Mack Major #fundie

Santa Muerte is the demonic spirit worshiped by the notorious MS-13 gang. It literally means Saint Death, also called Lady of the Shadows, Lady of the Seven Powers and the Lady of the Holy Death.

If you've been wondering why MS-13 has gained such a fierce reputation as a deadly and blood-thirsty gang: now you know. They. Worship. Death. This is just one such evil spirit I uncovered that is linked directly to gang activity while doing research for my newest ebook 'Gangs And Demons: Blood In And Blood Out.'

There's a very real, very sinister dark force that drives gang activity in America. And this evil force is laying waste to an entire generation, sealing their pacts with unsuspecting victims through covenants of violence that are inked in human blood.

Every life lost on the streets of urban America - innocent or otherwise - can be directly tied to these demonic forces. This ebook also reveals the dark spirits associated with gangs like the Bloods and Crips, Folk and People Nations, Latin Kings, Vice Lords, GD's - plus many others.

Entire communities in cities across America are being held hostage to these demonic forces. And only the Church of Jesus Christ has the power to effectively evict these agents of darkness from their inner-city strongholds, and establish Light where darkness now reigns.

This is a spiritual warfare book: and this is a battle we CAN win. What's needed is powerful information that can point us in the direction of victory. And here it is.

If you know someone who's currently in a gang or in the process of getting out of one: you need to read this highly informative new ebook ASAP. What you read in these pages may help you save a soul: and could help you save a life.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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