
LemonPartyFan #fundie mmo-champion.com

Weird for real though. Every time we have a thread about executing murderers for their crimes, I see posts reaffirming us that jail and prison should be about rehabilitation. We also see that idea expressed in prison reform threads, or the thread about the US federal government refusing to use private prisons anymore. And yet we have this case with few details. And the details we do have aren't even that condemning of the guy. He was in bed with some girls that pass out and he fingered them. While wrong, its just not on the same level as the Brock case, or most of the other cases of someone preying on passed out people. Or violently attacking them and breaking into their homes. Or even drugging them or using weapons.

And yet, here we have people demanding he go to prison for 20 years, demanding he be castrated, demanding this and that. While I think 2 years probation is very light, its hypocritical of the aforementioned idea that we should be rehabilitating, instead of punishing people. Its also telling that the victims don;t think he should go to jail.

I'd also like to clarify, its sort of dishonest to compare this case directly to other recent ones. The person "slipping" into a vagina is ridiculous, and a poor, dishonest comparison. While you can say by law, he raped them, or that, by law that one poster that continued having sex with his wife right after she passed technically raped his wife.... I just don't think the alleged victims would really agree with you.

Also, people keep asking "what if a guy fingered your butt while you were asleep?" .. well, if I were a homosexual man, interested in said other man, and we were flirting all night and I happened to pass out as things were getting good.. and butt fingering was something I would normally be into... I just wouldn't care that much. In reality I have passed out drunk (for minutes at a time) and my girlfriend didn't stop, and just woke up me up by shaking me. To you people this might be rape and according to you, she might belong in prison... but I just don't see it that way.

Undervers #sexist mmo-champion.com

[On a man fingering unconscious girls]

Yeah, he should probably go to jail for a few months or be fined heavily. But his actions are not critically destructive, and it would be injustice for his life to be ruined. He didn't kill anyone. He poked a couple of vaginas. The fact that he was charged with rape is already a stretch, as much as I am personally disgusted by his archetype.

Ol Scratch #sexist mmo-champion.com

. It's no different than leaving your car running and the door wide open when you run in to a store to buy something and then having your car stolen. It's no different than walking down the streets of a bad part of town flapping about a huge stack of cash in both hands and then getting mugged. etc.

Does this excuse having your car stolen or you being mugged? Nope. Do you deserve so much as an ounce of sympathy for having your car stolen or being mugged? Nope.

Same thing applies to women who go around dressing and acting slutty. If they end up getting raped, it's not going to be a surprise to anyone, and they are partially to blame. Does that mean the rape is any less serious or should be any less punished? Nope. Does she deserve much sympathy for setting herself up to be victimized by anyone outside her immediate circle? Nope.
You're not free to do anything you want, and being a fucking cocktease to everyone you meet is just as bad as leaving your car running when you go into a store or flash your cash in a dark alley in the bad part of town.

wowaccounttom #fundie mmo-champion.com

[on a teen molesting his prepubescent siblings,]

yeah.... but were they all girls???? if so, then its okay...

the guy was a minor back then as well.... in a house filled with girls, it was bound to happen...

kids explore their sexuality all the time... or they used to anyways... you know.. before technology locked every single kid in their own rooms as they chat, tweet, and play games from phones, pcs, etc...

Wowaccounttom #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ on adults dating 12 yesr old children ]
If I could, I would date someone under aged but she would have to be one extremely cute loli or some hot teenage girl, again, what a person is exposed to determines acceptance of things, some of us, are just more ahead than others. Think many years ago how gays, blacks, and interracial dating were accepted compared to now, quite sure back then people thought it was never going to get to the disgusting level that is at now.

[ A 22-year-old Colombian model sentenced to death in China for drug smuggling ]

sounds a bit extreme, but the concept of severely punishing drug mules or w.e sounds about right...

if the woman was framed.. well.. too bad..

if she is guilty... well.... ha hah hahahahaha

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About as many as the lives without her smuggling the drug. Drug use will exist whether or not there are bans on it. Drug bans are silly.

so.... is that like a "drug user and proud" statement?

Opinion on weed? ]

habits are bad.. dislike illegal drug use -- while some places have decided to make money off of the "smartness" of people, even if it becomes legal everywhere, to me, it will always be an "illegal" drug.

dislike any and all pot smoking hippies

like... be productive... pick up a book, go volunteer time, watch some Anime or Hentai...ffs

Itisamuh #fundie mmo-champion.com

[on the age of consent]

If anything it's too high most places, given that a good chunk of teenagers have sex well before they've reached the age of consent. Most adults are stupid too so the stupidity of teenagers shouldn't be used as the barometer. As far as I'm concerned, if you're old enough to experience physical arousal, you're old enough to have sex. It'd be safer to give younger people protection and other advise, rather than the risks they'll take while sneaking around.

ForLoveOfMe #sexist mmo-champion.com

Ofc. If you are ugly you are creep regardless what you do. You cross eyesight, omfg you are a creep staring at them. Need consent to say hi!

If you are good looking you can "rape" them anytime! That's modern feminism logic 101. Heck they might even found out they are into rape and S&M, I mean 50 Shades of Gray was popular for a reason...

Underverse #fundie mmo-champion.com


I think my girlfriend was abused as a child.

So last night I was talking to my girlfriend and she was talking about her ex boyfriends. She had mentioned that she only had two before me, one was five years older and one was three. She then mentioned her she had her first boyfriend at thirteen and I made a joke saying I hope it wasn't the guy who was five years older than you then. Which she replied yes..... So she was 13 and he was 18. I lost it.
To me that is fucked up. No right minded 18 year old should be in a relationship with a 13 year old. To put in perspective, that is a college student with 7th/8th grader.


Now the hard part. My girlfriend is now defending this guy. She says he is normal, a nice guy, they were more "friends", there is no way he would have been with another girl like that and that they still keep contact with each other. To me that sounds like the typical manipulative behavior of someone who is a sex offender. To me if feels like she is in denial over the whole thing, while displaying other traits that abuse survivors show such as having zero trust in relationships (she is unbelievably jealous of other girls and constantly thinks I am cheating on her), her self-confidence is non-existent (she is stunningly beautiful but thinks she is ugly and fat at a size 4), she has really bad anxiety and cannot face any sort of confrontation without going silent or trying to redirect the conversation.


well, the first thing which comes to my mind is: I had a girlfriend who was 14 when I was 18. I also had no sex with her..but kissing and stuff was on, like the things she / you described. I was just late in my development, nothing of pedophilia there. Later on, with 15, my gf was pregnant...luckily the father wasnt me (since we hadnt had sex anyway) so that was that...^^

@"The flowering Sunset"

People like you, actually do the most harm in cases like this, by badgering and bullying someone into believing they were abused.

Every study has shown that the damage is caused not by the contact, but by the ensuing chorus of people demanding that the child believe they were abused and to act like they were abused for the amusement of the child's supposed rescuers.

In closing, if you are cared about her, you would end the relationship as you don't have the ability to understand the situation and are too brainwashed by society to accept the fact that 13 year old girls find older men attractive.

We create the problem. here is no reason or evidence to suggest that sexual contact - something inherently beneficial that we've evolved with for millions of years - is inherently bad because it occurs between two people of significantly different ages. Hell, bonobo mothers rub clits with their toddlers - you don't see them being scarred for life, utterly mentally destroyed. It's the echo chamber that forces victimization onto these people that really does the damage, making them into pariahs and removing their agency.

underverse #fundie mmo-champion.com

f an underage girl pursued an older male and she initiated sex with him and they both consented, enjoyed it, and she was not traumatized by the experience, then is it still wrong, is anyone really hurt, or is there even a victim at all? The same for an underage male pursuing an older female?

On topic, no there's no damage caused. There's no victim. We just have religious/puritan roots and tolerate sexual interactions to only the most necessary degree.

Can't consent according to the law of most civilized countries.

The difference is that 2 16 year olds have a pretty similar power balance, whereas a 16 and a 21 year old have a completely different one.

Power imbalance is inherent to the vast majority of relationships and is actually a good thing in most cases. It increases the risk of abuse, but it also increases the reward for the weaker party as they are able to obtain extensive resources and knowledge through their power imbalance relationship.

When you consider things like attraction, though, power imbalances generally disappear.

the law dictates that kids are complete absolute 100% dumb fucks.

Kids are deemed so stupidly retarded they cant even answer a simple question 'yes or no' regarding sex

Oh but they can. They can consent to sexual activities with other people their age who are, apparently, just as clueless as they are. An then people wonder why teenage pregnancy and STDs are so prevalent.

If anything, age differences in relationships are safety nets.

