
CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

If I had been in charge of Unite The Right (the group which planned the C’ville debacle, assuming they weren’t all FBI plants), no way would people be out there marching with nazi paraphernalia to play right into the media’s preconstructed narrative. First, I’d have focused the message on defending free speech/assembly. Second, I’d have created new symbols to rally around, symbols the media was unfamiliar with and couldn’t pigeonhole.

This was a big reason why the 2016 Pepe the frog meme was so successful; the media didn’t know what to do with it and were caught flat-footed, unable to mount an effective defense. A cute frog is the symbol of White awareness? Oy vey it’s all so strange! Pepe is overused now, but his lesson remains: defy the expectations of your enemies.

Two of the 48 Laws of Power apply.

Law 17: Cultivate an air of Unpredictability.

Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. Your predictability gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables: Be deliberately unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep them off- balance and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves. Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.

Law 48: Assume Formlessness.

By taking a shape, by having a visible plan, you open yourself to attack. Instead of taking a form for your enemy to grasp keep yourself adaptable and on the move. Accept the fact that nothing is certain and no law is fixed. The best way to protect yourself is to be as fluid and formless as water; never bet on stability or lasting order. Everything changes.

And yes I know the 48 Laws of Power was written by an international frugalist. Perfect. You take the useful stuff they create and use it against them.

When you have power, you can bulldoze your opposition.

When powerless, you have to find different paths to victory. Bulldozing will only incite a more powerful counterattack; that’s what happened to UTR. Instead, the powerless must rely on insinuation, guile, cleverness, misdirection, and subversion, confusing and demoralizing their enemies.

So if I were Head of Counter-Narrative Activism, where would I start?

I’d start with a protest at the foot of the Yarrabee Farms property, owned and operated by CEO and Boomercuck Craig Lang. That’s his company which illegally employed the churlish chalupa Cristhian Rivera (undocumented immigrant née foreign invader) who murdered American White Girl Mollie Tibbetts. Banner? NO CHEAP LABOR NO CHEAP VOTES GOP CUCKS GET THE R0PE

Shame these traitorous BigAg Midlands cucks into joining Team Trump with everything they’ve got. Cucks still do feel shame, right? Or is that another virtue cucks lost on the way to rationalizing the annihilation of Heritage America for a fatter loan on home equity?

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Cheap labor is neither.

1. The imported peasant world labor is less productive than the native White labor.

2. The initial cost savings to BIGCORP are lost to negative social externalities.

Monopolize the profits, socialize the costs.

Cracker Jack writes,

It wasn’t long ago that liberal Democrats/media made the case that “cheap foreign labor” wasn’t cheap – it was an example of big corporations profiting while society pays the cost. Then big corporations/Big Judaism convinced the Democrats to abandon workers because those foreign laborers and their anchor babies vote Democrat 8 times each.

The forces of Globohomo Inc will and are pulling out all the stops to thwart the nascent rise of a White-aware political and social movement in America.

They have everything to lose if they fail to contain nationalist populism. They know this, which is why they’re resorting to lies and frame jobs and censorship and full throttle 24/7 Narrative agitprop. The media-democreep-oligarch partnership in crime will assure America’s decline into banana republicanism if their agenda isn’t exposed and stopped in its tracks.

Which means we Americans have to ask ourselves—do we want self-rule, or rule by BIGCORP overlords?

PS The armchair historian in me recalls that the demand for cheap labor and the sexual and political liberation of women were defining features of nearly every major civilizational collapse. If there was a notable exception to this rule, I invite the commenters to discuss it with the civil flair that is customary for Chateau comment threads.

PPS From an MPC Status Update (strapon will be triggered to a pungent menstruation):

‘The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) counted over 100 people killed or injured by alleged perpetrators influenced by the so-called “altright”-a movement that continues to access the mainstream and reach young recruits.’

“100 genuine deaths or injuries from the altright per year would make them about 14% as dangerous as toasters”

Ban toasters! Heh.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The topic of this post could easily bloom into an oceanic algae field of effortful analysis, but I intend to keep this particular foray succinct.

Libchicks HATE HATE HATE Meaty Intruder Trump because he is iconic maleness.

It’s Trump’s unapologetic masculinity — and by association the happy masculinity of his supporters — that gets under the speckled hides of the Femcunt Fuggernaut.

The general direction of Western Civ over the last decades has been away from masculinity and toward androgyny. Femininity is under attack as well, but so far has avoided the kind of vitriolic (((propaganda))) that’s been leveled against all forms and expressions and attitudes of masculinity.

Trump is a direct rebuke to the anti-masculinity and anti-male agenda. Precisely, the anti-White male agenda. He is the distillation in one man of everything that drives bitterbitches crazy with hatelust.

He speaks his mind.
He never grovels for approval.
He refuses to regurgitate the symbolic catchwords of feminist and antiracism cant.
He loves women with sexually explicit vigor and remorseless objectification.
He has a child with a much younger, beautiful model wife.
He has multiple children by former wives he has continually traded up for fresher pussy.
He uses his wealth, charm, and power to seduce women.
He tacitly reminds women that they are complicit in his seduction, welcoming his advances when they are young and not in the employ of hillary clinton’s shadow orgs.
He holds a mirror up to women’s rapacious, animalistic sexual natures.
He is a chad who loves being a chad.
He is a doer instead of a talker.
He builds, rather than blathers.
He is a Gizmo, not a Paperwork and Lawyering drone.
He has Game.
He mocks liars, gossips, and degenerates.
He fights, and shames cowards.
He has ridiculed feminist beliefs and representatives and come away unscathed, even stronger than before.
He reminds women that their own men — their very own beta male bootlickers — may think the same things as Trump and pursue the same pleasures if they had Trump’s stones and Trump’s options.

Iconic Maleness embodied by Trump is the hot branding phallus that penetrates the hunchbacked ids of bitter women and the manginas who are fated to settle for them. Trump and his Trumpericans spotlight and magnify the romantic failures and futility of the Nasty Women and the Girly Boys. It’s no wonder they hate him; he’s a Big Beautiful TruthWall looming high above the muck and blocking their desperate ego-soothing escape into self-deluding fantasy.

swimologist and tomjones #wingnut heartiste.wordpress.com

[Comments under "Resist The Globohomo Goliath" on the subject of denouncing illegal migrants to the ICE]


You know what a better “resistance” effort would be? Next time you’re near a Trump immigration protest, or a Muslim riot in Europe, just shoot ten of the protesters. I guarantee you that will bring the a resolution to the entire issue to the fore more quickly.

Congratulations. You remove 5 or 6 illegals with your phone calls. Meanwhile, 10,000 just crossed into Texas this single day.

Are you fucking serious?!?!

No. You need STATE power to make a difference. Orban. Putin. Hirohito. Mussolini. Franco. The wehrmacht. Anything else is the equivalent of wanking to old playboys. Armies. Militias. “just shoot ten of the protesters.” well, that’s more of the right idea from our brother swimologist.

asswipes. Oh john fucking mosby will be sure to say something stupid right about now—

Note* If you work in a line of business where meet illegals, then go on with phone calls to ICE. For the rest of us, meh.

CH #racist #wingnut heartiste.wordpress.com

The White Shitlib Ego is ravenous. It’s why shitlibs would rather oversee the destruction of White Civilization than admit their Equalism religious beliefs are based on falsehoods.

The Confederate statues being torn down across the South are just the latest battle fronts opened up by shitlibs who obey the credo that a good offense is the best defense. As the shitlib religion sits on a very shaky foundation that the Maul-Right is currently rupturing with seismic waves of realtalk, it behooves shitlibs to press their hate machine forward, into enemy territory, for to give even one inch of ground to heretics would mean the eventual reversal and defeat of every belief that shitlibs hold dear and former social, philosophical, and political grounds they occupied. And shitlibs know this, because it is the art of rhetorical war that they have practiced and perfected for decades against cuckservatives, solidifying and entrenching the Left’s march through the institutions.

The lesson: never give the Left an inch. They’ll take a parsec. Confederate statues today, books authored by White men tomorrow, until it finally reaches end game: second class status for all Whites outside of a few Acela elites who sufficiently grovel at the altar of anti-Whitism.

The human shitlib ego is the most powerful force in the cosmos. And never have the fortifications guarding that ego been under relentless attack like it is now. Shitlibs can sense it. The deluge is coming for them. Equalism is dead. The race and sex gaps won’t disappear any time soon. This is why leftoids are flirting with insanity; their interventions to solve the Gaps have been one failure after another, so they’ll need to adopt increasingly extreme anti-White postures to explain the persistence of the Gaps.

Hence the humiliation porn fix driving shitlibs to tear down symbols of White Southern heritage. This isn’t about honoring heroes of the Confederacy or showing the Confederate flag (which in point of fact was never a social crisis in America until shitlibs made it one in the past few years); it’s about shitlibs needing to dig deeper into the fever swamps of anti-White hatred to explain away race and sex gaps that make mockery of shitlibs’ guiding principle: the equalist belief that all humans, under the hood, are the same in aptitude, behavior, and moral worth, and that only White racism prevents the flowering of their Equalist paradise.

Make no mistake, the Left’s Confederate statue cultural sanitization project is JUST THE BEGINNING. Soon, it’ll be “the mere presence of Whites is keeping the black man down” and shitlibs will have their hamster rationalized justification for, say enforcing anti-White employment quotas.

As a Gab follower wrote in response to the preventable Manchester terror attack,

" shitlibs are so emotionally invested in their beliefs, they would rather be martyred by their invaders than admit they’re wrong, which would force them to change their sense of identity."

The shitlib ego is impenetrable, even by muslim nail bombs. Shitlibs will never give up on their Equalism religion; they’ll have to be forced out of power and shamed into hiding.

The follow-up question would be: why are shitlibs so invested in their obviously false belief in the equalism of humanity and protective of their egos? My answer gets to the reason I wrote this post: it could be genetic (shitlibs have inherited disfigured brain architecture) or it could be that social atomization, cultural balkanization, and mass society (SCALE) have reduced the scope of identity to ideology alone.

In sum, shitlibs cling to their outmoded and frankly dumb Equalism ideology because globohomoist forces of complexity and organic community destruction have created a social atmosphere where ideology is the only communal touchstone left for them to feel like they’re part of a group larger than themselves.

Related: The Chinese are even getting in on the act of mocking self-annihilating White shitlibs. They’ve come up with a word to describe them: baizuo, which means “white left”. Soon, the whole world will laugh at White shitlibs, and then and only then will their egos finally be defeated, and then there won’t be another White Left rule for a thousand years.

CH #wingnut heartiste.wordpress.com

Street art is often banal or nonsensical, but when it hits the mark it can exert a subliminal influence on the national psyche. Branding, symbols, and slogans are airily dismissed by the convention-bound Right, which is their loss. Leftoids have had a monopoly on street art for at least half a century, and enough of it has infiltrated the public consciousness that it’d be a mistake to think their propaganda hasn’t been a factor in their endless procession of institutional takeovers.


Nice! The shitlord who made that sign really put effort into the execution. Very realistic. So good, one may wonder if it’s an official Malibu welcome sign (it’s not—City Manager Reva Feldman was quick to correct the record).

More of this, please, and faster. The Alt-Maul-Right has PLENTY of material in their rhetoric arsenal; there’s no reason a thousand points of shiv can’t pierce every shitlibopolis beating heart. Shitlord street art like this one will upset shitlibs, perhaps even cause some of them to question their faith, and most importantly, hearten and embolden Heritage America.

WE ARE THE MEME-LORDS NOW. The Left is artistically destitute, intellectually bankrupt, and exhausted with the fight. They have Soros-funded, scattered skinnyfat schlock troops putting up a token whine on their home turf, and concentrating their fire on the few public realtalkers they can occupationally and socially ostracize from their campuses and tech jobs. But underneath the bluster, they have NOTHING. Dead inside. And they know it.

The Left has had no answer to the Maul-Right’s memes and paradigm-busting gusto. They were caught completely off-guard, reduced to an amen chorus for thecunt and her tone-deaf deplorables counterattack. This is a lesson for any on the Right willing to hear it: You have the Truth, you have the Shivs, now all you need are the Balls. Big ones. Yuge. Unsheathe your throbbing zest for reconquest of your stolen nation and take it to the enemy, and when you have xir in your rhetorical sights, don’t stop triggering your juicy target with anti-equalism heresies. Make the phagggots’ ears bleed, or from their wherever. If shitlords begin moving their revolution in ideas with unstoppable momentum in all directions and at all points of contact, the Left will fucking CRUMBLE to a shattered mess faster than you would have ever guessed. That’s because the Left has never known a fight. Not a real one. Now they’re getting a taste of it, and they are scared like they’ve never been scared before. I can smell their fear.

Vagina dominator #wingnut heartiste.wordpress.com

[Read the whole subthread, it's a dead-on illustration of alt-right "economics don't real" rhetoric]

[I like how you reference immigration as a serious matter when arguing women are like grown children. You commit a major contradiction in that the economics you support treat men like children. Factory jobs protected from competition by immigration policy is a welfare cheque with a punch clock.

The only difference between Trumpist economics and alimony/family courts/divorce laws is the welfare benefits those with penises instead of those with vaginas. It’s free-riding either way.]

Dear Mrs Seymour,

You blather. Your “argument” is nothing more than a string of confused images posing as analogies. How can “economics”, being nothing more than a vague abstraction, act like a father to men?

And then you have an abstraction, “factory jobs” being protected from another abstraction “competition”.

What does this mean? Anything? Everything? Nothing?

People do things. Not abstract entities. Have you not heard of the concept of “human action”? That means that is is human choices, plans, and actions that cause history, not abstract concepts.

For example, “The revolution was planned and funded by the Jews”. HUman action with identifiable actors.

And if there is “free-riding” going on, who is riding upon the efforts of whom? Again, you don’t say. Just handy abstractions.

This kind of talk is classic politician-talk. It is intended to remove *people* from the discussion of who pays and who gets. To keep us in the dark as to our real enemies and interests.

Let me make it clear what you are saying by adding actual groups of people back into the discussion.

“You commit a major contradiction in that you want white men with families to protect themselves by demanding shitskins not be allowed to undercut their wages and conditions. This is “free-riding”, meaning it will get in the way of passing what was formerly their wages onto Jews in the financial-skimming industries.”

Fixed it for ya, ma’am.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Hot off the presses, a criminally patriarchal research paper has concluded that men with higher income and status have more reproductive success than women with high income and status have in industrialized nations. First, to set the table, an excerpt from the abstract:

It is concluded that an evolutionary perspective helps explain reproductive patterns in modern humans and may thus make a valuable contribution in the assessment of urgent contemporary problems.

The sexual market is the one market to rule them all, across space and time.
– Le 156% Heartiste

[Tweet by Rolf Degen]

Contrary to women, men still convert higher income and status into greater reproductive success in industrialized nations.

Female hypergamy, female education, female economic self-sufficiency, low female fertility—choose any four.

In terms of social and economic status, men date across and down, women date across and up. Industrialized societies filled with overeducated careerist shrikes make it more difficult for both men and women to find long-term reproductive partners. What the West has done is weaponize female hypergamy, so that the only winner in this zero sum mating game are the HSMV alpha males who can serially date and marry increasingly younger women.

In the modren West, overeducated, careerist women are DARWINIAN LOSERS. They now join the lonesome ranks of fat women, ugly women, and old spinsters. Lean in? Try barren quim.

Low status beta and omega males are bigger losers in this new world order than they were before under the rock solid pre-femcunt patriarchal system, because the women who would be theirs under the old rules have decided to skip past them for a shot at 1. the high status alpha or 2. a tub of ben and jerrys.

The biggest DARWINIAN WINNERS are the charming jerkboy cads and the sociopath hedge funders.


Potential fertility — that’s a nerdy way to say “sexiness”. Men with high social and economic status in industrialized and primitive nations alike — HSMV alphas — monopolize the hottest babes, and probably more than their fair share of the plain janes too. The Pill and condom don’t thwart the sex act; those things just thwart the consequence of the sex act, and incentivize women to liberate their sexuality (which in practice means liberating themselves from beta males). Imagine how many little snot-nosed Heartistes (heartots?) would be running around creating kindergarten mayhem if the Industrial Contraception Complex didn’t exist.

