
Staropramen #racist #fundie #psycho boards.christogenea.org

Once again good job Sven, I listened to the second half last night.

Here's something I want to throw out here. Can we honestly embrace someone like Florian as a fellow Christian? Look, we believe that we are approaching a day when the trumpet sounds and our job is to exterminate all the other races. I just can't fathom how someone who believes like Florian will not be an extreme liability to us in that day. How can a universalist who believes in the whole eternal torture chamber thing suddenly start slaying everything that isn't White including all those professing Christ? It seems logical to me that folks like Florian would turn on us in favor of THEIR christian brethren of every race.

I think it's great that you did the show Sven. But I question to what extent we should form coalitions with such Christians?

EzraLB #racist boards.christogenea.org

The arab/moor conquest and occupation of southern Europe brought in a lot a arab admixture into these countries, especially in the south. It was different from eastern europe somewhat in that there the invaders were driven back and out; whereas in Spain and Portugal the invaders occupied the lands for a significant amount of time. And Portugal brought back black slaves and eventually absorbed them into the population.

Also, with the Catholic Church demanding and accepting conversos, each country absorbed large numbers of jews into the populations. I read a recent genetic study of Spain that estimated 20% of the population today had jewish blood, whatever that is. My guess is that it would be much higher.

In the early 1500s, Erasmus, the Catholic humanist, commented that Spain at that time, was "crawling with jews," and he was talking about conversos--jews who had converted to Christianity. And he was making this comment more than 20 years after the general expulsion of the jews in 1492. There were so many converso jews in Spain that Erasmus refused to travel there.

The math is simple. Thousands of converso jews 600 years ago in Spain absorbed into the population. Given the size of Catholic families, that number would grow exponentially, spreading like wildfire through the population. And that's just the jews--when you add in the arab/moors, you can see how rapidly a population can be mongrelized.

Thekricket31 #racist boards.christogenea.org

A mule *may* try to imitate the horse; but he can never be a horse. As such, a negroid cannot EVER be a ‘brother in Christ’.

The upper 10% negroid will often imitate white man’s ways to fool others, in an effort to make themselves seem ‘civilized’. Why listen to flattery?

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Charles Caleb Colton

JaniceM #racist boards.christogenea.org

Amazing how the jew has had the ability to discipline people to behave, regardless of color, in lockstep with their agenda. The eternal pied piper. Somehow this mantra that only whites can be racist leads me to a theoretical conversation my sister and I have quite often, that if/when Babylon falls, the jews will publicize that God is punishing the world for not having eradicated the Canaanites which the Jews will declare the remaining white people to be.

brucebohn #racist boards.christogenea.org

I think folks simply do not understand the lightning speed and dramatic transformation of events and the overall culture shock, from ousting the Jew, that the German folk experienced, any the many, many fronts that Hitler himself was fighting from. The Jews knew that Hitler was a major stumbling block for the new Jewish world order and the full implementation of the Protocols and the Babylonian debt usery system which would insure their Demonic control, and NS had to be silenced, through totaldestruction and never be allowed to flourish.

Cleansing the entire political apparatus of Jewish influence, especially given the fact that the German folk had to be inspired to awaken to the Racial issue, much of it through education. They did not understand the 1% rule, hell, most in contemporary CI circles do not get the 1% rule. Were there German Tares not identified and physically indistinguishable working for the Jew to undermine NS and Hitler? I think so. Yes, Hitler was very intelligent, and pragmatic, he was a visionary who felt the need to micro manage for there were few who had his capabilities. However, in a number of areas, it would have been better if he had spent time with his passion of Architecture.

I am sure there came a point in time when he realized that his message was not getting through to the common folk of the West due to Jewish Media control that he vastly underestimated, and he saw the Juggernaut being assembled against him by the Bolshevik Jew in the East an d Capitalist Jew of the West.... Two Heads of the Same Snake ! I am sure this troubled him greatly and forced him to rethink making allies with Beast's and Beast Nations. The NS referred to the Japanese as the yellow horde, until it became politically expedient to form a security pact with them... It was DO or DIE for Germany and Hitler needed all the allies possible. Simply was not enough time to completely sanitize Germany of all Jew blood, power, and influence........

EzraLB #racist boards.christogenea.org

On the long and winding road to CI, I came across a "kinist" website that had some racially-aware material that I agreed with. I didn't like white nationalist websites because most of them very anti-Christian, and although I didn't consider myself a practicing Christian at that time, I did not tolerate Christ bashing, and the kinists certainly didn't do that--at least overtly.

However, I quickly ran into a wall with the kinists. I found it impossible to believe that God created the White race and the mud races. If he could create a race of people who literally could get in rockets and search the heavens, why would He, at the same time, create the negro, who could barely clothe and feed himself? To believe such a thing would be to believe that God was capable of failure--or that He created the other races as a cruel joke to be played on Whites, neither of which could I accept.

And the kinists had no rational explanation for this dilemma--except perhaps that the other races were created so that Whites would realize their superiority, some watered-down form of dominion theology. So ultimately I rejected kinist theology--and became more and more convinced that God could not have created both the White race and the non-Whites. My suspicions were eventually confirmed when later on I discovered Bill's podcasts on Pragmatic Genesis, along with Clifton Emahiser's many excellent essays on the subject.

Yahweh wrote a racial consciousness in the hearts of His children--without it, they would have no instinct for remaining a separate people. Most parents shame their White children whenever those children voice any racial awareness, and thus stifle that God-given, healthy instinct--thus instilling shame about those feelings. I have never shamed my young sons no matter how racially-charged their observations are. When my 7 year old says that blacks aren't people, I just smile and say, "You could be right. If we are people, how can they be people, too?"

