
Scolopendra Dramatica #pratt kiwifarms.net

Get ready for some serious power levelling here; I was friends with a kid whose dad knew Terry Pratchett and, having loved his books, I used to ask for stories on him.

From what I've heard Terry would not have gone woke; the man had a very real world understanding of differences between men and women. Fuck it, you can see it in his work, there aren't many male writers that can flesh out a believable female character, but this one bloody well could.

Fucking wokies don't know shit. And Neil is just hanging on to any thread of relevance he can, pathetic old crow. Thank god the poor man died and missed this peak clownery.

Deepland Bystander #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Came across this study about transgender breast implants that is unintentionally & hilariously transphobic.

Figure that shows the most common trans body type seeking breast augmentation vs the most common cis body.


Trans patients were:
-Older 40 vs 34
-Had higher body mass index 27.46 vs 22.88
-Higher prevalence of psychological comorbidities 50% vs 12%
- All most all of the trans surgeries were paid through Medicare vs the cis women were mostly through private insurance

If you read older papers, back in the 50s and why transition surgery was done, they were more honest, on the practitioner side, about these procedures were not to change sex, but rather to 'cure' sexual deviants and gays by castrating them, hidden under a nice white lie.

Now seeing that a lot of trooning out is supported by non-profits and government welfare, I can't say that it's always medical industry looking to make big bucks from lifelong patients... Now I wonder if this is some PsyOp to sterilise the current day undesirables (autists, incels, mentally ill and lonely people) by manipulating them into thinking they want it themselves.

And it's likely having been like this for a while, because as harder it was to to troon out back then subculture weirdos (usually mentally ill and distressed enough) back in the 90s seemed to be given the pass to troon out in droves too...

Shmuel "Sam" Coinsniffer #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Why are troons always the masculine ones - I think I might have solved this mystery

Every tranny lolcow ever has an anvil jaw, 5'oclock shadow and look like a caveman with a wig. Not only do they never pass, but they are always the most masculine ones that decide to troon out. But why?

I was listening to MATI, and Jewrsh was talking about the autist-to-troon pipeline. Most trannies are autistic, this isn't news either. So autism, masculinity and trannies, how do they all connect.

I present to you: The extreme male brain theory:

The extreme male brain, explained

TL;DR Autists are exposed to abnormal amount of testosterone in utero and this affects the brain.

Well, actually it affects the appearance as well:

They created two sets of composite images made up of the facial appearance of individuals scoring high and low for symptoms of ASD. When these images were rated they found males with more symptoms of ASD to be rated as more masculine in appearance.

This finding not only lends support to Baron-Cohen’s theory but also connects physical traits and behaviour through hormonal effects.

Masculine Features Support ‘Extreme Male Brain’ Theory Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Puzzle solved or am I being autistic.

for every tranny that passes


theres a dozen more that are built like linebackers with jawlines that could cut glass


Sick of seeing Chad trannies with a nicer jawline than me.

Many such cases! am lowkey jealous

When TiMs are confronted or misgendered, they get angry and resort to violence, while TiFs hide and start crying. They can cut off their tits and dick but they can't dig out the socialization (or autism).

Now find a link between autism and transitioning

Autist becomes incel becomes tranny. It's such a common thing Incel wiki has an article on it.


Secret Asshole #sexist kiwifarms.net

I think this policy arises less from leftist politics and the sheer amount of leeway women get with sexual harrasment cases. Companies don't want to pay out, so they make up these absurd rules in order to prevent this.

No matter what the left says, women are obviously abusing the climate for their own benefit and trying to get a payday and ruin people they don't like. This is what happens when you abandon due process and simply accept the word of someone else.

Dank Lord #fundie kiwifarms.net

Purple is such a great color and it's really annoying that gays stole it. You're not allowed to embrace the color purple anymore without everyone thinking your gay and that's bullshit of the highest degree. Purple is a cool color and it's about time we take it back from the gays so real people can use it again.

Letting the gays deprive us of such an awesome color has gone on long enough! It's time to fight and take it back!

LofaSofa #homophobia #psycho kiwifarms.net

Would it be OK to commit genocide on the gays?

They really haven't ever done anything to contribute to society and most of them end up being outed as degenerates and pedophiles so I don't think it would matter if they died.

Wouldn't it just be more beneficial to get rid of them all together?

LockdownIsLame #dunning-kruger #wingnut #senpai_noticed_us kiwifarms.net

In case some people are still ambivalent about how fucked up FSTDT truly is, here's a quote from shy, ex-FSTDT admin:

As long as nobody is actually having sex or masturbating in public during this, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Where the hell did you come from? Victorian England?? Nudity exists, and children will see it. Children also know sexuality exists, no matter how hard you try to shelter them. Get over it.

Always bring this up if a conversation about FSTDT because this is really all anyone needs to know about this site. Their former admin is a proven degenerate and nobody challenged him on it. They're in no position to judge fundie Christians with any credibility.

Source: https://fstdt.com/ZSZ5

BigRuler #sexist kiwifarms.net

virginity in men is like sluttiness in women - it's repulsive to the other sex.
female virigns are prized and valued while male virgins are ridiculed and shunned, just like male sluts are looked up to as winners while female sluts are seen as disgusting and trashy.
why is it this way? hard to say. probably because virginity in a man is often indicative of him being a general failure and also autistic.

i obviously have no idea how any of this translates to gays or lesbians though

Philosophy Zombie #sexist kiwifarms.net

If you fuck a girl in the ass, that's gay. You've got a pussy and an asshole staring at you, side by side. If you choose the ass, there's no doubt you're a repressed homosexual. What difference does it make if it's a man's ass or a girl's ass? Ass is always ass.

behindyourightnow #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I think it is also the fantasy that they will get accepted into the private inner circle of women and be able to participate in secret, female-only stuff (which they think includes sharing tampons with each other). Posting about tampons on TikTok and other places is part of the fantasy; it's aspirational for other troons watching it, and the troon doing the posting gets pleasure both from building up his fantasy and from knowing that other troons envy his successful womanhood.

