As for not funding religious schools, the issue is not funding of religious schools, The issue is not funding schools that do not promote lies about homosexuality which tells us they are afraid of the truth and can't handle it.

As far as discrimination against homosexuals on the staff, would an atheist school be allowed to refuse a teaching position to a person who was a christian and refused to teach atheism as a fact. I can't see it not happening.

Some use text books that flout widely accepted facts. What widely accepted facts and by whom. Anyone with intelligence can prove that they are not widely accepted if you are not an atheist, and what are called facts can be anything but facts.

And by the sound of things if someone wants a homosexual kid to get a good education, the place to avoid is a state school as all they do is teach ideology, not the truth.

IMHO #fundie disqus.com

The American flag and the queer flag stand for the same thing. Empowerment and equality of deviant God haters.

Canis Vulpes:
The American flag stands for the country of The United States of America.
The LGBT flag stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people.
So no, not the same thing.

Perhaps you should study on that a little more. The Constitution guarantees the rights of the deviant left and since this is a democracy then they can hold office and push whatever legislation they want. Now we have an openly homo running for president who will be seeking more "rights" for the deviants.
You may say that they should have equal rights too. But they are not making equal rights, they are seeking favor by taking away CHRISTIAN rights. The right to associate is the most basic right of religion and they started taking that away early on with their socialist legislation and taxation to pay for it. Now they want to teach "alternate" sex in schools which is a result of the socialist decision to teach "sex ed" in schools. The examples/proof goes on and on.
Look at the liberal lefts other front runner Sanders. He wants to spend trillions of our dollars on his socialist agenda. And all the while "Freedom of the Press" has given ultimate power to the liberal left media to control peoples thinking, make the issues and set the arguments.
The socalled "Right" is just another side of the same coin.
The flag does stand for the U.S.A. and the constitution which it upholds. Any Christian who flies it is supporting an ungodly government plain and simple. Before long I wouldn't be surprised to see a rainbow flag over the Capitol.

Canis Vulpes:
The only rights Buttigieg would be looking for for LGBT people at this point is to protect them from raging Christofascists who want them dead because their holy book says so. I assume you have a problem with that, keeping people safe from harm from bigots.
It isn't the homosexuals trying to take away Christian rights, it's people who want to uphold the divide between church and state. And if someone taught me in school that hey, homosexuals exist, they are what they are and have existed since the beginning of time and no, they're not interested in your children, and could you maybe please not attack and kill them, I can't see why I or anyone else would take issue with that.
For a smaller portion of the population, it IS normal. Just like being left-handed.

Roger Marks #fundie #transphobia #homophobia disqus.com

(commenting on story “South Dakota House Advances Bill Prohibiting Hormones, Surgery on Youth Struggling With Gender Confusion”):

Good, good, good. Common sense is prevailing. If children under 18 cannot decide for themselves to accept help for not wanting to be homosexual, then they should not be allowed to decide they are being deceived by a heartless and deceptive Satan who is laughing all the way to the distortion and deprivation bank to screw up as many people's lives as possible.

Of course the ACLU would oppose the law because that is there modus operandi. Oppose anything that tells the truth.

Lydia Church #fundie disqus.com

(Responding to story “Vulgar ‘Abortion Is Normal’ Art Exhibit in NYC to Benefit Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee”):

And this "it's normal" stuff? Sure, if you're hitler, then it's 'normal,' for psychopaths!
And it's not God who they are to 'thank,' it's satan! God opposes this murder and no matter how brazen they feel about it, that unrepentance instead of shame will land them in hell. Then they'll know how it feels.

I can't get over their evil heartedness! Oh sure, all these people, men and women, feel they have the right to f#@& left and right, then they get pregnant, so they feel they have the right to butcher it and murder the resulting human being! And they call this the height of 'enlightened' civilization! What a joke!!!

It is interesting to notice how society has gotten so far away from God and has become truly evil. Back in the 50's, folks would get married and have a family. Most would wait until marriage for sex, at least if they were Christians. The mother would stay home to be a mother to the children and not outsource her job to someone who is not their mother. If a woman got pregnant, the man would marry her. Fast forward to today. 99.99999% of all men expect sex before marriage, and that includes those who attend church. Then if the woman happens to get pregnant and doesn't run straight for an abortion, but approaches the father, he just implies that she should murder the baby because, you know, the option is there. If she still decides to have the baby, many men abandon the woman, look for another, and the cycle continues. The woman may cave and murder her unborn child, or end up a single mom in a rough economy. My solution? Keep it in your pants until the wedding night. It worked best then and it still works best now. The Bible was right after all: Don't fornicate. But who knew?!

Off Shore #fundie disqus.com

Canis Vulpes:
Kids are going to have sex.
There it is...the uncomfortable truth. Doesn't matter how you raise them or with what values.
With that on the table, what is the solution to unwanted pregnancies? Abstinence education? Good luck with that.
The obvious answer is giving them access to birth control and teaching them how NOT to get pregnant. And there's nothing stopping you from teaching your abstinence values at the same time, maybe you'll get lucky and have a child who resists teen sex.
How did birth control become the bad guy?

Off Shore:
So tell us all then how for thousands of previous years with no sex education or contraception the pregnancy rates among non married ladies stayed so low that the numbers were almost nonexistent? Yet since the 60's with sex education and contraception the numbers keep going up. You have bought a lie I suggest you do some research on your own and quit regergatating the same old lines that PP keeps repeating.

Officer Ron Howard #racist disqus.com

Officer Ron Howard: J*ws created the communism that kiIIed 30 miIIion Christians. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Yagoda were all Jewish. So were 60% of the regional NKVD directors in the 30's. And when they took over, the firs thing they did was to make "anti-semitism" illegal.

I've never once in my life met a J*w who acknowledged that J*ws were the driving force of the most murderous ideology in history, let alone felt any kind of remorse over it.

Christians owe these rats nothing.

pbaxter pbaxter: You forgot about the part where they killed Jesus. There's a lot of reasons to dislike them, but I won't hate them. At least not because they're jewish.

Officer Ron Howard: Sure, I don't hate J*ws just for being J*ws, just like I don't hate Muslims just for being Muslims. But they both definitely have consistent patterns of atrocious behavior.