How unequally is sex distributed in industrialized jizztopias? Very:

[image taken from a tweet by Rolf Degen]


There are interesting eugenic/dysgenic possibilities to ponder from this knowledge. There is dysgenic selection pressure on high status women — at least as measured by income, social status, and their proxy, IQ — but eugenic selection pressure on their male counterparts, the HSMV alphas who are having more kids.

This isn’t a complete picture, though, because female mate worth is so much more tied into their physical beauty. Those HSMV alpha males are choosing less educated, less wealthy, lower SES “status” women who are younger, hotter, tighter, so by Darwinian calculation the end result is very eugenic: capable sons and pretty daughters. This is evidence that the West is beginning to pursue the patented CH BOSSS strategy of sexual market health and societal reinvigoration.

I’ve been warning about this stuff for a while, and I’m glad to see ¡SCIENCE! finally catching up with Heartistian observations. There was only ever going to be one effective response by men to the emergence of weaponized female hypergamy (and it wasn’t cuddly beta supplication).

Game will save the West—.in one respect, by heightening its late stage contradictions and encouraging a change in course.


On the silliness of the “wage gap”:

[Tweets in quotes blocks, each line by a different account]

"On the next edition of "Who Gives A Shit"..."

A lot of people apparently, because that could be a component of the so called "wage gap", ie men have very important reasons to make more money/status.]

—and the silliness of the feminist narrative about the “patriarchy”:

Science is descriptive, not prescriptive. It also goes against the feminist narrative that the patriarchy stops women from succeeding. No, men simply have more incentive to work high effort/high status jobs. Therefore the priorities of women and men are different.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn for men who refuse the mantle of male dominance.

children –> woman –> man –> God. It’s the natural order for a reason.

Feel free to substitute Purpose for God if you’re the earthly-bound type.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The successful pair-bond is the successful polarity-bond. Ever try to squeeze two magnets of the same pole together, as feminists and manginas insist we all do? REPULSION!

The dominant man<–>submissive woman is the strongest magnet in the known universe. The submissive man<–>submissive woman or the dominant man<–>dominant woman are the weakest bonds. In warped sexual markets, the submissive man<–>dominant woman couple can work — for a while — but it’s a coupling of egoistic convenience rather than one of passion. Its bond is reliable enough for tax purposes but also weak, and marked by frequent resentments that can provoke unfaithfulness.

The current Western sexual market is riven with submissive man<–>dominant woman couples, which doesn’t bode well. It’s why assortative mating along arid criteria like credentials and political ideology are the norm now instead of the exception, and why mating along hot wet passionate criteria like masculine-feminine frisson and provider-nurturer sex-based roles is becoming less the norm and more the exceptional act of rebellion.

Hard times will bring back the ideal Darwinian bond of strong men coupling with submissive women.

CH & Pat Boyle #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

I’m having as big a laugh as any crimson-blooded American man over the latest sexual assault accusation against ür-shitlib feminist tribal hypocrite Al Franken, but it’s a good time to step back from the charade and examine this strange new moral panic overtaking the land as part of a larger marxist and feminist agenda to stigmatize normal male sexuality.

Pat Boyle worries about the same trend, in a comment over at Sailer’s,

I see this morning that Al Franken is the latest celebrity male to be accused of harassing some woman sometime. I hate all this because my views put me so outside the mainstream of contemporary politics but more importantly the mainstream of the community of iSteve readers.

I suspect that all this moralizing and tut-tuting about men harassing women will read like Victorian posturing’s in just a few years. Women want to be harassed. Indeed they are designed by nature to be harassed. My experience is that women demand to be harassed. Feminism will surely turn on its heel and come to be outraged that men are no longer harassing them as is their right.

Why are women happy and when are women most happy. Probably on their honeymoon and the first few months of marriage. This is when women get the most sex. Normal heterosexual women want to have sexual relations with a man every couple days. Most women for most of their adult lives probably are partially starved for sex.

How do women get what little sex they can manage? Unfortunately for them they are largely at the mercy of the energies of the men around them. They are also tightly bound by a network of prohibitions and customs that keep them from exercising the initiative. They must wait often for some man to make an approach. Not all men find it comfortable to do this. There is some risk of rejection and humiliation. Others are clumsy.

I never cheated on either of my wives but in those periods when I was single I worked diligently at accosting females. There was a time when I dated over a hundred different women strangers in a single year. This has become easy with the rise of the Internet. I was never accused of harassing any of them but I was often rejected – sometimes loudly and in public. So what? Girls dress up so as to become the object of men’s lust. Then they feign indifference. That’s just how the game is set up. Since women are generally small, weak and unarmed, all a man risks by being sexually aggressive is a few unkind words.

In those periods when I was most active I thought of myself as providing a public service. Women like to be vigorously pursued. If they are ignored they pout.

Some women are now thinking of the current jihad against grab-ass as some kind of moral crusade. They haven’t counted the costs. If as seems likely, men become more reluctant to flirt or even just make naughty comments to women, the sum total of human happiness will be diminished. Men will hesitate and women will go home and cry in their empty bed.

Women by nature are loathe to hit on men, so they must rely on men aggressively pursuing them to have any shot at love and marriage. If men stop busting a move, both men and women lose out.

Daniel Chieh follows up,

As Slavoj Žižek kinda trolled, the “new rules” are like an ashtray with a “No Smoking” sign above it. Its all madness, the glorious result of a combination of pursuing fantastical ideas of equality to their natural limit plus absolute atomization of the individual.

Enjoy the Current Year spectacle of leftoids getting id-raped by the very man-hating beast they released from the abyss, but don’t forget that the end game is not good for anyone: this beast won’t stop devouring until Equalism is dead as an ideology and virtue signaling passes from the stage as the flare of madness it has always been.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

But does he have tight game? The evidence gathered to date says— the tightest! For instance, examine closely how well Trump handled his own Realtalk™ charge that could’ve blown up in his face given leftoid Hivemind and GOP (one and the same) hatred of him.

Trump said Juan McCain is no war hero, because, paraphrasing, there’s nothing heroic about getting captured.

I happen to agree, in part, with Trump here. A sure sign of national decline is bastardization of the native language (to suit the needs of ruling class propagandists and, less ominously, to strengthen group identification among the lower classes). As Greg Cochran has noted, we live in a culture where the hero has MOVED ON to the right side of history, becoming a “hero through suffering” rather than a “hero through deed”. This is supposed to be an improvement. It’s not. It’s a dumbing-down of heroism, so the mass of mediocrities can feel like they have a spiritual connection to the hallowed Hero’s Hall every time they fall into a depressed resignation about their miserable lives.

I specify that I agreed with Trump “in part”, because the Merriam-Webster definition of “hero” does include, under line item #2, the description of the hero as someone with “noble qualities”. You can argue that, once captured, possessing the grit and fortitude to stick it out for years until release is a type of heroism.

So there was wiggle room there for Trump to take a legit hit from his enemies to the—. “””right”””. (hahaha i keel myself!)

But did Trump back down when the Hivemind assembled its buzzing battalions to perforate him on a, ahem, trumped-up charge of insufficient patriotism and groveling toward a veteran with a stellar record of lapping up the precum off Vicente Fox’s Spanish-European glans? (A charge, it should be mentioned, not a single member of the Hivemind conglomerate takes seriously in his own life.)

No. Not only did Trump refuse the offer he couldn’t refuse, he struck back with guns twice as big, twice as fast, and ten times as lethal.

This fuckin guy. ????

As wags have dubbed him, Trump is a kind of morph of Realtalking internet commenters and Duke Nukem. Here he is on peabrained cuckservative Rick Perry, after Perry swallowed a load of Hivemind jizz and tried, feebly, to oust Trump from respectable GOP circlejerks:

And look what Trump did to that most effete of GOP supracucks, Lindsey “gaypedoface” Graham, (who called Trump a “jackass”). Skip to minute 26:00 to see Trump brandish Graham’s real cell number, asking the studio audience to call Graham for clarification on his past request for Trump’s campaign assistance. It is quite the slashing shiv.

Trump has tight game.

– He reframes his opponents’ attacks.
– He goes on the offense, never allowing himself the womanly comfort of the defensive crouch.
– He never apologizes. Especially not when his accusers are such gratuitous phonyfucks.
– He is socially savvy, and knows how to speak to the common man.
– His upgraded third wife is a hottie. And not just “for her age”.

If Trump is President, no one will have to humiliate himself pretending that a First Gorilla is a highly fuckable beauty.

Trump is such a BAD BAD RACIST EGOTISTIC MAN that he currently sits atop the Republican polls. Game can get you laid, and it can help you become leader of the free world.

President Donald Trump.

Isn’t it about time the Presidency was occupied by an alpha male worthy of the office? You know, alpha males like we used to have with the Founders?

If nothing else, Trump makes what would have been a tedious, insipid non-race with no import besides greasing the skids to national dissolution into something interesting to watch. Trump has pushed the Overton Window so wide, its gaping hole resembles Andrew “RawMuscleGlutes” Sullivan’s prolapsing rectum.

Trump fucks with the status quo, and the fucking is good.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Chesterfield here is essentially arguing for restricted female agency, and therefore the necessity to men of wisely shielding women from matters of true importance – like immigration policy – while pretending as if women’s counsel was desired.

Feminine women don’t really desire, as beta males are wont to believe, full egalitarian inclusion in serious business or political decisions. Having it bores them and they often rebel by deciding for changes that subvert the bounty for which they were charged by obsequious, supplicating men to protect and preserve. What women really love is the man who “trifles with them”, but also assuages their fear that their instinctive female predilection for flirtation and little passions won’t be exploited to embarrass them in polite company as frivolities.

Chateau Heartiste #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Dating Market Value Test For Men

Here is a system for determining your dating market value if you are a man. Dating market value is a measurement of how you stack up against other men in the competition for attracting female interest. Be honest with yourself taking this survey. It will give you a fairly accurate assessment of the quality and number of women you are capable of attracting for a sexual relationship. Girls, you may take this quiz for your boyfriends to see if you are slumming it or about to be cheated on.

1. How old are you?

under 25 years old: 0 points
26-34 years old: +1 point
35-45 years old: 0 points
45+ years old: -1 point

2. How tall are you?

under 5’9?: -1 point
5’9? to 5’11”: 0 points
6' to 6’4?: +1 point
over 6’4?: 0 points

3. What is your BMI?

(Go here to calculate your BMI. I know BMI doesn’t account for very muscular physiques, but since most men are not Lee Haney, it is adequate for this survey’s purposes.)

under 20.0: -1 point
20.0 to 24.0: +1 point
24.1 to 27.0: 0 points
over 27.0: -1 point

4. How much do you bench press?

60% or less of your body weight: -1 point
61% to 80% of your body weight: 0 points
81% to 170% of your body weight: +1 point
over 170% of your body weight: 0 points

5. What does your hairline look like?

Full head of hair if you are over 35: +1 point
Full head of hair if you are under 35: 0 points
Receding hairline if you are over 35: 0 points
Receding hairline if you are under 35: -1 point
Bald (age irrelevant): -1 point
Bald but you are dark-skinned: 0 points

6. How much money do you make?

under $40K and you are out of college: -1 point
$40K to $70K out of college and under 40 years old: 0 points
over $70K out of college and under 40 years old: +1 point
under $40K and you are college age or younger: 0 points
$40K to $55K and over 40 years old: -1 point
$55K to $90K and over 40 years old: 0 points
over $90K and 40 to 55 years old: +1 point
over $200K (age irrelevant): +1 point

7. Do you have a car?

No (under 21yo): 0 points
No (over 21yo): -1 point
Yes (under 21yo): +1 point
Yes (over 21yo): 0 points
No, but you have a motorcycle (age irrelevant): +1 point

8. Are you good-looking?

(Self-assessment is somewhat unreliable, so if you are uncertain of your looks post your pic on hotornot and wait a week for your score. Or get opinions from unbiased and blunt friends. Hashing out the biometric details of what makes a male face attractive would require another lengthy post, so for now these two methods are acceptable substitutes.)

On a 1 – 10 scale:

0 – 4: -1 point
5 – 7: 0 points
8 – 10: +1 point

9. Have you ever played a leading role in a team sport?

No: 0 points
Yes: +1 point

10. What is your occupation?

(Since I won’t list every single high status job in the Department of Labor’s Occupational Handbook, you’ll have to make a judgment call on your own job. It’s a safe assumption that most people know a high status job when they see it.)

High status (doctor, lawyer, stockbroker, executive, professor, business owner, successful artist or musician or writer, professional athlete, etc.): +1 point
Neutral status (engineer, programmer, accountant, salesman, mid level manager, scientist, military officer, well-paid tradesman, etc.): 0 points
Low status (low paid blue collar, admin, construction, janitor, struggling web designer, help desk, etc.): -1 point

11. How many friends do you have?

0 to 3: -1 point
4 to 20: 0 points
over 20: +1 point

12. How many friends have you met through the internet that you have never seen in person?

0 to 2: 0 points
over 2: -1 point

13. When was the last time you went to a house party?

Within the past month: +1 point
Between one month and one year ago: 0 points
Over one year ago: -1 point

14. Have people besides your family called you funny?

None: -1 point
A few have: 0 points
Nearly everyone who knows me: +1 point

15. What is your IQ?

Under 85: -1 point
85 to 110: 0 points
110 to 130: +1 point
130 to 145: 0 points
over 145: -1 point

16. At a party, which happens first – you approach someone or someone approaches you?

I approach someone first almost every time: +1 point
I occasionally approach first: 0 points
Someone normally approaches me first: -1 point

17. Have you ever been in a serious fight where real punches were thrown and you felt like you wanted to kill your opponent(s)?

No: 0 points
Yes: +1 point
Yes, with a girl: -1 point

18. Have you ever been arrested?

No: 0 points
Yes: +1 point
Yes, for child pornography or public exposure: -1 point


It’s best to answer the following four questions based on your past experience with similar scenarios. Who we really are is not what we wish we were but what we have always been.

19. You are on a second date with a girl. You go to kiss her. She turns her cheek to you and says “Slow down, I’m not that kind of girl.” You reply:

(A) “Sorry.”
(B) “Yeah, well, no prob.”
(C) “This could be trouble ’cause I’m that kind of guy.” *smirk*

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

20. You’re chatting up a pretty girl you just met in a bar. After a few minutes she asks you to buy her a drink. You reply:

(A) “Sure.”
(B) “I’m not an ATM.”
(C) “No, but you can buy me one.”

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

21. You’ve just met a cute girl in a club and have been talking with her for five minutes when she abruptly changes the topic to a raunchy conversation about her multiorgasmic ability. You respond with:

(A) a huge grin and an eager “Damn! That is HOT!”
(B) a look of mild disdain.
(C) a raised eyebrow while saying “Hey, thanks for the medical report.”

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

22. The pickup has been going well. Later in the night she leans in and begins making out with you passionately. You feel like a king and your jeans suddenly feel much tighter. Do you:

(A) immediately grope her boob in return.
(B) continue making out with her for as long as she wishes.
(C) kiss for a little bit then push her gently away and look distracted for a second.

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

And finally, the critical thinking portion of the quiz. The following questions are based on the progression of a single pickup attempt.

23. You go to a bar. Twenty feet away are a pretty girl, a fat girl, and an average guy talking amongst themselves. The pretty girl briefly eye flirts with you. In reponse, you:

(A) eye flirt back and forth a few times before approaching 20 minutes later.
(B) immediately approach in a direct fashion maintaining strong eye contact with your target.
(C) immediately approach but from an indirect angle, looking around the room distractedly on the way over to your target as if you might see an even prettier girl somewhere else, and finally delivering your opener from over your shoulder.

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

24. Who do you address first?

(A) the pretty girl.
(B) the fat girl.
(C) everyone.

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

25. After getting the whole group engaged in conversation and having a good time, your target blurts out “Hey nice pink shirt! Are you gay?” You:

(A) say “No, I’m not gay!”
(B) ignore her.
(C) say “OK, who brought their little sister to the bar!”

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

26. In the middle of the conversation you have to pee. You say:

(A) “I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
(B) “Excuse me.”
(C) nothing. Just go.

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

27. You’ve managed to get her outside your front door. There is obvious sexual tension. You want to close this deal. You say:

(A) “So, um, ah, see you around.”
(B) “Why don’t you come inside?”
(C) “I’m thirsty. Are you thirsty? Let’s go inside and taste DC’s finest tap water. But you can only stay for a minute, I have to get up early.”