In reality, not only is "sharing tampons" a fantasy, but these men will never be accepted into women's inner circles. Not even the handmaidens actually want to hang out with male troons in real life; handmaiden support of brave transwomen extends to commenting enthusiastically on posts to show how enlightened they are, and nothing else. Most men who have already trooned out know this deep down, which is part of why they're so bitter and miserable.

Anonymus Fluhre #ableist #psycho kiwifarms.net

@Senior Lexmechanic

Some of these centers were run like prison camps and had conditions that legitimately violated human rights TMK; shit like starving autists who refused to "act normally" or forcing them to sleep on concrete floors. Also, I think it had ties to the Scientologists, which would explain all the above. If I'm wrong and I'm thinking about a different scandal, please correct me.

I see a lot of on verified reports on that from blog sites, nothing else. All written by autists. Currently, it just reads like biased trash.
@Lord of the Large Pants

Autism Speaks had previously caught shit for being anti-vax, though they've since reversed their position and distanced themselves from that crowd. But I think in this case it's because some autism advocacy organizations are in favor of "cure" for autism, whatever that might mean in practice. Some 'tists get pretty uppity about it, in the same way that certain segment of deaf people do about cures for deafness.

I'm all for putting black triangles on their shirts and rounding them up. Also round up arbeitsscheu to go with them.
@Senior Lexmechanic

I hope we get sent to the same camp so I can laugh at you for thinking NTs post on the Farms.

I'm German, I'm also not retarded. Please do the world a favour and walk into on coming traffic. People like you are the reason why eugenics should be a thing. The world wouldn't have to worry about more autists being born and they wouldn't have to waste money on them.

Secret Asshole #wingnut kiwifarms.net

[A Kiwi Farms member finds out about one of its posts being featured on this site.]

Fucking lol, way to miss my entire point. Occupy Wallstreet's massive failure hurt all the working poor, especially your precious disabled groups (who probably don't actually work and just collect disability), Obama's massive failure hurt them and was basically a gigantic gift to the insurance companies and ensured ways that it'd be dismantled anyway. He also established the precedent of executive orders, which is now being used by Trump against them. These people are such ignorant faggots it hurts. Obama's first term wasted all of his political cred on basically an insurance giveaway and then was a complete lame duck who relied on reversible executive orders to do anything. Wow, such a great fucking president. Bitch, please.

People deserve to be publicly executed in cruel and unusual ways for words said on the internet. Got it.


HTTP Error 404 #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

The other takeaway that I hope you get is that there are a lot more of us than there are of the Troons.

The left has to use a MASSIVE amount of technology and power to make sure that NO ONE dares even question the Troons publicly in any capacity that they control.

That doesn't make people support the trannies. It just makes people be silent. This is intentional, it's them trying to force a consensus, force the overton window to change, because no one can ever disagree with the left's demands upon us.

The GamerGate sub on reddit flat out banned all discussion of trannies because of the pedo tranny admin constantly fucking with them trying to build up a case that they could take to the other admins and force them to let "xer" take them down. You should consider the topic banned for you on social media, too, because until the pendulum swings back, expressing that opinion is going to get you flagged as an enemy and targeted for destruction.

Meanwhile every single person, every single normal human being, that sees a tranny is instantly and openly repulsed by it. We have instincts, instincts that immediately fire off when we see something that looks like a human but isn't ... quite... right. It's the source of the Uncanny Valley effect, the reason Zombies and Skeletons are a primal fear, and the reason that outside of people with a fetish, no one wants to be in the same room as a tranny for more than 10 minutes. This is a perfectly normal reaction to an insane man in a dress trying to dress up as some sort of pornographic fever dream of what a female is supposed to be, and everyone, EVERYONE, has it.

But until the left loses their grapple hold over cultural and social power in the US -- which is coming, believe me -- then we have to deal with them using trannies as the excuse as to why the gay lobby doesn't have to fuck off and leave us alone now that they ostensibly got everything they wanted (except the ability to fuck kids, but for some reason we just keep pushing back against that).

Doc Cassidy #homophobia kiwifarms.net

Statistically speaking you're right. Despite homosexuals accounting for a very small percentage of the population they are responsible for nearly all child rapes. Basic math says that all homosexuals would have to be child molesters to account for the number of rapes and molestations they commit.

Doc Cassidy #homophobia kiwifarms.net

It's well known that homosexuals disproportionately molest children. Although I can't be bothered to look up the exact stats boys are sexually abused at a similar rate as girls despite homosexual men only being around 1.5% of the population at most. However, I believe that all child molesters are homosexual, even the ones that molest girls. Let me explain why.

When a boy enters puberty he goes through mild changes. His voice deepens, his shoulders widen, and he grows denser body hair. The changes in a girl however are drastic!

The most noticeable is the development of breasts, something essential to heterosexual attraction. She develops curves, the hips widen, the thighs thicken. She becomes a woman and looks nothing like the child she was before. These are called "secondary sex characteristics". It's practically a metamorphosis, these changes make the woman completely unlike the child she was before and it's specifically these differences that a straight man are interested in.

A girl's body holds no appeal to straight men; but what kind of man would be interested in someone with a flat chest and no hips or thighs? You guessed it, a homosexual man. Obviously the men that molest boys are homosexual but the men that abuse girls are simply closeted homosexuals that target girls so they can lie to themselves and say they're straight. Despite the fact that a busty and curvy body holds no appeal to them they're too ashamed to admit they're homosexual.