TruthPrevailJDV #racist boards.christogenea.org

This is a question I find myself asking a lot. I almost feel as if many non white races are from a mixture of animal and human. Mexicans and Guatemalan people look very animal like. They are also insanely short. They have no variant in eye or hair colors either, unlike the white race. Obviously black people look like a monkey and human hybrid. Native Americans look like taller Guatemalans to me. It's very strange because they all look like they have been mixed with the same animal. Just to differing degrees. I wonder what animal.

Asians are a little bit trickier to figure out because of their light skin. They also all have the same eye and hair color and look like an animal hybrid. I'm not sure what kind of animal and I am a bit perplexed about how they ended up with lighter skin.

TruthPrevailJDV #racist boards.christogenea.org

Thanks for that excerpt Ben! Hitler was so observent early on about EVERYTHING. It's like God literally spoke through him. Used him as a prophet . How intuitive he was about everything, he knew 100 steps ahead what was going to happen to his race, and it currently is happening!!

I agree most of the worst atrocities have been completely instigated by the Jew. It's scary how well they are able to rewrite history. They obviously have had access to historical documents and have probably destroyed or stolen and hidden etc so many ACCURATE historical documents so that they can rewrite their own kosher version! That's how you know Crypto-Jews must have been plentiful! They had so much opportunities to infiltrate governments etc.

One of the worst things White rulers did was try to have Jews convert to Christianity! It literally is like inviting a former serial killer in your house because he seems "reformed" now . Trying to convert Jews gave Jews a chance to lie and infiltrate all the more, which is after all their favorite thing to do.

EnglishVids #conspiracy boards.christogenea.org

Jews are always rewriting history to make white's look bad. Just recently I saw a nature documentary which suddenly went off into Indian culture of monks living peacefully with the animals and looking after them in perfect harmony.

This however all changed when the evil British Empire came and destroyed it all. Bringing their farms and tearing down wildlife for greed and profit. Turning a highly sophisticated and cultured people (yeah right) into slaves. In reality it was the complete opposite. All other nations lived in poverty. White's gave the whole world civilisation.

Lies is the truth and the truth is lies nowadays.

Adam88 #racist boards.christogenea.org

All non-whites are illegal. The world belongs to Yahweh. A bastard is a transgression of His Law. That is why all hybrids are illegal.

All 'good' deeds of a bastard are on a certain condition. If you pay him attention, this will be at the expense of Yahweh and His people. We have no obligations towards the non-white races.

wmfinck #racist boards.christogenea.org

No, he is not a "dark guy", he is a fucking nigger. Fucking niggers do not get some sort of elevated status as "dark guys" because they are witty, funny, or appear to be "spiritual".

As Paul of Tarsus explained in Romans, "the law is spiritual: but I am carnal", the nigger's very existence is a violation of the law. You in your naivete may be tricked into thinking that he could be a "brother in Christ", but to the rest of us such a statement is utterly repulsive. WWJD??? Jesus would tell the fucking nigger to "get away from Me, I never knew you."

You must either study, or ultimately be disinvited from this fellowship, because light has no agreement with darkness.

JerseyPine #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia boards.christogenea.org

The White Adamic children of today DON'T stand a chance. When they are born, vaccines containing doses of xx (females) are given to little boys, while little girls are given doses of xy (males). This HELPS these young children right from the start THINK they should be the opposite gender that they are actually born. Then with the help of satans 24/7 propganda via ALL media forms, along with schools teaching trannism in elementary school, we end up in transvestite world. This is only one tiny piece of what satan is up. Human trafficking, sacrifice, and organ stealing, along with porn, are his best sheckle makers.

When we think of the all wickedness and evil in today's world, it's no wonder our children are being destroyed (from LACK OF YAHWEH' KNOWLEDGE). Yahweh is allowing this; as a lesson to us, His children. He certainly WON'T allow this to continue indefinitely. The closer we get to the END, the more WICKED and BOLDER satan grows. Satan actually THINKS he can beat Yahweh God! Satan (jews) lacks the understanding to realize that Yahweh is ALLOWING him this temporary power to TEACH and DISCIPLINE His children, before Yahweh DESTROYS satan once and for all.

I pray 2020 will be the year of Babylon's fall, a Fall HARVEST, and return of our King (Yahweh Yahshua Christ) with His mighty SWORD. Our people are a MESS and the devils roost is FULL in EVERY Jacob Isreal nation!

EnglishVids #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie boards.christogenea.org

[From "100 Proofs the Israelite's Were White"]

The America Flag's 13 stripes are the 13 tribes of Israel

Before Israel even conquered the lands of Canaan it was already prophesied that one day Israel would have a new land. It would seem that God never intended it to be a permanent dwelling.

This new land is none other than America where the scattered lost tribes abroad finally regathered all together from Europe as one nation. Which overtime became the single greatest most prosperous nation ever to exist on earth.

Although Jacob (Israel) originally only had 12 sons, which later became the 12 tribes of Israel, we must remember that Joseph the 11th son, received a double portion and passed this inheritance onto his own two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob made them his own sons and blessed them, thus making it a total of 13 tribes.

All Apostles have Traditional English names

Were the Apostles called Tyrone or Jasmin? How about Abu or Wang? No!

The names you commonly see over and over again are John, James, Matthew, Mary, Simon, Peter, Paul and so forth. The Apostles had traditional White names which carried on throughout Europe, to Britain and America over the centuries.