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point



There are 26 points to earn or lose based on the questions asked. The scoring breaks down as follows:

-26: Why are you still alive?
-25 to -20: You’re an omega. Celibacy has its charms.
-19 to -15: You actively repulse girls. Your kind will usher forth the sexbot revolution.
-14 to -10: You’re always getted foisted onto the warpigs.
-9 to 0: Lesser beta. You don’t immediately disgust girls; they just don’t notice you. With much painful effort you can redeem yourself.
1 to 9: Classic beta. You catch some girls’ eyes, usually the ones you don’t want. Try not to make fatty fucking a lifestyle.
10 to 14: A few attractive girls in the bar will be intrigued by your presence. But you need game to close the deal.
15 to 19: Congrats, you have crossed the alpha Rubicon. A lot of cute girls will be pleased when you hit on them. But you can still fuck up by being yourself.
20 to 25: You’re a natural. Many hot girls check you out and forgive your occasional pickup blunders. You always have a look of sexual satisfaction on your face.
26: Super Alpha. Booty sticks to you like bird shit on car roofs.

(Submitter's note: Compare and contrast Dating Market Value Test For Women)

CH #conspiracy heartiste.wordpress.com

This is interesting. In 1969, Planned Parenthood had a planned population control agenda waiting to be implemented in the West.


From reader JR (livelihood-saving anonymity provided courtesy of blog owner(s)),

the document appears to be real

the defense is that they were just, you know, discussing possible proposals and ideas for limiting population, not necessarily endorsing them

of course, literally all of them were done and are now celebrated – except for the water supply one*

at least, as far as we know

so what have the Media and Establishment done since 1969:

– encouraged women to work

– portrayed the ideal family size as being only 1-2 children – or even none

– portrayed the time to start a family as being in your 30s

– encouraged and celebrated homosexuality

– extended mandatory education to high school and even college for most jobs


*The water supply suggestion has been implemented, (accidentally if not intentionally). Our waters now teem with the effluvia of plastics, estrogens, birth control pills, fluoride, and innumerable endocrine disruptors.

It’s funny that humans thought they could mess with the primal forces of nature (reproduction) and not incur any civilizational-sized blowback.

At least now we have proof (as if it was needed) that foreign-led organizations like Planned Parenthood actively and strategically pushed Poz down the collective throat of America for decades, in an attempt to weaken the spirit of Heritage Americans and quash their desire for posterity and their ability to achieve it.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The pill has repeatedly been called the greatest invention of the 20th Century and is said to be responsible for a third of the increase in women’s wages since the 1960s.

Coincidentally, it’s also been responsible for a third of the decrease in women’s lifetime fertility and lovability.

But contraceptive pills may have a darker side. As Pletzer wrote in 2014, when athletes take steroids we call it ‘doping’ – it’s considered abuse and strongly condemned by society. But we’re happy for millions of women to take these hormones every day, sometimes right through from puberty to menopause.

When you fuck with the laws of Nature, don’t be surprised when Nature fucks you back. The God of Biomechanics will not be denied for long.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Physiognomy is roaring back as a legitimate field of research. Will phrenology soon follow a similar path to realtalk respectability?

We CAN judge a book by its cover. We can tell with a quick glance at a person’s face who is prone to criminality, who is stupid or smart, who is a cad or a slut, and who is rich or poor.


Surprisingly, researchers co-discovered people can tell which Whites live around blacks; they never look relaxed.


We age into the face we deserve — a fairly conventional bit of wisdom that has a big kernel of scientific validity. Related, it’s the reason why successful womanizers have that “unperturbed and in charge look” which seems to exert a preternatural pull on women, and why incels aging into bottled up, scrunched up, constipated faces push women away, regardless of baseline facial attractiveness. A satiated cad walks into a roomful of Betties pre-radiating a glow of unflappable confidence and libidinal fulfillment, and it’s all the women can do to control their curiosity. I.e., the hungry dog is the last to get fed.

CNBC, like most leftoid outfits, chooses to interpret the findings of this Narrative-exploding research with a rhetorical dissembling that would spare their blank slate-committed egos.

“That’s a reminder that snap judgments can have real consequences, and contribute to the cycle of poverty” — CNBC, dribbling typical shitlib boilerplate.

Realtruth: “That’s a reminder that snap judgments are based on concrete biological cues of human worth, and can contribute to efficiently filtering people for purposes of association.”

Physiognomy doesn’t create poor people, shitlibs. Physiognomy notices who is likely to have the inherent characteristics that predispose to poverty.

It’s that NOTICING which really bugs shitlibs. They hate that a reality exists that constantly makes mockery of their antiquated religious orthodoxy.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

The latest ham-fisted Spoogle attempt at anti-White, anti-nationalism propaganda is a perfect specimen of vapid antiracism clown world effluvium. The difference this time is that the artist isn’t (as far as we know) a diversinerd in Spoogle’s employ.


A 15-year-old girl from ground zero of empathobesic White Puritanism — Connecticut — doodled this shitlib excrescence for the win and a $30K scholarship from Spoogle. In a few years, she’ll be a voter.

Let’s count up the lies.

The science nerd black kid.
The blue-eyed Jewess.
The White girl shorter than all the nonwhites.
The three White boys are either gay, handicapped, or crippled.

Do you think this teen girl got rejected by a White boy she was crushing on? That’d be the way to bet!

About the only honest representation are the shadowhand devil’s horns in the background, subtly reminding the viewer of the inherently dehumanizing malevolence in the scene.

PS ABG. Anything. But. Google. Use duckduckgo or startpage. Don’t give Spoogle a single click.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

There are two societal cataclysms set to collide in the West, and unless we foresee them, as CH has foreseen them, and actively prevent their efflorescence, the West is doomed.

The Sexbot Revolution (it’s happening), in conjunction with the introduction of the male Pill, will upend the sexual market and bring chaos to long-established and evolved implicit rules of conduct. The biggest impact will be a reduction in the asking price of women (in normie terms: a lot of sub-hottie women will have to date below their league if they don’t want to be alone). Sexbots, and other realistic simulacra of sex with a hot woman, will occupy the attention and, ahem, energy of a mass of omega and beta males who will prefer the intense experience of release with their Minka Kelly lookalike bots over uninspiring sex with the human plain janes and fatties who would normally be their lot.

What sexbots and VR tech (yolodecks) will essentially create is a massive unemployment crisis among Western women. These castaways will struggle to find love and marriage (which is a woman’s prime purpose in life). Omega males and those marginal rejects on the left hand side of the beta male curve will also be out of the sexual market, but their joblessness won’t hit them as psychologically hard as it does beta women, because the men will be the jobless equivalent of “not seeking work”, content to wile away their recreational time (by then almost all their time) in the uncannily supple bosoms of their sexbots.

Alpha men will take up the IRL slack and collect large de facto, and by that time de jure, harems of girlfriends, wives, and mistresses. It won’t be long after sexbots become affordable that there will be changes in law to permit polygyny (one alpha man, many women). Polygyny is Africa, if you need a picture in your head.

After a while, there will be sexbots for women, though the technology to make a realistic male sexbot will have to be far more advanced, given that lonely women will want them mostly for romantic pillow talk, intuitive understanding, and household chores.


The Robot Revolution (it’s been happening) will squeeze the sexual market from the other end. Just as mass Dirt World immigration has gutted the wages of working class men and fueled the opioid epidemic in their towns, the mass immigration of robots into the job market will place more downward pressure on the wages of blue collar men and in most cases drive them completely out of work, with no hope of new market niches opening up that don’t require high IQ and educational attainment to realistically enter.

Eventually, like with male sexbots filling the sexual market vacuum left by female sexbots, carnally-neutral industrial robots will move into pink collar and even some white collar occupations, putting a lot of “Gay Mulatto’s people” out of work. In fifty years, robots will be doing accounting, legal, administrative, HR, data entry, reporting, and maybe even programming jobs. That’s a lot of “new economy” jobs removed from human circulation by robots. It won’t be just service industry grunts or farmhands who bear the brunt of automation.

Think of it this way: industrial and commercial robots replace repetitive motion and repetitive thinking tasks, sexbots replace repetitive relationship and repetitive reproduction tasks.

Any repetitive motion or thinking task can be automated, and will be if the FREE MARKET is left to its invisible hand devices. The same goes for sexbots putting metaphorical pink collars out of work.

The Luddism counter-argument that usually comes up when this topic stirs libertardians from their vape dens falls immediately flat on close inspection. Automobiles (proto-robots) put a lot of horses out to pasture, with no chance for job retraining because horses aren’t very smart and can’t be taught C++. These excess horses were killed for dog meat and soap, or returned to the wild to fend for themselves. There are limits to market niche exploitation and economic mobility; each new and improved automation revolution ratchets up the cognitive demands on those “put out to pasture” by the robot technology.

As robots take over ever more low-, mid-, and high-skill jobs, the humans formerly employed in those jobs simply won’t have the IQ horsepower or suitable temperament to adequately retrain themselves in the chaotically reoriented job market that will be created in the wake of the robot economy. It’s pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking to presume a longshoreman can be retrained to, say, program robot algorithms. And all those lawyers and paralegals who lose their jobs to automation will have a tough time trying to learn principles of electrical conductance.

The ones who will be spared the negative externalities of the robot and sexbot revolutions will be those whose creativity, fluid intelligence, spontaneity, and incomparable sexuality can’t be sufficiently mimicked by artificial substitutes. Perhaps street artists will be lucky enough to avoid joblessness in our robot overlord future, whatever income pittance they must accept for their artistic vision, and be free to carry on snarking about “Trumpkins” and “redneck methheads”.

Alpha males won’t have to worry about sexbots; for them, the sexbot revolution will create a pornucopia of delights as they are besieged by desperate women who literally can’t find a man because three quarters of them are locked in their bedrooms completely satiated from week-long sessions with their Ivanka Trumpbots. Slender hot babes will still have a real man to call their own—.as long as they’re ok with him calling additional women his own. I’m not saying this to spite anyone; I’m a messenger of sexual market reality, and I’m telling you this is what’s most likely to happen when armies of hot babe substitutes are introduced into the field of courtship. Sexbots will skew the sex ratio and that has mate choice implications that greatly amplify the affects of vidgya gaming and YouFap.

The Globohomo Bathhouse Alliance won’t have to worry about job-stealing robots (at first), unless AI progresses to the point that Skynet makes human class distinctions irrelevant (in the “wipe all the classes out” way). So don’t expect our queer leaders to do anything to stop the robot, or sexbot, invasions. If anything, they’ll encourage the sexbot and robot takeover, assuming its the best intervention to mollify the uppity masses.

The remaining mystery is what, exactly, all those jobless Westerners will buy with the money they’re not making. Mass joblessness means sexbots rotting on the shelves. The 1% will become the 0.0001% and there won’t be enough wealthy investors to keep the robot revolution moving forward. There will have to be an injection of money from somewhere, and that will mean the government printing money like it’s going out of style, to pay all those now-expendable humans a guaranteed basic income. Inflation will, must, return with a fury.

Alternatively, robots will decrease the price of almost all consumer goods so dramatically (due to low extraction and production overhead and zero human labor costs) that everything one could want will cost pennies, and we will have a society like the Wall-E spaceship, all needs catered and pleasures serviced by round-the-clock robots and sexbots, as we get fatter, weaker, stupider, lazier, more feminized, and less rebellious toward the disappearance of meaning from our lives. Government will exist primarily to regulate the profits that the top 0.00001% — those who own the robot-operated factories and distribution centers — can skim from their enterprises, because there will be democratically-elected incentive to keep the prices of goods affordable for people making no more than the Fake Money from their Fake Incomes provided to them by Uncle Samantha.

What I am predicting, then, is a total fertility and financial collapse in the West not long after the robot and sexbot revolutions metastasize and Occupy Main Street. Robots will herald financial collapse from debt spending and money printing. Sexbots will herald fertility collapse from marriage abandonment and a mass exodus of men and women from the dating scene. Literally, currency and seed will be spilled fruitlessly into an empty abyss.

Cataclysms colliding. The people who voted for Trump, in their unarticulated way, are the first angsty salvos against this coming collision. Nationalism, race, and family are the only bulwarks that can stop the dystopian juggernaut, and that’s why the elite are in a frenzy to stump what Trump represents.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

In Sane World, this photo would elicit gushing admiration. In our current Clown World, it’s eliciting howls of outrage and fissures of butthurt from the degenerate freak mafia.


An attractive, slender mother cradles her infant to her bosom, while a muscular White man — an anonymous hero with his cap brim pulled over his eyes — cradles them both and carries them to safety. Is there a better symbol of the natural hierarchy between man, woman, and child? It’s Beauty in its simplicity of Truth, and that’s why it’s a Weapon of Mass Triggering. The Bitter Ugly Mole People screech in pain when they are forced to stare at the sun.


Allegedly, the White man is not the woman’s husband. Her husband is the man escorting his Nikes to dry land.


Disaster response, by race.
Chads: cooperate and coordinate rescue missions and charitable assistance
Looter-Americans: take advantage of chaos for personal enrichment, bitch about delay in charity
The Mohel Minority: find way to use disaster as pretext to politically weaken gentile enemy
Mexifornians: siesta

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Carlson must have been reading manosphere blogs recently and swallowed a few Crimson Pills on his journey to becoming the real-est Realtalker on the TelaViv, because in his latest show he drops a truth bomb so big it caused feminists to shriek themselves to death.


No joke, I would vote for a Carlson/Coulter presidential ticket. There are few people who could trigger the shitlib gooniverse harder than does Trump, but Carlson might achieve it, and he does it with smarts and sureness of belief.

His main point — that cratering male wages in traditionally male occupations have reduced men’s marriage market value in the rural areas and small towns which voted heavily for Trump, contributing to a host of current social ills in those areas — is spot on, and something that we here at the Chateau have been banging on about for a long time.

When the State replaces men as the primary provider for women, then women, in effect, will marry the State (and fuck around with charming, undependable cads). Compassion creates more cads.

Carlson has broached the subject of female hypergamy — the third rail of sociosexual analysis — and the femcunts and soyboy lickspittles don’t like it.

In short, men date across and down, women date across and up. Men are primarily attracted to women’s looks, women are primarily attracted to men’s social and financial status (especially for long-term commitments). When men lose status, their women lose desire for them.

The beating heart of the Trump vote was a howl from men who have experienced an SMV decline — sexual and social market value declines brought upon them by anti-White pro-Diversity agitprop and nonWhite dispossession, the disappearance of male-oriented occupations that don’t require a facility with sitting still in an office chair all day, and the cheapening of their labor by foreign invaders scabs invited in at the behest of greedy corporate oligarchs.

And, as Carlson said, almost word-for-word recapping posts written at the Chateau, the female hypergamous instinct may be distasteful to contemplate, but it’s not going anywhere soon, because the sexes have innately competing reproductive goals. A smart, sane society understands this, and works to leverage the beneficial effects of that instinct rather than encourage its worst aspects.

Thankfully, Trump has managed to turn it around, a little. The manufacturing industry posted the biggest job gains in twenty years in 2018.


On the downside, there are still too many gains in education, health services, and hospitality, which translates to dead weight gibs for women and migrants, which ultimately has a corrosive effect on the marriage market for White men.

I would have to see the percentage gains for each occupational group over the last few years to determine if this is a blip or a real and lasting course correction. It’s great that manufacturing jobs have increased, but if the increase in Shrike Jobs is larger then the gains in manufacturing, than the benefits from the latter will be swamped by the negative consequences of the former.

A successful realization of MAGA means the top two occupation groups are at the bottom, and at least six of the bottom eleven occupation groups storm the top of the jobs gain chart.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Most avowed feminists and feminist leaders are dog ugly, so that part of the alliance rings true. But what if it was beta males, rather than alpha males, who were the other prime movers of Boomer feminism? (Boomer feminism was the beginning of the really warped variety of feminism that supplanted suffrage and Prohibition.) Did beta males enjoin the feminist sabotage of civilization because they thought it would cramp the style of alpha males? The betas probably didn’t grasp the long-term consequences of their project, but crippling their competition was the short-term goal they had in mind when they allied with the femfreaks. They were probably thinking (beneath the layers of socially presentable equalese), “Aha, elevating women to positions of power will help kick out those entrenched alpha males and level the male playing field. More poosy for us!”