If there are any scientists on this site I would recommend looking into this.

Fish Fudge #pratt kiwifarms.net

Neil Gaiman is, and always has been, a spineless simp. He's written a handful of decent books, but as soon as you start reading about his relationship with Amanda Palmer it's impossible to have any respect for him.

Hell, he never proposed to Amanda Palmer - she just showed up one day and sprung a "surprise-marriage" on him, which he just went along with because I guess women intimidate him or something.

Asmobaby #racist #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

White middle class men in drag really seem to get upset when a black succesful man goes on a stage and makes people laugh

The only thing they hate more than black men are mild-mannered British authors of children's books, it seems.

Here's my theory! I'm sure others have had this same take, so I apologize for the autism or regurgitation of common knowledge: It's like what many have said about "male feminists." They use that identity to get them "in." Clout, points, whatever - "I'm the good guy; now I'm on your side!"

God, I'm drunk on my first weekend off in a while here so bear with me...How do I put this articulately? It's like, these white "CIS men" who have been told for most of their lives that "white CIS men are the evil ones" they, not surprisingly, want to reject that, right? So they troon out. Ok, good. So now that they trooned out they can be "women" now - and NOW they can freely hurt women if they so want (because they are "women" now, ya follow?). Check. They "get" to do that now. How great for these men to be able to freely hurt us. Love that for us.

So next! These still "white" but now "un-CIS" ladies(?)...Well now there is the "minority" thing in question. But waitaminute! These white men in dresses "rank lower" than any minority out there because...Well, because they say so! And because they have created the "victim rankings" they get to rank "lower" than whomever they want. And because they rank themselves on the lowest victim tier they now get the full privilege to hate on, attack and say whatever they'd like about whomever they like.

But long story short: Men (and it's often white men, but I'm not trying to sperg by saying that) want a reason to be able to go all out on women and minorities while still retaining their liberal, progressive status. This is just a given. So I'm never surprised when I see troons happily posting about wanting to kill/cancel a black person or a woman or a lesbian - they "get to" do that now, free from consequences! It's what they've always wanted, really. Just had to troon out to do it, and now it's a goddamned free-for-all.

behindyourightnow #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

This isn't the first time I've seen FTMs afraid of being in male spaces - it's like deep down they realize they are women and men are men, and are still afraid of men, and can't help but express that, but if you press them for details, they'll never say exactly why they're afraid, because it would mean admitting they they're women.

Which is exactly why they make such great victims. Transmen are constantly being targeted by MtF predators who know that this type of victim will have a hard time admitting they're being abused in the exact same way male abusers always abuse their female partners, because if they admit that it might destroy the illusion that they're a genuine manly bro-dude.

I know this has been said a million times but I just cannot get over how goddamn female Aidens are. There are so many writers who don't have a particular male or female writing style (this varies across genres, obviously) and yet every paragraph written by every Aiden screams female so loud it might as well be written in sparkly pink gel pen on unicorn stationery.

Look at those two women in the AO3 comments examining their feelings together! And examining the feelings of story characters. And making sure to flatter the feelings of males who aren't even in the conversation by asserting to each other that of course they support transwomen in women's bathrooms. (Even though males are dangerous to women, which is why transmen are not safe in male bathrooms...)

How many times do you see transwomen studiously reminding each other mid-conversation that transmen have needs too and must not be excluded from consideration? Fucking lol.

Valkorion #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

I love how these retards don't understand how the constitution works. The Second Amendment clearly states that "[...]the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed", so the SCOTUS was probably right in overturning a state's (New York, in this case) law that did infringe said right. However, the constitution says nothing about abortion, and Roe v. Wade was repeatedly criticized for stretching the right to privacy guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to cover abortions and effectively being "legislation from the bench" meaning that the Court overstepped its boundaries with that decision.

The difference between guns and abortion is that the constitution explicitly guarantees a right to bear guns (yes, it refers to "arms" but that term covers firearms and is usually interpreted as doing so) while it does not make a single mention of abortion. Therefore, it can be argued that the constitution does not confer a right to abortion, and the Supreme Court was right to hand the decision back to the states, in the absence of federal legislation.

That being said, this year truly is the year of the chud.

Procrastinhater #homophobia #psycho #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

There is a literal tranny god there though.

Yes, Slaanesh, and he/she/it seems to have been memed into reality in our world too since the LGBTQHIV+ resemble nothing less than a Slaanesh Cult, dont believe me, look at "Pride" parades.

Per Andy Ngo, the one screaming is a model for Coach

Our society fucked up when we stopped beating and ridiculing these faggots for going outside like that.
Once they started to feel safe to parade their fetishes it was obvious these histrionic attention seeking cunts would just get worse and worse.
They used to be afraid to be exposed as perverts, tolerance was a mistake, it turned to acceptance, then normalization, then promotion and indoctrination.
Now we have fucking freaks like this.
We need to bring back public ridiculing of these freaks.
If they want to be perverts they should keep it in private where sane people don't have to be subjected to deviants.

the khat quaffer #transphobia #psycho kiwifarms.net

I continue to be amazed at how many trannies/tranny enablers on shitter think we're taking away his trans identity because he did something bad. It's not that the act of raping his mother made his preferred gender invalid, it's the fact that you can't change your gender, PERIOD, and you should kill yourself if you think otherwise.

Plus all this sperging assumes that we respected his female pronouns before the rape anyways. We never did. He could stop the Israel-Palestine conflict and bring peace to the middle east and we'd still call him a man, before and after. You can't change your gender, imbeciles. Fuck you if you use 'they/them' too.