This is because the Apostles were White! Jesus was White and all Israel has always been white.

European Pagan God's derive from the Old Testament

As the Israelite's dispersed into Europe you'd expect to be able to trace a lot of their Pagan believes back to the original teachings of the Old Testament. Many European Pagan religions have the enemy being a Great Serpent. Along with evil Giants.

If you understand that the Serpent is not a literal serpent but simply all the evil races the descendants of Cain and the Genesis 6 corruptions, all together as a figurative Serpent. Whilst the Giants appeared amongst them, such as in the lands of Caanan. You can see it's the same story as the Bible, it's the same people the Israelites passing on there oral traditions

Wodin, or Odin It's clear that is a derivation of the Hebrew Adon, which means Lord. Our people always had a problem of deifiing ancient Kings. Odin was a king who led the Germanic tribes into Europe. He was just a man he existed.

Loki It's clear that is a derivation of Lucifer. Originally the C was hard so Luckifer or Lucky/Loki for short. In others Satan the father of the evil races, the head of the Great Serpent

In the end times a great battle Ragnarok would take place where the son of God, sometimes called Thor who return and we would all rise up together and fight this evil serpent race together.

Is that not exactly what the Bible teaches, Christ returning to save his people in the Armageddon. There are many more similirities. It all shows the Germanic tribes were the dispered Israelites and they were white.

FollowerofGod #wingnut #fundie boards.christogenea.org

Hitler was mentally tough and definitely had quite the burden to bear. Hitler's day to day life during the final year of the war would drive any man to the point of suicide. How he managed to stay sane is quite the feat of mental strength. It's no wonder his health rapidly declined the way it did. Hitler, like many other German soldiers, fought to the end even when they knew death was going to be the end result. They knew what they were protecting and who they were protecting it against. Quite amazing, to see one of the few instances in the entire history of man where a good portion of the white race tried to team up and take down Jewry.

Hitler's entire life work was going to be destroyed, he definitely knew that. Hitler knew that with this victory the Jews would officially take over the world and Germany. It's definitely comparable to our own situation. We are all watching Western Civilization be completely destroyed along with the race that created it. Hitler may not have had a deliver of 'wunderwaffe' to save the Reich, but we do have an eventual Savior. The coming victory is going to be truly great.


Hitler definitely believed he was called by God.

I call Hitler 'Adolf the Greatest.' Though they lived in quite different times, I say Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, or any other 'Great' pales in comparison to what Hitler achieved. He was such a force...it's hard to look at him and not see God's ordainment or will worked through Hitler. He was one of the greatest men, what he managed to achieve, he is the ultimate representation of a man trying to reach his potential and become the best version of himself he can possibly be. Hitler may have been gifted with quite the mental capacity, but that intellect was honed through work, practice, and diligent study. It's so astonishing to see so much virtue, intellect, determination, fearfulness, strength, willpower, etc, all combined in one man. It sounds like hero worship but it's true.

"Great men are like meteors, which shine and consume themselves to enlighten the earth. " - Bonaparte (quoted to him)

Adam88 #fundie #racist boards.christogenea.org

I have already made clear to my mother that her three bastard [mixed-race] daughters (my half sisters) will not receive eternal life. So she does not see her daughters in the Kingdom of Yahweh. This is probably also the reason that she denies that there is a resurrection.

In this way she mocks the final goal of our faith and that is simply unacceptable. The dialogue between us is still going on. The latter has probably occurred recently. She is afraid to lose her bastard daughters, but she now loses her most beloved son. If she really loves me, she abandons her filthy bastard children.

As a CI you have to take a firm position. On the one hand, you realize that the CI message is true and on the other hand you feel that the world is trying to seduce you. To this day I have difficulty with this and I feel guilty about it. However, I do not give up and try to overcome the world.

Dasho #racist #conspiracy #fundie #psycho boards.christogenea.org

[On David Duke]

He hates Jews, but only in ways that reaffirm their lies and ultimately serve their interests. The bible says the Caananites should be killed, and those who are not killed by us will be killed by Christ when he casts them into the lake of fire. Duke just wants to deport them all to Israel or let them take over and run China instead. Jews have a "right" to a nation, Jews are who they say they are, Jews run the media and maybe some of the banks but the Holocaust happened and Hitler was a bad guy because he turned people off of Nationalism for Europeans.

Only Jews could admit their own crimes in such a way that you end up giving them what they want regardless of the admission. Were it not for the fact that I've already looked into it and am quite sure he's ethnically white, I would suspect Duke of being a Jew himself. As far as I can tell, he's just an incredibly weaselly and spineless collaborator.

The big reason I came to CI, and started taking everything CI says more seriously, is because of the overwhelming secular evidence that the Israelites were in fact Aryan. Which is the more proper term for European, since Europeans didn't actually originate in Europe, as I'm sure all of you are already well aware. I don't need theology or even the bible to prove this: it can be proven on its own merits without bringing religion into the discussion at all, although the biblical accounts of the ancient Israelites certainly do help immensely. And yet in spite of all the evidence FOR this, only CI and maybe one or two other voices would actually talk about or accept that truth. Literally everyone else takes it for granted that the Jews are Israelites, and a surefire way of finding a Jewish shill is to say the Jews are not and wait for the explosion. I actually think it's an even bigger lie than the Holocaust: the masturbation machines and bicycle powered brain bashers are all a recent invention, but Jews have been peddling the Israelite swindle for the better portion of two thousand years.

