RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

[transsexualism is just a craze?]

Okay, GMAFB.
If there is any medical justification in brain chemistry for transsexualism, then the appropriate response is to medically treat the imbalance in the brain, not to hack their God-given body up and sew it back together backwards like Dr. Frankenstein--- or should I say Frank. N. Furter?

And I wouldn't trust that "research" as far as I could throw it. The field of neuroscience is one of few established beach-heads and vast, unexplored jungles of frightening ignorance. And medical practitioners--- yes, the "mainstream, established" ones--- have a long and lush history of propagating whatever neuromedical model is the most convenient and profitable (do a little research into the history of lobotomies and the treatment of 'female hysteria' for further enlightenment.)

Telling someone that they're suffering from dysmorphia, not from being in the wrong body, isn't as popular or profitable as telling patients what they want to hear and putting them through thousands of dollars in surgery and a lifetime of hormone injections.



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