"Joe Biden" #fundie moonbattery.com

"Once in power Hitler abolished trade unions, the right to strike and collective bargaining."

are some kind of an idiot or what? What does the "workers" in National Socialist "Workers" Party stand for?

Just like you commies of today, Hitler, Musosolini, and all you leftist fascists USED unions as a tool to bring down free and productive societies, and once you fascists got control only THEN did you turn on the useful idiots (brainwashed union drones for example) that put you there. Unions, welfare, etc. are all tools used by fascists to implement your Marxism utopias, after which they are no longer useful to you (and actually now are a burden to YOU) and the result has always been massive brutality in the aftermath.

Shall we talk now about how your precious Islamo-fascist governments treat their citizens and particularly those who aren't Muhammadans, you shameless hypocrite?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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