Besides if any adult decides to mess with my Daughters, regardless of who initiated the contact, they better invest in some soap on a rope. I'll make damn sure that fucker ends up behind bars.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but the parallels with fathers who would say the same thing about a black man 'messing with their daughters' not too long ago are pretty overt.

ut the man opens himself up to a world of hurt should the girl regret her decision, and the law is in place to just give a clear-cut line where it's not any use in saying "but he/she wanted it too!" for the adult. It's to stop adults from taking advantage of young people.

I never understood this argument. When I was younger, I was in a relationship with someone 7 years older than me, for 2 years. I had basically all of the power in that relationship, for a few reasons: one, I could leave whenever I wanted to, and as the object of desire my basis for remaining in the relationship did not involve attraction, but rather behaviors and stability. Two, our culture hates it when older people are in relationships with younger people for some shitty reason, so if anything went wrong I would have the full support of everyone around me. In short, I couldn't be in the wrong, and that gave me a significant amount of power.

If anything, it's the younger person that's taking advantage of the older one. The older one gets some eye candy and maybe fulfills their desire to provide and protect, while resources and knowledge are transferred to the younger one.

The damage people experience as a result of such relationships is largely an outcome of societal condemnation. If you remove a minor's agency and condemn their behaviors - even if they are not responsible for it - you will damage how they view themselves and relationships. That's right - WE are responsible more than the 'perpetrator' of the act for the damage caused by these relationships (in most cases, not all). The only reason I have a solid mental state and positive image of myself and relationships after coming out of that relationship is that I don't give a single fuck about what other people think. I used to, but not anymore after I realized how destructive other people can be just with their opinions, and especially to an underdeveloped mind as my own was when I had to think about these kinds of things at 15.

I want to reduce damage. I also want people to be able to acquire resources and stability if they so choose. Living in a society that condemns relationships with large age differentials and illegalizes them in some cases does neither.

I was in a sexual mentoring relationship with someone significantly older then me. It worked well for me, gave me an edge over my peers, and is party responsible for my success. I'm still good friends with the guy, and though I am not interested in a sexual relationship with him any more he still provides me with guidance. I would not have been able to obtain all of the knowledge and resources I did without the relationship being sexual; it wouldn't have been worth it for him, and I didn't mind/enjoyed it after a few times.

Instant happy, just add pedophilia!

Award for discovering new horizons of creepy-crazy

underverse #fundie mmo-champion.com

That being said, pedophilia is still something that should be legalized. Bonobo mothers use it to calm their children when they're getting out of hand (unlike we humans, who use violence). Human morphology suggests a greater extent of this behavior due to our lowered sexual dimorphism and neotenous traits. If it's approached from a parenting practice and contrasted against the violent tactics we use now, I think it could gain acceptance, and rightly so. People have failed to divorce destructive pedophilia from benevolent pedophilia for too long. It's like conflating sex and rape. The logic is there, people just need to take a moment to consider it.

I am arguing that sexual interactions between adults and children should be acceptable under the premise that they are not inherently harmful interactions and indeed are likely to be less destructive than, for example, using violence to control children when they get out of hand.

Let me ask you. What is your end goal?

The goal is to shift people away from the chimpanzee-like violence-as-a-means-to-everything mindset that we've cultured over the last 15,000 years+, and towards the bonobo-like let's-just-love mindset. A lot of our problems, as a society, come from weak social support networks. Increasing pair bonding via sex will strengthen those networks, and in turn we will see a decline in violence and violent crime, bigotry, hatred, and a vast landscape of actually destructive behaviors.

underverse, broods #sexist mmo-champion.com

Drug for pedophiles to be tested in Swedish trial

Underverse: "This is a testosterone lowering drug. You're not just reducing pedophilic behavior. You're reducing sex drive across the board. This is parallel to chemical castration. Immoral, borderline depraved.

If someone actively agrees to it, it's hardly immoral.

Consent does not determine morality, especially considering that individuals often lack complete information or can be indoctrinated to perceive information in a certain way. For example; if someone consents to be sacrificed to the gods the that they will bring the rain, that individual's slaying is still immoral.

Why is chemical castration immoral?The pedophile deserves no sympathy. When you sympathize, you get people who want to protect and even enable pedophiles.

Do you not see how disgustingly immoral this is? What you're advocating for is something worse than a witch hunt. There is zero evidence to suggest that sexual interactions between older and younger individuals are inherently harmful. In fact, there are logical arguments to suggest the opposite. So without evidence that this activity is inherently destructive, you want to go around killing people simply because you disagree with them. That is the worst kind of vigilante justice; it's barbaric and unfounded.

You are the racist of the new generation. "

Broods:"This is a god damn OUTRAGE.

It's almost impossible to get testosterone replacement therapy in Sweden and there is very little research done in regards to the effects of testosterone yet the hormone is integral to the well being of men and low Testosterone levels and hypergonadism has shown to adversely effect the quality of life and mental well being in men. I surely hope if this catches on it will be on a strictly voluntary basis and never offered as a part of a plea deal to get a lesser sentence.
Maybe they should offer this to homosexuals too? If you say homosexuals are born that way then you are obligated to extend the same courtesy to pedophiles.

This reeks of chemical neutering. The very notion is repulsive to me. What's the next step? Chemically neutering homosexuals or any man that is perceived to be too aggressive?

Statistics show that between one in 20, and one in 35 men are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. Due to the high rate of the figure, researchers believed it could be as a result of orientation in the same way as homosexuality or heterosexuality
The very notion is repulsive to me and it sets a scary precedent. Testosterone is what makes men in to men.

Then again if these pedos volunteer for it i'm not going to try and stop them i'm just scared it will become a thing when they see how effective it is. As soon as a man "acts out" or is too aggressive or have a too high libido they will try to get him on a hormone treatment to make him in to a prepubescent boy.

Is it effective? Sure, ask any bodybuilder who has ever been on a supra physiological dose of testosterone what happens when he goes of the drug. No libido, no sex drive. This is something bodybuilders try to avoid which is why they take other drugs to combat the shut down and help their natural test production. Living with low testosterone levels is a nightmare and have very adverse physical and psychological effects.

Not that there is any research being done on male hormones these days because testosterone = bad. Makes men aggressive and sexual.

I'm sure the feminists of this world would be overjoyed if they could control men in this way. Just read some of the articles where they say how "testosterone makes men aggressive, lowers empathy (lol what?) and heightens libido. Like it's some kind of disease they need to cure.

Sure why not, they do their time in prison then go out and rape some more. If catration could make it so they dont feel the need to go rape someone, what harm would it do? other then to the filthy rapists ofc. The world would be a better place with less rapists out there no?

so pretty much anyone convicted of rape then? A 17 year old who has drunken sex with his girlfriend who later claims he raped her. Lets say that he technically did rape her as there wasn't any consent but the circumstances were so that the man could feasibly have inferred consent. Should he get castrated too?
What about if a husband forces himself on his wife? Immediate castration?

I'm starting to think many of you guys would have been very happy to live in a benevolent totalitarian police state. Scary thought

. "

broods #sexist mmo-champion.com

A Swedish court ruled that a woman's assault claim against her husband was not credible because, among other things, he "seemed to come from a good family, unlike hers".

In February Solna District Court judged that the Stockholm-based man should be acquitted of an alleged assault against his girlfriend from 2015 because his guilt could not be proven. The woman claimed that he assaulted her by for example pushing her into a chair, striking her and pulling her hair, which the man denied.

P*ssu Pass: DENIED. LOL

They are angry because the court ruled against a woman.

Wowaccounttom #fundie mmo-champion.com

If they said no, no is no. That is all there is to that. It doesn't matter if it's enjoyed because it's completely biological.

Saying no is most likely rather pointless if the girl is moaning or showing physical signs of enjoyment. The campus offers escorts at night for anyone and during the day it is just a matter of either being with other people or making sure you are in a rather public place (even if it means taking an extra 5-10-15 minutes to get to class)...

Some women are to be partially blamed for this. They know the area, they know what happens, and yet they choose to dress up in provocative outfits..

I also wonder what the % of hispanic people that got raped are... based on a paper I read a while ago, hispanic women tend to keep such matters private even if it occurs to them several times.

Wowaccounttom #fundie mmo-champion.com

of course victims are to blame to.

for the person with the intent to rape, there has to be a rapee.

this said rapee either:

knowns the rapist and has aroused him/her by acting/talking flirtatious or wearing provocative outfits
doesn't know the rapist and put himself/herself in a stupid situation (i.e: drunk at a party, accepted a beverage from a stranger, walked alone in a dangerous place)
and a few others but i got bored of typing

Hyve #fundie mmo-champion.com

While I do feel it's wrong to have arranged marriages, especially with a 14 year old girl, it is part of their culture, been around for thousands of years and who are we to judge one culture, to make comparisons?

