skindoe #conspiracy

Here's why the Russia conspiracy is the greatest conspiracy of all time

I see this line thrown around a ton and they are absolutely correct but for the wrong reason.

The Russia conspiracy is the greatest conspiracy of all time because it shows how quick the public will believe a "conspiracy theory" as soon as the news tells them too.

Are you brainwashed? Of course even if you were you would believe the opposite even stronger to the point of anger and projection. Is that what we are seeing? You tell me.

You might think that you are repeating facts, the interesting part as that no single fact is allowed to be questioned. What is the common response if someone dares to question a single event such as the "States voting system that were hacked" (they weren't), the "power outage that was hacked" ("it wasn't"), the dossier that accused the wrong person of the same name as being in Russia when it was proven he was not and included several spelling mistakes a document of that level would not have, the constant use of vague nonsense phrases like "election hacking" or "hacking of democracy" that no one can actually explain quantitatively, etc? They bring the logic in a circle and say, " oh well what about the rest of it (i.e. the inditements, texts, etc).

If quickly brush off "facts" being debunked that we're used as evidence then you are falling victum to confirmation bias and have lost much of the credibility you think you have.

If this conspiracy is so true then why are "credible" news outlites putting out so much false information and selectively ignoring the information that goes against it? Wouldn't you want to see a unbiased picture or do you want to see the picture those in power have created for you, "Trump is hitler and must be removed at all costs"?

Im not telling you what to believe. Treat the idea of Trump being right as a fantasy, play with it assume it is true ask yourself what would it look like? Is it possible? Could I be wrong? If you aren't willing to accept the possibility of being wrong why is that?

If you respond that I am insane or insult me or show any signs of anger, whataboutism, or accusing me of being a Trump supporter or "Russian apologists" (The most egregious crime apparently? Why is that?) you are proving my point



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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