CEOmike #fundie disqus.com

There is a cultural change happening in America, we were founded on Christian principles, eventually we embraced the Enlightenment idea of Truth, but are now accepting the Marxist idea that change is the highest virtue, facts are becoming "your facts" - simply watch CNN then watch Fox to see the two thought realities. Pray Trump is re-elected in a landslide or the blunt force of the state will prevail.

Chet #fundie disqus.com

No document is stopping the butchery, the barbarism, the madness, the extreme evil. "For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes" Jeremiah 16:17, Holy Bible... Judgment is coming to be sure!

Canis Vulpes:
Planned Parenthood is mostly NOT about abortion.

Is that so, not according to the facts and those behind the scenes who know better. If we can ever get TV to actually show this horrific procedure like we do Live PD and other programming, this wickedness would be terminated almost overnight, save for the few demon possessed supporters left.

Canis Vulpes:
Well, where are you getting your "facts" from? And why do you think showing the procedure is going to expose something we don't already know is going on? There's no doubt in anyone's mind that abortion is going to be a very ugly thing to witness.

Hearing of a procedure is in no wise the same as watching the little ones being ripped apart then reassembled to ensure "we got it all"... Let's work together to get this barbarism exposed on live TV and we see how it all shakes out afterwards. How about it, you in?

Canis Vulpes:
No, because why do that? When I see the jerks with the ugly placards in street protests showing graphic pictures of abortions, it does nothing to win me over to their side. It has the opposite effect. I'm sure a hysterectomy is ugly too. Doesn't mean I want to see one.

You are but one person, perhaps with a heart harder to reach than most. There are countless others who would faint and vomit and shake and tremble and cry out dear God Almighty, how could I ever have supported such wickedness... Let's do it and see how it all pans out. Those who'd care not to see such can simply reject watching it. Those perhaps not altogether convinced such is the way to go or who are in substantial denial as to this extreme cruelty will be so challenged to see for themselves. What do abortion supporters have to lose?

Canis Vulpes:
It's got nothing to do with having a "hard heart". It's a sleazy tactic, forcing someone to look at something graphic to make an emotional appeal. And it doesn't work. Throwing it in someone's face to look at without giving them an option is the REAL hard-hearted thing to do.
Your language speaks volumes too, "abortion supporters"? You make it sound like there's an army of people out there lining up to extinguish the unborn. If you've ever met one single woman faced with the decision of whether to give birth, you will know the decision is agonizing. But everyone's circumstances are different. They aren't all "loose high school girls" who have an abortion out of convenience to fit into a prom dress.

Kandy Fire N Ice #fundie disqus.com

(responding to story “Calif. Man Charged With First-Degree Murder After Allegedly Forcing Girlfriend to Ingest Abortion Pill at Gunpoint”):

I wonder if any Pro-Choice men and women will come here and defend this woman who did not want to end her pregnancy. Her choice was to continue this pregnancy. But was forced by the father to end her wanted pregnancy. The Pro-Choice men and women always says it should be the woman's choice not the mans choice. So how come these men and women are not coming to her defense?

michael louwe #fundie #crackpot disqus.com

The entire love and marriage bond was to procreate and raise a family, hard to do with two people of the same sex.

Canis Vulpes:
So people who through no fault of their own are infertile, should not marry?

michael louwe:
Infertility or barrenness is usually caused by incest, eg Abraham and Sarai were barren because he married his half-sister. Incest is a sin but Abraham was ignorant about it since the Law was only given during the time of Moses, ie a few hundred years later.

temporary guest #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

I concede that, yes, most Americans do believe in equality. I will also tell you that most Americans don't give a rip about who is gay and who is not. Also, I'll tell you that LGBTQ activist do not believe in equality as they falsely claim while they destroy Christian businesses and lives.I will also tell you there is a world of difference between a homosexual who lives their life leaving other people and children alone and the LGBTQ activists who would turn America in to Sodom or Gomorrah in the proverbial New York heartbeat if they could ... starting with children (Ask the Boy Scouts Of America). Most Americans are sick and tired of what LGBTQ activism is doing to this country. Yes, I know there are gay people who are not involved in all that crap, but in case you missed it, I'm not talking about those folks. I also know what a pride filled, sanctimonious bully is, and every LGBTQ activist in the country is exactly that, and MOST Americans are sick and tired of the bullying crap dedicated to undermining the true strength of any stable culture, the family of one man, one woman and kids who know which one is which ... we are bone tired of LGBTQ activists telling us we have to embrace and celebrate their "pride", not to mention the repeated, intentional, money stealing and life destroying assaults on the business of Christian people for failing to do so.

I'm retired now. The reason I retired was that on my last job, in the break room, there was a story repeated every morning before work, every morning break, every lunch time and every afternoon break about a black football player who announce to the world that he was gay. I made the comment that I was sick and tired of people on the news day after day saying that it didn't matter if he is gay or not and if it didn't matter, it'd be great if they'd just move on and talk about something else. A fellow employee sitting next to me said "He's a hero!" And I said, "No, he's not. He's an opportunist whose going to make a fortune either playing football or by writing a book and playing the victim. Either way, for him, it's a win win situation and I'm tired of hearing it". For that, this individual reported me to human resources and threatened my job. I just happened to be ready to retire anyway, so I did. I made two mistakes: I failed to see the man as a hero just because he was black and I failed to see him as a hero just because he told the whole world he enjoys sexx with other men.

In addition to that, I could write volumes on how LGBTQ activists have been assaulting and undermining my country for decades now. Beginning with the coining of the falsely invented word "homophobia" which first appeared in the book "society and the healthy homosexual" where in the author asserted that men who don't embrace homosexuality are suffering from an un-natural fear of their own gender. That assertion is pure crap, but like all leftist bullies, the LGBTQ used the lie as a foundation to build castles in the air, and now they seek to make us all take up residency in that phony, fairy-tale utopian kingdom in the sky. So spare me your know-it-all crap about how loving and kind and decent LGBTQ activists are. I know better. To me, LGBTQ activists are just a bunch of bullying, subversive, morally delinquent, hetero-phobic pontificates who don't give a rip about anything but themselves. Just exactly as they are described in Romans Chapter One.