Naturally, almost all species (Including our own) have a system where as soon as the females are able to breed, they're turned into a broodmare. I don't agree with it, and I wouldn't pretend it's acceptable because we used to do it, but it is their culture, it's their way of life and it isn't our place to condemn their practices, although we can disagree with it.

Puupi #fundie mmo-champion.com

Being forced to take the trash out or being forced to do your homework are a little different to being forced to marry (potentially for life) a man you do not wish to marry, to have sex with him as and when he desires (as is the case in their culture), bear his children without a say in the matter, and risk your life in doing so.

You have to see there is a bit of a difference in those things. Even the most serious things you are forced to do in the west (like... you are forced (pretty much) to go to a particular school by your parents) are really nothing compared to that. Also, in the west you have a lot more legal protection for the extreme things you don't want to do. You have places you can call (child abuse places like Childline) if the things you are being forced to do are too extreme.

I was forced to go to the military (like every man in my country), I was forced to serve my country with my life (literally).

I don't think those are small things. I would do them without being forced, too. But that doesn't change they are being forced upon me.

I really have hard time understanding the demonizing of sex. Everyone WANTS to have sex in their life, it's the best thing in the world.

Now when sex is forced it becomes the WORST AND MOST ATROCIOUS THING IN THE WORLD.

How the fuck does that kind of switch happen.

Not all sexual experiences for all involved parties are pleasurable.

Would you look forward to sex if you were unlikely to orgasm because your partner wasn't interested in your pleasure, or even your comfort? If it was a painful experience for you because you aren't aroused by your partner, would you look forward to doing that again?

Obviously I would not enjoy it and wouldn't look forward to doing that again. But people do other discomforting things, too, because it's part of life and needs to be done. Like work.

Puupi #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ on a 14 year old child being forced to marry an 35 year old adult]

To put things in perspective - arranged marriages are worldwide the standard compared to the "free marriage" we nowadays have in western countries.
At least the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, whole Africa have arranged marriages. That's more than half of the world population already.

Even in Finland you don't need to look far back in time when arranged marriages were the standard. That was the thing not longer than about 100 years ago. Marriages were arranged, we still have a remnant of that tradition where the bride's father pays for the costs of weddings.

And when we look at the age of the brides - in Finland (evangelic lutheran church) kids get Confirmation (I hope you know the meaning) at the age of 14 to 15. When you are "Confirmed" you are legally ready for being wedded. 100 years ago it was a standard that marriages were arranged and men married 14-16 year old girls.

That's completely normal.

PS. I vouch for arranged marriages, those marriages statistically work a lot better than these modern "free marriages". A lot less divorcing and happier couples. Your family has a lot better judgment in choosing a partner for you than what you have in 3 promille drunk state at some random bar at 4am in Saturday night. That's where most of relationships start, and it's not a good start for a relationship.

Shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Perhaps a 14 year old girl who for whatever silly reasons feels as if she was raped, and is facing a lifetime of more rape, and is probably going to be expected to bear the children of whom she feels is her rapist, which could very possibly kill her? Do you not acknowledge any remote possibility that this girl felt she had been raped? Growing up in a culture that condones rape doesn't make the rape victim feel any less raped, it just allows the rapist to escape culpability.

Refusing to put out for your Husband is not rape in their country so you cannot call it rape. Marital rape has only been a crime in the West for what only 30-40 years? Again with the double standards and the righteousness...

Violent #fundie mmo-champion.com

This Nigerian girl of 14, after being forced to marry a 35 year old man, cooks a celebratory dinner for him and some buddies. Laces the whole thing with rat poison, and kills a few of his buddies while others present are just taken to the hospital and released.

If you don't like arranged marriages, stop them all. Write to your leaders to go over and put an end & nullify all arranged marriages.

No? But you want to spew on about "freedom of choice".. Yet you don't seem to realize, this isn't the act of 1 crazy man and a bunch of his friends out on the town looking for some 14 yearold girl to rape.
This is a CULTURE who has been practicing arranged marriages, longer than the USA has been a country.

Who are ANY of you to say that it isn't "the right way" to do things? Let me guess, because you believe you're doing it the "right way"? Guess what! People from that culture don't believe YOU are doing it right.. What now?

I bet you think we should just leave people alone now, huh? Yeah.. me too.

Junpei #fundie mmo-champion.com

Gratian, the man who founded Canon law placed the age of consent at 7, marriage at 12. His view on law affected the entirety of Europe and later America. The UK had an age of consent as 10 until 1875. It was considered absolutely normal and socio-economic reasons are part of it, which you attempt to contradict. Another part of it was the Church, Papal law didn't have an age of consent, only an age at which sanctity of marriage could be announced, and that was age 12. This was due to the belief that Mary was 12 or 13 when she gave birth to Jesus.

The mother of Henry the 7th was 9 at her first marriage, 12 when she gave birth to Henry (as part of her 2nd marriage).

Your point about the danger and lack of medical science is the opposite of what was going on. It was necessitated that girls had children as young as possible due to life expectancy and infant mortality rates, the younger you started the more likely you were to succeed in the long term. The majority of upper class children were born to mothers between 13 and 18, this being due to political pressures of producing heirs.

The idea that young mothers is a bad thing is a fairly recent moral construct maybe within the last 100-150 years, which is hilarious considering that precocious puberty is on the rise, we are trying to have children later and our bodies are adapting to have them earlier.

History completely disagrees with you, as far it is concerned young mothers were a good thing until we decided as a society that it wasn't.

sliske , blackblade,puck #fundie mmo-champion.com

Judge grants convicted pedophile ex-husband sole custody of his daughter

Feel free to question why this Judge is still in the job

Ms Coomer pointed out that because Elizondo is a registered sex offender, he will be unable to carry out many parental duties
'He can`t take her to Chuck E. Cheese. He can`t take her to a park,' she said. 'He can`t go to her school. He`s not allowed in school.'

The thought of this child being stuck in the house with him is truly frightening. But it does beg the question how bad is the mother?? the article sort of eludes to the reason why the judge awarded the father sole custody but their HAS TO BE more to the story.to the reason why the judge awarded the father sole custody but their HAS TO BE more to the story.


Well if you look at it logically then any gay brother you have or even any straight sister mum or dad could be frightening too. I'm a straight guy who likes older women, i don't think my mum feels in danger of me suddenly raping her or even hinting that i fancy her for multiple reasons

1. I don't
2. Pedophile / Bisexual / Homosexual / Whateversexual doesn't equal automatic incest condoning.

Not to be a pedophile sympathizer but at the end of the day they're just people who are attracted to a certain thing purely because of the way their body developed. They shouldn't be treated as incestious just for that reason alone.

Edit: of course if you do the actual act of having sex with a minor its still a pretty horrible thing, but being a pedophile in itself shouldn't automatically make you a lesser human being in regards to your children.

There's a pretty big difference there. He was convicted of molesting a 6 year old, he specifically targeted a helpless victim. If your gay brother was raping men, you bet your ass you'd be afraid of him.

I wouldn't. I don't assume rapist = incest condoning
What i'm saying is just because he molested someone, doesn't mean his standards are completely gone. For example i rape Cheryl Cole, that doesn't mean i'm going to go and rape an old man too.

And I think it's a far cry more likely that a person who molests a child is likely to do so again even if the child is related to them.

I wasn't wieghing it i was just using it as an example in itself. But thats not the point. The guy on the previous page said it better than i could. I'm terrible at explaining my point. In a nut shell i don't believe that being a child molester makes you have no bounderies. I believe even a rapist has standards or even a child molester has standards. I don't believe he would do that to his family

Even criminals have rights, people.

Yeah, he's done some terrible shit. That doesn't give you the right to shit on him, nor deny him his family. If he was dangerous, he'd still be in jail.

This is simply a trick by the media to generate hits. Unless he's had a history of molesting his own children, it's a non-issue.

I don't see the problem. Pedophile does not mean he would be prone to a relationship with his own daughter

Shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

NO. Absolutely NOT. There's something creepy and disturbing about this. I have no issues with single woman adopting children but something about a single man at home with a child alone just screams molestation to me. What if pedos use this to groom kids?

I think it's really weird when you adopt a child as a single. You wanna give that child a mother and a father, not just a father or mother.

And who wants to volunteer for single parenthood, lol?

What about two dads? Or two mums? Are you a bigot?

Skelington #fundie mmo-champion.com

Children being hurt from pedophilia is a social construct. The act itself is inherently harmless. The victimization idea to not let anyone or anything touch you and that those that do are horrible people is something forced into children from a very young age. Couple that with a child molester being aware that what they are doing is illegal and that they are committing one of the most moral atrocities imaginable, and you have a kid more than likely being forced into the acts and threatened into secrecy. Those are what cause the damage.