Duke doesn't have to be CI to believe or accept this truth. I wasn't when I did. It's absurd to believe a physically frail race of chronically ill liars and merchants are the same as the warriors who conquered half of the ancient world. No Egyptian would ever bother enslaving a Jew and putting them to work as a laborer, you'd have to beat him senseless to get anything out of him at all. Any Jewish slave would be better served doing paperwork or chained to a desk counting coins, and even then I wouldn't trust them to do it, since they're liable to cook the books or miscount your gold simply to spite you. Since when have the Jews ever been great farmers or cattleherds? When was the last time you saw a Jew with a shepard's crook? Quite frankly, the street preacher Hoteps have a more believable story! At least a nigger could have done some of those things. A Jew couldn't do a single one! The evidence is all there, but David Duke doesn't want to see it. As in all other things he does, his racism and "nationalism" only exists within the context of serving Jewish interests. He is the defination of kosher controlled opposition. He does what his FBI handlers tell him to do, and I'm sure more than a few of them go to synagogues on Sunday.

For Duke's own sake, I almost wish he was a distant crypto Jew. I can't even imagine what his punishment would be in God's kingdom if he were white. Lies on top of lies, treason on top of treason. He willfully chose chains and Satanic lies instead of freedom and truth for his earthly life, so I can only imagine him having to endure it for the rest of eternity as well.

Ian_N #racist #fundie #crackpot boards.christogenea.org

I cannot point to any one particular source for this but my opinion (based on what I have read here and elsewhere) is that Blacks are either descended from the the fallen angels or are the product of the fallen angels copulating with apes. This is based on 2 Peter 2:4 ("God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment) and Jude 6 ("And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day") and on the obvious similarities between Blacks and apes. The Jews are a mixture of Kenites (the original Satanic seedline), Canaanites and Edomites. All other races are a mixture of Whites, Blacks and Jews and are, therefore, a corruption of Yahweh's creation.

Clifton Emahiser has written on the subject of Satan as having been some sort of ape and this is based, if I recall correctly, on the language used in the original Greek Scriptures to describe him.

TruthPrevailJDV #racist #crackpot boards.christogenea.org

So I have noticed recently that Negroes and Aboriginals are not the only race that has facial features that strongly resemble monkeys and primates. The Mongoloid race does as well. I have always found the Mongoloids and Native Americans to be extremely ugly looking, and even demonic looking. However, I never noticed how many Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Native or Mesoamericans look a lot like monkeys too. Native Americans and Mesoamericans are Mongoloid by race category so that makes sense. Ive met Guatamelan and Mexicans who look almost identical to many Koreans and Vietnamese. All these Mongoloid races seem to have very wide noses, similar to Negroes. Janice said in another post that she thinks Mongoloids were descended from a human mixed with yellow monkeys (obviously a fallen angel creation). This sounds very possible considering Mongoloids do look like monkeys, yet are lighter skinned .

Traci Doering #fundie #racist #transphobia boards.christogenea.org

(On a thread calling for the release of David Bogdanov, a man jailed for murdering a transgender woman)

My ninety-three-year-old Christian neighbor and dear friend passed recently. That man could ax a tree root out of the ground stronger than most 30-year olds. He was such a shining a light and real man. Imagine all the life and changes in society he has had seen. He was a gent, but I can picture him swearing and talking boldly against this filth.

A side-track, but wonderful experience. I told him Jews were of Cain and wicked bastards, all liars. I didn't say bastard. He stopped me, saying, hold on a second - calm..... these are God's chosen people. Well, in a series of conversations, I laid out several facts each time, including our Anglo Saxon Identity, church control, and so much more.

He listened, was silent, but wanted to hear more. He never stopped me or pushed his beliefs. He respected that I was not afraid to tell him and was committed to Yahweh and the Truth above all. A REAL man of Yahweh.

This man that killed the trannie was a hero. He was justified in the crime committed against him. It's a wonderful idea to get C.I. material to him. Maybe he will be near enough for one of us to visit him. We should pray for him.

Scripture isn't completely clear what the Lake of Fire hereafter is. I hope they all burn and suffer infinite for their wickedness against our people.

These beasts and kikes are born with perversion and every wickedness in their blood. Life is in the blood. The fallen and of satan. I cracked up tonight when on a podcast heard Bill talking about going to the mall and being among zombies, the walking dead. That's just what they are. Devoid of Yahweh's spirit, but they do have spirit of satan, dead.

William Finck #racist #fundie #crackpot boards.christogenea.org

So we must ask, What spots and blemishes did Yahweh God create? What “cursed children” did God create? Some so-called Identity Christians insist that the non-White races are the “beasts” of God’s creation in Genesis chapter 1. But what people as beasts did God create which were “made to be taken and destroyed”, when everything that God created was good?

We posted a draft copy of this opinion in a certain Christian Identity group on Facebook, along with a link to the Christogenea podcasts from Pragmatic Genesis which discuss the non-Adamic races. Those programs discuss the points which we have already made here, along with many similar remarks concerning the other races which were made in the prophets and the writings of the apostles which support those same points. Then a certain woman, whose name we will withhold here, came back with a remark and said “So are you saying that Satan created the dark races? And what about Lucifer (Satan) didn't God created him to be the highest angel? But look… he is now God’s greatest adversary and will not be in the kingdom in the end days. The Bible says that God created all things and without Him nothing would exist?!?”