Poor pathetic beta male feminists. Little did they realize that helping women become economically self-sufficient and freed from the “slavery” of marriage allowed them to ignore betas for the sexy alphas promising nothing but a good time. The one bit of leverage beta males bring to the sexual market table — their emotional and financial provisions — they trashed in a fit of spite against the jocks they hated in high school.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

Of course, these questions will never be answered. Because the truth is a shiv to the post-modern, post-Western, anti-white posterity cleansing project. The truth is that there was nothing “random” about this morbidly banal killing; three gutter fiends spotted a white man — an iconic-looking white man jogging in that iconically white way — and gleefully took aim with all the roiling envy and hate their black hearts could muster, channeled into the spear of hot metal that would reward them with a few minutes of spastic joy.


The Cathedral isn’t simply a metaphor for the mouthpieces of the mass media; its darkness — its evil — reaches deep into schools, government, entertainment industries, and apparently even local police departments. No mind is safe from its memetic synapse-blasting. Not even the minds of those who are up to their necks in daily reminders of reality and should know better than to spout blatant reality-warping lies intended as much to humiliate the listener as to redirect rage.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

[This is both RSTDT and SSTDT, please put this where you deem appropriate]

Sex Denialism — the false belief that there are no innate psychological, cognitive, or even physical differences between the sexes.

Race Denialism — the false belief that there are no innate physical, psychological, or cognitive differences between the races.

Sex Denialism and Race Denialism are the two Foundational Lies which together provide the sustaining mythology for the false religion of Equalism, a cult of modernity that has captured almost the entirety of the Left but also has accumulated followers from the Right. Equalism’s guiding principle is the Commandment that there shall be no God but the God of Interchangeable Sexes and Interchangeable Races, and that Noticing any Differences between the Sexes and Races is Heresy. Man is Woman, Black is White, Beauty is Ugliness, Truth is Lies. Amen.

Conservatives and liberals are in thrall to Equalism, but it is predominately an ego affliction of liberals. The numbers of conservatives joining the Synathedral/Hivemind of Equalism is rising, though, and we call these conservatives “cucks”. True believers can be found on both sides, but the zealots and shock troops for Equalism are almost all from the Left, willing puppets of their Globohomo Bathhouse Alliance masters.

Sex Denialism is a myth held dear by both feminists and conventional or traditional conservatives (tradcons). The most fervent believers in Sex Equivalency are usually of the Femme Left (Antifemme), but tradcon diehard adherents aren’t uncommon. For instance, one will often hear a tradcon parrot feminist boilerplate whenever the subject turns to the sexual market and sex differences in romantic yearning, mating preference, and arousal trigger points.

Race Denialism is largely a creature of the Fake Morality Left, but which recently has had an influx of emotionally weak cucks from the Right. It is a prayerbook full of both banal and exotic incantations that when intoned serve to increase the social status of the believer and intensify religious feeling and tribal affiliation. We can see the tribal contours of Race Denialism in the fortitude and zeal with which followers chase down and burn at the stake any apostates. This animus for nonbelievers contrasts ironically with the Left’s personal avowals of belief in the equal worth of man, putting the lie to the very heart of what they claim to believe. This is how you know that the Left and Cucked Right will never be dislodged from their false religion solely with appeals to logic or reason. They must be psychologically crushed and culturally purged.

The Alt-Right — and if I may be so insolent, Chateau Heartiste from the very beginning — are a force because it is the only movement in the West today that comes close to repudiating Sex Denialism and Race Denialism, which makes it a revolutionary vanguard undermining the One, True religion of Equalism. Hence, the frantic hack jobs and smear campaigns and doxxings and boycotts and firings and blacklists and Social Justice Silencings waged by the Globohomoists and their archipelago of misfit manlets against anyone even tangentially affirming, aiding, or abetting Sex and Race Realtalk barbarians tearing down stone by stone the Palace of Pretty Lies.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

The Schlomo-Shitlib Axis convulsed themselves into a heavy menstrual flow this past week over the Fake Atrocity of bawlin’ beanlets being temporarily separated from their beaner parents for processing by border control officials. The real atrocity is of course the child abuse committed by the parents for hauling their leetle darleengs across hundreds of miles of hot desert, beset by child smugglers, cartel murderers, rapists, and pedophiles at every pit stop, passing through the non-shithole country of Mexico en route to invading the oppressively racist country of America, to live la vida loco.

Naturally, Trump and his supporters are to blame for being Nazis or something. The media said so. It’s all connected. You just have to abandon your senses of sanity and hyperbole.

So many leftoid crocodile tears shed for bawlin’ beanlets dragged by their parents thousands of miles away from their homelands, while not a single tear spared for poor White kids who live a few towns over. Tears for the former are grace and empathy personified, while tears for the latter are gauche. That’s how moral enlightenment looks once refracted through the twisted shitlib mind.

“How dare you?” shrieks the anchorshitlib in high dudgeon when her Void-Cunt Conformism Test is defied by a wompin’ White man whose sympathies are more realistically and sincerely situated closer to home. “These poor (brown) children are being separated from their parents! IT’S A NATIONAL DISGRACE,” she screams through red face and eyes bulging with fire and brimstone. To which the only needed response is, “lol suk a dik, you leftoids are off your rockers. ‘Tender age’ kids are separated every day from their parents—it’s called elementary school!”


But the shitlib won’t stop her descent into infantilism. There’s too much at stake, such as the much better moral high she can get from effortlessly sympathizing with faraway people who don’t look like her. Sympathizing with kin closer to home comes with expectations of real assistance, and why work for her hit of methamphetapreen when she can emote ineffectually over illegal aliens who can only trip her guilt from a distance.

The poster beanlet for this virtue signaling mass hysteria is a toddler girl who was photographed—wait for it—crying. Yes, stop the presses, a toddler was crying. It’s the next Watergate. Or Waterworks.

The aztot immediately became iconic to one half of the country. She was even featured on a Time fagazine cover:


The suspiciously coordinated Chaimstream Media moved quickly to action to give their shitlib audience what it craved: a narrative injection about no good, very bad, horribly racist BadWhites and the evil Trump Administration tearing a little crying girl from her mother. Never mind that the separation policy is twenty years old, enforced by Gay Mulatto and Trump alike.

Yellow journalism isn’t the right term for what’s going on today with the media, which is much worse than mere sensationalism. The media is now into passing off lies and suppressing truths to whip up fervor among their remnant shitlib followers in the hopes of inciting either an impeachment or an assassination of Trump. It’s that bad.

Manufactured emotionalism is the Chaimstream Media’s sole purpose now. Truth? Objectivity? Journalistic ethics? Sanity? Toss it in the bin, because the only thing that matters is winding up a bunch of hysterical cat ladies, urban sluts, and soyboys over the phony plight of foreign invaders who use their kids as “get into the US free” props. The media’s mottos can be condensed to “Anything to Get Trump” and “No Lie Too Big”.

It only took a day of media fluffing to give Shitlib America wood. Protests erupted. Celebrities jizzed themselves in ropes of self-righteous indignation. Trump officials were hounded out of restaurants and leftists threatened ICE patriots with bodily harm on Twatter (account suspensions delayed pending review of what level of incitement to violence is permissible if the threat is carried out by a leftoid—turns out, quite a lot).

But a funny thing happened (again) during this combo platter two minutes hate + two minutes sanctimony: the central figure — the core conceit — of the shitlib narrative collapsed, and made a farce of what was already a sham.

The bawlin’ beanlet was never separated from her mother.

The morbid humor doesn’t stop there. In the midst of the anti-Trump frenzy, ethical journalists at the Daily Caller and Breitbart reported a host of details that put the lie to every cherished mythology of the Left in their manufactured crisis du jour.


Trump was right. They really aren’t sending their best.

(left unstated: the toddler grows up to be a fat waddling adult bean who gives birth to five ms-13 gang members. #GenesMatter #RaceMatters)

Even when the Left thinks they have scored a battlefield victory, their delusions are exposed by the countervailing facts that inevitably surface a few sanity-check days later to put the lie to their anti-White narrative.

It’s almost clockwork-like now:

a propaganda photo of Browns Behaving Heartwarmingly goes viral
shitlibs celebrate their good fortune at getting the chance to once again paternalistically emote over a nonWhite while denouncing Trump and TrumpWhites who insufficiently grovel before the Equalism Monolith
a disingenuous moral panic ensues, recharging shitlib batteries depleted by the Trumpening and the creeping realization that their noble savage worldview is on the verge of implosion
as shitlib menstrual cycles are synchronizing, a trickle and then a deluge of contradicting facts escapes from dissident media outlets, destroying any slim justification for the shitlib hysterics
shitlibs and their media symbiote ignore the contradicting facts, pretending their entire narrative wasn’t just discredited (but enough realtalk pierces their bubbles that another bout of cogdis pushes them one step closer to the funny farm)

That last item is important, because it’s proof that shitlibs don’t really care about the bawlin’ beanlets. If they really cared about the leetle crying beanlet, they would express relief that she wasn’t actually separated from her mother. They would be happy that their worst fear wasn’t realized. Instead, they ignore the heartening news to continue slandering Trump with the melodramatic blood libel that he’s building concentration camps for the saints.

The Great Bawlin’ Beanlet Hoax of 2018 was always about Trump and what he and his followers represent: a disturbing lack of faith in the value of histrionic anti-White moralism. It was, yet again, a theatrical piece of agitprop around which shitlibs could coalesce into an uptalking choir of smarmy self-righteousness revealing an increasingly fragile superiority complex over those deplorable Whites who don’t commute to work via bike lane. Every modren day madness roiling the Hajnalsphere is just another front in the IntraWhite War.

It’s virtue signaling all the way down. Don’t let the torrent of tears fool you. (For one, shitlibs cry over anything. They aren’t known for emotional continence.) The tears aren’t for the children; the tears are for other shitlibs: briny droplets of estrogen that serve as club membership dues and backstage passes to polite society. When the tears streak in unison, shitlibs experience something akin to a mass hypnotic event; their atomized striver existence is, for a brief window, mutually connected to a larger community and social purpose that evokes a feeling of religious transcendence and earthy authenticity which they commonly lack and consequently endlessly try-hard to achieve.

In truth, children have always only ever been one of two things to the typical White shitlib: inconveniences, or soldiers to recruit for the cause. Satanic, really.

The scum who pushed the Bawlin’ Beanlet blood libel on gullible Whites by exploiting a bug in their high trust, guilt-based, empathobesic code should be reminded up front and as often as possible that America is not the fucking daycare center of the world. Beanlets separated from their parents because the parents tried to invade a foreign country? PARENTS’ FAULT. Claiming anything else is simply opportunistic moralism leveraged to tactical advantage by SWPL elites and sub-elites desperate to keep out of their halls of power and striver circles any incursions by declassé Whites riding a wave of revolutionary churn.

A slim majority of Americans is sane enough to understand the moral calculus, but a disconcertingly large minority prefers moral inversion, because the goal here isn’t moral clarity. It’s battlefield advantage. Precursors to Civil War 2—

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

It’s just more evidence that feminism has been, and continues to be, a Hate Machine dedicated to churning out Big Lies about the sexes and about their roles in society, with the express purpose of handicapping boys and men and lavishing extreme favoritism and government largesse on girls and women.

It’s silly to argue feminism is a symptom, rather than a cause, of a broken society when its agenda has directly contributed to so much social disruption, antagonism, distrust, resentment, and national decline. This is like arguing Marxism, Freudianism, Communism, SCALE, and GloboHomoism are symptoms of some deeper, underlying, corrupting force that bedevils the West. Large, society-spanning movements are as much cause as symptom of social degeneration. We’re splitting vellus hairs here.

If one wants to argue for a First Cause of the West’s decline, the most promising culprit would be Hajnalianism, but for some reason those who find SCALE objectionable rarely tackle the subject of inherited empathobesity.

Feminism as a distinctive movement really got started as a vanity project of masculinized or otherwise oddball women [link to Wikipedia article on Mary Wollstonecraft] who were for various reasons uncomfortable in the world of women. Its leaders — and one shouldn’t neglect to mention the preponderance of feminist leaders were and are Jewish women and their co-tribal male suckups — were able to leverage their gripes to a wider audience of women who had become frustrated and flustered and, in plenty of cases, enthused, by the postindustrial revolution shocks to the social system that, critically, severed fecundity from sex and community from individual.

There was never a feminist movement that had its origins in widespread complaints about male discrimination against working women. That is a myth. Pre-20th Century Western women worked plenty, either on the home or off it. Wives working as apprentices to their husbands’ businesses was fairly common in Medieval Europe.

What feminism has been, and what it remains today, is a propaganda howitzer to mow down the natural order and replace it with an inverted dystopia in which the defining feature is the removal of all constraints on female sexuality and the maximization of restrictions on male sexuality. As in any social movement, the breath of its life emerges first from the sticky goo of the sexual market.

Lies have consequences, and the Big Lies of Feminism and Antiracism have destroyer-of-worlds consequences. They must be fought with a vengeance.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

A fat tax has been seriously discussed on various platforms for years, usually supported by the premise that fat craps cost society a lot of money in higher health insurance premiums, mitigation overhead, and the daily annoyances of dealing with fatties in public spaces, making room for them, avoiding their stank, and spending mental energy looking away from their disgusting blobbiness while trying to suppress the retch reflex.

A well-meaning but nutritionally misguided fat tax (which taxed foods high in saturated fat) was even tried in Denmark, with positive results (the tax was later scrapped due to open borders—not kidding).

But what if I were to tell you that a Fat Chick Tax makes a lot more sense than a sex-blind generic fat tax? Tucked into a great post on macro-sexonomics (which reads a lot like Heartiste posts) from the blogger who calls himself Giovanni Dannato, the justification behind the Fat Chick Tax:

When most men rarely see higher than a 6.5 in public who isn’t flagrantly anti-social, their morale and motivation is sapped and the scale of sexual market value is drastically distorted in favor of those obese and plain women who stay behind.

While men will always get thirsty enough to settle for whatever they can find, they aren’t as willing to sacrifice as they would be if access to potential mates were more equitable. Once the girls they could approach are repulsive enough compared to anime porn, enthusiasm for the chase goes into a downward spiral.

For every low-status nerd who is willing to date a fat woman, there is another who ends up a celibate omega. This creates millions of bare branches with no roots or prospects in the social order, a state of affairs which makes steadily increasing agitation against the establishment inevitable.

Even those men who still succeed with women know they could be doing a lot better. Without any real status or bargaining leverage they are struggling with long term relationships and family formation. They have no more stake in the present state of affairs than do incels.

Just as illegal immigration and offshoring push down wages for everyone, most men see their sexual market payoff reduced by relentless demand inflation.
To put it in perspective, we all know how an influx of millions of pretty young women would be received by the matriarchy.

The overwhelming thirst caused by the hyper-inflationary collapse of the sexual market has played a significant role in the death of civic life. [—] Clearly, a society that wants to persist under modern conditions must acknowledge the importance of balancing the sexual market for the sake of cohesion and stability. [—]

A main point here is when we objectively rate beauty in a new inegalitarian age we can incorporate it into policy. A special tax on obese women for instance would tacitly acknowledge they are reneging on their side of the social contract by depriving society of the beauty that motivates male participation and helps sustain a workable balance of power between the sexes.

Similar penalties might apply to disfigurative piercings or tattoos.

Congregating in a few neighborhoods in a few cities could be dis-incentivized by removing feminist laws that make it easier for women to get nice white collar jobs they can’t get fired from and imposing special taxes on certain places of residence for single females.

These kinds of measures would obviously trigger massive female opposition, but if women as a whole tried living within a stable balance of power rather than an extractive matriarchy, they might actually like it.

The modren post-America sexual market is horribly skewed against men and their interests, and this as noted is a recipe for revolution. Giovanni is essentially recapitulating the same themes CH touched upon in posts like “Obesity to blame for Game“—

Game has been refined, taught and embraced by men in direct proportion to the shrinking pool of attractive thin girls. As the reduced supply of skinny chicks have seen their sexual market value skyrocket, they have adjusted by pricing their pussy out of reach for the average guy. In return, men have sought solutions to this new challenge in the rapidly advancing science of seduction. Where simple courtship worked in the past, it is no longer effective against the deep bunker defenses of the in-demand slender woman.