I have told you the truth, which, unlike yourself, I did not claim to be my truth, but instead Biblical truth. But you are too convinced that you know it all, you won't seriously consider any thing that disagrees with you. Like an old and foolish king who will no longer be admonished, you think your opinion is unassailable just because it's yours.

I happen to be one of those Americans who couldn't care less who is gay and who isn't .. so long as they leave me, my kids, my grand kids, everybody else's kids in the public schools, private businesses and my country alone. Honestly, do you think there is any chance of that, or do you think the rest of the country has it coming for not teaching our children to celebrate that kind of crappy "pride"?

I'll even go you one more: As a soldier back in the day, I would have preferred a gay man in a foxhole with me who would put up a hard fight than a straight man who wouldn't. Some things really are just "common sense". The problem is, like all bullying, pontificating political leftists, LGBTQ activists think common sense is a thought crime and defending it is a hate crime.

Further discussion is pointless. It makes no difference what you think you know about the Bible, how superior you think you are to it or why you think you are. Further discussion is pointless.

I'm just gonna block you. If you feel the need to argue the point more, may I suggest you do it looking in the mirror at someone who'll buy what you're handing out just because it's you handing it out.

pastoredsmith #fundie disqus.com

Rusty Crosses:
I didn't claim that science proves transgenderism is real. I claimed there is scientific evidence that transgenderism is real. Here is an article that discusses some of that evidence. (Delete the space after each dot.)
www. scientificamerican. com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/

One opinionated article "proves" your claim?

Alan Smithee:
It's Scientific American, for God's sake, Ed. It's not OPINION, it's a discussion of EVIDENCE.

Scientific American? More like idiotic babbling based on skewed facts and imaginary atheist whims. BTW. "for God's sake, Ed?" I thought you didn't believe in God? BTW....your "evidence" is falsified, incomplete and skewed to make a certain worldview, just as Mr. Darwin, who was mad at God and tried to prove that man was not created....and failed miserably. "missing link? Nonexistent link. Is that an example of your "scientific evidence?" If so, you have nothing.

MarsingID83639 #fundie disqus.com

(Commenting on story “China Announces New Measures to Govern Religious Groups”):

I bet the Left here in America wish they were able to do what China is doing to Religious Groups.

Alan Smithee:
The "left" is only trying to stop you from mandating your religion, as is right and proper. We don't live in a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

We also, as of yet, don't lve in a Communist country!
The left is all about Control
Control what you can say
Control what you can read
Control what you can drive
Control what you can eat
Control what you drink
Control your healthcare
Control your guns
Control your news
C0mmun!sts er, the left Reshape and Falsify
Historical Data. Does the left
Destroy Historical Statues and
change the meaning of words?
Nice try Comrade.

Alan Smithee:
So I'm a communist because I don't trust you nutcases to keep your religion out of our laws?

Glad you admit it. Why are you on a Christian Website like this one? Because you want to spread your lies and hate towards Christians.
Goodbye Comrade.
Titus 3
10 As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, 11 knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned

Alan Smithee:
You can't possibly be that stupid. Do you know what a communist is? I'll give you a hint, it's NOT someone who wants you to keep your religion to yourself.

pastoredsmith #fundie disqus.com

(Commenting on story “Man Who Identifies As Woman Sues in Effort to Gain Entry Into Ladies’ Beauty Pageant”):

haha. He is no woman. Problem here is that society accepts his delusion. Once called abnormal by every major psychological agency in the world, still prohibited by Scripture (that will never change), his delusion continues. Sad set of unnecessary happenings. Get this BOY some serious help. He needs it.

Rusty Crosses:
Should society accept your delusions? Psychological societies changed their positions with increased knowledge. Please cite the Bible verse that prohibits transgenderism.

"increased knowledge?" you make me laugh.
One Scripture of many....Romans 1:24:32

Rusty Crosses:
Psychological societies have accepted scientific research. Why don't you?
I've read those verses many times. Christians try to make them condemn homosexuality not transgenderism. How do you get them to be about transgenderism?

There is no such thing as transgenderism, as you call it. DNA proves gender....the exact same thing as biological sex. You claim to "accept" science, yet you simply cherry pick what you want to do as truth and reject the rest. No science has ever proven that a person is born with one biological sex and is actually the opposite gender. It's just another perverted lifestyle choice. Transgender? Homosexuality? Bestiality? Adultery? They are all the same in God's eyes. Sexual sins that must be forgiven. Sinful life choices that are just wrong. Yes, Scriptures prove these are all sinful and wrong. Why can't you accept that? It is the truth.

Rusty Crosses:
DNA does not determine everything about a person. For example, Maria José Martínez-Patiño has male DNA but was born a baby girl. It wasn't until the Olympics tested her that she found out she has male DNA.

Rusty person, your precious "science" that you worship explains that well. It's called a defect. An imperfection. You worship "science," but cherry pick its outcome. Why do you do that? Can't you accept your own "science?" Obviously not. You have more "faith" than I do....only difference is that you have "faith" in the folly of "theories" that are skewed, altered or otherwise changed facts designed to produce a desired outcome, and then are cherry picked by atheists.

Rusty Crosses:
I do accept science. Maria is the result of a fetal development anomaly which you think makes her defective. Science has supplied evidence that transgenderism is also the result of a fetal development anomaly.

No, you do not accept science, and you are wrong about my thinking "she is defective." She has an abnormality, and that makes nobody "defective." A defect is an imperfection in the original design, in case you need a lesson in the definition. Science does no such thing as prove that transgenderism is the result of any deformity except a fallen nature and a lifestyle choice. There is scientifically no such thing as a transgender. OK, let me use your line. Proof that science proves transgenderism, please. I'm waiting.
BTW. Psychological societies have not accepted scientific research. They manipulated it, just as you have. Why won't you open your eyes and see the lies and manipulation?

Rusty Crosses:
I claimed there is scientific evidence that transgenderism is real. Here is an article that discusses some of that evidence:
I proved my claim.
Please provide evidence for your claim that this research has been manipulated, skewed, altered or otherwise changed to produce a desired outcome. Where does the Bible prove transgenderism is a sinful life choice?
What evidence do you have that psychological societies have manipulated scientific research?