Aside from some of her silly Catholic ideas (such as using Lucifer as a proper name), which we had purposely overlooked, we replied and said “Right God created all things that were created. But God did not create bastards. We cannot blame God for our sin when we create bastards. we would ask you to listen to the podcasts. Wow, if we could prove all of this in a Facebook post, we would have done that.”

But this woman did not want to listen to any evidence, and that attitude is very common among Identity Christians. In some respects, they are more arrogant that most of the denominational Judeo-Christians, conceited and self-righteous with what little knowledge that they have, they imagine that there is nothing beyond what they think they know. So she responded “’Bastards’ are certainly a hybrid that God did not create. But you said above that God did not create the non-White races. But he certainly did. Genesis 2:19 clearly states… ‘And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field...’ End of discussion.”

End of discussion? So she actually thinks that we missed that verse? So she wants to chime in and make a decree in defense of the non-White races, and insist that the discussion must end there, in a group for which the explicit purpose is to discuss such things. Her arrogance escapes her, and her ignorance, so the conversation only got worse from there. A lot worse. But that we would be compelled to write about elsewhere.

We know it is a common belief in Christian Identity circles, that because all of the animals of God’s creation were presented to Adam, and we are told that no fitting wife was found among them, that there must have been potential two-legged animals among them, so therefore the other races must be the “beasts” that were presented to Adam. We ourselves believed that error at one time, until around 2005 when we wrote the Broken Cisterns essays, as it was taught by most of the elder Identity teachers. But now through much study, for some time we have understood it to be just that, an error.

It is sheer sophistry to insist that Adam was presented with the other races as “beasts”, when the Scripture at Genesis 2:19 also informs us that Adam was presented with cattle and birds as well, for the same reason that he was presented with the beasts. There were three categories in Genesis 2:19 representing “every living creature” which God had made. Those three categories are “every beast of the field”, “every fowl of the air”, and “all cattle”. So if cattle are a certain type of large animal, and fowl are birds, Adam did not find a wife among them, and they too must have been candidates. Therefore, “beast of the field” in this context must stand for every other animal which was not a large ruminant or a bird. That would include chipmunks and squirrels, lions and leopards, dogs and possums and racoons and all sorts of other animals. But it does not necessarily include any so-called “people” as beasts.

It is also absolute ignorance to believe that even if God did create some cognizant race as “beasts”, that any of the non-White races of today are representative of that original “beast” race, when there is no proof upholding such an idea and much historical proof to the contrary. The ultimate hypocrisy of the so-called Identity Christians who claim these things is to claim that these so-called other races are beasts in the Old Testament, and then to claim that they are men in the New Testament. We have seen and heard them do it with our own eyes and ears. That is also an element of universalism by the back door.

In order to understand what it is that Adam is being presented with and why, which we will call the antithesis, we must understand what the sin of the fallen angels was, which we will call the thesis. Yes, Genesis is the antithesis, because the sin of the fallen angels which is partially described in Revelation chapter 12 began before the creation of Adam, and that is why the serpent is the representative of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is also why in the Revelation a flood consisting of all the world’s non-Israelite nations is said to come out of the mouth of the serpent. The Book of Enoch, from the Dead Sea Scrolls, tells us a little about that tree. This is from a presentation of Luke chapter 4 given at Christogenea in June of 2012:

From a translation of the Qumran scrolls, The Dead Sea Scrolls, A New Translation by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg Jr. and Edward Cook, on page 247, a translation of 1Q23, fragments 1 and 6, which are unfortunately highly fragmented: “1 [... two hundred] 2 donkeys, two hundred asses, two hund[red ... rams of the] 3 flock, two hundred goats, two hundred [... beast of the] 4 field from every animal, from every [bird ...] 5 [...] for miscegenation [...]”. And in the same source, 4Q531, fragment 2: “1 [...] they defiled [...] 2 [... they begot] giants and monsters [...] 3 [...] they begot, and, behold, all [the earth was corrupted ...] 4 [...] with its blood and by the hand of [...] 5 [giants] which did not suffice for them and [...] 6 [...] and they were seeking to devour many […] 7 [...] 8 the monsters attacked it.” Again, 4Q532, Col. 2 fragments 1-6: “2 [...] flesh [...] 3 al[l ...] monsters [...] will be [...] 4 [...] they would arise [...] lacking in true knowledge [...] because [...] 5 [...] the earth [grew corrupt ...] mighty [...] 6 [...] they were considering [...] 7 [...] from the angels upon [...] 8 [...] in the end it will perish and die [...] 9 [...] they caused great corruption in the [earth ...] 10 [... this did not] suffice to [...] 11 they will be [...]”. While they are quite fragmentary, the general theme of these fragments from what is known as the Book of Giants is readily evident. A very similar version of what is related here is found in 1 Enoch, i.e. chapters 86 and 88. It is highly probable that accounts such as these were the inspiration for the ancient chimera myths of both Greek and Near East mythology. The offspring which resulted from the unions of diverse species are later called bastards, for instance in the Dead Sea Scroll labelled as 4Q204 which is reckoned among the Enoch literature, and their extermination is forecast where it says “Exterminate all the spirits of the bastards and the sons of the Watchers”, which seems to have been speaking prophetically and is speaking of the offspring of the fallen angels. In the end there are sheep, and everything else is a goat destined for the Lake of Fire where are Hell and Death and the False Prophet.
Evidently, there are two trees in the Garden of Eden which without a doubt represent people. They are the Tree of Life, Christ and His Adamic race, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which are the fallen angels, as the serpent is directly linked to them in Revelation chapter 12 and Genesis chapter 3. They had the knowledge of good, and rebelling against God by corrupting His Creation they wandered off into the knowledge of evil. Among other things, the apostle Jude relates these fallen angels to Cain, to Sodom, to the error of Balaam and Balak who tried to get the children of Israel to race-mix, and he says of these fallen angels that they are bound in chains of darkness. They are not bound in darkness in chains, rather, they are bound in chains of darkness, which can only be an allegory for the dark bodies of their corrupted genetics. That is especially evident when everything else which Jude says about them is considered.

