JesusFreak #fundie

[JesusFreak, after her astounding success with the number of ribs women have, has more well thought out answers to pressing questions]

Question: Do you think that those who don't believe just don't understand the bible?
Answer: i think some people wouldnt believe if God slapped them in the face... they're just that stubborn...
and evolution... my mom has seen arceologists find something that would disprove something, and throw it a way to protect themselves...

Q: What happened to the other angels who agreed with lucifer?
A: God gave lucifer 1/3 of his angles (his demons).

Q: What is the difference between an Orthodox Christian and a born again Christian?
A: born again christians love God, orthodox is kinda... well my parents did it so i do it.

Q: If one is born gay would God still put them to hell?
A: I believe that gay is a passed on sin from parents, yes God does punish parents with their children, but you can turn back from it, you just have to want to.



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