Always want me to produce evidence. It's all around you, but you refuse to accept what is there. It would be a waste of time to argue "evidence" when you clearly reject all evidence except that which points towards your worldview choices. If you can't see it, it is because you refuse to see it. You demand that I approach the Bible with an open mind, yet you approach it with a closed mind made up because of a worldview you chose that has been skewed by lies.

Dianne #fundie disqus.com

David Jacobs:
I so love it when you loons turn on each other.

You have so gotten it wrong David. However your master has always caused confusion.

David Jacobs:
I have no master. I was born a free American.
If any man or spirit wants my allegiance, they will have to earn it the same way I would have to.

David here’s how your “master” gets you to serve him.
2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Proverbs 4:19 The way of the wicked is darkness: they know not at what they stumble.
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Your free will gives your master Satan authority in your life. Freedom from him only comes through Jesus Christ. John 3:16-19

David Jacobs:
Madam, in the simplest terms, you are full of shit. You can fabricate and "interpret" any condemnations against me you want and they will accomplish nothing beyond confirming that you are a stupid, dogmatic, incompetent "debater".
If your Bible is the literal and inerrant Word of God, then all of it is to be taken literally. That includes Yeshua's promise that his believers would have the supernatural power to heal the sick, raise the dead and command a mountain to "Begone" and see it throw itself into the sea.
You people barely have the power to move an anthill with a shovel. If you want me to believe you speak for God, then show me the signs Yeshua promised to believers. Either you read the instructions wrong or you really don't believe what you claim.

David you vitriolic posts reveal who you serve and even when you have edited you profanity laced posts it has already been NOTED! The only reason why you have slithered into this Christian website was because of Satan using your hateful anti-Christ heart to do his bidding. It is YOU THAT NEEDS TO BE GONE!!

Ted R. Weiland #fundie disqus.com

Ted R. Weiland:
The Constitutional Republic was, in fact, created to impose religious morality, as are all governments.
There are no vacuums when it comes to legislated morality or, more often than not, immorality. Consequently, a government's foundational ethical standard determines its God.
Therefore, there are likewise no vacuums when it come to religious-influenced government, be it even Secular Humanism in its multifarious forms, and it usually is. Case in point: the biblically adverse Constitutional Republic born of the biblically seditious Constitution.
When one understands that idolatry is not so much about statues as it is statutes, it becomes clear that all governments are theocratic, serving either the true God or some false god, demonstrated by what laws they keep and consider the supreme law of the land.
Question: Were the governments in the Old Testament under the god Baal (or any other false god named in the Old Testament) theocracies?
Answer: Of course, they were.
Question: Was Baal (or any other god named in the Bible) real or were they merely ancient forms of We the People?
Answer: Merely ancient forms of We the People. See 1 Corinthians 8:4-6.
"...There is no escaping theocracy. A government’s laws reflect its morality, and the source of that morality (or, more often than not, immorality) is its god. It is never a question of theocracy or no theocracy, but whose theocracy. The American people, by way of their elected officials, are the source of the Constitutional Republic’s laws. Therefore, the Constitutional Republic’s god is WE THE PEOPLE.
"People recoil at the idea of a theocracy’s morality being forced upon them, but because all governments are theocracies, someone’s morality is always being enforced. This is an inevitability of government. The question is which god, theocracy, laws, and morality will we choose to live under?..."
For more, google online Chapter 3 "The Preamble: WE THE PEOPLE vs. YAHWEH" of "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective."

Lydia Church #fundie disqus.com

We are real Christians, and we follow what the Bible says, and homosexuality is a sin, therefore there is no such thing as gay 'marriage' and yes, we will oppose it!
And there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING under the heavens that Beto or anyone else can do about it! They can't stop us from obeying God, because that part is up to us, not them! They can persecute us all they want to, you name it, item by item, but they can't make us comply with their agenda of sin!
And God is on OUR side, NOT theirs!

Mac432 #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

This is sick but… anyone can go online and get legal credentials to marry anyone. So… if the homo/lez wants to get married, have someone in their own perverted community get a license online and marry them. Wouldn’t they RATHER be married by their own kind instead of by a “Christian”? If they hate Christians… get your own license and start marring all the LGBTQXYZ you want to.

Ira Pistos #fundie disqus.com

(in response to Christian News Network story “Sprite Argentina Ad Celebrates ‘Pride,’ Depicts Mother Applying Makeup to Son, Another Binding Daughter’s Breasts”):

Justus Jonas:
So you're saying that you knew that a soft drink ad where a mother applies makeup to her son and binds her daughter's breasts was coming because it says so in scripture?
I'd REALLY love to know the chapter and verse of that one.

Ira Pistos:
This sadly is a problem typical of the Godless. This lack of a capacity for conceptual understanding.
Your childish misdirection:
"So you're saying..."
No, what I said is what I actually wrote.

Justus Jonas:
Well, this is a story about an Argentinian Sprite ad and you are somehow tying that in with prophecy. So that's what you actually wrote and it's still completely incomprehensible.

Ira Pistos:
I understand that you're confused. There is no need to belabor the point as we've already established this problem as common among the Godless.

Justus Jonas:
No, my confusion doesn’t relate to anything but your odd claim.
Maybe you'd like to state why you think this is "in accordance with prophecy". It would be better than making assumptions about the belief system I follow (or don't follow) and how that somehow relates to your baffling statement.

Ira Pistos:
Stop with your childish antics, they gain you nothing.
Your poor attempt at shifting:
"It would be better than making assumptions about the belief system I follow (or don't follow)"
This stunt is so typical of the Godless that it's become trite. I respond merely to what you write.
It's been established already that you are indeed baffled. Nobody seems shocked by that but for you. Stop belaboring the point. You want understanding then get yourself right with God. It's the only option you have if you want to step beyond your ignorance regarding these matters.

Justus Jonas:
Merely because I don't follow the merciless storybook God you do doesn't make me "Godless". You are typical of fundamentalists in that it's your definition or nothing. It must really bother you that people of other denominations call themselves "Christians" too.
The fact of the matter is you don't know what my belief system is, so it just makes you look ridiculous tossing words like "godless" out there.
All this fuss and rigamarole to avoid answering a simple question. Just tell me where in scripture it anticipated what you see on this soft drink advertisement from Argentina.