Cowpoleon #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I was indifferent to the trans community, but now, after seeing them trying to make a horrendous situation where a son rapes his 80-yr old dementia-riddled mother into a parade of “don’t misgender trans ppl” has made me anti-trans. I’ve lost so much respect for the trans community now. Fuck them and I’ll actively be voting against trans rights from now on. They’re all a buncha narcissistic morons

Apis mellifera #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

they don't get told "You have underlying trauma you're not dealing with/Your logic is flawed and we need to deal with how you picture male and female/ You're an emotionally manipulating piece of shit" like they should

You've hit the nail on the head. This is my issue with the Trans Rights movement, and including it in with the LGBs at all.

Transsexuality/Transgenderism is treated as something innate to a person, rather than a very complex and troubling mental illness. I am living proof that even the most traditional case of "Gender Dysphoria" is not something you're born with, even if it can manifest in very early childhood, and every time I try to speak publicly on this matter I am told I wasn't "really trans", that "putting people on cross-sex hormones and cutting them up is totally a good idea, guys!"

When you affirm someone who is deeply unwell it does a couple of things:

1) If they are the insecure or self-absorbed sort, it encourages rabid defense of one's "identity" and further closes them off to future help.

2) It pushes vulnerable individuals down the path of hormones and surgery, because everyone is telling them they were just born broken, and they'll be stuck like this forever, unless they undergo dangerous and experimental body modifications, which don't even help in the long run.

You know why the 'true GD' trannies, the ones who aren't doing it for a fetish, feel a sense of "relief" when they start developing secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex? It's because they're tortured by all this baggage they attach to their sex, from unresolved trauma, and this "relief" is a method of dissociation. Which fades quick, for as long as a transgender-identifying individual possesses any evidence of their past and their natal sex- name, pronouns, breasts or lack thereof, skeletal structure, they'll be reminded of whatever trauma or conditioning caused this, and they'll eat themselves alive trying to cut it out.

Hormones and surgery can't cure this, and if people say it did for them, they are lying or still caught up in the temporary relief of cutting out some part of themselves that offends their ill psyche.

This treatment plan helps nobody. Obviously.

Sourceress #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Oh, they know - I would bet money the activists organizing this shit know that this isn't a law, but they have a vested interest in lying about it and making sure that all you see in the media is the lie, and never the truth. If people actually looked into the guidance and why it exists, they would realize that it's reasonable, because most sane people would agree that pumping your kids full of dangerous chemicals and sterilizing them is child abuse. So they have to sensationalize - it's not "the Texas AG says sterilizing kids is abuse," it's "Texas made a law that if you send your son to school in a dress CPS will remove your child from your home and massacre your family!! But don't look at their Evil Fascist Materials, just take my word for it!" 90% of liberals live in social media bubbles and will never be exposed to the reality of the issue anyway, so it works.

They're doing the same thing with the bill in Florida that they're calling the "don't say gay" bill. Of course, it has very little to do with homosexuality, it's about protecting kids from trans activists and their agenda of sterilizing little kids. If you actually read the text of the bill (Kara Dansky provides a link here) it basically says you can't teach gender and sexuality to kids before third grade and, more importantly, that school employees (faculty, counselors, etc.) are not allowed to keep important shit like mental health issues from parents or institute serious changes without parental notification and consent - in other words, no more school counselors helping kids change their names behind their parent's back, no more hiding from parents that the school counselor helped their daughter get hooked up with exogenous testosterone, no withholding from parents that little Jimmy is threatening suicide unless everybody calls him Jane.

knightlautrec #transphobia #pratt kiwifarms.net

The fuck is inappropriate with the word Wendigo? Fuck this. If they're gonna side step all the native stuff for muh colonialism white guilt and stuff fuck this edition. It's already doomed. I also imagine they're gonna try and put less emphasis on how based werewolves are. Because gaaaaayssss. Ten thousand dollars they're gonna start including tranny Furies and gifts to change gender that are permanent and not just man skin. They allow metis males but never in a thousand years would they allow a true male especially considering their decades of culling male true.

But this complaining about BF isn't new. This classic sperging from 2016 shows its already begun and poor troons were crying about an all female tribe for ages...Which is hilarious to me. Since again, a female only thing is cried about by woke left men who call themselves feminist for not accepting men who think they have dominion over the space of women just because they say so. The irony of it is just...astounding. I don't even like Furies all that much as a tribe but they at least have a hard line stance that flavours them and they are uniquely female in the very least.

Onyx Path discord is full of trannies though. So that tells you something. W5 is probably going to be bad honestly. I was semi interested but this development of censoring a word for being 'bad' is red flag one.

LeChampion1992 #ableist #conspiracy #transphobia #racist #wingnut kiwifarms.net

So I found this recent entry to RW’s Alt-Right Glossary;
View attachment 2657924
Is this true? Was #GoBaldForBLM a 4Chan prank? Or are they just scapegoating 4Chan to cover their asses? Cos they also claim on their “Social Justice Warriors” article that “most SJW nonsense is actually 4Chan’s doing” which is definitely not true.

Average rational wiki sperg
"No social justice cringe is something that 4chan does. Yes if you don't put pronouns in your bio or put BLM in your bio then yes you are racist. Sorry those are the rules now don't be a right wing bigot!!! Now anyways stop being a conspiracy and get fucking vaxxed yes those fat people are healthier than you because you're a supreme spreader now shoo!"
Picture of Le typical rational wiki user.


One Quick Post, behindyourightnow & Gramlol #moonbat #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(One Quick Post)
It's fucking hilarious that porn is the one area you're still allowed to be trans-exclusive, even if you're a progressive. No matter how loudly PornHub yells "trans pride" they know it'd be a business catastrophe to forcefully mix in tranny porn with the straight porn. It's created this funny dynamic where trans women are real women except for in porn in which case they get their own special category away from the rest of the women, isn't it weird how this can't be done in sports, changing rooms, etc?

