jaredpitts101 #fundie reddit.com

Being born gay isn't reality. The Gay lobby lies and says your born gay. The gay lobby began saying they were born that way in the 80s and 90s up until now. They began saying this because the religious right said that being gay was a bad moral lifestyle choice. The Gay lobby looked at this and said that by their logic they are right so we need a new excuse.

They looked for an idea and said what if we can be like blacks, women, disabled people and just say we were born like this. So they invented this idea that some people were just born to be homosexual. The left, of course accepted this idea because they want to constantly be open minded and diverse. I'm not stated that those are bad things, only when these ideals are taken to the extreme is when things tend to be problematic.

Research conducted by the Northshore Research Institute found clear links between male sexual orientation and two specific regions of the human genome. The researchers never found a single gene that was common in gay males or anything that would effect male sexual orientation.

This led the researchers to confirm the notion that sexual orientation is a choice. Genes can contribute to help make a decision in someone's head about being gay or not, but not change your sexual orientation. The main factors in this lifestyle choice is environment and upbringing. The point I make is simple, every credible scientist says there is no evidence in genes that homosexuals are born the way they are.

It is based off of nurture and environmental upbringings. They gay lobby simply used this as an easy answer to avoid the fact they chose directly to be gay. Now today it's imbedded in culture and popular to defend the born this way theory when it's just a lie. People ignore the facts choosing to follow crowds nowadays and no matter how many people they believe or follow, the bottom line is a lie is a lie.



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