Mr Kish #fundie disqus.com

Have you noticed the ‘ down votes ‘ here.
On a supposed Christian News source.
Quite unusual.

Mr Kish:
Yes I have I believe it is a mixture of liberal Christians and atheists. Either way 9/10 they have been seduced by the evil one. I hope you are well and blessed?

edwitness #fundie disqus.com

Alan Smithee:
I can honestly tell you I do not worship anything or anyone. Now maybe you can explain why you don’t believe me. I am being entirely civil and sincere.

A person's god/God is the ultimate criteria he uses to make his choices. For the Christian that criteria is Jesus. For you it is something else. Which is the sin of the world that Jesus came to deliver the world from(John16:9). The sin of not believing in Jesus. Only when one is delivered from this unbelief can they have eternal life. Because eternal life is knowing Him. John17:3.
Even so... Maranatha!!

Alan Smithee:
Excuse me, but no. Nobody has the right to tell me what I actually believe but me. I get very annoyed when people tell me that I'm purposely sending myself to hell because I have the nerve to believe something other than what they believe. The lack of logic and laziness is appalling..."Oh, well, you don't believe what I do so that must mean you worship satan and want to go to hell." Both hell and satan are parts of YOUR belief system, not mine...and you're welcome to them.

Excuse me, but yes. Your free will determines the choices you make in accord with the information you are given. The ultimate criteria for those choices determines the god/God you have chosen. It's really that simple.
And since it is the ultimate criteria you use in making your choices that determines who your god/God is, and since yours is admittedly not the God of the Bible, then it can only be some other. And because Jesus is the only way, truth, and life because He is the only person who has ever conquered man's death, you have disqualified yourself from His saving grace and will live for eternity with the god you have chosen.
Your God given free will has done all this. All because He loves you enough to allow you to choose your eternal destiny. So you can't blame God when you end up somewhere for all eternity that you never wanted to be.
Even so.. Maranatha!!

Alan Smithee:
Absolutely false. If you want to believe in something ridiculous like eternal hellfire, it's your problem, not mine. I don't believe in something that ludricrous and none of your religion's silly rules apply to me whatsoever.
My free will means I choose my path in this life. And that doesn't include your revenge fantasy. You don't know what happens after this life any more than anyone else does.

"... none of your religion's silly rules apply to me whatsoever."
Really? Then you must think you are not be subject to death as the Bible says you are, huh?
"My free will means I choose my path in this life."
Amen! That's exactly what I said.
"And that doesn't include your revenge fantasy."
What revenge fantasy? Whether you go to hell or not has nothing to do with revenge. It is your choice. The exercise of the free will that God has gifted you with. Because He does not force anyone to love Him. He loves you so much He allows you to choose for yourself.
The eternity you are so far choosing was never made for you. It was made only for the angels that rebelled.
"You don't know what happens after this life any more than anyone else does."
Oh, but I do. Because I have it on the authority of the one who knows the end from the beginning. The one who has proven this by telling of future events before they happen that come to pass exactly as He said they would. With 100% accuracy. and since He has been right about all these there is every reason to believe Him in regard to eternal life and eternal death.
Even so... Maranatha!!

Alan Smithee:
When I die, I'm going to die. I'm going to do what everyone else does. Just die.
"Whether you go to hell or not has nothing to do with revenge. It is your choice."
Only according to YOUR RULES. I don't play by your rules. They are illegitimate. When you tell me I choose hell, you're lying, because I don't believe hell exists. You can tell me that YOU think I'm going to hell. That's fine. But you're not doing that, you're telling me that I am choosing it, and since I don't believe it exists, I am not choosing it.
You Christians need to stop telling the rest of us how we think, and try asking us instead. We know our own minds far better than you do. Such unbelievable arrogance!
And no, you don't know what happens after this life. Your faith is just that...faith. It's not fact and it has not been proven.

Ira Pistos #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “Sprite Argentina Ad Celebrates ‘Pride’, Depicts Mother Applying Makeup to Son, Another Binding Daughter’s Breasts”)

Ira Pistos:
Exactly in accordance with prophecy, we've known the like was coming for millennia and we know where its going.

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

Roger Marks:
George Nathanson, one of America's foremost abortionist who has now passed on, said in a TV interview that EVERY abortion kills a baby. What do you know that he didn't?

Canis Vulpes:
I know terminology. Every abortion terminates a fetus. You want to use the emotionally-charged language to try to artificially win people over to your side, go ahead.

Roger Marks:
I have 11 grandchildren. Everyone is called a baby. Not one of them is called a fetus. When I say to anyine them "how is my little baby" they don't gasp for air because I am being emotionally charged. They come and hug me and sit on my lap. No fear their.
As you obviously have a problem with reading I will say it again. George Nathanson said, not me, every abortion kills a BABY.

pastoredsmith #fundie disqus.com

There is nothing in atheism except denial. Denial, when it comes to refuting the truth about God, is a religion. You worship your own logic. And, my congregation is doing well. Perhaps you should join us. God will change your miserable, imaginary life into one of purpose.

They are not that different than you. They just add one more God they don’t believe in to the list you yourself use. Your threats are just your own paranoid revenge fantasy. You can’t handle being disagreed with.

You don't know me, yet you continue your fake insults. Typical of an atheist who knows he can't win the argument using his own logic. Don't know who said it, but they are right...... "
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers." Had to be an atheist that said that.

Yeah, it’s always the atheists people like you give the blame to. Anyway what I said is true. I just disbelieve one more God than you do.

"people like you give blame to..." No, that is not true. "Blame" is not "given" it comes from actions. FFRF, the bullies you represent, are the people who are trying to stifle all voices but those who line up with them. It is atheists who want to rewrite textbooks and omit the obvious Christian influence on the formation of the USA and all the good that is being done. I've never seen an atheist hospital nor an atheist food pantry. How about an atheist version of the Salvation Army that feeds and clothes the needy. None exist. The absence of God in a life is equal to the absence of true, genuine love; for only in God can that kind of love be found. I don't hate you, although you certainly have insinuated the opposite of that here. To tell the truth is not to hate, it is to set the record straight. I pray you find your way home from your atheism before it is too late for you.