I'd love an explanation from one of these coombrained progressives to why PornHub should be allowed to segregate trannies but UFC has to let them beat the shit out of women. It's a glaring double standard but it's not going anywhere because even the most staunch trans ally doesn't want to jerk off to them.

People have pointed out the same thing about Reddit: lesbian and women-focused subs are obliged to let in trannies or they get the banhammer, but lesbian porn subs? Completely dick free, and no one goes after them.

Forcing male troons into sports, changing rooms, girl scout organizations, lesbian communities, female prisons, etc, only hurts women. But forcing them into porn might hurt men (in the sense that someone's dick might feel sad) so it isn't done. Such a progressive movement.

Once something affects men then it becomes an actual problem, basically. Ever see a 'progressive' guy with a history of only dating women, date a transwoman? Would one of the Chapo guys date Keffals?
Yeah, no. They're all twaw until, you know, they're really not actually. It's all a larp that let's 'good guys' express sexism for woke points. Like dunking on white women, which is now woke too.

Book Thief #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Re: "Why are they so transphobic?"

Because we "deny the science entirely"? Ah yes, because taking estrogen pills and getting your dick cut off is exactly what nature intended all along!

And if anyone lurking here is reading this: No, I'm not into getting troons to 41% themselves. Transsexuality is not much different than, say, anorexia. Both involve the afflicted getting horribly depressed, having poor self-image about one-self, and seeking radical physical changes in hopes that it will "cure" said depression. Spoiler warning, it never does. Causing permanent self-harm to your body only drives one further into depression, leading to the aforementioned statistic. The only thing that will help them live long, happy lives is getting treatment for their mental illness.

If we treated anorexia like we do transsexuality, your friends would be starving themselves to get skinnier, even as they were bone-thin, because they believed themselves to be fat, while the media would be promoting anorexia as a perfectly normal and healthy lifestyle, and anyone suggesting anorexics get help for their problem would be thrown in jail for "hatespeech." That's insanity. Yet that's the reality for how transsexuality is revered by Social Justice.

Nuns with guns & 1440p Curved Monitor #biphobia #enbyphobia #racist #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Nuns with guns)

most people who who identify as Non-Binary etc are mostly women who want to be seen as unique like the college women from 20 years ago who identified as bisexual because it was the cool thing.

There's still many women today that say they're bisexual because it's socially acceptable for women to compliment on other women's looks, despite the fact that they would never fuck a woman. But yes, non binary is the new “not like other girls” trend and it's super annoying. They're so low-effort,too.

(1440p Curved Monitor)
You're assuming that the troon that he's looking at is black. Its known that people think that those of a different race look alike, so I wouldn't be surprised if that extends to that the men and women of a different race can look similar especially since we know that Asians can clock other Asian troons while most Westerners have trouble telling the difference.

It is ingrained in black women's culture to put a lot of effort into appearance. I have personally never seen it to this amount with white women (exception is rich white women).

The black women that black men want are incredibly fabricated. Black men also typically don't want a black woman who's more natural (they want the baddies), therefore this behavior is encouraged in black communities. It's a running joke between a few friends and I that we can only catch white boys with our natural hair/looks because we know that black men are not attracted to it or want a girl that they can brag about to their peers. This means that the average tranny can fool a black man if he puts effort into looking like a baddie. There are more HSTS in the black community than AGPs anyways, so we already know that they will put effort into passing.

(Nuns with guns)
Negresses are known to look manlier than other races. You've seen the theories about Serena Williams and Michelle Obama being biological males. It also doesn't help that even your average black woman will go bald, has a flat nose, square shoulders, and huge hands.

Despite all of that, I've never seen any nigger tranny that actually fools me. If anything, they look like NBA players, which is too manly even for their women.

EverlyB #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

There needs to be some "female socialization" etiquette guide for this population. I'm sure a portion of the disconnect is straight-up from being cognitively more masculine (especially in AGPs who saw women as unattainable lust objects rather than peers until very recently), but the specifics of mature intrasexual communication within a culture are things that women took years to pick up on. The "out-of-proportion compliment = insult" lesson is one that can take some time for us to figure out.

For their sake, and especially women's, they ought to know...

The way you can get away with acting as a blatantly non-threatening gay man (campy, clownish, joking crudely) is going to look like mockery if you now do it claiming to be a woman. (Hi, Dylan Mulvaney.)

If you wouldn't have the balls to say something to a woman while you were passing as a straight man out of fear of looking like a creep, don't say it now. For all you know, you're still a man to her.

Go ahead and try on the youthful looks you find cute and show them off to your thirsty e-communities in the privacy of your own home, but if you want to be taken seriously as an adult woman out in the world, dress your age.

If you're going to be interacting with a woman on a long-term basis, as part of a workplace or social circle, her compliments to you are communicating less about you and more about her. She wants you to know she's not a threat, not a bigot.

Don't act like you can relate with women regarding ANYTHING bodily. They share the experience of female puberty in their youth and the effects of a female reproductive system to this day; you and other transfeminine individuals share the experience of living with a male reproductive system and seeing the effects of exogenous hormones in adulthood. Anything in common is only superficial. Women don't want to hear about your "second puberty" the way you tell other troons about it, and they don't want you eavesdropping on their private talk about their own bodies (which even so, are not trivial conversations any woman can share with any woman).

Positron #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

Corrupt Cali judge stripped conscientious father of custody of his son, using false analogy: "If your son is so fragile that he'd be mentally damaged if he is confronted about his delusion, will you insist on him getting help?"


TikTok to ban videos in support of "conversion therapy". How about yeeting your teets?