So the error of the fallen angels was to corrupt God’s creation, and race-mix even themselves. But the antithesis is this: when God created Adam He taught him the law of kind after kind, and that animals were not suitable mates for men. So his wife must be flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone. If one do not believe that White people could sink to the level of having sex with animals, one had better check the headlines because the stories we hear about are quite frequent. Sheep, horses, dogs, donkeys, there is nothing below a man when he rejects his God.

We have said this a thousand times. We must say it once more. There are two trees in the Garden, one of Life, and one of evil. And in the time of the end, there are only two sorts of people: sheep and goats, wheat and tares, good fish and bad. Cain is not the only corruption of the devil. There were many more before him, so there was an entire tree of good and evil which was already in the Garden when Adam was created. The tares were planted by the devil from the beginning, and all of the other races are bad in the end. Tares are not Jews only, but rather, tares are every plant which Yahweh did not plant. Unless one can show specifically where Yahweh created non-White races and they are called good, one is deceiving himself if he thinks that Yahweh created them at all.

If one chooses to dispute with this assessment, then please set forth two or three verses in Scripture by which we know with certainty that there should be other races of so-called people among us in these last days who are good. The Bible describes the aliens among us: in Deuteronomy it says that they will take our sons and daughters, and we will grieve but we will not be able to do a damned thing about it, because of our own disobedience. Since Christians are instructed to come out from among them, and be separate, not be joined to the impure, if we teach that these other races are somehow “good” then we further invite such punishment. Rather, the prophet Joel described these other races devouring our wealth and our children as locusts, caterpillars, palmerworms and cankerworms. That is how we should see the aliens consuming our wealth and our goods in all of the formerly Christian nations of today. That is the only Scriptural way in which these other races should be considered, as non-entities, because they shall prosper for a time, and then they shall be as though they had not been.

If one does not understand the things which we have said here, and refuses to go study the matter and either come to agree or produce the necessary evidence to correct us if we are wrong, then we are confident that such a person does indeed have some unseemly agenda.

We can also say this, because half of the people claiming to be Christian Identity already hate us, so it really does not matter if they hate us even more: Any so-called Identity Christian who maintains that Yahweh created the modern non-White races is a liar and a fool. Any so-called Identity Christian who maintains that Yahweh created the modern non-White races is a hypocrite and denies the very words of Yahshua Christ, who describes them as a flood coming from the mouth of the serpent. There are people born from above, and the only alternative is to be born from below. The non-White races must therefore be born from below, as they come from the mouth of the serpent, and not from the mouth of God. So the serpent is responsible for them, as the serpent is the corrupter of the Creation of God.

It is time that Identity Christians slam the back door shut in the face of such universalism.

We hear it all the time. Oh, we have no love, because we do not kiss the asses of men. Oh, we teach with hatred, because we tell them what we believe to be truth plainly and bluntly. Oh, we are mean and stubborn, because we are confident and unyielding. We hear the same old broken tunes all the time, and those who sing them never want to sit and address the issues like men.

So the people who say those things are only looking for excuses. Or being jealous for the lies they have clung to for so many years, rejecting the truth they want to keep others from hearing it as well.

ED #sexist #fundie boards.christogenea.org

I did a Google search last night for “do women go to heaven?”, There wasn’t much at all, which is surprising and then again paradoxically it’s not.

We all assume women go to heaven or resurrected, it’s tradition - it’s what were taught, nobody questions it - which is why I assume nobody is researching this topic.

At the forefront of this discussion, I want to make it clear that as a man I want women to go to heaven/be resurrected! I don’t want this to be true, but I’d rather have the truth than a fantasy! This smacks of MGTOW to the extreme, however that doesn't mean it isn't true.

This is from a Yahoo answers article, the person who made these claims appears to be a fabrication “Dr. Fred Neiman” of Landover Baptist Church, the website seems to be a joke created by atheists. However, regardless if this doctor is a fabrication are not, the discussion in the points brought up are seemingly valid.

Please see the position presented here:

Dr. Fred Neiman claims women have no souls and thus, have a zero percent chance of attaining Salvation. His argument is pretty solid... to quote him:
"Jesus said that the sole reason God created women in the first place was to provide company and service to men (1 Corinthians 11:9), God determined that men would be lonely living alone, so he created women purely to keep men company and serve their needs (Genesis 2:18-22).

Women are therefore completely subordinate to men (1 Corinthians 11:3). It stands to reason, though, that once men enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be one with God, and will no longer be lonely and in need of mortal companionship.

Thus, the reason behind having women will no longer exist. Women, like the members of the animal kingdom, will fall by the wayside." Dr. Neiman went on to say that, "once men reunite with their maker, they will no longer be burdened with the care of women.

After all, women were inferior creations from the start. Women are fond of self-indulgence (Isaiah 32:9-11). They are silly and easily led into error (2 Timothy 3:6). They are subtle and deceitful (Proverbs 7:10; Ecclesiastes 7:26).