You're just reinforcing my point. Atheism is an opinion and that's all it is. We don't form clubs and organizations, except in cases where religion oversteps its boundaries. And I know of Christians who side with groups like the FFRF on occasion because your side DOES occasionally champion political causes they have no business being involved with. If no one is there to keep your side in line, you'll get away with murder.

Wrong. Your point is that atheists think they can command the government. You think that by sending a threatening letter to a school, you can prevent a Christian teacher from laying a Bible on her desk. You think that you can silence Christians in the public arena, but you will never accomplish that. You think that you have authority over Christians in matters of free speech, but you don't. And, it is NOT atheists job to "Keep your side in line." You are not the gods you claim to disbelieve. And, I can always tell when an atheist has lost an argument. The slander comes forth. Murder? You don't believe in the 10 Commandments, if you truly don't believe in God, then you don't believe in the Bible. So, it is not I who commits that which I believe is wrong.

You are WRONG

Atheists have no desire to command or control the government. The point is, they strongly desire that faith-minded people like YOU don't either. You are convinced you have the TRUTH but all you have is faith, and many reasonable people disagree with the heavy-handed things you try to hammer through. People like you believe abortion is murder when it is NOT, not by the definition of the dictionary nor the definition of the law. If you had your way, people would be thrown in jail for not worshipping your holy book and homosexuals would be jailed or worse. We have the right and the desire to be protected from people like you.

No, I am RIGHT. Atheists DO want to control and command the government. Atheists ARE trying to silence Christians. I notice that you don't focus your efforts on Muslims. Only Christians. And, I have the truth....faith in the truth is easy. All you have is faith in the vein babblings of man's wild imagination. You have no basis for morality, as you think one thing and the next guy something, so there is no base line to build on....like a building with no foundation. And, you add much to what I am as opposed to the monster you make me out to be. I believe in freedom for all; including atheists, homosexuals and the like. No, I never advocated anyone be thrown in jail for their beliefs. And, the "protection" you seek from "people like you" is exactly my point. You don't want protection any more than gays "only wanted to get married." you want to fundamentally change society to jail "people like me" who dare express the truth. All this and you still hide behind a "handle." You are a coward, stenching the world from behind your private little curtain. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain..." he is only a babbling atheist. If you wish to discuss, fine, But, stop the insults. I'll talk with you, but you won't slander me further.

We have seen pastors calling for the execution of gay people. For that reason and that reason alone we need to be protected from the likes of you. You want your faith-based beliefs to be laws. You want a woman's right to choose to be taken away, and this is strictly based on your faith. You are RELIGION, we should have the right to say NO to you and we need to be protected from you.

You have seen confused individuals who call themselves "pastors" calling for execution because someone is gay. Why do you care anyway? Are you gay? A woman's right to choose? What about the BABY's rights? After all, you say you are a person of science who hides behind that mask, right? So, if a whale fetus is a baby whale, what makes you think a fetus is not a human baby? From conception? You are no scientist. You are a hypocrite. And, I am NOT "religion." Religion does kill. Ask any Muslim who'd love to chop off your head because you are an atheist. People are very much imperfect; even and maybe especially some who call themselves "Christians." Can you testify to the good moral character of all atheists? No, you can't. No, you don't need protection from me. That's not what you seek. You seek silence of Christians; the very people who are doing good in this culture. Silence the hospitals and food pantry's and the clothing banks and all the good things that we (I) am involved with. You have lumped us in with radical religion because there is a fringe who are idiots, such as the "church" in Topeka that boycotts military funerals. These people are not Christians and hide behind the wall of lies they put up that is painted to look Christian. Sir, you need protection from someone, I'll agree. That someone is yourself. Your own twisted mind causes you to conjure up lies about me because you *think* I'm guilty of them. You couldn't be more wrong.

What do you mean, "why do you care anyway?" Some religious lunatic decides that all gay people should be put to death, and wants to see the government enact such craziness? There are stats that say 1 in 10 people are LGBT. I care VERY MUCH that a guy calling himself a Christian Pastor would like to have the power to basically call for genocide. And this is something you defend?

The fact you're calling a fetus/zygote/embryo a "baby" tells me you're not being entirely reasonable. Of course I don't see abortion as something that is good. The thing is, most of the women put in that agonizing position don't either. But you don't look at individual situations AT ALL. You just say it's murder (it's not) and that's that. And once again, you want the government to enforce it. Yet another very good reason why the FFRF exists and why we have the right to be protected from people like you.

If the two examples above are the "good moral character" you insist Christians have, and criticize atheists for not having, I think can I safely rest my case. People like you scare the living daylights out of me.

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “Mothers Reveal Pressure to Abort Babies with Down Syndrome”)

Another example of the hateful and appalling attitude of the baby killers who do not give a damn about the rights of the child. As long as they can force their ideology onto as many parents as possible and have as many babies as possible put in the hands of a paid assassin, who cares.

Children are NEVER the problem. The problem are the parents who refuse to accept that they are bringing a new life into the world that deserves the best possible start to their lives.

Not put into the hands of some butcher who will hack them to pieces because they are inconvenient or not perfect.

Abortion is gruesome and heartless and the biggest form of cruelty mankind has ever perpetrated on innocent children. The holocaust pales into insignificant in comparison to the millions of babies slaughtered at the altar of convenience. We jump up and down if someone harms an animal, yet we give our approval to killing a baby.

There is only one word to describe that and it is S-I-C-K.

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

Well, the government has finally discovered the truth. That a child does best when they are raised by a mum and dad.

What we need now is for some enterprising organisation to bring a case against the HHS on the basis that not putting a child with a mum and dad is discrimination for the child and consigning them to a second class existence.

I have been told that there are 3,000 pieces of research that backs the mum and dad scenario so if the HHS has doubts they do not need to have any.

The only thing that would stop you winning such a case is ideology. That homosexuals must not be discriminated against in any way even if it is bad for the children concerned. In other words, the wants of homosexuals override the needs of all others.

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

Roger Marks:
What world do you live in? Take a look at the internet and you will discover that homosexual porn is 90% anal.

Justus Jonas:
What percentage of gay male porn did you expect to be vaginal in nature, Roger? I'm curious.
Likewise I think you'd be very surprised to find that lesbian pornography is about 0% anal.
A tip, Roger. Don't talk about things you don't understand.