Conversion therapies has been "tried" but never really clinically "tested" -- there is no commonly agreed protocol to "test". To say it doesn't work is like saying randomly hacking the brain does not cure brain tumor. Also keep in mind that we are now seeing a new types of gender confusion -- ROGD -- that transsexual activists simply forbid researchers to investigate.

Various Kiwifarmers #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Xanax and Wine)

Looking for troon bullshit on Reddit is so difficult. Must have taken me a literal 10 seconds on search to find this example of a true honest to god man.


Ah yes the... very male urge to be pregnant and being worshipped and coddled by your strong protector. I bet the guys really struggle with that one once they hit their prime age for babymaking. Must be hard :(

Always funny when the biological reality of being a woman and experiencing baby rabies completely stomps on these gender delusions


I don't "look" female, but I'll always be MTF transgender. There is more than one way.


You mean the other way of still hating what you've done to yourself every single time you look in the mirror, all of it for a fetish?

NGL I hope some mad doctor starts offering uterus implants for trannies. The more of them tear themselves apart in pursuit of their coomdreams the better.

They're already claiming this is happening, the uterus transplants. Recently, there's an insane black troon claiming to have had one and birthed a kid. He was mentioned here a bit but just screams of absolute schizo.


So is the artist saying that trannies are just incels who transition so they can get laid or have female friendships? Not very wholesome


Nash Romi had to re edit a comic because it wasn't progressive enough and whitewashed a black baby in her own comic, lol

I do like the casual admission they're fucking perverts.

Ridiculous that they gave him female hips/pelvis in the last panel. Did he exchange skeletons at the shop too?
All transwomen are built like a fridge because you can't change your bone structure. It's like saying glasses change your eye colour if you want them to.

I swear all pro trans content is.. breathtakingly stupid. I won't give them the benefit of the doubt to cite delusion. Just idiocy. Fantastic they all vote.

Jacob Harrison #wingnut #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net


Here's the problem. You seem to expect people would just go 'oh, okay. Well if the law says so, we must obey'. Even if your choice of puppet was enstated, parliament isn't going to just accept it. Even if parliament was forced guns-to-head to dissolve themselves for good, the people would just take the fight to the palace. The English are not adverse to killing their own royals if need be. More likely, your puppet would be every bit the useless, powerless national pet that royals have been for centuries now.

I very much enjoyed this telling depiction of your personally perfected England, though. Really shows everything there is to know about you.

As I said before, my secret society will infiltrate parliament and then pass an act that will change the monarchy and give the true king absolute power. So it will be done by legal means.

LightDragonman1 #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Also, I seriously can't look at the YMMV page for the franchise anymore without cringing, as it is filled to the brim with tropers gushing over how the whole thing is a trans allegory and how it always has been, along with claims that the Agents represent Transphobes, the Red Pill being like estradiol, and the Red Pill takers being those who realize that the world is wrong, and find a new role for themselves while discarding their society assigned roles, along with the fact that the first film was released on Trans Awareness Day.

Null #transphobia #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

[from a pinned thread “Response Regarding Katherine Deves”)
If you don't want normal women like her to visit this website, you should not censor them on every platform. Women are afraid of transgender-identifying-men because many of them are convicted sex offenders who have access to them and their children in restrooms and locker rooms. These convicted sex offenders are allowed to become teachers and closely work with children in areas such as libraries. Men convicted of a sex offense are now being given access to women's prisons. Imagine the abject horror of being a woman in a cell with a rapist. There is no closer thing to hell on this planet.

TIMs often crusade for "transgender children". To many of them, this means isolating underage children in private chatrooms on services like Discord, encouraging them to watch pornography fetishizing genderbending, and secretly providing them how-to manuals on procuring blackmarket hormone therapy. It is trivial to get cryptocurrency and have someone in Brazil mail you a packet of pills that will stunt your development. TIMs enjoy doing this to children. Mothers are women, and it is normal for women to care that their children may be getting groomed into destroying their bodies for the sexual gratification of strange men online.

On many websites (including Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, etc), you are not allowed to say what I've just written. On these same websites, even identifying a TIM as a sex offender or pedophile convicted under their male name may get you banned for 'deadnaming' or 'doxing'.

What I've just written should be common sense. That what I've written is considered hate speech explains why normal people would visit a forum that allows so-called hate speech. To further label these ordinary people as extremists for perusing information, regardless of where it may come from, only harms the health of public discourse. If you disenfranchise a woman for saying "the Kiwi Farms makes a good point", you dismantle democracy at its core. That is what is happening in real time and we all see it.

I've never put a dollar into advertising this website. We are mostly hidden on search engines. Despite this, our userbase doubles every year. It's 100% word of mouth. This is why.

xXRonPaul_42020Xx #transphobia #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

This isnt fucking rocket science guys. Troons have been around forever they were just called EUNUCHS. The point of Eunuchs has always been to give chomos twinkier little boys to fuck. Thats it.

"true" transexuals are just people who got raped so hard as a prepubescent child it gave them gender dysphoria, which up until troonery started getting pushed top down by big money degenerates like Soros was always recognized as a side effect of surviving a childhood sexual assault.

DrainRedRain #crackpot #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

"abuse from KF" lol, what those morons are failing to grasp is that we only laugh at things they do on their own free will. Nobody is abusing nobody. We are only pointing to things they do in public.

As my grandma always said "if you don't want to be laughed at, don't be the fucking joke"

behindyourightnow #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

It's funny that they try to shoehorn themselves in when as far as I'm aware they haven't even done anything to help abortion rights. In fact they've actively hindered it by making a big screech over the use of the word "women." That's like sabotaging the gun rights debate by insisting "guns kill people" is disinclusive of animals because animals are shot by guns too, and making a big screech to get anti-gun people to say "guns kill sentient beings." It makes no sense to dispute the one single thing your argument is about, it's infuriating.