There has always been an evolutionary arms race between men and women in the quest for sex but now, for the first time in human history, the sheer numbers of fat chicks — in concert with the increase of financially independent women — is accelerating this arms race so fast that many people can’t cope and drop out. The tools of seduction for men become better by the day and the women counter with more impenetrable defenses. The tension is palpable. The whining and bitching is cacophonic. Distrust and dating blogs are at record highs.

If just 20% of fat chicks lost weight relations between the sexes would start to noticeably improve. And there would be more happiness in the world, because a skinny girl with hunger pangs is happier than a fat girl with a sheepdog and peanut butter.

—and in posts like “Game. obesity, and men dropping out“:

In short, no sociological theory into sex, marriage and family trends is complete without a long, hard look at female hypergamy, the one biomechanical force to rule them all, and its intersection with economic realities. The science is out there; when women become financially empowered, they begin to choose men based on criteria other than their ability to provide.

But that’s not all that Murray, et al are missing. I’m here to tell Murray and others perusing his findings that there is another, MASSIVE factor at work skewing the sexual market, and one that, just as unsurprisingly, gets almost no attention from the PC-soaked punditariat: female obesity.

Imagine you are an unmarried working class dude recently unemployed. You look around you and marvel at a sea of grotesquely misshapen fat women, rolls upon rolls of undulating flesh hiding stores of cheesy poofs, porky hellion spawn trailing their wakes, chins resting atop chins, bloated diabetic cankles stomping the Walmartian grounds like lumbering elephants. In some towns, close to 40% of the available single women are clinically OBESE.

This is obesity folks, not just overweight. Overweight women are physically repulsive, but obesity renders them monstrous. To clarify this assertion for the modern indoctrinated female reader: an obese woman is as sexually undesirable to men as a jobless, charmless, humorless, enfeebled, dull man is sexually undesirable to women.

So back to our realistic scenario: Our typical unmarried working class man surveys his cellulite-blasted kingdom (and it does not matter how fat he, himself, is, for fat men and thin men alike prefer the exquisite sight of slender female bodies), and he makes a quick hindbrain calculation. Does he bust his ass in a crappy service sector job doing women’s work for a shot at legally bound long-term commitment to a shuffling shoggoth dragging the bastard spawn of a hundred alpha males in tow, or does he say “fuck it” and turn to video games and porn featuring hot, thin chicks for his status and dopamine fix?

You see where this is heading. It’s entirely reasonable, and expected, that a lot of men would drop out of the intensified competition for the few remaining childless slender babes in a world full of fat asses, single moms, and fat assed single moms. And even among the small contingent of sexually appealing women, they make enough in government and HR paychecks to cover expenses plus gifts for their Skittles Men. What working stiff beta provider can compete on those terms?

A Fat Chick Tax would go a long way to bringing balance back to the force — bringing Truth & Beauty to a swellscape scarred by Lies & Ugliness — and in so doing return to White Men, the creators and maintainers of civilization, the motivation to keep sacrificing for the Good.

Welmer #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

" No hidden agenda. I say that if I prove myself capable of doing the same labor, why should it bother you if I do? That is not a claim that all women are capable of it, nor that the scale should be made to slide on the behalf of those who aren’t capable."

Bullshit. There is definitely an agenda. You haven’t proven anything — you’re just making arguments like the typical feminist you are.

You say you want “equality” and then next thing we know women are laying claim to their husbands’ life essence by using biased, feminist laws such as VAWA. They are claiming “discrimination” to get into jobs they shouldn’t be in. Why, that pull-up test was sexist! I wouldn’t have crashed that fighter plane if those men hadn’t made me feel insecure. If only the Army developed bionic tampons, I could haul 100lb. packs up the mountains of Afghanistan! Etc., etc.

So you can chop wood and change tires? Post a verifiable picture of yourself doing so and let the men here see for themselves how “demure” and feminine you are.

Nothing turns guys on like a sweaty, thick-armed, heavy-handed woman wielding a wrench or an ax—

So sexy, baby.

Bet you like to be on top, no?

[Submitter's note: >he doesn't enjoy cowgirl]

Bill Price #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

[Note: Bill Price is another name for W. F. Price]

We need more than a new political party; we need a new religious awakening to free us from the false doctrine of Enlightenment orthodoxy.

But we do not need a return to the past — we need something new and better, and in our own language. I suspect that the need for religious reform is often spurred more by changes in language than changes in human nature, which are much slower.

I’ve been working on this idea for half a year now. We need a new concept of kin-based faith that integrates the wisdom of the old worldview into the modern reality. All faith is kin-based (our earliest concepts of divine authority are based on the human family, e.g. father, son and holy spirit), but we’ve veered away from this truth in recent years. Christianity was a stroke of genius in that it allowed for a higher universal morality while simultaneously promoting the values that made families and communities strong. But it’s been hopelessly corrupted by an imperial form of the religion and a radical equalism that was never intended from the beginning, nor was it foreseen by early Christians, who viewed themselves as small communities of like-minded families resisting the depredations of a wicked and corrupt empire.

Today, once again, we’ll have to rely on faith to pull us out of a horrible mess of our own creation. I’m sure a lot of people will disagree, but I challenge them to come up with a better solution. Last time people tried an alternative the Bolsheviks ended up in power for 70 years, and that was a horror show I’d rather not live through myself, not to mention my kids.

Heartiste #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

A photo of the San Bernardino female Muslim terrorist was finally released to the public, and, judging by her resemblance to Mohammed Atta of 9/11 infamy, it appears her husband, the primary shooter Syed “we’re Farooked” Farook, had a motive for prematurely releasing himself from this mortal coil: going home every evening to gaze upon his wife’s asiatic pulchritude.

The CH hypothesis that Farook’s limited sexual market options contributed to his Islamist terror attack is gaining some traction. Farook had to get a mail order bride— who looked like this. And that’s while living in a country side by side with cute White women. That’s gotta sting.

Tashfeen Malik, besides being ugly on the outside, was equally odious on the inside. A native Pakistani who grew up in Saudi Arabia (there’s that Saudi connection again), she pledged an allegiance to ISIS and was probably the nagging harridan force who radicalized her husband. Oh, and there’s this juicy detail,

"Malik came to the U.S. on what is known as a “fiancé” visa, which allows an American fiancé to petition for his or her partner’s temporary entry before marriage. Malik received a Green Card this summer, U.S. officials said."

THANK YOU OPEN BORDERS NUTJOBS AND PRESIDENT BUTT FUCKING NAKED FOR YOUR RIGOROUS “VETTING” PROCESS. Fourteen dead Americans send their love to you. I’m sure if the dead could talk they would love to hear a little more of your faggot snark about “refugee widows and orphans”.

"Six months ago, the couple had a baby daughter and named her according to a naming convention more common to Arab families, rather than in the typical Pakistani manner."


Btw, CH also predicted that the media and/or government authorities would be slow to release the photo of the female Muslim attacker because there weren’t any photos of her without traditional mujahideen garb, which is an image that if made public would take a steaming dump on the shitlib narrative. From the article above,

"The other noted that Malik was very soft-spoken and conservative — so much that Farook’s brothers never saw her face, due to the full burqa she always wore in public."


Why are these ingrates even here? HAS AMERICA GONE INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE?! We already have our Bonnie and Clydes; we don’t need to import an army of Bombi and Syeds.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

[Pretty much the perfect illustration of how the alt-right went so far right it somehow ended up rejecting Randian competition and individualism]

Globohomogenization is human id accelerationism, corrupting natural human emotions and desires — envy, anxiety, female hypergamy — into monstrous deformations that ultimately dehumanizes as it propels people to emotional brinkmanship that exceeds the carrying capacity of their amygdalae.

Instead of the manageable stress of fitting into a social scene that might extend four town blocks and maybe one town over, the average globalized Westerner has her brain tricked to perceive competition with the global village hordes — millions of people, including those who occupy the farthest right and left tails of the human worth bell curve, from high SMV celebs to freakish cross-dressers, christcucks, and lactating men — and she simply isn’t equipped to handle that social input load without getting depressed and hooked on Big Pharma’s poison pills.

Out of Nod makes a good point about envy being pathologically amplified by globalism. One of the motivating drivers of the Acela-class affluent SWPL rootless cosmopolitan shitlib demand for Zero Border Control and embrace of GloboHomoism is so that they have an ever-broader avenue to access their need for a winner-take-all social status whoring competition in which they see themselves coming out on top of the global order. The White shitlib truly thinks herself morally and intellectually superior to all others (don’t let her Black Lives Matter shuck n hivemind act fool you) and what better way to finally prove that superiority than by winning on a world stage?

A “winner” pushes for more competition. Only “losers” would want to restrict or regulate competition (so the shitlib and deracinated cuck rationalizes). “Winners” don’t fear global competition because nothing could possibly threaten their winning station in life (largely paid for by imported cheap laborers). The religion of GloboHomoism thus becomes a social status marker for credentialist suckups whose lucky talent for abstract thinking has served them well in the post-scarcity data-driven borgonomy.

But it’s an ego-warped illusion. The more shitlibs push for globohomoism, the more they hitch their nation’s fate to inevitable decay and widespread poverty. And there are only so many gated communities to run to before the swarm engulfs its sponsor. Even now there are stories of frazzled urban hypercredentialist white libs cracking under the pressure of the Asian onslaught to their kids’ schools and colleges. The blight of despair won’t be contained to BadWhites alone. Meth ameliorates the pain of dispossession for rural Whites; Xanaz and yoga and Salon articles do the same for urban Whites.


So the embrace of Globohomoism by effete, low T White shitlibs has less to do with a principled Randian stand for no-holds-barred worldwide competition than it does with globalism’s neat trick of removing all reason and accountability from the shitlibs’ sphere of activity. Globohomoism essentially turns the economy into a woman. Shitlib Whites aren’t so much succeeding in the global economy as they are enjoying its superficial privileges while passing the consequences of their unaccountable failures onto future generations.

Globohomogenized envy encourages people to eat their nation’s seed corn in the impossible quest to become a member of the 0.0001%ers at the commanding heights of the new global order.

Welmer #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

[Link is topmost quote, providing multiple quotes for efficiency]

My take on the revenge thing:

It all goes out the window if you have kids. In that case, neither party should seek revenge, but women do all the time. Occasionally, men do so as well, but most know that it is always tragic, and if you love your children nothing good can come of it.

This is one of the things that demonstrates that, in general, men are morally superior to women. There are exceptions, but when it comes to the destruction of families women excel and men and children are usually the passive victims. Men are passive because they love their children in a pure, uncorrupted manner, as opposed to the female idea of motherhood, which is essentially the same as a sense of material possession of other human beings — in short the desire to enslave.


Understanding women requires a state of severe intoxication. Imagine you are drunk and trying to drive in a straight line. The trick is to aim for the middle, which is, obviously, far more difficult than driving in an objectively real situation where you have your senses intact.

The problem with women is that having your senses and intellect intact is an impairment, because every path you see is an illusion, so sobriety is actually impairment — it is an inversion of reality as men see it. Therefore, being scatterbrained and inebriated actually gets you closer to the truth, because you can simply take the entire pile of bullshit and drive right through the center of it in order to better find your way to the truth of the matter on the other side.

I sincerely believe that the lower animals, such as toads and spiders, are better at divining the true intentions of women than the human male, and that is why women are so frightened by them.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The gaydar AI algorithm would peg this face [picture of Mary Wollstonecraft] as a rugmuncher mug.

Wollstonecraft married, but in the 18th Century it would have been common for lesbians and gays to marry into heterosexual relationships.

The origin of modern feminism — the particularly nasty and virulent form of feminism that seeks to invert the sexual market to the perceived benefit of ugly women by removing all constraints on female sexuality and stripping moral agency from women, while maximally restricting and pathologizing male sexuality and burdening men with all moral responsibility — was disproportionately a Jewish and ugly woman movement. The book that begat modern feminism was The Feminine Mystique, by Jewish woman Betty Friedan.

What followed in Friedan’s wake was a freak parade of uglier and uglier women fronting the modern feminist agenda, and enacting their warped vision of the sexes into policy (e.g. Title IX).

Steve Sailer argues feminism is a WASP concept, and 20th Century Jewish immigration and dominance in media and Hollywood actually delayed the triumph of feminism (seen in the WASPs passing Female Suffrage and Prohibition), because Jewish men, like all Semitic men, evolved in a patriarchal and ethnocentric culture and didn’t see a need to extend respect to shiksas.

Maybe proto-feminism is WASPy, but that doesn’t explain the Jewishness of modern feminism, unless one considers Jewish feminism an ethnic-scale case of intratribal negative transference. Jewish female feminists were rebelling against their patriarchal religion (and seething with resentment against their Jewish men lusting after pretty Gentile women), but as is the wont of their tribe they organized their resistance around defiance of the Gentile soft-patriarchy culture of comfortably accepted sex roles and sex-based preferences, instead of targeting their attacks against their own Swinesteins. They transferred the cause of their bad feelings onto the contemptible goyium.

Jewish-led feminism was actually a reaction to their own anti-feminist ethnic culture. But since Jewish men, like all men, are more interested than are women in acquiring status and power to exchange for sex, the heights of industries like Hollywood filled with patriarchal Jewish men instead of feminist Jewish women.

That’s not the end of the story. Jewish men eventually caught on that hypocritically espousing the radical feminism of their tribeswomen was a great stick with which to beat goy society and poison relations between Gentile men and their women—.and also to fool naive feminists into bed using the “Hugo Schwyzer” male feminist ruse. If you’re a casting couch sleazebag running a de facto brothel for skanky actress wannabes, posturing like a champion of women’s lib is an effective way to keep the heat off you and your whores satisfied with a pittance of hush money and empty promises.

When one sees feminism, and especially modern feminism, through the lens of homosexuality, ugliness, and Jewishness, the tenets and demands of the twisted ideology begin to make sense.

Lesbians resent men. They love feminism because they want to be men in every way that matters, and that means they have a stake in undermining sex-differentiated norms and even sexual dichotomy.

Lesbian Feminism is the agenda of making unfeminine women into second rate men rather than first rate women.

Ugly women resent pretty women. They love feminism because they want to reduce the competitive advantages pretty women enjoy by enforcing equality and uniformity among women. Ugly women also love feminism because they understand on a deep level that they are too ugly to find a provider husband and must pursue careerism to collect the resources themselves.

Ugly Woman Feminism is the agenda of pitting the bottom quarter of women against the top three quarters of women.

Jewish women resent their patriarchal culture and Gentile social norms. They love feminism because it subverts the traditions of their ethnic religion and gives them cover to corrupt the benignly sex-differentiated Christian culture which largely rejects the radical value system of Jewish women.

Jewish Feminism is the agenda of delegitimizing patriarchal Judaism/Semitism and of poisoning the benevolent sexism of Christian Gentile culture.

Put those three origins of modern (and proto-) feminism together — the lesbian, the ugly, and the Jewish — into one monstrous frankenshrew, and you get intersectional insanity like “white male privilege”, the UVA rape hoax scandal, and the constant invocation of the mythological discriminatory “wage gap“. Not to mention the gross anti-male injustice known as the family court industrial complex.

PS Even WASP feminism is tainted in origin. Prohibition was a failure, and Female Suffrage has inarguably shifted America politically leftward and into the waiting petri dish of Poz.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

In plainspeak, the dangerously scaled-up and decadent postmodern West has lost the ability (and the willpower) to cleanse itself of toxic people who have bad DNA mojo and even worse character, and the resulting sludge will build up to the level where the West will collapse under the weight of its welfare state-supported genetic sewage (insert visual of those Ethiopians buried alive by a garbage heap avalanche (true story)).

The paper (according to second-hand sources—.I wasn’t able to access the full text) has data that the IQ of Western nations is falling some 0.8 points per generation, and the blame for it is apportioned mostly to dysgenic patterns of fertility, which it explains as consequences of modern post-industrial societies easing up the cultural selection pressures on their populations. The study authors finger the source of the problem as postmodern marriage and childbirth trends; more dumb people (specifically, women) than smart people are having kids, and more people (specifically, women) are waiting until later in life to have kids and therefore passing on more genetic mutations that have accumulated with age in the parents.

The cock carousel is birthing the moron merry-go-round. Sex and the City is being remade as IVF and the Refugees.

