Serato #fundie

Your cattled determinations may think as ends to predicates of originality, but freed from the infinitude of barbed invisible fencing (?) no, you're slopping from the community troughs placed before your snout. Your ideas are not free ranging. You're mooing from the artificial insurance of the cozy insides of barn doors; confiding hereby to be slaughtered, you're simply another cow grazing amongst the pacified herds of society. So you cannot hear what I can say. Yet truly I say, it is you in whom free will is reined inspiringly, unknowingly, as higher a society you cannot see, yet they see your ego and knows always its castle it craves endlessly for new marbles.

This society everywhere sits wily to conspiracy. While evolution to all particulars its greatest lie so high no skies its limit, this is where I'd begin to reground your education. I'd absolve you to yourself some truths, as these truths told but unheard to the conformist. Be not afraid, yet wholly profane the world lashes with a bitter face, to the nonconformist. So become again as an infant, as an infant conforms to nobody. As is the Bible, the mind of an infant is also pure in heart.

The Bible is ripe with a moral vigor that domesticates always the mind no matter the past, the present or future, never will antiquity be there found. It is as true today as yesterday. Only with day-by-days setting, with each new rise enlightening closer the future, its meaning and accuracies then becomes better defined. Such an arduous climb for the mind awaits you, yet prefigures silently the soul inside you; for you lost faith, as Jesus said you would.

Whoso expounds now the Truth, asks for Truth, shall begin now to revere above all travesties to truths told alike as lies, shall then speak within the dwelling intuitions to the soul. As now one key opens a door, as two keys given opens more, as one more becomes ultimately three. Therein this the trinity to me becomes this to you the goal, becomes this to you and I as the predominations to life; and to all those that still strife, I promise, never is there an expiration to our faith.



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