Brian Matthews #fundie disqus.com

God's moral code is the only one I honor. Not yours.

It's the only one you will be judged by.

Right and wrong isn't subjective. It's objective. And, I don't "decry" coercive force to enforce laws based on God's moral standards. Why would I?

Tell me, how would it hurt you if gay marriage was illegal, AGAIN, like it was only 4 years ago? How would it hurt you if LGBT was outlawed AGAIN, like when I was young?

There was order back then. Now it's virtual anarchy.

As I said, the founding generation outlawed these things, and they were outlawed in the US for around 200 years without any problems. Then people like you came along and opened Pandora's box. And the evil just keeps on coming with no chance of putting it back in that box.

Why are you defending evil?

Brian Matthews #fundie disqus.com

Brian Matthews:
What are you talking about?
You just posted another random bible verse out of context, and irrelevant to the conversation. You can't just abuse the scriptures like that. You can't just throw random Bible verses at your opponents when the verses don't even have anything to do with what you're talking about.
I've tried to be kind, but if you do it again, I will block you.

Canis Vulpes:
So block him then. I don't know why you think everyone's interested in your drama.

NIGELTEAPOT #fundie disqus.com

the devil marches to The Throne of God and uses you (yes, you) as a specific example to claim humanity should have never been created. this is what you have reduced yourself to.
Strange considering your every action scream textbook possession. perfect possession, I would guess. you aren't so much controlled as you are so evil that your desires are united with that of the demons.
both st*lin and h*tler were that way. If only we could be free of your evil as well.
your eyes WILL be Permanently opened, or they WILL be Permanently closed.

Wow - someone needs a hug.

Narnia4Ever #fundie disqus.com

Seriously, like, you don't even have to go to theology school to get a ordination? Wow....so legit. I'm definitely going to believe in your religion because I find it so plausible. A spaghetti monster sounds so holy and so worthy of being worshipped!
(no, sorry, that was sarcasm) And you say that Christians are the bullies? I'm scrolling down these comments and seeing all the rude stuff you Pasta-what-evers are saying about other people. What happened to 'all are welcome on his list' or whatever? Tons of Pasta-what-evers using horrible words like F***K and S***T. What kind of look does that give your religion? Why would I want to join your religion if you're just going to be saying all kinds of nasty things about other people? I feel really hurt that a people who seem to take their religion very seriously would act very rude towards people who aren't one of their own.

Brian Matthews #fundie disqus.com

Attention resident perverts. I will no longer be responding to you if you respond to one of my posts. I'll just block you.
I am convinced, that you are beyond hope, and God forsaken. I've tried, but I'm just getting angrier, and angrier from years of trying to warn, and reason with you. From reading your insanity, and filth. I'm done!
You wicked people support this mutilation of a precious, innocent child, and I no longer care what happens to you. I'm sick of you!
I will continue to post comments opposing this filth. Comments sure to drive you crazy, but I will just ignore your temper tantrums, and block you.
I've warned hundreds of you people over the years the best I could. If you insist on going to Hell, HAVE AT IT!

NIGELTEAPOT #fundie disqus.com

Notice how my posts consist almost entirely of definitions. That should let you in yo fact you don't know a single thing of the topic you are speaking on, and I am frantically trying to inform you so you can speak the same language like a Human being.
Beast of h*ll, do you not notice the little traps I leave in my messages for you? Of course not, that would require you to read them at all (though I know you cannot understand then even if you did).
Like when I point out that you will ignore what I say to just reply to what you wish I said. this is the textbook gnosticism in which your "atheism" is a slavish offshoot of.
reprobate means you have been given over to sin, and therefore marked.
monster describes your evil.
fa*cism and communism are both marxism and based in the delusion of "socialism."
once the gulags were closed down, they repurposed the serbsky institute into a political prison. therefore to mark people for execution, you called them insane.
back before the serbsky institute, calling people "f*scist" and "n*zi" was the term to mark people for execution.
Not only are you a milquetoast suburban whiteboy h*ll-begging beast of h*ll, you are now using TWO separate soviet execution accusations from two generations of evil.
you're afraid, you should be. you will be.

I'm finished talking to you now. Go see a nice doctor who will help you, and take his advice.

you are not finished talking to me, your kind believes attacking Christians makes your shame over sin go away. you are trying to psych yourself up to try to Martyr me.
I enflame your shame over sin, which means you want to attack more. you are even trying to mark me of execution in the soviet style right here.

NellieIrene #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

I don't know any Christians who deny service to homosexuals. I have heard of homosexuals who have sued Christian small business owners for refusing to use their labor for certain events that go against their religious conscience. An enumerated right that is expllcitly found in the 1st and 13th amendments of the American Constitution. Homosexuals are not facing Jim Crow level "discrimination". All they have to do is go down the street to get their event taken care of by the 99 percent of the other businesses who will willingly provide their labor. If the homosexual cries victim loud enough, they will undoubtedly get the service for free.

Forced conversion therapy has gone the way of forced lobotomies. If homosexuals don't want this type of therapy, then don't get it. Nobody cares. But like most things to LGBT&Qers that's just not good enough. They and their leftist masters are constantly pushing for legislation to ban any therapies for grown men and women with unwanted same sex attractions, or for parents with children who have unwanted sexual attractions. Leftists and LGBT&Qers get to decide the issue for EVERYBODY.

If anyone lives a loveless life the fault is entirely their own. Love, happiness, contentment. None of these things come from without. They come from within.

The LGBT&Qers quest for tolerance has made them the most freedom hating, intolerant, discriminatory bigots of all.