Modern, indulgent society — which in reality is the modern sexual market, since society is an emergent property of reproductive dynamics — creates massive, positively reinforcing feedback loops that essentially reward degeneracy and corruption by allowing it to run wild and unopposed, instead of snuffing it out in the crib. Free-riders at first slowly increase in number in a prosperous, proto-declining society, and if their growth isn’t halted early a rapid, exponential decline metastasizes until free-riding becomes the norm. When that happens, social collapse is guaranteed and maybe even necessary for the rebirth that can only occur after the free-riders are washed out of the system (usually in not-so-nice ways—.think fire hoses and flamethrowers or, if we’re lucky, the humane option of welfare contingent on mandatory birth control).

There’s a lot going on in this paper, which draws Calhoun’s rat experiments and group selection (a controversial subject) into its theory of dysgenic breeding enabled by a soft, feminized, virtue signaling West. Urban density and anonymity are increasing within the population a lot of weird sexual paraphilias and psychological problems, and as discussed in the previous CH post the severing of the sexual market from the marriage market is delaying family formation and childbirth and contributing to the dysgenic reproductive skew. That, coupled with the pathological altruism that has run amok among White Westerners who basically want the West to be an enormous safety net and catch basin for the world’s 7 billion poors, are pushing White societies close to complete collapse — a cosmic own-goal so amazingly self-destructive that Darwinian selection is practically guaranteed to work swiftly and mercilessly at the task of culling the White West of its low fitness leftoid freaks.

In the end, as always, Diversity + Proximity = War, and as the study authors note, if a group isn’t bothering to defend itself, other groups will be more than willing to fill the power vacuum.

I’m warning shitlibs, get on board the Trump Train. Because if he fails to stop the Sewer World inflow and Globohomo one market dystopia, you libs are NOT gonna like what has to follow.

“You have to be cruel to be kind, in the right measure.” The West needs to relearn the value of this timeless lesson.


Readers wonder about suggestions to stem the idiocratic tide. I have offered many within these hallowed Chateau halls. For instance, there’s the CH BOSSS system; let’s break the back of the FemKunt KKKollective and get our HSMV men paired off with young, feminine secretaries less interested in careers than in mothering so the good genes can spread around more evenly to the whole of the White tribe. Close the borders. Kick out the illegals and anchor babies. End wage-gutting cheat codes like the H-1B visa program. Destroy the anti-White propaganda mills (many tools for this, including anti-trust and defunding leftoid institutions). As a last resort, allow the blue states committed to their suicidal ideation to secede from the union.

We in the West are on the precipice of annihilation and a complete repudiation of our past greatness. The good news: there’s still time to fix this. The bad news: there’s not much time left, and there’s a lot to fix.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

White liberals would be more ethnocentric in their own society. Part of the reason they are so outgroup-favoring in our societies is the fear of us.

So if you never had to fear “The Handmaids Tale”, you would feel less inclined towards white guilt. Additionally, the Bluestan(s) could write constitutions that explicitly define the fundamental values of society as left-liberal, so White Bluestanis could have a strong civic nationalism.

Look over the border at President AMLO, a white leftist, but also a strong ethnic and civic nationalist.

216 is an interesting commenter, but I believe he inverts the underlying motivations of Bluestan shitlibs here.

First, you won’t get anywhere analyzing White shitlib (SWPL, for short) behavior without understanding that psychological projection is at the heart of it. White liberals don’t fear White conservatives. Not really, at any rate. They may virtue signal fear of us, but they don’t really feel it.

What White liberals are doing is projecting their own desire, to viciously and utterly rule over White conservative “intransigents”, onto the latter. White libs accuse White cons of doing to them precisely what White libs do to White cons. If any group has justifiable reason to fear a despotic overthrow of its cherished values and preferred social arrangements, it’s White conservatives who have been under relentless attack from White liberals for the better part of a century, and losing nearly every battle.

Case in point: there was never a “Handmaids Tale” in America. There has been, however, a “SlutPride Tale” and gay marriage and trannyfreak singing to schoolchildren and borderline infanticide and man-hating divorce courts and toxic masculinity conspiracy theories.

White liberals have in fact never had to fear “Handmaids Tale”, but White cons have had damned good reason to fear all of the above, because those things have actually happened. And yet, White cons aren’t “outgroup favoring”, presumably, as leverage to neutralize the power of White libs. White cons have had to fear all those White lib depredations on their preferred way of life, and yet don’t have any “White guilt”.

216’s theory doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

White liberals did not live in a constant state of fear in pre-Roe v Wade America that a patriarchy was about to force women into breeding camps. Any “fear” that White liberals express about America becoming a version of, in this example, The Handmaid’s Tale is either irrational or disingenuous. The purpose of the lib fear-mongering amongst themselves is 1. to juice their virtue signaling score (the more fearful, the more valuable one’s moral posturing against the thing causing the “fear”) and 2. to provide a phony justification to ram their shitlib agenda down America’s throat.

White liberals — GoonWhites — aren’t outgroup favoring because they fear White conservatives — FreeWhites. No, White libs are outgroup favoring because

they have inherited an excessive altruistic feeling toward outsiders that is corrupted into a pathology by globalist mass migration
they get a tingle up their legs from playing the role of the beneficent enlightened betters patronizing POC lessers
they HATE HATE HATE FreeWhites for not sharing their r-selection-shaped worldview or their high disgust thresholds, and find it expedient to “adopt” nonWhites and their grievances and to use them as battering rams against FreeWhites.

For these reasons, I doubt White liberals would be more ethnocentric in their own societies. Instead, what I see happening is GoonWhites’ virtue signaling compulsion turned on each other, in the absence of FreeWhites to target, until the purity spiraling results in some sort of social breakdown or mass hysteria/mental illness.

I also foresee Bluestans eventually succumbing to their Diversity, which will eat at the White lib seed corn with increasingly ravenous disregard for the future. Remember, too, that “strong civic nationalism” and multiracialism are mutually exclusive; civic fellow-feeling is always and continually undermined by the very human and natural urge to tacitly or overtly identify with one’s own kind.

It’s possible that White libs, left to themselves, will concoct some rhetorical sophistry for keeping out the Diversity that doesn’t overload their egos, in essence creating a de facto White lib ethnocentrism, but I have a hard time envisioning a scenario in which the modren White shitlib can casually betray her ego without having an existential crisis. If FreeWhites aren’t around, maybe GoonWhites can easily and expediently dispose of every race equalism and White privilege belief they claim to cherish, just as they now easily and hypocritically contradict themselves to “score” political points against their FreeWhite enemies.

Nevertheless, this is all moot speculation because White libs would prevent any peaceful separation solution to the eternal intra-White animosity that is burning hotter now than it has since the days before Civil War I. White libs don’t want White cons to go their own way; they want to lord it over White cons, to force them to submit to White lib rule, and to rub their faces in their humiliation and despair. The totalizing authoritarian streak is a mile wide and ten miles deep in GoonWhites. For White libs to allow White cons their own nation would be, in the White lib mind, tantamount to Nazis getting their lebensraüm.

White libs don’t want to run away to build their own nation and write their own left-liberal constitution; what White libs want is to build their own nation and write their own left-liberal constitution RIGHT WHERE WHITE CONS LIVE, BECAUSE FORCING WHITE CON SUBMISSION IS HALF THE FUN.

This is why I predict that if there is a blood-drenched Civil War II, it will be the fault of White libs who won’t tolerate White cons attempting a peaceful separation from them. And, unlike Civil War I when White libs had a facsimile of moral high ground to prevent secession, this time around all the moral justification will be with the FreeWhites who just want to get out from under the yoke of White lib tyranny.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The Fake News Media menstruates over Trump’s “lies” but what they don’t see is that their agenda is driven by psychological projection of their own Big Lies onto Trump, who has committed the sin of telling Big Truths, which is a crucifix and garlic to the vampires of the media who traffic in pushing a decades-old Narrative that defies reality and sucks the lifeblood of healthy, humanized nationhood.

Trump’s very existence — and by extension the existence of an Army of Shitlords who voted for him — is a corporeal rebuke to the Lords of Lies. As I’ve written, Trump’s hyperbole is on the level of little fibs meant to drive his foes over the edge of sanity, exposing their inherent extremism, a provocation to which they dutifully comply. But in the world of Real News, Trump tells Big Truths, which daily reminds media whores that they sacrificed their integrity to tell Big Lies to push an agenda driven by self-fluffing fealty to their elitism.

The media are adept in telling Little Truths — adherence to semantics and trivial “fact checks” that hide more than they illuminate — to cloak themselves in the garb of trustworthiness and to conceal their real purpose as manipulators of consensus, but Big Truths like the kind Trump tells every day expose Big Lies to bleaching sunlight, which explains the incoherent rage of the media, deep state, and uniparty.

They can’t stand that Trump effortlessly and routinely belies their pretensions and exposes their malevolence simply by “telling it like it is”.

Trump tells more stone cold truth in a few days than the Globohomo Establishment — media, deep state, bureaucracy, academia, entertainment — tell in their miserable lives.

And that is why they hate him.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

PA’s comment evoking the inherent tension between fathers and daughters — pitting protective instinct against sexual awakening over a Darwinian backdrop of expensive eggs and post-industrial delayed marriage — had me thinking about the kinds of affronts with which a daughter could burden her father, and how they would rank on a “bringing dishonor to the family and heartbreak to daddy” checklist.

When you come down to it, no father likes his daughter of any age “dating” any man, of any age. Tolerance of dating is a compromise with modernity.

(and WTF is an “LTR”, that most mealy-mouthed word of the century?)

He would be delighted with his mid-teens daughter marrying a proper 30-year old man.

LTR is shorthand for long term relationship. (I’m mentioning this for the few Philistines here who may not be familiar with the acronym.) It came into existence out of necessity, to describe the modern sexual market phenomenon of being with one partner for a long time without codifying the commitment in marriage. It has also entered our lexicon because short-lived flings became more common, and a more precise term to describe a romantic relationship longer than three months was required.

I agree with PA here, in that I believe “dating” (as opposed to courtship that quickly led to either rejection or marriage proposal) is a fairly recent creation in human history. Years spent dating multiple lovers until settling down into marriage and kids when the woman is on the downslope of her fertility curve is certainly a historical anomaly; I doubt humans would have survived as a species had the modern dating market been the norm throughout our evolution.

Daughter Guarding in the Time of Game and the Cock Carousel would seem to be paramount for fathers today, but that hasn’t panned out; in fact, more than ever fathers are abdicating their role as guardians of daughters’ sexuality, probably out of fear of losing status within their suburban soccer mom virtue signaling milieus. In the upper classes, there’s almost a glorification of daughters “sowing their yeast”, while in the lower classes, mudsharking is tolerated if not outright celebrated. Sheeeiit, the ex-President’s own daughters have been caught smoking dope at a rap concert; no public consternation was proffered from the Gay Mulatto.

What this suggests is that paternal investment is fading as a social and familial binding agent in the West, aka Africanization. As a Gabber put it,

Where’s the daughter-guarding when it counts?

They’re paying big bucks to subsidize her “independence” “adventures” and “travels” while she’s surfing “lotsa cockas” when she goes away to college, to the big city or overseas—

Another Gabber astutely commented that the death of Daughter Guarding and the removal of restrictions on female sexuality (along with the neutering of fatherly oversight) opens Glandora’s Box to shifting and corrupted definitions of sexual imprudence that no one can agree upon.

recreationalization of sex means that most “sexual misconduct” is morally equivalent to a 5 yard penalty.

A revival of Daughter Guarding means that fathers have to get back in touch with their native Disgust Response and relearn the ancient lesson that Disgust is the source pool of Morality. Society will have to grow smaller, as well, because scaling up way past the Dunbar limit like in Calhoun’s rat experiments inevitably causes breakdowns in the natural dynamics between parent and child and between family and community.

Using my powers of imagination, I’ve come up with this short list of what actions a (White) daughter could take that would crush her (White) father’s spirit, in descending order of soulkill:

Burn the coal/marry the coal (soulkill)
Turn to prostitution
Get fat and dye her hair blue
Become lesbian
Remain single, childless, and infected with toxoplasma gondii
Hook up with an inmate or psycho
Date a homeless bum
Date a hispanic or asian
Date a (White) “artist” or aspiring rock star
Date her debauched professor
Date a well-heeled man 10+ years her senior
Marry a well-heeled man 10+ years her senior
Briefly court then marry an Epic Chad with a square jawline (soulthrill) and family money

A healthy White culture denigrates the top 2/3rds of that list and poeticizes the bottom third. The message our Current Year culture instead delivers is the polar opposite. Epic Chads are rape hoaxed by seething hateful cunts and mudsharking is put forth as desirable progress.

Daughter Guarding is mostly a NW European White man thing. Even today the norm for most of the world is marrying off ripe teen daughters. Whites regulate this natural impulse with laws and cultural taboos, and the reason they can do this is because as a race they have evolved high paternal investment and a disposition to favor nuclear family formation.

Concomitant with this NW European Inner Hajnal White outbred nuclear family disposition is later marriage, but that cultural anomaly (compared to the global norm) was sustained by restrictions on women’s sexuality; i.e., unmarried medieval women didn’t have an opportunity to ride the cock carousel. Male chivalry was part and parcel of that restrictive regimen.

Daughter Guarding matters are best left to family and community oversight and not to an impersonal legal machine staffed and operated by Rebekahs, feminist cunts, Diversity™, and bitter spinsters. Mobility and urban atomization have neutered that oversight so we have chucked nuance for One Strike You’re Out, but this unjustly penalizes, for example, high status older men who want to start families with younger women.


FYI Your Daily Shitlord Science: Female obesity, not young maternal age or pelvic immaturity, is associated with fetal malposition. Roy Moore did everything right (he has four kids) with a loving wife fourteen years his junior.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Captain Obvious draws the obvious parallel between masculinizing women and a culture’s operative sexual market.

R-Selection necessarily MASCULINIZES women, because under R-Selection, women have to FIGHT their way into an Alpha’s harem.

You could pretty much state it as a foundational premise of Evopsych that you have “Femininity if and only if K-Selection” [i.e. monogamy].

r-selection is the term to describe a sexual market dominated by polygyny, high fertility, lower paternal certainty (and thus lower paternal investment), and usually the sexual or marital disenfranchisement of beta males. Africa is a prime example.

K-selection is the opposite: a term to describe a sexual market dominated by monogamy, lower fertility, higher paternal certainty (and thus higher paternal investment), and usually the sexual or marital enfranchisement of beta males. Northern Europe is a prime example.

C.O. is right that masculinized women — in appearance and personality — are a feature of r-selected societies, because women fight for a few alpha men, toil for their bread, and generally put less effort into behaving or looking womanly because their men are pump and dumpers who won’t stick around for the duration and are just looking for an ass to hump.

In contrast, the men of K-selected societies are romantically inclined to long term monogamy, and seek women with very feminine attributes. If a man is in it for the long haul, he’ll want a woman who herself brings a lot to the bargaining table, and her number one asset is her loveliness and femininity.

[You just stated that it's the other system where women have to work, and you're very eager to talk about how poorly women age ("The Wall"), what the fuck are they bringing to the bargaining table in your K-selection?]

If a nation’s women are masculinizing, that is a portent of civilizational collapse, because r-selected societies are backward, violent societies filled with bitter beta males and bastard children. The masculinizing women are biologically responding and adapting to a change in sexual market norms and functioning, that requires of women a willingness to compete more forcefully with other women for the honor to be part of an alpha’s de jure or de facto, concomitant or serial, concubinage. As a culture’s women become more or less masculine, that culture is likewise becoming more or less r-selected.

Slut walks?


Studies in Patriarchal White Male Privilege?

Bitter spinsters typing Feedbuzz agitprop encouraging younger women to follow their EatPrayCarousel lifestyle?

Preteen glam mags offering tips to younger and younger women how to sexually satisfy themselves and their boyfriends using a variety of sex toy implements?

[There's a lot you could say about that last one, but Cosmo being masculinizing is a new one.]

These and more are the cultural hallmarks of masculinizing women. The West is becoming Africa (minus the cannibalism, but give it time).

