
LeFerna Walch #fundie lenconnect.com

ADDISON — The popular nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb” tells the tale of a lamb following a little girl to school and the teacher not allowing it to enter the classroom. On July 7, LeFerna “Louie” Walch will make it her business’ priority to get the lamb back into school.

Walch’s business, Mary’s Lamb Inc., has the purpose of teaching “unchurched” children about Jesus through a lamb.


The goal is to get the lamb into schools, so Walch will come out with a school supplies line in August. She doesn’t want the supplies to be released too early because she doesn’t want anyone to try to ban them.

“I’m sure we’ll run into controversy,” she said. “The whole point of this is to see the lamb and think of Jesus.”

In an effort to make the lamb popular, Walch wrote a 30-chaptered children’s novel titled “The Secret of Yahweh!” that introduces J.C. Lamb and her Chihuahua sidekick, “Angel.”

The story tells of J.C. Lamb, also known as Un-Secret Agent 7-7-7, going to a school because children aren’t allowed to say the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. It is up to J.C. Lamb to “expose the secret that has been kept too well for too long.”

Fred Gallagher #fundie lenconnect.com

As the war on Christianity continues in the United States, we seem to accept the fact that we should never offend or cause anyone discomfort by encouraging those baddy Christians to express cheer, hope and peace on earth to everyone at Christmas. Please, let’s not dare offend anyone.

Well if anyone cares, I am offended! I am greatly offended by the stealthy actions of the ACLU and other liberal socialist organizations that are slowly stripping our country of the Christian foundations that are responsible for our very freedoms and the creation of our extremely successful society.

It is time for Christians of all denominations to come together to fight this attack on our religion, our culture and our very way of life. The anti-Christian movement is worldwide and has been frighteningly successful.

How can we fight this program? You can start by wishing everyone a very “Merry Christmas” and not just “Happy Holidays.” It would also be a great idea to go to church and bring your family with you. We should consider not buying from any store or company that does not allow “Merry Christmas” to be uttered.

You may also be more careful about who you vote for at election time. Contrary to popular belief, religion and liberal, progressive or communist socialism cannot coexist. The religion of socialists is not atheism but socialism itself. They believe that their god is the government.

Maybe with this small effort, we can regain that warm Christmas spirit that was enjoyed by everyone while I was growing up. On that note, I would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and the blessings of a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. As always, if that offends anyone, I can only say BAH HUMBUG!