
Faustus Crow #fundie #senpai_noticed_us #transphobia faustuscrow.wordpress.com

(FSTDT fanfiction!)

This is an answer for the Reptilian Jew and the FSTDT coven:

Pharaoh Bastethotep: “Okay, I’d like to commmission a voluptous torbie catgirl in pearly power armour, riding a kirin through an alien fungal jungle with a tricorder in her hand, from outa my Tulpa creating lamp, of an Illuminated Fiery brain.”
Vman: “Dafuq, did I just read yer right? That’s, Airily politically incorrect—Bastethotep— Better to Flee, before you’ll get picked up by the Thought-Police for that porny Entartete Kunst comment”
Pharaoh Bastethotep: “Damn it to Fiery Amenta! Okay, I’d like to commmission a transgender cat-girl-boy in black power armour, riding a drone through the policed urban jungle, with a rainbow flag in her-his, its, Fornicating hand, from outa my over-watched brain.”
Adey: “Sheesh! Drinking the bong Water is not a good idea. So quit doing it guys. Fight your addiction! As the great joker said, “I don’t do Drugs, I am Drugs.”
Anon-e-moose: “Don’t know about the others intake of addictive Foods on this here FSTDT coven forum. But I don’t do drugs, Adey; I’m going cyber druggie beyond my Earthy Persona.
Anon-e-moose: continues: “The 55 Gb installation file for “DOOM IV” is downloadable via the Bethesda/id Software site, no box required. Get with the times, ‘boys and girls;’ its yer reactive Reptilian-brain-stem, which is initiating these Elemental four F’s games.”

Faustus Crow #conspiracy faustuscrow.wordpress.com

When becoming ‘aware’ within the Zipf Law realm of the blind, you might just see, that 80% of the wealth of the world is owned by just 62 people, or maybe it is 72; the majority of them can be found in America, who ‘habitually sustain’ the ‘delusion’ that the rest of the Earth’s population are 20% free.
Think of it, 62 people are worth as much as the planet’s poorest 3.6 billion put together; the richest one per cent on the planet is now worth more than the rest of everyone else populating the globe.
“It is no longer good enough for the richest to pretend that their wealth benefits the rest of us.” (Mark Goldring, Oxfam)
When to ‘see’ the inequality, you are invariably tarred and feathered as being ‘Paranoid.’ It is then very difficult to feel that you can fit in with such a robotic society, unless you lie to yourself in order to avoid the overwhelming solitude. But when to do so, ‘Anxiety’ soon follows, with ‘depression’ biting its heels. Many are afflicted by these considered maladies, but then they are starting to become aware that something is very much amiss!
As you become aware of the illusory facade, your Reticular-Activating-System (RAS) kicks in of a self ‘Hack,’ which of a subconscious response is that of re-programming yourself to be free of the 20% illusion.
The problem: the prior-programming, will fight tooth and nail to stay as it is. The prior-programming is that of ‘belief,’ which in Hebrew, is called Da’at; when to become aware that you are essentially programmed by your ‘beliefs,’ you then attain ‘Knowledge’ of your self.
However, such Knowledge is considered most sinful by those who seek to control the populace via the political tool of ignorance. Hence, when to become aware you will soon find yourself being cast out of the New World Order theocracy of a totalitarian Eden, which is essentially sustained by all those who believe in its illusory construct.
Many to speak of horrified viral-meme whispers that the entire world is run by a shadowy elite called the Illuminati, whose symbol is that of a triangle with an eye at its centre, or otherwise depicted as a pyramid. The truth of the matter is actually all around them, who find themselves incarcerated by their passed down religious programming, which binds them to three monotheistic ‘belief’ systems of a trinity.
This trinity has a fixation upon their ‘bearded’ founder, Abraham, whose eye, had first stemmed from out of Ur in war torn Iraq, where you can find a Ziggurat.
Should you point this out to the numerous believers who are gathered as a bound triangle around Abraham’s Orwellian eye, they of preference will become deaf, dumb and blind; for in ignorance, they can stay within their mind-controlled Oily Eden.
Such is easy to do when being perpetually bombarded by religious propaganda, whether it is in your face, or subversively orchestrated; it is everywhere.
Those who start to see, might just observe that the three Illuminati faces of Abraham’s monotheistic faiths has a fundamentalist extreme, which can turn the world upside down; they have done so before on many an occasion, who of a shared suicidal impulse consistently seek out their self-fulfilling prophecy of an End Of Days, in order to validate their Oily ‘beliefs.’
They all work to three scripts likened to that of pre-programmed automatons, who are quite oblivious that they have been entirely brainwashed.
What makes them think they can label the creative principle as being male of an Animus fixation, or even to see it having human form, let alone believing they have any ownership over morality or to see that the Middle East is the centre of the world, let alone the cosmos? It is their religious programming, which empowers the few atop of an Oily Ziggurat of skulls!
Although consciously unaware of the gathering danger, your RAS, of the Reptilian-Brain-Stem is geared towards surviving, which is in turn tied up with the Autonomic-Nervous-System (ANS), whose ‘two nerve channels’ are on either side of your spine.
The surrounding information, which is tuned into by your ANS will be subconsciously sifted through, whose summation will at first manifest within your troubled dreams.
However, what is tuned into of gathered information may be at odds with your prior-programming; this is especially the case, if your prior-programming is leading you, and others towards a very shadowy future.
The tuned into information may in certain instances induce the Old Hag Syndrome of night terrors, about being pursued by Demonic reptilians out of Hell, or otherwise that of being abducted by alien entities, etc. Such symbolism are subconsciously wrought viral-memes, which of a collective grasping, is seeking to understand what is wrong; yet avoiding the patently obvious.
Although symbolic, these memes will become very real within your virtual-reality lucid dreams, which will reveal what you, let alone others are attempting to avoid— seeing.
In the Cabbala, the Reptilian-Brainstem of the ‘throat’ area determines the depth of hypnagogic trance ingress into your dreams, which is associated with the 13th path of Gimel.
It is upon this (spinal column) path, the prior programming is confronted within the dream, in order to re-program it into another (Da’at) ‘form,’ such as facing a strangling Daemon, to transform it into a loving Ally.