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Assortative mating is creating an Eloi-Morlock, or Elf-Orc, social stratification. People are forming credential-based blocs and seceding economically and socially if not yet politically. This cultural secession is reinforcing mutual ignorance, dampening mutual sympathies, and hollowing the natural fellow-feeling that is the bedrock foundation — the first principle — of any nation that wishes to carry forward in prosperity for the benefit of its posterity. Explosive diversity amplifies the stratification, and may have even been the fission reaction that set this immolation aflame and hardened hearts in its crucible of crisis.

The deadly chain of assortative mating must be broken for Western civilization to have a rebirth of greatness. The way to do this is the BoSSS system. BoSSS men will marry pretty secretaries or other occupationally “lowly” women instead of acquiescing to the hitch of convenience with multiple-degreed lawyercunts. The result of a generation of BoSSS is an end to the reign of meritocratic lovelessness, cognitive and geographic cocooning, and class-fueled hatred. An end to late-in-life spergs borne of the desiccated wombs of overeducated cougars. An end to the swarm of communications graduates with nothing to offer in a modern tech-centric economy. An end to— dare my heart speak it!— feminism and equalism as mass delusions rationalizing a world tearing apart.

There will be those who protest that BoSSS is dysgenic. But they operate under a misconception about how exactly women’s value in the mating market is calculated. A woman’s mate worth is not measured by her years toiling in grad school, or by her achievements, or by her ambition, or by her social connections or her business acumen. It is measured by her beauty, her femininity, and her compassion. The secretary with the blazing blue eyes, hourglass figure, and heart of gold is worth, in the abacus of men’s desire, more than a thousand meticulously credentialed globalist form factors. She is true beauty to the ascendent ugliness looming around her.

And she needn’t be dumb, either. Many sweet, charming “lower class” women are sharp as tacks, despite their mortal sin of having not willingly endured 52 years of academic mind meld to the equalist borg.

CH said it once, and says it again: It’s time to return to the old, true ways. To a courtship arena that paired established men with pretty young assistants full of adoration and admiration. It is the natural order of things, the divine prescription, when the starry-eyed lovely, already gazing in welcome submission, completes the act of her surrender to the powerful man above her. And in so doing, circles back to the wisdom of the ancients, and casts to the everlasting darkness the jackal harridans of the globo-femcunt credentialist collective.

I tell you now, break these assortative mating chains! Free! Free! Free at last! Thank God Almighty you are free at last to pursue love with a cute, worshipful underling and be a happy man again!

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com


Amazon applauds @KevinYoder on the passage of his amendment to the @DHSgov appropriations bill, H.R. 392, that would remove the per-country limit on green cards. This is an important step towards green card reform, and Amazonians thank you for your leadership on this issue.

There is no European Christendom. There is only one genderfluid system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dildos. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, bitcoin, dickcoin, clitcoin, and shekels. It is the international system of cashless transaction which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU — pro-America dissident — have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU— WILL— ATONE! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Trump? You get up on your little hundred-and-twenty-one inch screen and howl about America First. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only Facecock, and Twatter, and Amazonia, and Clitflix, HBOrifice, Goolag, and Gamergate. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state, Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their two bit phishing scams and Facecock ad investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Trump. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of gaysex. The world is a business, Mr. Trump. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our genitally malformed anti-social autistic children will live, Mr. Trump, to see that— perfect world— in which there’s no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of clit ticklers. All hormone replacements provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, Mr. Trump, to KNEEL BEFORE ZOG.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The leftoid legacy media, salesmen, and pickup artists have something in common: they all use framing as a powerful rhetoric weapon to lock in friendlies, persuade fence-sitters, and demoralize belligerents.

Framing — that is, perception management — is a staple of the leftstream media. It’s the most useful rhetorical gambit the media has at its disposal for enforcing its Anti-White Man Narrative. And the media manlet journolisters use it all the time. Example (via):

" Studies also show that although female politicians have a wide range of positions, they often are more compassionate, better at working across the aisle and more willing to compromise, qualities intricately bound in successful policymaking.

A big part of the lie is the framing. Could just as easily write: “Female politicians are more emotional, less principled, and more likely to sacrifice political concerns.” I guess that wouldn’t be “intricately bound” (?) (???) enough."

Almost always, the Leftoid media has to reframe from a more factual interpretation to a less factual DISinterpretation of the evidence at hand. This is because the modern Left’s moral pyramid is built on a foundation of Equalism Lies. Therefore, every story has to be twisted into a sophistic slander of actual events and actual data to fit their preconceived Narrative: Whites suck, and White Men suck the most.

This is why the media — staffed, keep in mind, almost entirely by race and sex denialist liberals — can plausibly claim to avoid outright lying in their agitprop copy; they aren’t presenting blatantly false info (although they do that too; see UVA rape hoax or Jayson Blair) so much as they’re reconfiguring and retconning real information into a photo negative of the truth.

The Wage Gap is a prime example. The leftist media frames it with the omnipresent implication that Dirty White Men are the evildoers preventing women from making more than 78 cents to The Man’s dollar, when an un-framed reporting of the Wage Gap would clearly and incontrovertibly lay the cause at the truth: that women prefer lower-paying occupations than do men, women work on average fewer hours, and women slow their career advancement with motherhood. And that under all these TRUEFACTS is the compelling ür-truth of biologically innate sex differences in psychology, temperament, and behavior.

But man o man would that kind of reporting BLOW equalist shitlib minds. And since the media is 99% equalist shitlib, that means a self-mindblowing. How many people do you know who voluntarily stomp their own egos without immense pressure from outside antagonists?

The leftoid media fuggernaut demonstrates the awesome power of framing to control perceptions and even trigger mass psychoses (“Trump is Hitler”). But we dedicated womanizers and practitioners of the Crimson Arts knew this all along; framing is just as powerful at controlling the perceptions of pretty girls and seducing them into bed.


The leftoid media is engaged in a massive reframing of reality to seduce Americans into believing 2 + 2 = 5. They have been winning for 70 odd years, but finally — finally! — a woke wave of dissidents to the anti-White orthodoxy have begun appropriating the media’s Rhetoric psy ops and coupling it with Realtalk cogdis to succeed, for the first time in recent memory, in undermining and exposing the media’s information distortion field.

I doubt I’m going out on limb when I say that the rise of Game in the late 90s had a big impact on the nascent anti-globalism revolutionaries who would many years later help vault a billionaire playboy with a knack for reframing into the White House.

Welmer #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

I don’t know exactly how to explain it, but there’s something offensive about pushing a stroller. However, my Irish grandpa, who was very much a tough working man (he was a teamster and foreman at the local brewery — his wife never wore pants or even drove a car), used to push me around on a stroller when I was very small. He’d take me for walks down into the woods in a local park every morning. But I guess when you’re a tough old man you don’t have much left to prove.

The thing is, babies are a woman’s job. I know this because I had to take care of my daughter all by myself quite a bit when she was still arguably an infant. It was no picnic, and I could barely handle it, but I did. If mommy is in the picture, there’s no reason a man should be caring for an infant — men just aren’t equipped for it. It is not only humiliating, but counterproductive.

How would women feel if they were asked to change tires or jack up a car? How about split wood or hammer nails? Many may say “I can do that,” but the truth is that the vast majority of women would look ridiculous trying to do these things. There’s even a good chance they’d hurt themselves.

Probably one of the biggest problems in society now is that our economy and technology have evolved to the point where these man jobs simply aren’t as valuable or necessary as they used to be, but child care, due to the immense amount of time involved in raising children, remains a very important job; unfortunately it simply doesn’t pay. So men are increasingly useless, and you have guys getting shoved into the unnatural role of raising small children, whereas a father’s equal involvement with children should start around school age, when the kids are capable of doing a lot more for themselves and need the discipline and instruction that best comes from a masculine figure.

Unfortunately, young men simply don’t have all that much to offer, so the deal they get stuck with is often pretty lousy. In a number of major cities, young men are already out-earned by young women. This obviously changes power dynamics. This is why you see these guys with papooses.

This is not the first time this has happened, and it always ends in social disaster. What do young men do when they find themselves unneeded and pushed around by society? In most cases they eventually start banding together and taking things. I think we’ll see a lot more rejection of society’s mores by young men pretty soon. The bitchier and more imperious women get, the faster the seeds of insurrection will take root.

wfprice #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The study left out the fact that under a patriarchal system parents invest in sons — not daughters. Maybe this explains why giving the family farm to the son was a rational thing to do.

The Chinese had a pretty harsh, yet explicit instruction in this regard:

" On the third day after the birth of a girl the ancients observed three customs: first to place the baby below the bed; second to give her a potsherd [a piece of broken pottery] with which to play; and third to announce her birth to her ancestors by an offering. Now to lay the baby below the bed plainly indicated that she is lowly and weak, and should regard it as her primary duty to humble herself before others. To give her potsherds with which to play indubitably signified that she should practice labor and consider it her primary duty to be industrious. To announce her birth before her ancestors clearly meant that she ought to esteem as her primary duty the continuation of the observance of worship in the home."

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Bolded emphasis mine. Male dominance is the yang to female submissiveness. And male dominance hierarchies are a natural and healthy self-organizing behavior among young and old men. Hierarchies keep the peace and enable male cooperation for the greater good. Women and male shitlibs of womanly disposition don’t understand this inherent property of manhood because the former don’t compete to establish useful hierarchies and the latter are always on the bottom of male hierarchies and so seek to destroy them and the need for them.


Victimhood culture is the outgrowth of a feminizing (and feministing) nation. As our institutions have caved to the deluge of the Great Menstruation, boys have been severed from their innate biological predispositions, with no outlet of expressing their inborn male-ness. The result has been a massive retreat of boys from school and of men from public life, and a terrible overrun of our institutions by women, particularly women who harbor deep wells of spiteful man-hatred.


[Right here he's talking about bullying crackdowns restricting schoolyard fighting]

Great insight. The protection of the feminized State protects the tyrants from their deserved humblings at the hands of boys who are proud to be boys and not some twisted tranny genderfluid simulacrum of a male-thing. We’ve created a real monster in our zeal to defeat an imaginary monster.


This aligns with Jon Haidt’s moral foundations research which uncovered that liberals stress fairness and harm in their moral calculations, while conservatives place equal emphasis on all six moral dimensions (fairness, harm, liberty, authority, purity, and loyalty). What this means is that shitlibs are constricted in their world views, seeing all violence as against their notions of harm-based morality, instead of having the more nuanced moral view of conservatives who better understand that some violence is necessary to preserve societal health.


Social norms exist for a reason, even if liberaltardians don’t have the mental capacity to see those reasons beyond “Ugh, stop harshing my buttplug mellow, man!”. As we add more Diversity, we add more competing norms, and we take away more of the national cohesion that makes America a real country and not a bus depot for international frugalists and their buffer zone third world pets.


Liberals may be slightly better than conservatives on tests of abstraction, but I’ve normally found that conservatives are much better “big picture” thinkers than are liberals who are hidebound by their pinched individualistic morality to focus exclusively on short-term affronts to their lifestyles.


Conservatives rely more on their gut instinct, which is why they tend to lose media-framed sophistic shitlib “debates”, but also why they are smarter about foreseeing the downstream effects of social policies favored by liberals.


A rootless nation substitutes one form of social pressure — family and neighbors — with another form that accommodates the atomized existence — pressure from fake news media, entertainment, social media, and BIGCORP. It’s a malignant trade-off in the long run.

Diversity™ of course exacerbates rootlessness and the problems that come from population churn. White people constantly fleeing encroaching Diversity can turn an entire nation into a rootless mob of psychologically frayed zombies doped up on SSRIs and opioids.

It’s not a shock to learn that almost all the school shooters were taking anti-anxiety drugs. Cause and effect are hard to disentangle — it probably goes both ways in a vicious feedback loop of degenerating evil: rootlessness brings on the anxiety which is prescribed BIGPHARMA drugs which with chronic use mentally destabilizes the user and makes him more susceptible to the problems arising from rootlessness and social isolation.

We’ve got a long way to go to make America great again. Trump was only the opening salvo.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

The shitlib demand for Whites Doing Bad Things greatly exceeds the supply.

The shitlib demand for Vibrancy Doing Good Things greatly exceeds the supply.

At the intersection of these market realities, shitlib mendacity crashes into shitlib insanity.

I came to this formulation about how the Virtue Sniveling Market governs shitlib behavior after reading Moses’ comment on the “Shitlib Ego” post:

" CH: “The lesson: never give the Left an inch. They’ll take a parsec. Confederate statues today, books authored by White men tomorrow, until it finally reaches end game: second class status for all Whites outside of a few Acela elites who sufficiently grovel at the altar of anti-Whitism.”

This can not be emphasized enough.

No matter what shitlibs do, it will NEVER be enough for them. Their whole belief system is built on lies. They MUST HAVE an oppressive enemy to keep their believe system from crashing down.

Today it’s confederate statues. Tomorrow it’s removal of any Great White Man from any place of honor in our society — Jefferson and Washington removed from currency (gasp, slave holders!), schools renamed, shaming of White children, it goes on and on.

Demand for “evil whitey” far outstrips supply. So they manufacture more. Like a fire, it simply will not stop and will grow until the fuel is exhausted.

I’m running out of hope.

They absolutely cannot be reasoned with. It leaves violence, and violence only, as the unavoidable end-game. It will be violence from based White Men or violence from Islamics, but violence all the same."

The major limitation of the Virtue Sniveling Market, at least from the perspective of shitlibs who love to never practice what they preach, is that the kind of virtue shitlibs want — Vibrant Virtue — is scarce, while the kind of vice that shitlibs want to snivel against — White Vice — is as scarce as virtue is among Vibrants.

So, as Moses correctly states, shitlibs will manufacture Evil Whitey lies from whole cloth, while simultaneously excusing the worst predations of nonWhites as the consequence of conveniently hidden Evil Whitey forces. Since lies are the coin of the shitlib realm, there is simply no internal brake on their agenda, no end to their game that doesn’t feature war by whatever means and either the eventual subjugation and destruction of White Civ or the total and complete ousting of shitlibs from positions of power and influence.

Unfortunately, since shitlibs have at the moment no real pushback from anyone in power, (the alt-right is effective but don’t mistake that for institutional power), the likelihood of war in the not-so-distant future, maybe even a real hot war, between rival White factions — between say localist Whites and globalist Whites — is greater than it otherwise would be.

It all comes back to Leftoid Equalist lies about race and sex, and the pacified cowards who abet their lies.

As long as cucks/the controlled opposition refuse to grapple with the reality of race and sex differences and everything downstream from those, the Globohomo Bathhouse Alliance will continue winning the rhetoric war, even if a million nail bombs go off in every city of the West and welfare-incentivized dysgenic breeding rots the edifice from within.

The Alt/Maul/Balls-Right, far from being the dire threat to civilized society the Mendacity Merchants would have you believe, are a last gasp salvation for the West and call to redemption for the cucks who have betrayed their claimed principles every step of the way. Appeasing milksops will never find their own way, but stronger harder men can inspire them to break out of their vaginal prisons.

As Trump might say, only losers snivel for virtue whoring status points.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

“Nixon loyalists bugged a Dem hotel room.”


“Obama/Clinton loyalists in the FBI and DOJ bugged a political opponent’s phones, rooms, cars, hotels, toilets for months on false pretext.”



The Left is principled; it just happens to be that their animating principle is the acquisition of power (and the attendant humiliation of its enemies that power allows). Hypocrisy and contradictions are useful tools to get them what they want: destruction of exclusionary normalcy.

This is why the media — wholly owned and staffed by leftoids with few exceptions — are ignoring, suppressing, or spinning news of the biggest political scandal in American history: the collusion of a former president, presidential candidate, the FBI, and DOJ to spy on a political opponent and subvert the will of the American people. The vast majority of media whores are TRUE BELIEVERS in leftoid transnational progressivism. This is why nearly all the gaystream media outlets aren’t furiously digging for information into the growing FBI-DOJ-obama-clinton scheme to influence an election. Fame and fortune are there for the taking, but loyalty to their egos and their grip on power over the anti-White Narrative matters more to them.

Thus, we see every day evidence of their self-serving doublespeak:


The mask is off, leftoids. The battlefield is cleared of your obfuscation. Now we fight.