They are zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry (Jeremiah 7:18; Ezekiel 13:17, 23). And they are active in instigating to iniquity (Numbers 31:15-16; 1 Kings 21:25; Nehemiah 13:26). It was the inherent weakness of women that led them to be deceived by Satan (Genesis 3:1-6; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:14).

Consequently, women were cursed from the start (Genesis 3:16). There is simply no room in heaven for such flawed and inadequate beings."

Staropramen #fundie #racist #magick #crackpot boards.christogenea.org

My personal experience leads me to believe that there are adversarial disembodied spirits that can effect the physical world. I believe that there is scripture to support this. Swine do not commit mass suicide in and of themselves. That is how I interpret that story. Judeos will cite Ephesians 6:12 and say that we are not to fight against flesh and blood. I believe what that verse actually means is that when we fight against flesh and blood [the jews and their non-white shock troops] do not forget that there is a spiritual component to the battle and thus put on the whole armor of Yahweh.

I posted the following here some time ago;

From studying CI I have become convinced that there are embodied demonic spirits which are the result of violations of kind after kind. They are not human, Adamic men and thus cannot be brought into the covenant with us.

Nonetheless I am still of the belief that disembodied demonic spirits exist and can effect the physical world. I don't see any other way to interpret the scriptures about the suicidal swine. From time to time we read about strange behavior in the animal world. Homosexuals love to point out bizarre deviations from the norm when they occur between animals. This is probably no different than the suicidal swine. I had an experience in the Czech Republic where a White student of mine was mesmerized by an asiatic karate instructor with supernatural powers. He described all these strange powers that this guy had like being able to knock people over without touching them or the the ability to, without touching render them incapable of movement once knocked over. My student's claim was that he was no different than our Jesus. So I went along for one of these demonstrations.

My wife and I prayed for several days before that any help that this asiatic gets from disembodied spirits would be cut off at least for the duration of the event at hand. We arrived at the venue continually praying into the beginning of the evening's demos. This asiatic was sitting on the side of the stage and about 30 minutes into the demos the woman sitting next to him just leaped from her seat, started screaming hysterically and ran out of the auditorium. I interpreted this as perhaps a spirit in him entering the woman and being driven from the arena. I was watching this asiatic carefully. He was clearly disturbed about something. When he finally got up to perform his magic he was incapable of doing anything unusual. It was a farce actually. At the end he made some comments about what he does saying that it isn't demonic in nature. I asked my student if he had ever heard this guy make such comments before and he told me no, he had not. I then witnessed to my student about our prayers and how Christ had prevailed over his fraudulent miracle worker. It was a pretty wild evening.

Is the asiatic an embodied demonic spirit? Yes. Can he employ disembodied demons to deceive people? Perhaps. Either way this shouldn't be a point of division.

Staropramen #racist #psycho boards.christogenea.org

Re: Race war......

I can't wait to exterminate these devils once and for all. Someone recently suggested that the Whites that have been the biggest enemies of our race will be the ones performing the unpleasant task of cleaning up the dead bodies of these animals as punishment. Nonsense, they ain't depriving me of the pleasure of bulldozing their dead asses into mass graves! Heck I'll even forfeit coffee breaks to steamroll a few extras! Who else wants that job? It'll require some gusto and more years of racial awareness will make for a better resume!

Joe #racist #conspiracy #fundie boards.christogenea.org

If a test does not measure what it purports to measure, it is invalid. This is psychology 101. So if an IQ test does not measure something called 'intelligence' than it is invalid, and all studies built on that faulty measure, and related premises, are also invalid. Psychologist already acknowledge the limitations of the test, but are unwilling to change it for political reasons.

I have seen White Nationalist claim that asians perform better on IQ tests, jews too. This test has been given such an authority that people put it above reality, above what is actually observable in the real World.

In the real World I see chink families pushing their chink children to study 24/7, for what, 6 IQ points average. They learn by rote, they learn Western mathematics, science & philosophy ...and then apply it in a very limited way, within the realm of a test. They have failed to carry such 'successes' into the real World (the test is more about application than general knowledge, but our children are not even taught how to approach such problems, they are in mixed-race classes devoid of any enrichment, devoid of proper instruction and content, so we cannot expect them to perform at their peak these days). And let us not forget that if you look at china, india, japan ...their infrastructure and scientific advancements are based on Western principals. The IQ test fails to measure intelligence if jews and asians somehow out-perform Whites (don't jump on me yet, read the next paragraph where I suggest some reasons why our people are failing our promise and potential).

We are suppose to forget the achievement of the White race ...and trust in a test that is obviously not valid. We are suppose to forget that our education system has been severely dumbed-down since the 1900's ...most people could not pass a year 10 exam from the period. That our children have been denied every opportunity to grow, and have been given what they want, towards their own destruction. They have no discipline or initiative. We are suppose to forget about the countless Aryan geniuses of the past, who gave us so much and how many of our advancements are hidden and suppressed (LENR, Tesla technology, novel engines and energy).

They bring foreign doctors and scientist into White nations (mostly arabs and indians) while the asians fill our universities, White people are having the opportunities and promise built by their foreFathers stolen from beneath their feat. Many of these doctors, scientist and others under-perform and happily maintain the jewish status quo, while our society stagnates and many White Men rot on the dole; never having an opportunity to reach their full potential (niggaz getz skolaships and shitz). White Women can get jobs and scholarships. especially in Maths and Science ...suddenly free from the oppressive patriarchy and finding good niggers with jobs everywhere, with the media portraying White Men as weak ...they start to engage in bestiality. We built this Nation for Our Women, and they betray us, if they want to live with the beasts, in their lands...it would be mud-huts, rape and sewerage, but try reasoning with a feminist! beast hominids only seem capable while supported by White Men, it is an illusion.
As Bill says, they are pets!