And forcing counseling on pedophiles or any fetish bearer is little different from forcing counseling on a homosexual to not have sex with their own sex.

Mrbleedinggums #fundie mmo-champion.com

Oh look, another thread where people can claim moral superiority while boasting their ignorance of various words and their proper definitions, as well as the history of humankind, all the while trying to coerce their views onto others. If this was asked 100-150 years ago, people would be fine with it. With the way we've been conditioned now, everything is considered wrong or taboo regardless of what it is.

(and before anyone wants to spout "its X years ago it doesnt count anymore" you might want to look at many of the viewpoints and legislatures that say otherwise. People and their stance on homosexuality for example use their "moral standard" on something over 2000 years old.)

Regardless of who thinks what, its something that should be kept between the two of them and anyone DIRECTLY involved. They are obviously stating that they are willing to wait until its legal to get together without any repercussions so why do people still have a problem? Because you've been conditioned by the current society to shun something that was accepted by your great/great-great grandparents? Crab in a barrel, that's all humans are; "If I'm not happy i sure as hell don't want anyone else to be!"


Pedophilia - 5-9
Hebephilia - 10-14
Ephebophilia - 15-19

Since she's reached puberty, it's no longer pedophilia. If you want to make a stance against it, that's cool, but please enlighten yourselves and try to act a bit more intelligent in your choice of words to correctly use.

Wowaccounttom #fundie mmo-champion.com

It comes down to culture and such. Due to certain things, that shall remain unnamed, Asian culture is exposed to relationships with young people, both the adult and young are becoming more used to this and thus see nothing wrong with it.

I don't think she is cute, good looking or anything.. not hideous either, but certainly she doesn't tickle my fancy.

If I could, I would date someone under aged but she would have to be one extremely cute loli or some hot teenage girl, again, what a person is exposed to determines acceptance of things, some of us, are just more ahead than others. Think many years ago how gays, blacks, and interracial dating were accepted compared to now, quite sure back then people thought it was never going to get to the disgusting level that is at now.

Tyrindor #fundie mmo-champion.com

I don't agree with it, but I also don't agree that 12 year old is a child. Today's society has just made them children. They are perfectly capable of making adult choices, and know the difference between right and wrong. Today's society babys "kids" like no other.

Hundreds of years ago, many married, had jobs, and had kids at 12 years old. In some third world countries this still is normal. I get fed up when some 20 year old goes to jail because he had mutual sex with some 15 year old. They both are to blame, and if it was mutual they should either be left alone or both given equal blame.

24 and 12 is a bit much though, but I still don't think 12 is a child. As history has proven, a 12 year old is perfectly capable of having a family but it shouldn't be with a 24 year old. If it was 16 and 12? I'd say leave them alone and make sure their having safe sex.

Skellington #fundie mmo-champion.com

The problem is, because he's been around her since she was so young, who knows if the love is mutual? The guy met her when she was 8 (he would have been 20)...does that seem healthy?

People like to talk about "well, 12 year-olds were married and having children in the past" but they seem to forget that you'd more than likely be dead by 30.

Let children be children... Don't rope them into this sort of thing until they're ready.
So they knew each other for a while before they declared their love?

Doesn't sound like a problem. If she is consenting then it seems like she believes she's ready.

You dont think a 20+ can manipulate a 8-12 year old especially after a long time to make her think she "love" him. Im pretty sure a 12 year old dont know what real love is. Go away lolli lover.

You don't think a 12 year old is capable of any form of a basic thought process? Go away with your closed mindedness.

Do you believe that a 12 year old should be able to vote, carry a fire arm, and be tried as an adult for their crimes?

Children are extremely easy to influence.
No, but to think that 12 year olds can't think for themselves because they're 12 and not 18 is pretty silly.

She may be young, but setting standards based on age becomes incredibly superficial, especially now that she's already reached puberty. Humans may have died young in the past, but the fact remains that people were indeed ready for(or at least in) relationships at this age. Everyone matures differently. The problem now is that being 12 is a social stigma.

As of now the two claim that it's a mutual love. She may very well have a change of heart as she grows older, but who knows? It's only an assumption that he is an manipulative pedophilian rapist grounded in people that believe this sort of age difference is a taboo beyond murder. Like that guy a page or two ago saying that finding him a monster and that this relationship is an atrocity are "basic moral values" or whatever

Ripslyme #fundie mmo-champion.com

[Adult datea a 12 year old]

Welcome to the WORLD little US Boi. Whats not ok for you can be ok for somebody else. Hes waiting and she probably hit Puberty already so it doesnt even make him a Pedophile like what you People call it. Nobody realy says anything when a 70year old marrys a 18year old but when its under 14 they all go "Oh my god this is so disgusting" bla bla .. If you can bear children you are ready thats the way Nature works

Onesent #fundie mmo-champion.com

Meh, by the age of 12, I was already jacking-off at least once a day. And I'm sure most girls have had their first period by then. At that point, I think it's safe to say that age is just a number.

A 12 year old dating someone twice her age isn't as big a deal as some might make it out to be. He's not even really old enough to be her dad, although I'm sure it's possible. Way back in the early days, you were married by 13 and had kids by 16. People didn't live very long back then, so you didn't have time to waste.

This situation might not be "socially acceptable", but who gives a shit about that? If she were 18 and he were 36, this wouldn't even be news.

Itisamuh #fundie mmo-champion.com

Are you implying people don't change after 18? I hope that's a joke. People change physically and mentally throughout their entire lives. There's no magic number for when you're suddenly mature and ready for sex or relationships. Most 30 year olds, or even 25 year olds, would think the typical 18 year old is an idiot. Conversely, I know adults who are less mature than their kids. The only reason most of us are frowning on this is because it's burned into our heads that if anybody above 18 is with anybody below 18, it's creepy, but anything else is good to go. Legality is the only thing stopping a lot of men from 20 to 30 from dating teenagers. Girls like older men with a more rugged look, and a lot of guys like younger girls with a fresh, unused, slender rather than curvy look. If laws weren't a factor, the only thing people would deem creepy would be being interested in prepubescents. That's downright disturbing. I voted I don't know what to say, because 12 is right on the edge of that prepubescent line. Some look as good as any 16 year old, and could be mistaken for one if they fake themselves out in makeup and whatnot, but others look about 7.

Most males are actually "hebephiles". Males are programmed to be attracted (well, physically attracted either way) to females in mid puberty (the difference today is that people reach puberty earlier). The reason most don't act on it or even admit it is laws.

Fixed. I guarantee, if it was legal, there would be a lot more men dating young teenagers

Metzindown #sexist mmo-champion.com

For those who don't remember: The universe is made up of life feeding on life in order to survive. The universe also made a mechanism to determine when a female is able to breed, which is puberty, or the first period for those of you with lesser brains. As far back as humanity had existed we have bred at the age of puberty, which is natural. The social construct which all of you sheep are conditioned to believe as the magical "age of consent" Is a farcical notion that has been put in place to curb the amount of breeding humans do to prevent over population of the planet. It has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with resources. Open your eyes and stop being led by the nose. If one human of mature age (aka puberty) consents to a sexual interaction with another human being of mature age (puberty again) then who are you and to judge them? Inb4 some nutless wonder says "but teens can be manipulated!" An adult man or woman both can be manipulated into sex, it happens every day, especially at bars. so shut the fuck up and accept nature you lemming half wit humans.

Yes and back then men would just "mate" with any female they laid eyes on as well. They also use to crush eachothers skulls with clubs over mates, territory, food, and other shit.

And what exactly does this matter to my argument? People, especially men, still fight over mates. The only difference is that we have a society that it currently on a peak. Take away the electric, coal, gas powered economy and watch as your so called "civilized society" falls right back to instinct. Survival of the fittest. Your life and view point are born of conviniance but take a look at the animal kingdom, that is truly what life is about. Tell me that if your wife, husband, son or daughter was needing food, that you wouldn't kill another human to insure their survival. You are blind because you want to be. This universe is made of suffering, pain and surviving at any cost. Even the planets siphon life from their sun's, the plants the sun, the animals the plants, the animals the animals. Life HAS to consume life in order to live in this universe. So my point still stands, this world and this universe doesn't operate on your morality, it just that humans morality keeps society stable, that is until it over reaches due to emotional issues, such as "I don't want my daughter having sex!" But it's ok if your son has sex before the magical age of consent.

Templar 331 #sexist mmo-champion.com

If you pass out - say, you are sunbathing on the beach and fall asleep - and I see you are unconscious, and rape you - you accept that it was irresponsible of you to fall asleep?

Blacking out drunk isn't the same as sleeping on the beach, unless you are a REAL deep sleeper. In which case I don't think you should be sleeping on the beach. :/

Do your coworkers have the right to run a train on your unconscious body?