[We've all seen your soldiers, Weidmann, try it]

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Testosterone levels have been plummeting in Western men for at least two generations and this fact is without question. I will speculate in this post what a multigenerational, age-independent decline in T will portend for American society, should the trend not shortly reverse itself.

women will dress and act sluttier to capture the attention of increasingly benumbed men who need the services of the hardest of hardcore porn to feel aroused.
team sports will disappear.
drama club will be a required class.
politics will intensify its shift leftward because low T men will vote more like women.
the national (and psychological) borders protecting the low T men from predation will remain, for all practical purposes, open to the sewer world until, inevitably, higher T conquerors arrive in sufficient number to wipe out the low T White submissivists.
inventiveness and entrepreneurship will stagnate, and contract.
any big job or goal will demand more oversight, more paper pushing, more regulatory hurdles to overcome. the days when men gathered and made shit happen on a reasonable time frame will be over. it’ll be an HR dystopia of endless meetings all the way down to the musty cellar of the gossip mill.
corporations will turn into ghettos of bickering crones, slutty college girls, and yes-manlets. nothing will be produced but social media apps and articles about online dating. the resulting economic collapse will create a run on arable urban land as millions of useless SWPLs fight to the death for patches of communal gardens to plant their sad kale and heirloom tomatoes.
therapy and self-medication will shoot through the roof.
heart disease, cancer, and obesity will rise again (or continue the general upwards rise) among men.
the rate of infidelity will increase.
the rate of divorce will hold steady or increase (we may have hit the divorce industrial complex saturation point).
marriage will increasingly be platforms for brides to take selfies and grooms to blubber during the vows. jerkboy best men will be tasked with the job of deflowering any virgin brides remaining in the wilds as the soyfatted grooms recite lines from their favorite feminist poets.
fertility will continue declining.
the rate of cuckoldry will increase.
cat ownership will increase among men.
muscle cars will become a distant relic.
there will be vanishingly little entertainment made with a straight male sensibility in mind.
weird sexual paraphilias and fetishes will rise (those afflicted with declining libido will compensate with outlandish substitutes to bring back that lovin’ feeling).
the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions will increase.
feminism will get increasingly shrill, and male feminists increasingly servile and pathetic.
the population of basement bachelors, cat ladies and bitter spinsters will explode.
sexbots will be the only romantic companionship for half the population.
high libido men — cads — will reign supreme in the actual sexual market (what’s left of it) as opposed to the pretend sexual market that lonely feminists jabber about during their intersectionality bullshit sessions.
androgyny will become the norm.
polyandry will be common.
polygyny will be rare, but more entrenched. (the few high T men who aren’t eunuchs will have no trouble keeping de facto harems of smitten lovers satisfied and compliant)
balls, penises, jawlines, chins, noses, and musculature will literally shrink in men. ears may become floppy.
a million sociologists with shitty research papers no one has any intention of replicating will claim that beta male orbiters are our strength. they will write of the virtues of polygamy and the matriarchy, as their civilization burns down around them.
no one will ever again speak anything close to the truth about the world, about the sexes, about the races. equalist self-delusion will be taught in schools under the subject “everything but math”.
math will succumb soon afterward.
art will suck. music will suck. architecture will suck. literature will suck. this will continue a trend long evident. houellebecq may very well be our last great author.
tissue boxes will be handed out in movie theaters so that the 70-30 male-female audience may dab their eyes sitting through a full line-up of sappy rom-coms.
Mars? Uh, no. More like, the space program will be dead and the androgynes of the future will come to remember the moon landing as a myth promulgated by ancient hirsute men imprisoned in a strictly binary sexuality, who possessed a vestigial feature called a “jawline” and squinted a lot.
infrastructure will continue crumbling. instead of doing something about it, everyone will wait for the next tragedy when a bridge fails and then participate in a candlelight vigil and cry a lot. they will repeat this process until everyone is dead from preventable tragedies.
John Scalzi will be Premier of this Empire of Aromatase. His rule will not last long. Muslims, blacks, and black Muslims will overrun the Femme West and every capital will ring out with the dulcet ululations of muhammed’s flock.

Recall the Law of Gender Conservation:

?Masculinity = ?Femininity

Or, ?T = ?E, for short.

Nature abhors a testosterone vacuum. If one tribe’s men has low T, the fapuum will be filled with (in no particular order or likelihood of emergence):

invader men who have higher T
aggrocunts of man-jaw and boy-hip who have lower E (to align with the lower T of their men)
intratribe men with high T who somehow evolved an immunity against the low T disease.

Option one is genocide. Not fun.
Option two is bed death. Not fun.
Option three is our best bet for saving the West. Society will rebound as Nature, in her infinite wisdom, entrusts the low T landscape to high T spermlords who, despite feminists’ faux abhorrence to the contrary, will piledrive a wide swath through a lot of parched pussy that has spent decades lost in an anhedonic wilderness of un-men.

But if we don’t get our borders under control and stop seeding our water supply with endocrine-disrupting chemsexicals, Option Three will never have a chance to pass.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The relevancy of this post will probably be moot by the time it’s published, but I’ve made some points about our current climate of anti-sex prudishness that deserve consideration, so here ya go.

I’m glad Trump came out in support of Roy Moore. The man’s travails — stoked to an incomprehensibly vitriolic froth by Nasty Womanhood, Inc and the Jewish Interest Media — are emblematic of the man-hating culture that suffuses us. Do I think it’s a leetle weird for a 30 year old man to actively seek to date late teenage girls? Sure, but it’s not criminal (not as long as AOC varies state-to-state from age 14 to 17—.I can’t take a statutory crime seriously if all it requires is a hop across the state border to decriminalize the charge), and certainly not worthy of national coverage knowing that it would hardly have made the local news in the 1970s (which really could have been a millennia ago given how much American culture has changed since then).

30-year-old Roy Moore’s preference for teenage love isn’t a radical aberration or departure from the spectrum of normal male sexuality. It’s out on the tails of normal male sexuality, but not off the curve into abnormality where actual paraphilias (e.g., pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality) exist. NEWSFLASH: Men prefer young women, at minimum younger women than themselves, and men with power and social status that are naturally attractive to women will be better able and willing to fulfill their desire. At the margins, this means there will be HSMV older men who will date 17 year old Southern Roses, and some of those men will be actively pursuing a marriageable young woman with plenty of residual reproductive value to provide him with the large family he wants.

Roy Moore has four children with his wife of forty years. As far as we know, he has been faithful to her the whole time, and she adores him. His wife is fourteen years younger than him. This indicates that his youthful exuberance pursuing teen girls was part of a conscious desire he had at the time to find his One True Girl and marry her.

As long as there are teenage women with shapely figures telegraphing the opening of their prime fertility windows—.


—there will be men of all ages ogling them. Some of those men will have the mate value and the immunity to social expectation to win one over as his own. Roy Moore’s preferences were within the sphere of normal, naturally evolved male sexuality. To dumbly conflate his dating history with that of pedophiles and pervert potted plant masturbators cajoling actress whores with a bit of the ol’ quim pro quo, is a slanderous joke and reveals a deep-seated discomfort with and spite toward the Darwinian contours of male sexuality and male romantic longing.

FYI it’s not all that unusual or uncommon for an adult man to get tripped up by the apparent age of an especially voluptuous teen woman. Unless a man is in the habit of asking all 0.7 waist-hip ratio women for their IDs, there’s a chance one of them might conceal being a barely legal vixen.

Related, some men (maybe Moore) either physically age more slowly or retain a light-heartedness of spirit that belies their age, which both makes them more attractive to and more attracted to younger women. It’s not the rule, but it’s a fairly notable exception.

Say what you will about Roy Moore, at least his girls agreed to date him (even if they retconned a discomfort 40 years later). The Synagogue of Seediness doesn’t bother with the formality of mutual agreement, they just passive-aggressively jam tongues down throats “to rehearse our lines”.

In sum, if you believe every recollected detail of the ancient allegations, only one woman at the time was underage (barely) when Moore asked her out on a date, shared consensual 2nd base foreplay with her, and drove her home when she wanted to leave. The rest of his “accusers” — aka bitter aged cows who regret not being the woman Moore married, all of whom with shitty personal relationship histories and connections to thecunt’s #SheMenstruated cat lady symposium, retconning their bloom of youth trysts with Moore into criminal acts — were legal age at the time of the alleged May-December violation of the feminist code of acceptable intersexual conduct.

You may think it’s icky for a grown man to consensually date barely legal teen girls, but that doesn’t make it criminal. There was a time when, while not quite the social norm, such couples weren’t all that unusual and nobody much blinked an eye when they encountered one. We all know of our own or someone else’s great-grandparents with big age gaps who started popping out kids when great-grandmama was seventeen.

I doubt Moore’s janey-come-lately accusers really were all that scandalized by his come-ons in 1977. Here’s a rule of thumb I use to determine the validity of a woman’s sexual misconduct accusation: If she waits more than ten years to tell anyone about it, she wasn’t all that bothered by the infraction when it occurred. If she waits forty years, it’s a political hit job exploiting a radically changed anti-sex feminist cunt climate.

But it is fair to ask why Moore would, if reports based on memories of contemporaries from forty years ago are accurate to the tiniest detail (they’re not), pursue questionable if mutually consensual age-disparate relationships with teenagers to the exclusion of older women, and risk the specter of social ostracism. Some say it’s because Moore was emotionally stunted and socially awkward — a 1970s proto-sperg — who wanted a deferential and awestruck teenage woman for company unlikely to challenge his self-conception or strain his capacity for mature adult banter.

Maybe, but probably not. I think he just liked ’em ripely hot, and didn’t much care about “relationship complementarity” as de-sexed ür-bugman Will Wilkinson might put it. This notion, held dear by both white knights and feminists, that men who date younger women are secretly intimidated by strong, independent, empowered older women is why I say betacels and bitterbitches have a lot more in common than they’d willingly admit.

Psychologically emasculated white knights who gripe about “power imbalances” in the workplace between male bosses and female subordinates, or in society between older high status men and younger inexperienced women, can’t seem to fathom or accept the reality that female sexual desire is different than male sexual desire, and women are typically attracted to powerful men. Two to tango, chumps. Men are aroused to provide for and protect vulnerable, deferential women, and women are aroused by strong men to whom they can safely and happily defer. Even to whom they can submit. Perfectly equal relationships are also perfectly passionless relationships. Sexual polarity is the lube of love. Male power and female admiration provide the sexual frisson that magnifies feelings of love and creates a solid foundation up;on which to build up a lifelong commitment.

Other theories for Moore’s focus on finding a teen fiancee that I’ve read hold more weight for me.


Character matters, and it looks to me that Moore’s accusers have the lowest of character, which rightly calls into question their veracity. Their low character doesn’t disprove their allegations, but it certainly is a leading indicator that they’re telling lies, or at best telling politically embroidered quasi-truths.


Well, you know, (((comedians))) get a special dispensation. (For the record, I have no problem with Jerry Seinfeld dating a legal 17 year old hottie. Men work hard to acquire status, fame and power FOR JUST THIS SORT OF OPPORTUNITY.)


That’s one of the better analyses of Moore I’ve read. He had an epic case of blue balls, and he wanted that feeling of young love that was denied him for so long. Are we going to lynch the man for that? If so, then you may as well criminalize men and castrate us all, because our dicks and our hearts aren’t going to cooperate with the anhedonic low T androgynarchic shrewtopia the hag collective wants to impose on society.

The next #resistance narrative is taking shape. Already I have shitlib acquaintances telling me, “How is it Ok that Trump can get away with groping women but no one else can?” You knew this was coming. Frankenwinestein was the sacrificial lamb to the gods of NeverTrump.

I’m near certain that Dem leaders and Cuckryans sat down with Frankenstien and said “Look Al, the photo is bad, you’re gonna have to resign, but look at it this way, you’ll go down a martyr, we’ll use your sacrifice to take down Moore and Trump. This is how you can do the most good.”

It’s pretty clear to me that the leftoid fuggernaut, caught off-guard by Pedowood, scrambled to segue from Chosen perversion to smearing the good names of Gentile anti-establishmentarians. Jizz up the waters enough and people forget who the worst perps are.

That’s why I have been consistent in my assessment of these decades-old sexual harassment allegations: mostly a bunch of Regret Fling griping from post-Wall women with a few genuine victims sprinkled in to give the moral panic a veneer of legitimacy. NeverForget that the overwhelming majority of these sex abuse accusations have been leveled against male feminist shitlibs, so what we are seeing is a moral panic started by shitlibs and feminists that they are DESPERATE to enlarge beyond the scope of the ghetto of male shitlib perverts.

Libs trying to tie Trump to #MeToo should be made aware of their telling silence and support when Hillary was running smear campaigns against Bill Clinton’s accusers. And in Bill’s case, one of the women, Juanita Broadderick, has been saying since day one he raped her.

It would be funny if, after every GOP establishment eel turned on Moore and the combined force of the jewish interest media lobbed their artillery at him, he still won. Biggest middle finger to the Globohomo Uniparty and to Schoolmarm Feminism this side of Trump’s election.


When you accept that the GOPe cuck elite really truly hate the heartland Americans they pretend to represent, you’ll understand their behavior and be able to predict their future actions. The Uniparty is real, and they are feeling the heat. Moore, please.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Unfortunately, the Creepy Left’s plan is working. Women really are more gullible than men, and they fall harder for the disingenuously weepy-alternating-with-angry pleas of The Fuggernaut to help them remake America in the image of a thousand dreary, violent, corrupt nonWhite shitholes. You can see the results of their plan here. The trend is bad: 43% of White women voted for Dem House candidates in 2016. 49% of White women voted for Dem House candidates in 2018.

White women have been abandoning their White men for a while, but it really picked up pace with Trump’s election. Their abandonment is reflected in every facet of our degrading culture: from increases in mixed-race dating, to miscegenation, to voting, to pussyhat mass hysteria, to PoundMeToo, to anti-White protesting.

But The White Woman Wedge isn’t yet big enough to assure the Left electoral dominance for generations and beyond. The Left is nothing if not impatient, so they’re hastening the arrival of Post-America by browning the country as fast as they’re brainwashing White women.

Which tactic will win permanent rule for the Leftoid Equalism Fuggernaut? Browning, or Brainwashing?

Traitorous Anti-White shitlib judges are doing their job to support the Browning. Divorce, childlessness, the cock carousel, later age of first marriage, and declines in the marriage rate are accelerating the results of the Brainwashing.

It will be both tactics that “win” it for the Left, and maybe that’s a blessing in disguise. The transformation to Post-America will happen so fast and unequivocally that currently slumbering and cucked Whites will be shocked into a Real Resistance that washes all the scum off the streets.

If you were wondering where all the Left’s hate for masculine White men was coming from, this post explains it.


Facecock is all-in on the Brainwashing part of the Left’s plan to terrorform America:

FACEBOOK DELIVERS FOR DEMOCRATS: Erased 2 Billion GOP Page Views in Purge, Eliminated Conservative Content to Suburban Females

“What big tech has done to conservative and other undesirable publishers is nothing short of a digital Kristallnacht.”
— Andrew Marchs, filmmaker

The Left actively targets the weakest links in their natural enemies, and right now that means suburban White women. Faceborg does its part for the Party by censoring dissident political opinions that could influence White women to vote against Democreeps.

If it means dropping a giant deuce on the 1st Amendment, then FaceZOG will do that, safe in the knowledge that their Democortez clients will protect them from civil rights lawsuits.

“Build your own internet backbone and social media company” is sounding more like a rationalization of banana republicanism instead of a libertardian snark about first principles.

All right, then, shitlibs. Kill 1A, and then 2A. And then rule over the wasteland you’ve birthed in your short-sighted idiocy.

wfprice #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The problem with relying on literature for advice is that it has always been consumed mainly by women. The first novels in China and Japan were romance novels for women (Tale of Genji, Dream of the Red Chamber), and the Victorian novels repeated the pattern. To see what women really want through literature you need to be able to read and comprehend women’s thoughts, which doesn’t come naturally to men.

For most men this is a waste of time. They will never get it, and thank God for that! If all men devoted themselves to “understanding” women there would be no other accomplishments to speak of.

Just teach men to view society in a hierarchical manner, with women beneath them as their charges, and it will serve them far better than any amount of study of female psychology.

Come to think of it, that’s what the Bible, the Koran, the Analects and the Bhagavad Gita all do. This is the kind of literature men should read — the classics. Leave novels and “high culture” to the rare men who have the ability to read between the lines.