They have actively hindered most recent feminist movements and projects by demanding to be centered and then making it all about themselves, which causes most actual women to leave or tune out. They have spent years making it impossible for women to even describe themselves without including males as well (first they came after “women” then “female” then “biological female” which they now call a TERF Nazi dog whistle). How can you organize if you can’t even define your own group?

They couldn’t be more successful if they were an actual MRA psyop.

It's because with leftism in the west now, you have to have lockstep adherence whatever the new orthodoxy is. You can't be pro-abortion, but pro-freedom of speech, or pro-women's rights, but pro-gun. You must march in lockstep to whatever the twitter mind has decided is the correct stance on any issue, as determined by who can come up with the most viral hot take.

Left and right (particularly left these days) have become social groups, not political ones. Political beliefs are just a way of signaling group identity. You’ll confuse and anger people if you claim to be part of their group without performing the appropriate verbal rituals.

Remember that white leftists in particular have lost access to most other group identities that might have given them meaning in the past (religious membership, national pride, any sense of local community) and so they’re desperate for something bigger than themselves to belong to. It’s just a shame that they latched onto performative online idpol rather than setting up a workers’ rights movement or something.

Shpongoolio Trismegistus #crackpot #racist kiwifarms.net

If you’re online, it takes about three minutes for someone to blame X ethnicity for every problem. Normal people shrug this off. Schizos find it as a link to other things and then spiral out from there, like Harris.

I've known quite a few blacks who employed similar sorts of defense mechanisms when constrained by more middle-class (white) social standards. They intuitively, reflexively, unconsciously pick up on the fact that their individual psychologies are at racial odds with their collective social environment. A similar thing happens when other races are forced to extensively interact with blacks. The more spiritually civilized races become extremely agitated when they're forced to defend their psychic cleanliness on a day to day basis against an invading race that not only does not adhere to the same moral framework as they, but are indeed anathema to the one being defended. You can see it in the rise of racial prejudice as America becomes both more black and more socially discordant. You can literally track the usage of the word nigger in analytics software on the internet tightly following the ebb and flow of politically correct language in mass marketing and journalism.

I think this guys unconscious was responding to what he saw as an extremely hostile social environment where no one was attracted to him, and no one respected him. The fact he was affirmative actioned all the way up to a fucking PhD. in philosophy literally sent him insane with confusion, hence his paranoiac psychotic focus on the fact he was a black man ensconced within an academic edifice housing the whitest social environment in existence.

He was no doubt surrounded day to day by whites, jews, native Americans, and other spiritually advanced races that unanimously broadcast the same subliminal signal ... "why the fuck is this nigger here ..."

Various Kiwifarmers #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Dylan James Mulvaney, a gay man interprets 'girlhood' in all glorious technicolor.

Dylan Mulvaney is an American musical theater performer who transitioned to save his career from the inevitable fate of an ageing twink at just 24.

The sheer comedic absurdity of Dylan's physical presence is never more apparent than when set against the great outdoors, so he takes ample opportunity to flap around shrubbery or scamper about rocky paths wearing ankle-breaker heels.

After graduating in 2019 Dylan was cast in The Book of Mormon national tour, but he found no more meaningful work when it ended with the pandemic in full swing. Which leads to Dylan staring down the barrel of 25 years old with the dead eyes you see on the right. He looks like that for a few months before changing pronouns on TikTok in September 2021 and blossoming into the manic transfeminine imp we see today.

He needs a good old fashioned slap in the face.

I think your take on why he trooned out is interesting.
He's a prime example of the twink ultra fag to troon pipeline.
Maybe he did troon out to get attention and revive his career.

(Myrtle the Turtle)
Agreed. Twinks have a short shelf life. 18-22 is the typical lifespan, possibly 25 if you have good genetics and a good plastic surgeon. After that you better bulk up, become a man or risk become an annoying fem gay. Methinks Dylan had some kind of breakdown during covid and went to the troon pipeline as a coping mechanism for getting older or something. Most zoomer girls don't go for the 1950s-60s housewife look so clearly his only idea of women is what he's looked at in magazines or movies from that era.

Wonder if he got sexually assaulted or something because he went from instagay to deranged fairly quickly.

(John Flynt's Axe Wound)
This fag has one of the most punchable faces on this site.

He disgusts me on a visceral level. I’m not sure which is worse: AGP coomers or screeching flamers like Dylan.

(Luigi Cadorna)
This man might legitimately be the most sexist person alive. Who the fuck thinks women act like this? I know most troons play their absurd stereotypes of women up to eleven but this fucker blows out the amplifier.

ChiefHennessey #homophobia kiwifarms.net

(bolding is the submitter’s)

This guy is such a preachy faggot, you can tell he hasn't watched the GenoSamuel doc fully, he's never looked through any of the Chris threads, and hasn't ever seen a Christorian's POV of Chris' Troll History. The entire basis of this video's existence hinges on the idea that everyone who has followed Chris believes every bit of trolling was justified and perfectly fine no matter what. In reality, most of us who are well versed enough in Chris hate BlueSpike, The Idea Guys, and the Fungal Queen ILJ. We all fundamentally understand what they did went past just trolling and was legitimately causing harm to Chris. Then this faggot has the gall to compare people like that to Liqud Chris and Clyde Cash. I honestly would be alot happier if there was a rule that if you spoke about Chris in an uninformed manner your head is bashed in with a lead pipe. I hope this faggot catches AIDS and croaks.