Roger Marks #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

One. When you say you know a ton of christians, how many is that?
Two. I contribute to many different forums especially those christian forums where homosexuals come on them to attack christian and their beliefs.
Three. I have been on homosexual forums and told them the truth that they disagreed with and got banned in the first week.
Four. Even though they are christian forums the homosexuals always want the last word.
Five. You are not going to hell because someone said something. You and I mean everyone that is going to hell is due to the fact that you do not believe what God said.
Six. You don't need sex to fall in love. I fell in love with my wife and then had sex once we were married.
Seven. If homosexuality is a wonderful life as I have been told umpteen times, why is it that these homosexuals you refer to are poor, sad and lonely. People who have a wonderful life are not poor, sad or lonely.
Eight. What is SICK, is your inability to face the facts. In Sweden, approximately 2% of the population is homosexual. When same sex marriage was legalised, only 2% of those 2% got married. If homosexuals were looking for that someone special to love, how come only 2% of them acted on it?
Nine. What Jesus wants us to do is to oppose sin in all its shapes and forms.
Ten. The people that get upset are usually those who cannot handle the truth.
Eleven. If you do not approve of one night stands, then you do not approve of the activity of 90% of homosexuals as that is the modus operandi of nearly all of them.
Twelve. If they want to just live peaceable lives, why is it then that per head of population there is more violence amongs homosexuals than heterosexuals.
Thirteen. And you have the wackiest sense of what truth is. A case of the gospel according to me. One mans conflict is another man's truth. As Jack Nicholson said in a Few Good Men "That is the truth and you can't handle it."

Lydia Church #fundie #homophobia #transphobia disqus.com

Nothing justifies gay 'marriage' since God condemns it. (And Jesus, since He is God.)

Leviticus 18; 22
Leviticus 20; 13
Deuteronomy 22; 5
Romans 1; 26-27
1 Corinthians 6; 9-11
1 Timothy 1; 10

Homosexuality is a sin.
There is no marriage between them.
There is no transgenderism.
God didn't 'make' anyone gay.
There are only two genders.
The fall of man lead to the sin nature.
God made us male or female and we are our birth gender.

Singing any song does not alter the facts.
That song has absolutely NOTHING to do with this issue.

God loved the whole world, so He sent HIS SON to die for
our sins to save us, not just from the stain of sin, but the
power of sin over our lives, including the sin of homosexuality,
so that we could be saved from that lifestyle and the sin
of homosexuality will no longer have power over us!
We will be heterosexual, as God intended!
John 3; 16

♥LadyInChrist♥InGodITrust♥ #fundie disqus.com

Dear Heather Clark/Christian News Network,I can no longer post on this site.Trolls have taken over this site. It is no longer a site where Christians can post in peace.They hate us, No matter what we say they down vote us.They have done everything they could to stop me from posting here.I guess they won. unless God brings me back.this is my last post here.It's sad when Christians no longer have a site they can post on in peace. Sad that this Christian site is more like a former Christian site. You let these trolls christian bash. You let them cuss at us.This is a real shame what these trolls have done to what was once a nice Christian site. Please consider removing Christian from Christian News Network. It is no longer what it once was.


Dear Father in Heaven, I seek You to Protect the Christians from the Trolls who have taken over this site.
In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Eric #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

From context, the word sex means male or female. It would be interesting to see when they added the word orientation. Let's pray for Judge Thomas who is ill. If something is illegal at the time, then one could be fired for breaking the law. So if I find an employee is breaking a current law such as theft, I could legally fire him. So if Sodomy was still illegal in 1964 then it was legal at least then to fire homosexuals because it used to be illegal when we were still primarily believing citizens, I actually feel government should not interfere with ones family decisions either in the home or in a private workplace.

The Invisible Man:
Look at it this way: If you fire someone for being homosexual, let's say it's a man, you're firing him for being a man having a relationship with a man when you wouldn't have fired a woman for having a relationship with a man. So...it's firing someone due to their sex, isn't it?

No, it's firing someone from your company because they are not a good fit, it's your company, and there are plenty of jobs at Target , Nike, or hair salons for homosexual men. There are many jobs not suitable or good fits for st right men too BTW so don't give me any unfair BS either.

The Invisible Man:
What sort of jobs do you think are not a "good fit" for homosexual people? What jobs aren't suitable for heterosexual people? You mentioned hair salons for homosexual men - why wouldn't a heterosexual man be just as suitable for that job? A hairstylist isn't a sex worker, you know.

I would say tht a hair salon full of tee heeding gay men would not be a good fit for a straight man just as Sodom wasn't a good fit for Lot. But God removed him and his family befor raining down fire and brimstone on the city the day He destroyed it. They had gotten to the point in their homosexual sin that they thought that it was their "civil right" and "human right" to rape any man they wished too in "their" city. They did not respect freedom of religion or civil and human rights of others either so they and Beto [O’Rourke] share this characteristic.

Victor Justice #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie disqus.com

When will the Fake News Media stop? Quite embarrassing that leaders from around the world can see the same thing that most Americans do. Our main stream press is truly the enemy of the people! Everything that is actually good, to them is bad, and vice versus.

The Fake and discussing news media hates The Church of The Lord Jesus Christ! They hate traditional, normal families, our police, the Unborn, our troops, manhood, our great and beloved president...everything!

The Fake News Media degenerates love perversion and evil. Anyone that spits or kneels on our flag, the more deviant, violent, hateful...the better. They always want “justice” for thugs, while the honest, hard working, patriotic Americans, in their sick minds, should be held to the letter of the law!

Praise Holy God Almighty, that no lie can live forever! In a just country, the Fake News Media demons, would be taken into federal custody, transferred to one of our offshore Black sites, tried, convicted, and punished for an example to future evil doers!

I’ll never forget that beautiful November Morning, over two years ago now! Long live our wonderful president! God Almighty is deeply good, ALWAYS!

Victor Justice #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #sexist #racist disqus.com

Little Greta’s Crippled country is being ethnically cleansed and she’s none the wiser!

Little Greta desperately needs to read some real news from the so-called far right! Become a loving wife and mother, and flush her childish rage down the toilet!

Little Greta needs to play with dolls, have a tea party with other little girls, live within a traditional, and NORMAL family!

Another victim of western deviance! Little Greta, I pray that you find Jesus Christ!

I’ve truly seen the face of unadulterated hatred today. Little Greta, You are the sister of Satan himself!

Little Miss Greta desperately needs to get Saved!

Holy God Almighty is deeply good, always! Live it and love it sour-pus.

Little Greta is truly a pathetic brat. How Dare this nothing stare down our great and beloved president!

Little Greta obviously has vile parents. I’ll bet that in a few years while other young ladies are preparing to be wives and mothers, she’ll be pushing her smelly dogs inside of a baby carriage!

Little Greta is the saddest person I’ve ever seen, communism destroys!

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