The fraud and pervert, einstein, was not a genius (check trutube), freud (fraud) was not a 'scientist' and sulk's vaccine came after polio had already began to decline (while the vaccine was accused of causing polio). These are some of the best the jews have to offer, they are better at scheming than attaining any knowledge or insight of value. The asians are good at doing what they are told, Western engineers are always leading projects in arab and asian countries ...and even if they don't lead the project, the innovations are always Aryan. Buddha, as a philosopher and not a religious leader, was an Aryan Man, a Scythian ...and there are many passages where the racism of early Buddhism is apparent. They regarded black babies as demons and bred with their own sisters to avoid breeding with the slave girls. The dark-skinned brahmins were considered unworthy to commune with them.

I won't forget my ancestors, I will never believe that the jew can build a civilisation apart from the White race, 'israel' gets more Western/Aryan aid than the damn niggers. I will not forget that my people have the best philosophers, mathematicians and scientists ...even if most of my people are currently in bondage, Truly, we can't compete with the evil beast hominids in babylon, but my people will return to their God and they will remember their nature, and they will be blessed and will conquer.

Nayto #racist #conspiracy #fundie #psycho boards.christogenea.org

The real reason White South Africa fell was because it failed to uphold God's law of extermination of mongrel races. Unfortunately the British (jewish empire) run colonies forced integration of mongrels and recognized as "people" while the soft-hearted Boer Transvaal, in spite of their troubles with the niggers during the Great Trek, couldn't bring themselves to exterminate them either.

In humanist terms, it was the betrayal of fellow White countries at the behest of jewish media, combined with the betrayal of FW De Klerk which led to the White people of the country literally handing themselves over. The irony is that there was never any military threat to the South African Defense Force or the South African Police Service. In 1994, if they wanted to, they could have wiped all the niggers out no problem.

EnglishVids #conspiracy #fundie #racist boards.christogenea.org

[On how Star Wars is a secret Jewish allegory for "Christ's Story"]

The Crucifixion
After the battle Anakin is horrifically maimed, having now lost 4 limbs which represents the nails going through his limbs and
ultimately the crucifixion.

Obi-Wan (Jews) didn't want to do it, but he (they) had to because Anakin (Christ) was evil. Had Christ only seen things their way.

The Resurrection
Rather than Christs resurrection being dedicated as miraculous and glorious, we instead get a warped perspective.
Anakin is put back together as a machine in pain and agony. This is a completely mockery of Christ.

The 1000 year Reign of Christ
With Vader at the forefront leading legions of storm troopers around the galaxy, who look just like him (Christians with Christs
Holy Spirit). They massacre any resistance, conquer whole worlds and tyrannize the galaxy. This is essentially whites accepting Christianity, ending all other religions and kicking Jews out of their countries.

The Ending
So deep down Jews know they can't win and their doomed no matter what. However in this s ci-fi movie the outcome can be different.This is where the Jews write their own version to the conclusion of Christ's Revelation. In this series of events Lukee Skywalker (who can be any Christian) convinces Darth Vader (Christ) that he was wrong all along, that his way is not the righteous way.

Vader (Christ) turns against Palpatine (Yahweh) and destroys him, later dying himself. Impossible and ridiculous but this is a Jew's deranged mind we're dealing with. The outcome is Jews are left to their own devices, to rule the world unchallenged without God who has destroyed himself. After first realizing the Jews were right all along.

Dalek for Jesus Award

Who would Jesus exterminate?

Staropramen #racist #fundie #psycho boards.christogenea.org

Once again good job Sven, I listened to the second half last night.

Here's something I want to throw out here. Can we honestly embrace someone like Florian as a fellow Christian? Look, we believe that we are approaching a day when the trumpet sounds and our job is to exterminate all the other races. I just can't fathom how someone who believes like Florian will not be an extreme liability to us in that day. How can a universalist who believes in the whole eternal torture chamber thing suddenly start slaying everything that isn't White including all those professing Christ? It seems logical to me that folks like Florian would turn on us in favor of THEIR christian brethren of every race.

I think it's great that you did the show Sven. But I question to what extent we should form coalitions with such Christians?

Lance #wingnut #fundie boards.christogenea.org

Downfall, like any other modern WWII movie, is laced with anti-Nazi propaganda, such as depicting Hitler as a delusional tyrant at the end of the war, or making the nazis out to be heartless evolutionists who didnt care about morality or their own folk.

However, i will say that the movie does do a good job of illustrating the hopelessness of the situation inside the Fuhrerbunker in the final days of the war. Hitler having to put his dog down before taking his own life, Goebbels and his wife having to poison their children...

Watching it, I couldn't help but think about what must have went through Hitler's mind during those final hours, as he contemplated not only his suicide, but the suicides of all those he loved. The ultimate trial of faith.

Imagine experiencing the kingdom of heaven on earth for one sweet, brief decade, only to have it come crashing down on your head like a hellstorm. Hitler held out to the last second, praying Yahweh would work a miracle, but it never came. I understand that it was not time, that only Christ can crush the head of the serpent, but i cant help but relate Downfall to our own lives in the here and now.

Like Hitler, many of us are waiting on Yahweh to act as the walls are closing in around us. Or maybe im just waxing sentimental as i enjoy a good beer while watching it..

If anyone hasn't seen the film, id recommended it...