Faustus Crow #conspiracy faustuscrow.wordpress.com


This is an answer for the FSTDT individual who calls himself/herself the, Reptilian Jew and another individual calling himself/herself
The three monotheist Big-Business faiths have an overriding ‘Symbolic’ fixation upon the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, which has entirely negated the ‘Anima’ out of the ‘Symbolic’ equation, which is essentially their weak-spot.
If you believe that the ‘Symbolic’ focus upon the ‘Anima’ is merely Succubus porn, then the established ‘Symbolic’ focus upon a deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, along with a ‘Fundamentalist’ plethora of all male Demons/Angels populating many a Hogwarts Playgirl grimoire is Incubus porn.
Said ‘Animus’ fixated Incubus porn is well established of ‘Fundamentalist’ advertising campaigns as well as perpetuated of a ‘Marketing Brand’ by the Viral-Meme media machine.
I would also like to add, I am not into ‘Animus’ fixated Satanism, nor am I into promoting Viral-Meme Reptilian conspiracies of a prior ‘Symbolic’ Medieval Mind-Control usage of ‘Bad-Cop’ Demons!
I am far more interested in why there is an ‘Animus’ fixation upon an all male ‘Symbolic’ paradigm, which ‘three’ religious ‘Cultural-Constructs’ share.
It is somewhat obvious that the gender focus has an underlying sexual orientation, which for a heterosexual female is that of her deified ‘Animus made as a God/Devil,’ whereas for a heterosexual male it would perhaps be that of having male ‘role models.’
Although, it can also be a case of a male being attracted to his own sex, which of a closeted reaction invariably leads to the insane persecution of gays and misogyny, such as burning Witches at the stake.
I am sure you would agree that the persecution of gays and the suppression of women by a closeted mind-set of imprisoned brains in a box, indicates mass-insanity.
The question is, where would an ‘Animus’ fixated gender focus eventually lead, whose ‘Symbolic’ paradigm has entirely negated the ‘Anima’ out of the ‘Symbolic’ equation?
Perhaps it will lead to the eventual feminisation of the male, who, should he rebel against the Fundamentalism of the ‘Animus’ fixated ‘Symbolic’ paradigm, his rebellion would be considered as being Entartete Kunst porn by an indoctrinated Fundamentalist, who can’t get his/her brain out of a Funda-Mental box.