AGPinochet #wingnut #transphobia #fundie kiwifarms.ru

My TERF Sisters and Chud Brothers, do not despair for not only have the troons not actually won but their ultimate fate is unchanged. More and more anti-Troon Laws are being passed, a sitting congresswoman has gone on the largest news show in the country to advocate for making trooning out kids a federal offense, Richard Levine is a commonly mocked figure by normiecons. Remember when South Carolina cucked out of the bathroom bill? Those days are long gone and at the rate Christian Nationalism is gaining steam I would not be surprised if cutting off adult troons from their horse piss was a mainstream Republican position by 2030.

Scrumption #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Related to the topic at hand, the way MTFs are treated in gay male spaces online is probably completely different from how they would be treated IRL.

On occasion, I will see someone white knighting for troons by criticizing that gay men call vaginas gross because it hurts troon feelings and "not all gay men have penises." Of course, since this is on the internet, there is no way to know if the person saying this is actually a gay man. They probably are not. It is ironic troons want gay men to stop bonding over disliking vaginas, since that is kind of one of the few things all gay men have in common.

Another thing I have seen, primarily on Reddit, is an NSFW picture or video of a FTM in a subreddit that dedicated to gay men. These posts often get a decent amount of upvotes. Think of it like when a troon posts a shitty nail job on a nail art subreddit; they get showered in praise. I see three reasons for someone upvoting it: 1. societal pressure to conform to wokeness and pretend that the woman is a man; 2. the people upvoting are not gay at all, but are bisexual men or straight women; or 3. the person upvoting is a troon. It is an incredibly jarring experience to be a gay man scrolling through one of these subreddits and suddenly being confronted with pictures of someone with a hairy chest, beard, and labia, or worse, a testosterone-engorged clitoris.


Woke societal pressure may make some gay men feel obligated to at least make these women feel welcome in gay male spaces, but they would never consider dating one of them.

Queenfaggo #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Modern wokeness was a disaster for gays. Once upon a time, you could just be gay. Gay was gay. Gay was nothing else. Gay was nothing more. You were either a dude who liked other dudes, or a girl who liked other girls. You could be yourself and be as gay as you wanted and that was that. As simple as could be.

Then came the "community" mafia. Suddenly gay being meant you were apart of some coalition with other non straights. Gay was now a community you HAD to be in. The gays had to get along with the lesbians, the lesbians had to deal with the gays, and everyone had to deal with the troons. It was the lgb"T" community after all. You dykes and fags HAVE to get alone with troons. Never mind the fact that transgender isn't even a sexuality so the whole thing makes no sense, STOP THINKING TOO MUCH BIGOT. What's that, you're a lesbian who obviously doesn't like cock because that's the whole point? Too bad, suck the girl cock anyway or else you're a bigot!

The problem with this is that gays don't really have anything in common with lesbians. They're never going to get along organically. And nobody has anything in common with troons, so that's a non fucking starter right from the get go. When the T got associated with the L and the G, the T brought along with them all their baggage and woke nonsense. Being gay was now an aggressive political statement.

As a homo I cannot even begin to tell you how hard it is to find non woke partners nowadays. I just want a cute girl to cuddle and do cute things with, I don't want to read your fucking twitter or talk about how great abortion is or how much you like multiculturism or whatever. Finding a normal gay is next to impossible. It makes you realize why everyone used to hate us and why they're starting to hate us again.

JimmerSnail #transphobia #conspiracy kiwifarms.net

Imagine having to apologize for a single joke you made so many years ago that probably nobody remembers nor care about.

Alan Pardew said:
also sure apologizing for a trans joke can be dumb but likely to avoid big backlashes.
Yes, he most probably did that because of it.
"So you said something some years ago that now we find offensive? ask for our forgiveness!"

Pretty much the whole LGBT\SJW community in general, hell they're annoying. they're killing everything they can, the gaming industry is ruined, the movie industry is damaged beyond repair, the music industry is... hell, does it exists anymore? You can't say or do anything without having these ones crying for a protest, because they're bored out of their mind since they have no life, and because they actively do everything to prevent them to be happy, then nobody should as well.
I wish people would've silenced them back when they started being annoying instead of falsely agreeing.

Various Kiwifarmers #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(The Magnificence)

There needs to be some "female socialization" etiquette guide for this population.

You can, at least to a degree, teach "Mean Girl;" "Shade," however, cannot be taught. And very, very few men innately know how to throw it. And most of those men are black and/or gay.

I don't think it's socialization. Women just speak in high context, men don't. These troons remind me of guys who say "I once met a woman at a party and she asked me back to her place to watch Indiana Jones and I said no because I hate Indiana Jones. Five years later I realize what she was actually saying."


T4T dating event on the HER app canceled “due to a lack of interest”


post was quickly deleted before more mask-off uncomfortable truths could be posted.

Wow Hetero men don't want to date other men. In other news, water is wet.

And yet, if a bio woman said she only wanted women not a man or a trans woman she would be banned so fast it would make your head spin. For fuck sake, they don't even see each other as women. When is society going to stop collectively pretending this is legit?

(Sexual Chocolate)
Sadly, we can only imagine what fuglies and swamp-ma'ams woulda shown up to that thing. In olden - and therefore based - times, a PT Barnum or a Jerry Springer would be on that like a dog in a bowl of stew


(Big Al's Famous Pork)
Transgender Woman interview-Taryn

This piece of absolute human garbage has fathered 10 kids! 10 drug addicted babies he has jizzed into the world!!! Every single one was taken by CPS.. holy shit. Give me all your top hats because this made me want to punch the internet.

(Pitbull Victim)
I have no idea what is more nightmarish: what you mentioned, his Crusader Kings-ass family tree where his grandpa trooned out and married his own son, or how his wife would suffer worsening brain damage with each pregnancy but he kept impregnanting her until she ended up a vegetable.

These people need to be spayed and neutred.