I work with several guys that would do that when I'm conscious. >.> To be fair it would be, I hope, an accident.

Or does it only apply to alcohol?

We have a WINNER!!!

You knowingly put a substance into your body that has a side effect of making you unresponsive for long periods of time while in a place surrounded by people you don't know who are also imbibing the same substance.

If so, have you ever been very drunk? Where you would have been unable to resist, slurred your speech in your refusal so that it was unclear, or have you ever passed out while drunk?

Nope. You know why? BECAUSE I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO BE RAPED!!!! (even though I'm a guy it can still happen)

I get drowsy after half an ale, so I know it wouldn't take much for me to be out for a while.

Or it seems you're saying drinking alcohol is tantamount to 'consenting' to rape.

What we, or at least I, are saying is that when you put yourself in a situation where you are vulnerable you share part of the responsibility of what happened. It's not your fault that you get raped. No one should be raped, but if it does happen and you helped facilitate it then you should grow up an learn that your habits need to change. Drink with friends, drink at home. Don't got to frat parities or bars and get shit faced by yourself.

itisamuh #fundie #homophobia mmo-champion.com

The only reason marriage gives financial benefits is because it's working under the assumption that they're preparing to raise a family. A gay couple can't have kids, and shouldn't be allowed to adopt, so that's out. Those financial benefits are also the only reason, aside from preparing a family, to get married in the first place. So if they were doing that, that's pretty much screwing over all single people. You'd have people, who aren't gay or in a relationship at all, just friends, getting married for those legal benefits. That's not right. It's taking something that's supposed to be meaningful and abusing it for personal gain. Oh, and because homosexuality is an unnatural taboo, and taboos shouldn't be supported or encouraged legally or socially. Standards in general seem to be losing their meaning in today's society.

1) that's not the only reason, if you think it is, i'd like to see some backup. you make the claim, the burden of proof lies on you.
2) why shouldn't gays be allowed to adopt again?
3) straight people DO do that all the time, hell i knew people that would get married just so they could move off-base when they were in the military.
4) how is homosexuality unnatural again?
5) how is it a universal taboo? you're aware that taboos are a culturally distinctive thing, right? every culture has a different s

These threads always seem to get me in trouble, or at least annoyed, so this will probably be my last post. If you respond, I won't see it.

1. Don't spout off the burden of proof crap. I can turn that around and say prove that it's not the only reason. I can tell just by your lingo that you're probably an atheist.

2. They shouldn't be allowed to adopt because it's raising a kid in an improper environment by default. They'll be getting exposed to a lack of standards from the start. Sure, they may be nice people and mean well, but the child won't be receiving the full perspective. Granted, that often happens anyway, but that can't always be controlled. Adoption can be controlled, however. Since you like using scientific lingo, maybe you should check out the snowball effect. That's exactly what will happen if this kind of stuff gets encouraged and accepted more and more.

3. Yes, they do. It's unfortunate, but again, it's not always avoidable. That doesn't mean that we should promote something that's an exploitation literally every single time. Because, until you prove to me what other legitimate reasons there can be for a gay couple getting married, I'm standing by that statement.

4. Look around you. Whether you're religious or not, just look. Basically the entire world shows it. Males and females mate to continue their respective species. They pal around with their own gender, if they pal around at all, but when it comes to mating, they find the other. Sure, there are the occasional defects, but whether it's God's plan or nature's design, males and females were meant to mate. If everyone turned gay, there's the end of our species. That alone should be enough to prove it's wrong. Obviously not everyone will turn gay, but that doesn't mean it should be encouraged as okay. Sometimes standards should be upheld, even if some people don't like them. Not everything should be okay, and the line of what is and isn't shouldn't be so blurred. This has nothing to do with religion, just general principle and common sense. If people are gay regardless of it being unnatural, that's their call. People can be attracted to kids or their own siblings if they want to as well. That doesn't mean it should be supported.

5. In my society, up until this ridiculous social liberal movement, it was a taboo. It still is, in a lot of people's minds, including mine. I really don't care if other cultures agree, the one I live in is the only one that's relevant to me. Besides, as stated above, I'm basing my views off of obvious nature and common sense, not what society tells me is okay.

This is what baffles me about the liberal mentality. Not necessarily you, cause obviously I don't know you, in fact I don't even know that you're liberal, but their general attitude as a whole. They preach that nobody should be judged negatively for their beliefs, or preferences, or values, or anything else. No matter what. And on paper that's a good ideal, but then they turn around and negatively judge anyone who believes in upholding traditional standards. I'm sorry, if you're offended by my beliefs, agree to disagree I guess, but I will never change my mind on this. The fact that, if everyone was gay, the species would die out in a generation, is enough for me to decide that it's wrong. The fact that basically every species on the planet with male and female counterparts thrives on male and female mating is enough for me to decide that that's the way it's supposed to be, whether designed by nature or by God, whatever. It's got nothing to do with religion, at all. Drugs don't hurt anyone except the person using them, and that's their choice, but it's still illegal because common sense says it's wrong. Same thing here. But no, we're too worried about offending someone to have a right and wrong, beyond discouraging murder.

Itisamuh #sexist mmo-champion.com

I often see grown men eyeing up girls school girls. Is this wrong?
So I moved to a new area a while ago and basically it's located nearby a secondary school (high school) so I bump into a lot of children in school uniforms on the morning commute where I can't help but notice adult men checking girls out. There is something wrong with this imo, like the girls where I live wear knee-length skirt and usually don't wear any tights with it so men tend to get an eyeful on the bus/train and 8 times out of 10 you can expect an adult male trying to eye the bottom of a teenage school girl.I think it's disgusting.

So you think people are not supposed to look at attractive members of the opposite sex when they are at their most prime age? Good luck avoiding that. And it is not just adult men and teenage girls. Middle aged women will scream and whistle and throw their panties at good looking teenage male stars.

Sex to me is a lot more than just biology. Just because someone is capable of breeding doesn't mean they're mentally prepared for it. Some may "grow" up faster than others but under 18 is still a child in my eyes. Hell, even 18-19 is still a child in my eyes. Personally I'd make the aoc 21 but the law disagrees. Either way I think its wrong and predatory for older people to go after people at such a young age.

I have the opposite view, that the age of consent should be much lower because people much younger than that are going to be having sex. Why make it illegal for no good reason when they are going to do it anyway? When you try to judge whether someone was mentally ready for it, whether they were seduced or used and so on, you are throwing way too many subjective factors in for it to be decided by an arbitrary cutoff.

Nerevar #fundie mmo-champion.com

Meh, I say do not meddle in other peoples culture/religion. What is right and what is wrong - are purely subjective things.

Generally, I agree. But a 15 year old girl being raped and abused, and then being whipped for it is not right in any form of society. Just try to imagine the horrific situation she is in.

That's the thing. Someone decided the morality norm of a society that everyone is supposed to follow. But why is everyone supposed to follow it? Sure, I understand that that girl pretty much experienced "hell", but in these kind of stories I really dislike those who try to force their beliefs and views on things towards other cultures, religions, people etc. Thinking that they are much better than the next person. But why? What makes them better? Only their subjective standing point. And since we ourselves decide what is good and what is bad - it's really impossible to say who is right and who is wrong. So I really see no point in judging, and especially trying to change people in such situations

Shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Why are SJWs like yourself the only people defending pedophilia?

You do know that trying to elicit sex from a minor, of any kind, is a crime right? Nothing you say or do will change that fact. But please keep talking. We love to know who our resident pedophile defenders are.

Who said I was an SJW? If I was an SJW I'd be wishing certain death on him like Floopa, without even knowing the facts!

I'm not on Kevin's side. I'm on the side of the victim which is Rapp but that doesn't mean I condemn Kevin to death or wish him harm. As I mentioned on the previous pages of this thread: Kevin is a tortured soul whose father abused him so I can find it in my heart to forgive him for allegedly touching a 14 year old (a grown kid basically who knows right from wrong and had a job) inappropriately 30 years ago.

Humans are flawed. There's no one who is perfect.

Shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ on kevin space sexual assault allegations ]

I want it to be investigated and him and any possible witnesses questioned by Police. The fact the Spacey thinks it could have happened is, to me, alarming.

We don't need to waste tax dollar money on futile and pointless investigations which won't lead to any meaningful resolution. It's best to forgive and forget.

Well, go to jail as any other pedophile?? That could be a start right?? Is there a difference in your small mind between sex with a 13-year girl like Polanski did and him and 14-year boy?? Or gays now got a one time free pass from jail time?

Jail? For merely lifting and drunkenly touching a 14 year old boy? For something that happened 30 years ago? For something that may or may not have had happened?

he provide proof he's innocent, or turn himself in. "i forgot what i was doing, i was under the effects of alcohol" is not an excuse.