Faustus Crow #conspiracy faustuscrow.wordpress.com

The notorious Vril Gesellschaft of Nazi UFO lore was said to have been formed by a coven of female psychic mediums, who were basically Witches, led by the Nordic Marilyn Munroe look alike trance medium called Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, from Zagreb.
Maria and her coven of Vril Witches are depicted as catwalk models in their badly photo-shopped photographs alongside their flying disk, which were supposedly taken just prior to WWII.
Going by the Vril myth of an engineered viral meme, the Vril Witches are called Vrilerinnen.
Some of the written descriptions of the Vrilerinnen describe them sporting overly long trailing ponytails of a rather modern hairstyle, looking like Hippies, rather than having the usual Louise Brooks bob-style of the era, who probably carried around futuristic fruit flavoured condoms in their snake skin handbags.
Although, not all of the Vrilerinnen had such a hairstyle going by their photoshopped photos.
Their distinctive hairstyle is said to have acted as psychic antennas, which enabled them to receive channelled communications from Aryan aliens living on a planet orbiting Alpha Cen Tauri, in the Aldebaran system.
Allegedly, these eugenic aliens had visited Earth long ago, who settled in Abraham’s Sumeria.
These entities divulged the working schematics of a flying disk to Maria and her coven of writhing Witches via orgasmic channelling. In general, the Vril coven then set about seducing the all male dominated Thule society of Viennese bull dog industrialists with their orgasmic pole-dance séances.
[NSFW image omitted]
They put on quite a Necronomicon show; whereupon the seduced industrialists couldn’t help themselves, who became leashed to the pert Austrian behinds of the Vril kittens to build their channelled flying disk.
The Vrilerinnen later escaped the advancement of the allied forces; more so to escape the Operation Paperclip American’s and the revengeful Soviet’s in their Vril propulsion flying disk, which ripped open a vaginal rift of a tosion field, black sun wormhole, to thence Stargate journey to Aldebaran.
If that isn’t strange enough, some very serious new-Age researchers have claimed that the word Vril is formed from a supposedly ancient word “Vri-Il” (‘like god’) out of Abraham’s Sumeria.

Faustus Crow #conspiracy faustuscrow.wordpress.com

Many a folklore tale to tell of Wizard of Oz, Bubble Witches hovering around as orbs, who to lab-coat Catwalk the ghostly ley-lines, all as predatory Sphinx’s.
Their nature ever so feline of slanted mirrored eyes, who can be likened to the Japanese Succubae called, Kitsune with their ‘Hoshi Noh Tama’ Star Balls.
There are those who conjecture that the feline Bubble Witches are extraterrestrial aliens from another world or to be interdimensional entities who emanate from some other dimension, or to come from an alternate Earth, which to exist within a parallel universe.
Whatever the origins of the Bubble Witches be, they are very much tied up with their ‘quantum computing’ tesseract hypercubes tuning into hypersphere star balls, in order to access alternate Earth’s, wherein be their alternate selves.
Move over Creepypasta reptilian Annunaki, along with the Illuminati Grey alien fear porn, of a U.S. media reptilian brain-stem zap; here Cums the Bubble Witches!
The symbolic correspondences are there to see, and of the Wyrd they be, which to weirdly reveal the actress Lee Meriwether playing many an archetypal role.
H.G. Wells Catwoman Sphinx being the wormhole lock, to Riddler unlock, with a Joker key!
Some physicists suspect that electrons are mini-wormholes; though far too small for a physical astronaut to enter their spherical star ball holes.
Such would not restrict the lucid consciousness of a psychonaut to slide into within an electron dream, whose brain would in future be wired up to a quantum computer.
The artificial intelligence of said quantum computer would very likely be programmed with a female personality, which of predatory nature, like many a woman, would be feline.
But what of the present? A psychonaut shaman can presently penetrate a spherical hole, of hyperspace intercourse, when to conjure a bubble Witch Yoni Stargate, out of a grimoire, within a lucid dream, as his personal Time Tunnel lab-coat assistant.
The shaman to enter trance upon a drum beat, so as to slide Serpent-wise of phallic ingress into the vaginal star barrelled Time Tunnel, like a bat flying into the womb cave of the Sphinx.
The Near Death Experience to speak of such a tunnel, which of an experience can be seen as being akin to Shiva entering into the vaginal maw of a Kali Hadron Collider, circled of a Magic Circle Ouroboros.
The ancient Egyptian shaman Pharaoh also to know of the tunnel as the vaginal abyss, which to verily lead to the womb realm of the Duat.
The Shaman to then ‘Travel Without Moving’ as the tunnel appears to fly by of spiraling informational streams.
Such be the process of ‘Browsing,’ the physicist James Gates to have found of ‘Computer’ code embedded in Superstring theory.