Turn himself in for what? For drunkenly 'wrestling' around with someone he thought was a friend of a friend.

that sounds like "Rape Apology" for me . Oh, what you didn't think that SJW BS works both ways??

But nobody was raped? Are you dense? Did you even read the article or the OP? He left the room. Which gives further credence to the idea that Spacey, then a 26 year old lad, was intoxicated.

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry doesn't cut it when you tried to rape some kids.

There is no proof that he tried to rape anybody.

But lets say for a second kevin admits that he made the advances and that Rapp rebuked him. So what? What actual crime was comitted.

I think you people have been watching too many episodes of the new season of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. LMAO

shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Child Bride Kills Husband and his 3 buddies

By supporting her action you're consequentially telling me that mass murder is okay if you have been wronged by a single person. Which is inherently not only abhorrent but logically speaking doesn't make much sense to me. 1 life is more important than a potential 14 lives? That's what it boils down to the numbers, what's more is that she didn't have to kill them. She could've killed herself. I'm not saying she should've committed suicide but if things were as bad as she alleges she could've ended right then and there. But no, her actions were laced with revenge and possibly psychopathic tendencies.

Also calling her husband a rapist and a pedophile is flagrantly ignorant.

I did not call him a pedophile, and while he might not have felt like a rapist because of the culture he was raised in, the fact is that the girl was his sex slave. She did not consent to the marriage, therefore she did not consent to consummate the marriage. She was facing a lifetime of rape, and possibly death, because a child bearing a child is potentially deadly, especially in those parts of the world.


She is not his sex slave, she is his wife. They're not bound by your hypocritical Western morality as they're in an Islamic state where it's perfectly justified to wed a 14 year old. Are you aware that child marriage was a common practice found everywhere in the world as late as the 20th century even in the West?

So you disagree with the U.N. labor organization which classifies early and forced marriage as modern-day slavery. Again, I ask, what makes you more qualified to decide what does and does not constitute slavery?

Buying a slave, and then buying a ring for their finger doesn't emancipate them. The practice of selling daughters as child brides is essentially socially sanctioned child trafficking.

irst of all it's not an early marriage; she is 14 and as someone correctly stated above 14 is legal in some states in the US. And as I mentioned in my previous post it's widely practiced across the world and has been practiced in the West as well.

Secondly, the UN is heavily Westernised, that is, it perpetuates ideals held by secular nations where liberalism is the agenda. It doesn't recognised Sharia Law or indeed Islamic states like Nigeria. Bringing the U.N laws in to the discussion is hardly relevant, so spare me the theatrics.

Thirdly, you keep mentioning the words slave and slavery yet nowhere in the original article have I read that this 14 year old girl has been sold or indeed bought. Weird because you'd think if this was indeed the case the newspaper would've commented on it.

Finally, what innocent child would device a plan to mass murder 14 people? Perhaps she was married off because she was mature for her age or she was troublesome and her parents thought that marriage might ground her?

Perhaps a 14 year old girl who for whatever silly reasons feels as if she was raped, and is facing a lifetime of more rape, and is probably going to be expected to bear the children of whom she feels is her rapist, which could very possibly kill her? Do you not acknowledge any remote possibility that this girl felt she had been raped? Growing up in a culture that condones rape doesn't make the rape victim feel any less raped, it just allows the rapist to escape culpability.

Refusing to put out for your Husband is not rape in their country so you cannot call it rape. Marital rape has only been a crime in the West for what only 30-40 years? Again with the double standards and the righteousness.

Endersblade #fundie mmo-champion.com

Japan Osaka mayor says the WW2 "confort women" were necessary
Couldn't fit a title that would make sense. Basically he said that the system through which women were raped and turned into prostitutes against their will by japanese soldiers was necessary. And this was just the fault of the war.


It's fucking WAR.

Anyone who has never set foot in a goddamn warzone needs to stop fucking commenting. We don't need armchair commanders who have no inkling of what it's like to be out there. War changes people, creates situations that normally one should never have to go through. SHIT FUCKING HAPPENS. None of you sheltered little kids who think they know what to do in that situation, what's right and what's wrong, have ANY. BLOODY. IDEA.

I spent 11 months in Iraq, and I'm sure there are many more people who have done more than that on this forum. I for one certainly wasn't prepared, no matter how much I tried to prepare myself for it. And any one of these people who has actually been in a combat situation knows what a mind fuck it is. Now, I'm not saying that forced prostitution and slavery is a good thing. Not by any stretch. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and all that jazz. And war was waged in far different ways back then. I don't know the numbers, but I KNOW the survival rate of infantrymen back then was leaps and bounds lower than it is today. Anything that can be done to psychologically prepare people to LOSE THEIR LIVES, raise morale, is a good thing when fighting a war if you ever plan on winning. Times were different back then, and this is just one of many things they did to alleviate the morale and depression surrounded war.

Ok, I'm getting off here before I really blow my top.

Endersblade #fundie mmo-champion.com


41 year old man walks free as judge callls 13 year old a Predator

Neil Wilson is 41 years old. He took a 13-year-old girl home, allowed her to strip and then engaged in what we must euphemistically refer to as a “sex act” with her. For this and other offences including the possession of eight images of child sexual abuse and eleven sexual images involving horses and dogs, he received an eight-month suspended sentence. But it’s not the lenience of the punishment that has pushed the case into the headlines. It's the comments of the prosecutor and judge.Neil Wilson, 41, faces having his eight-month suspended jail sentence reviewed after the Attorney General Dominic Grieve agreed to look into the case yesterday. And the Crown Prosecution Service was forced to admit that its own prosecutor acted “inappropriately” when he placed a portion of the responsibility upon the victim in court.
For more than two weeks, writer Caroline Criado-Perez has been leading a fight against the threats of violence online, which followed her banknote victory. Speaking today, she said: “This latest incident is the very front line of the sexism that still pervades UK society. For two weeks, Twitter has been awash rape and death threats against women who dare to speak out against abuse. The women are accused ‘provoking’ them.
“Now we have seen where this kind of attitude ends up: with what looks like a judge calling a 13-year-old girl a ‘sexual predator’ and letting her abuser off with a suspended sentence.”

I've had this conversation with a few of my friends, when one of my other friends got 'busted' for a similar thing - he was 20, his gf was 17, and they'd been dating since he was 17 and she was 14. He and his dad got into an argument over something unrelated, and his dad dimed him out to the cops. He is now and forever will be labeled a sex offender, and that is just complete and utter bullshit. I do not, in any way, condone the coercion and/or rape/abuse of underage kids, but for fuck's sake, 13 year olds know what the fuck they're doing, it's not like they don't know what the hell they're getting into when someone wants to have sex with them. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just fucking blindly ignorant.

I have absolutely no bloody idea when or where or why this suddenly became taboo, people have been having relationships with pre-18 year olds for centuries, and now suddenly it's against the law. K. Seems legit. I personally have zero interest in someone that age; hell, I wouldn't date anyone under the age of 25, and even that's kinda pushing it. But some people have different tastes and different views. Again, as long as it's willful on both sides, who are we to judge?

I for one am GLAD that not only did he NOT get into trouble for this, but that SHE did, because at least it wasn't just an open and shut case where everyone was biased and automatically assumed foul play on his part against someone who didn't have any idea what she was doing...because obviously, she did. It's just refreshing to see such a change-up.

Lefrog #fundie mmo-champion.com

It is. But you can't treat people in a way that is criminal, regardless of how they act. Therein lies the the fault with victim blaming. I know you said devil's advocate but this ought to be intuitively obvious? You can perhaps rightfully call a child a slut (but you won't be a nice person for doing so), but that's about as far as you can go. You can't rape her and then justify it as "well she acted like a slut so I treated her like one".
It's illegal to rape women for being promiscuous.

There in lies the problem with modern society. Because girls who act and dress promiscuously, sometimes also engage in sexual activity with older men. It's also illegal to have consensual sex, and the responsibility is thrown entirely on the adult. Controlling sexual urges during a consensual encounter is a lot harder than people think. It's not only in our genes, but also embedded in our society. There is a reason why so many people cheat when they are in a relationship. But there is a fundamental difference between wanting that ultimate please with someone and willing to break the law/relationship over it and going as far as knowingly hurting them for it.

Sometimes the adult may not know the true age, sometimes the adult will give in to temptation. But the thought process going through a man's brain is entirely different from a "I'm going to rape her" situation. Yet the punishment and branding stays the same, especially in cases involving minors.

200 years ago it wasn't uncommon to get with someone younger than 18. In fact, nature itself makes girls ready in the 10-13 age. Now I do agree, that in this day in age, getting pregnant or even engaging in sexual activity before 17-18 can be damaging, because so much of our future rides on our ability to focus on learning during our teen years and our ability to grow up with a healthy mental state. But we are fighting against our nature in doing this, and the fact that society has deemed it ok to punish those who break this rule but at the same time deemed it ok to leave all the temptation in there is wrong. It's similar to bringing alcohol to an AA meeting. In either case you have to be very strong willed to go against your natural instincts when being tempted, and some people just aren't.

No, girls that young giving birth are risking a whole host of medical issues. Nature makes girls capable by 13, it does not make them ready.

I'd have to research this more to find any kind of correlation between a healthy 14 y/o and a healthy 18 y/o as far as risks to giving birth. Again though you are right here and what I meant by ready was capable. But it would be wrong to state that all girls under 18 are unfit to become parents, or are at larger risk than if they were 18+. Those girls whose bodies develop and mature faster are also those who seem to favor promiscuous clothing as well, and as also more like to want to consensually engage in sexual activity. Therefore it also seems plausible that men's natural attraction to females happen when they think that female is ready to give birth regardless of age.

Honestly, I don't really see this happen all that often. Most cases of pedophiles (in the news at least) seem to be of either people who abused positions of trust (might as well be forcible rape) or predators who groomed little girls for sex (pretty much is forcible rape). But I acknowledge that could well just be my perspective. My position though, is that there's no reason why you can't wait a couple of years with an underage partner. Err on the side of caution when it comes to people who are potentially not ready.

I agree here, but I do occasionally read about a case of statutory rape that just doesn't seem to make sense. There is also a huge difference in being attracted to someone underaged that looks, talks, acts, dresses like an adult and an attraction to the looks, talks, and acts of someone who is clearly still a kid.

Edit: this is why I think society is partly to blame. We should keep children as children, so that people are less likely to be attracted to them even if they somewhat look old enough. Nothing more offputting to me than a girl who acts like a child with her mannerisms, despite how old she is.

Well the law does have to make up some number, but it's sad to see people automatically branded as pedophiles and rapist (not the legal definition, but that of purely forceful sex) when the parties involved can be one of the numerous cases when the sexual act in question is not damaging to either party. Especially when both parties are wired perfectly normal and subject to society's teens' provocative displays and their own sexual impulses.

I take issue with trying to blame it on provocative displays. Really, human adults in general aren't such hopeless creatures who can't control their base desires.

Don't agree with this at all. Just look at how many people commit crimes of passion, and how many people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Look at how many people eat without control, or spend way too much time on entertainment to their own detriment. Human adults in general have a very hard time struggling with control, specially when having that control isn't specifically rewarded in any way.

I don't think any of the other little vices that you mentioned compares to sexually assaulting a minor.

Oh they don't! I was referring to being able to say no to sex with a minor who looks,acts, talks, and dresses like an adult who is the one wanting to initiate the sexual act in the first place.
Sexual activity in men in my opinion is almost equivalent to a drug. It is why the porn industry is so damn huge. Sex is not one of those things men can just shrug off and be 100% in control about, because on some level sex is a primal instinct embedded in all of us. Look at how hard it is to become a celibate priest or monk, and they already remove themselves from situations where they can give in.

Endersblade, puupi #fundie mmo-champion.com

on what the age of consent should be

do agree that people should require a licence to have kids, be able to demonstrate they they have the financial means to support the child (maybe an insurance type thing for instance that they have paid into), and and intelligence test would not go amiss. Together with genetic screening to make sure no congenital diseases are passed on.
Harsh? maybe, but society should not have to pay for other people's choices or mistakes.

Endersblade:The last time I mentioned something like this, I got called Hitler lol. I wholeheartedly agree. But that is really beyond the scope of this thread.

And to the guy complaining about the 19 and 14 year old scenario: I had a 19 year old male friend with a 14 year old girlfriend. She asked HIM out, and he had to practically beat her off with a stick. She wanted sex constantly. He and I lived together at the time, I witnessed that indeed, HE was not the raper. I had no problems with it, other than she was a little bitch. They both knew what they got into, and they were both consenting to it.

12?wow you sir are one sick puppy.

While I don't agree to 12, care to explain why without using words like "ew" and "gross" and "against X"? You just have a preconceived notion, thanks to our wonderful society, that 12 is a bad age. But 12 year olds have sex too. I know, what a shocker. Finally old enough to start showing a bit of ankle, and they're already having SEX! Stone them!

A 19 year old sleeping with a 14 year old is pretty fucked up .

Puupi : Not really. It's very common. Besides, more often than not you can't even distinguish the physical and mental difference between a 19 year old boy and 14 year old girl. Girls develop so much faster.

Silent one #fundie mmo-champion.com

Honestly, I think by the time guys are 15-16 they are about as mature as they will be until at least 23-ish, maybe even 26-ish, Although I'm still a 23 year old virgin, and might have a bit of a shallow view of these things, but I really don't see the problem, as long as the teen isn't under 16 (which is the average age of consent in the world), and it was "Consensual." It was these stupid rules and fear of going to jail that kept me from having fun in high school when I was still able to get a girls attention, These days I'm a hopeless blob of repulsive flesh, but maybe if I had a "Teacher" to show me the ways of the world, I wouldn't be on my way into an early grave alone and hopeless.

Endersblade #fundie mmo-champion.com

Male Rape Victim forced to pay Child Support to Rapist.

Long story short. 20 year old woman has sex with a 14 year old boy. (Which is in Arizona classed as Statutory Rape). 6 years later, the woman sues for Child Support, and wins, during this time he was unaware that he had a child.

Funny enough, he is willing to pay, and is willing to take part in the kids life. His problem is that they also demand backpay for the past 6 years, which he is having a hard time meeting.

And this is not the first time this happens.

This actually happened to my roommate, although both were of age. They went to court over it, and they basically just blew it off like it couldn't happen. She moved states, had the kid unbeknownst to him, and a year later, filed for child support. He's been paying it ever since. He loves the kid, has zero custodial rights, even though the mom is letting the daughter turn into a fucking watermelon. She's 9 and weighs almost 120 lbs.

On subject but different issue, I cannot put into words how absolutely fucking stupid it is to say that a woman raped a male just because he was underage. Because, you know, you don't know jack shit about sex until you turn 18, and then suddenly poof, you're an expert. In that article, it was extremely obvious they were both consenting to what they were doing. To automatically make it rape just because he was 14? We have some seriously stupid fucking laws.

North American Man/Boy Love Association.

Basically, they say that a relationship between a full grown man and a young boy is perfectly fine, as long as there is no coercion..

Considering many cultures around the world already do this, I see nothing wrong with it. Although in their situation it may not always be consensual, at least here (from what little I've read up on the subject) NAMBLA requires consent on both sides for it to be ok.

Many of you seem to forget that even within the past 100 years, it was OK for someone 14, 15, 16 to be married and have kids, usually with an adult. It's something humans have been doing for thousands of years. Then suddenly, a...specific, will leave unnamed...group decided it's just ewwy gross and against their beliefs to be doing things with young, innocent kids who are completely innocent and don't know anything about sex, because they're innocent, you know? So somehow this got ingrained in our society, and now everyone gets up in arms if, even if 17 and almost 18, someone does something naughty with someone under the age of 18. Because 18 has suddenly become this magic number that turns kids into adults, even though, again, not more than 100 years ago people under the age of 18 were having families and holding jobs, contributing to their society.

Endersblade #fundie mmo-champion.com

again hes to young to consent

Really. How fucking stupid and oblivious were you at 16? I knew what sex was, and I'm pretty damned sure if some semi-attractive teacher was coming onto me, I'd be coming into her at every chance I got. "YES, I AGREE TO SEX". Man, that's so tough, I just can't imagine a 16 year old knowing how to do that.

But sure, go ahead and stick these ideas in his head. "You're too young, you don't know what you're doing." Uh, sticking my dick where the gods intended it to go? Right, again, he had no idea what he was doing, because he was just a dumb kid and didn't know any better, right?

Sometimes I wonder what gives people like you the right to breed, or even make decisions for others. It really scares me.

Flip this situation around: Two male teachers have a threeway with a 16 year old girl.

You better bet those two are going to jail for life.

Again, who gives a shit? What's with the double standard? In that situation, she STILL knew what she was doing. You people are so fucked up in the head when you bring out shit like this, like we're supposed to raise pitch forks if it happens to a chick, but meh if it happens to a dude. Same situation, same response: They knew what they were doing. Consent is fucking consent

Eierdotter #fundie mmo-champion.com

Blaming only the Rapist is pointless

Just wanted to get it out there, feel free to hate me for beeing a "victim blamer", because you did not read the whole text/did not get my point.
So what i want to get at is, that our western society especially feminism is so focused on blaming all men for raping women.
And who ever dares to ask what the girl was wearing or whatever is shamed for trying to imply that it could be the womans fault.
In my example i will adress the general assumption of male=rapist and female=victim, despite the fact, that rape happens vice versa or withing the same gender. Also i am talking about real rape, not the loose feminist definitions like regretted ONS etc.