Faustus Crow #conspiracy faustuscrow.wordpress.com

(I think he's saying that he's just doing it for the art...?)

This is an answer for the Reptilian Jew and Creativerealms:
I have pointed out a number of times that the work concerns its self with a Surrealist exploration of popular culture and its ‘Symbolic’ belief systems.
If a video-game boxed imagination cannot fathom it as being Art, then the boxed in Persona will never get it, which is no do doubt due to its Fundamentalist Samsara fixation on Viral-Meme ‘Animus’ fixated Satanic conspiracies, which I Do Not Believe in.

Faustus Crow #conspiracy faustuscrow.wordpress.com

When you give a name to something, it often sums up your desires and aspirations; the name is that of a statement, which often says something about you. In the world of advertising, the merchandising of a product is based around the a name of a brand; this can lead to copyright wars, when a well known brand name of a company is copied by a copycat, which seeks to ride its back.
As you can determine going by one’s own name, to that of naming a child, a name is very important; you may have even given a pet name to an inanimate object, such as your car; wherefore It is rather curious that the holier than thou Vatican astronomers who are enthroned atop of Mt Graham in Arizona would associate themselves with a telescope named the: Lucifer Binocular Telescope (LBT).
But then the patriarchal name of the fallen angel Lucifer, that many equate with their phallic Devil to otherwise call Satan had originally been derived from the name of the ancient Roman Goddess, Diana-Lucifera who had nothing to do with evil. Diana Lucifera is depicted wielding a torch, looking somewhat like the statue of Liberty. Her torch refers to an inner fire, you can equate with the bio-photon light emanating from your mitochondrial DNA, which illuminates your dreams, and in turn illuminating your perception of reality.
The mitochondrial DNA is passed down from the mother to her children; hence, the source of the inner light was intuitively sensed by many ancient cultures as being female; whereby, the Hindu’s saw the creative source of your experiential reality as being a Goddess to name as Maya; the ancient Roman’s named Diana Lucifera.
The prior name of Columbus for the telescope sums up the discovery of another world and its denizens. However, a Native American will point out that it is the other way around concerning the Ga’an.
Who knows, you may be unknowingly living upon a reservation of a prison planet as fallen angels, since the number 666 is the atomic number of carbon. We are all carbon based life-forms; whereby, if you sincerely believe 666 represents evil, you are then saying all life is evil.
Should you allow for your imagination to let rip, to enter into the arena of science fiction, you could see the Ga’an as being an inorganic intelligence, who are silicon based, you could otherwise construe as being a machine intelligence, like drones. You could then see your reality as being akin to a computer simulation as depicted in the Matrix films.
This isn’t too far fetched as it seems since your perceptions of reality are often subiminally molded by symbolic stimuli all around you, which can be easily manipulated; such as by using a name, like Lucifer, to then subversively conjure up associative correspondences within your indoctrinated subconscious; wherefore, you then find yourself surrounded by invisible prison bars of a symbolic Matrix.