If you tell a rape victim, that it was not her fault and she could not have done anything to prevent it and that it was 100% the fault of the man, that might be more comfortable at the moment (and we know everyone prefers the comfortable path to the stony one) but hurt in the long run.
Just imagine you would be in the situation after beeing raped, you feel extremely bad, worthless, used, dehumanised. You question the point of life and become paranoid, a certain smell or sound reminds you constantly of the incident. And your friends, family, doctory, police tell you constantly it was not your fault, you could not have done anything to prevent it and that the authorities will get him.
Thats very comforting at first glance, but what it also does is taking away all your options.
I can only imagine how a victim would feel, but i am very certain you would want to do everything to ensure this does not happen again ever.
But how should you be able to prevent it from happening again if no actions from you have an effect and all the options are tied to the rapist.
I would rather have the discomfort to be asked several uncomfortable questions and admitting to be partial guilty. So i can work on these things to prevent the same incident in the future.
Some of these things are classics we all know in the back of our head, anyway i will list a few keywords
- Alone - Clothing - Intoxicated - Self Defense - Awareness -

And a stupid scenario to paint a picture if you do not already have it in your head. Who is more likely to get raped, A or B?
A - Very drunk girl almost sleeping alone on the bench of a bus stop waiting for the bus she missed partly because she is not very fast wearing a tight skirt with heels and partly because she danced late into the night, even when her friends started to go home.
B - A group of friends who are walking to the bus stop after celebrating the recent black belt honoring at the steakhouse next to the dojo, everyone wears jeans and sneakers.

So to sum it up, the world is dangerous, society can not take care of everything, you have to take a part of the responsibilty.
If you run across the street, you look left and right if there is a car, even if the traffic light is red for cars and green for you.
if you get hit by the car and the car was supposed to have stopped at the red ligth, i assume next time you check if the car has really stopped instead of just expecting it. The driver is wrong because he ignored the red light, but you had the option to look before you cross the street and prevent the incident in the first place.

cheers Eierdotter

I assume every sane person knows rape is as wrong as murder and you do not need to tell them. still it happens.
And a TL;DR:
Preventing rape > blaming rapists"

endersblade #fundie mmo-champion.com

Also, for the ignorant, being a pedo is no more an illness to be cured than being gay. Sexual preference is just what you're attracted to. My friend has the most ogrish looking wife I have ever seen, but he finds her irresistible. Does that mean that one of us has an illness? No, it means we have different preferences in what we find attractive. Some people find the same sex attractive. Some people find animals attractive. For some, the underaged. The only reason people view such a thing as bad is because people say it is. Just like being gay used to be bad. Just because YOU don't accept it doesn't mean it should be outright banned. The pure ignorance of the greater masses is what leads to things like this.

So look at it from the pedo point of view: I'm sure many of us have sexual vices. What would happen if you didn't have access to some sort of release? In this case, an adult wants to have sex with a minor. Well, looking at kiddy porn is illegal, so that's (mostly) out. Obviously having sex with a legit child is also illegal. Sex dolls? Sex robots? At least before this ban passes/passed, they were legal. A legal release for your vice. If I was into kiddos and had a doll that simulated, at least to some extent, sex with a kiddo, I'd imagine I would be satisfied enough. Granted, my hand simulates quite a bit as it is, so whatever.

Now, that doesn't mean that their urges to fondle kiddos is going to ultimately LEAD to them doing so - but the frustration of not satisfying that urge could lead to other issues. Being sexually frustrated doesn't just mean your wife isn't putting out anymore. Just look at Prohibition...people will find a way, and that way may not always be better than what was in place beforehand

A gay person does not rationalize their desire to be with other people fo the same sex by projecting their desires upon them unless they actually are mentally ill. Just because I like guys does not mean I rationalize my desire by kidnapping random guys and saying that in truth they really love me. Pedophiles routinely rationalize their desire to be with someone who cannot consent and will often show visible signs of pain during intercourse and will romanticize those relationships and even brain wash children. They also often trade the kids around.
There is no equivalence here.

You are reading way, way too into what I said. Sigh. Why aren't you people intelligent enough that I don't have to spell this shit out? Sheesh.

Do I think people wanting to fuck children is good? Of fucking course not. However, since we're being asinine, it's technically more natural than gays - at least they're having sex with the PROPER opposite sex. There is nothing natural about being gay. That said, I support gays, I don't support pedos.

I was also posting under the assumption, apparently incorrectly, that people would realize I wasn't talking about YOUNG children, like single digits, etc, and that I wasn't referring to straight up rape. If a teen wants to have a relationship with an adult, I don't care what the fuck you try to rationalize your response with, it's up to them to do so and they know what the fuck they are doing. All of you were that age once, you knew what the fuck sex was. Some of you lost your virginity at 13, 14, hell maybe even sooner.

Is it strange for some, say, 30+ to want to be in a CONSENSUAL relationship with someone 13, 14, etc? By societal standards today, sure, it is. Has it always been? Nope. As a matter of fact, more human history has not only supported it but EXPECTED IT than not. Wrap your head around that one. But you outright say that the teen is being raped against their will just because they're "underage", or that the teen didn't know what they were doing (you are, at that point, putting words in their mouth), is just straight bullshit.

Rape against anyone, from the age of 0 to infinity, is rape. I don't condone it against adults OR children. Brain washing, as you say, same thing. Doesn't matter the age, it's wrong. But there ARE cases where the younger of the two KNEW what the fuck they were doing, but the adult gets into trouble because OMG that person is diddling kiddos! Burn them!

Sigh. I could drag this on and on; either you guys are going to pick apart what I say and twist it, or you'll understand what I'm getting at and move on. Either way, from the rest of the responses in the thread, it is very obvious that the majority of them aren't capable of talking about this subject with an open mind or without extreme biases.

Templar 331 #fundie mmo-champion.com


A Norwegian PSA is calling on dads around the world to take a closer look at their actions and how they may add to rape culture.

#DearDaddy, put out by CARE Norway, an organization that advocates for women’s and girls’ rights,

Gee, didn't see that coming.

“By the time I’m 14, the boys in my class will have called me a whore,” she tells her dad. “It’s just for fun of course, something boys do, so you won’t worry, and I understand that.”

Oh no! Those hurtful words!!

She goes on to share how another boy will try to stick his hand down her pants while she’s drunk at 16.

Then don't get drunk underage or to the point of passing out in a place by yourself.

Later on, she tells him she will be raped by a family friend at 21.

The hell kind of friends do you and your family have?

Afterwards, she finds herself in an abusive relationship as an adult.

Which is totally not her fault for choosing to be with an abusive fuck. She's totally innocent from all responsibility. >.>

Here in Canada, several provinces have put out campaigns advocating against sexual violence and harassment. While the campaign #WhoWillYouHelp? was geared toward speaking up when you witness something,

Why the hell should anyone "speak up" when you screw yourself and fail to take responsibility for your actions?

This video isn’t meant to shame men. Her ask is simply that her father become aware of his own actions and the role he can inadvertently play in adding to rape culture by laughing off misogynist things as jokes and failing to call out the men in his life.

"I'm not saying it's your fault, it just is your fault."

“One thing leads to another,” she explains. “Don’t let my brothers call girls whores, because they’re not.”

"You hurt my feelings!! I've been RAPED

Wazzbo #fundie mmo-champion.com

On a serious note; rape will still happen - probably forever and no matter what.
So what can we (as an individual) do?

Protect ourselves.
Clothing does play a part in that protection, believe it or not.
If clothing plays a part in other scenarios, why doesn't it here?

I don't walk through a super-ghetto here where I live in the middle of the night dressed in formal clothing for obvious reasons.

I don't dress provocative (nazism, fascism, communism, anti-religious etc) in public because it brings risks, vocal or physical conflict.

I don't get shitfaced unless I plan to sleep at some buddy or something because it brings risks, getting mugged or attacked in the night on the way home.
Neither do I wear my most expensive clock, jewlery, work+private phone, etc because it's unnecessary and also increases the chances of getting mugged, especially if you're passed out on a bus.

Why is it so taboo to say that, MAYBE, going piss ass drunk wearing next to nothing, is a bad idea compared to being only slightly drunk but wearing full clothing?
It's not about victim blaming, it's about common fucking sense.

"But but... muh clock and jewlery", yeah I agree. I SHOULD be able to dress however I want. But in current society, I can't.

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