Bay Area Guy #fundie

For me personally, I find American Islamophobia to be utterly moronic. I understand xenophobic sentiment, and I also understand and appreciate how prejudice and hostility towards different groups can arise. However, there is usually an actual reason behind such animus. Jews inspire resentment on account of their disproportionate wealth and power, in addition to drawing the ire of white nationalists over the role they’ve played in “diversifying” the West. Latinos arouse anxiety among many white nationalists and conservatives due to their massive influx, coupled with high birthrates. They recognize that this Latino influx will eventually result in their demographic displacement. Finally, the favorite target of white nationalist venom, blacks, incur their wrath on account of their disproportionately high crime rates, as well as the politics of racial grievance espoused by talking heads of the black community.

You can agree or disagree with the white nationalist’s reasons for disliking the above groups, but there is at least a reason. Islamophobia is fatuous precisely because there is no legitimate reason to hate Muslims in the United States. Muslims are small in number and wield no political or economic power. Also, Muslim Americans tend to be highly educated and productive members of society, and thus do not leech off of welfare like their counterparts in Europe. In short, Muslims are not significant enough to pose any dire threat to white America. So why do they provoke so much vitriol?

In his book, The Transparent Cabal, Stephen Sniegoski hints at the answer. Quoting Paul Craig Roberts, he points out that white American rage against Muslims is mostly displaced rage. During the 90s, white Americans harbored much anger and resentment over multiculturalism, affirmative action, immigration, political correctness, culture wars, and a general feeling of displacement. However, due to political correctness, whites could not openly express such antipathy towards the above problems. However, once 9/11 came along and Muslims became an acceptable whipping boy, white Americans could finally vent their rage.

Islamophobia in many ways is a form of cowardice. Rather than confronting the legitimate threats to their heritage and civilization, white conservatives instead expend a tremendous amount of energy attacking a powerless minority. If only they directed a fraction of the venom they reserve for Muslims towards organized Jewry or open borders enthusiasts, then perhaps they might even take a small step towards reversing these trends. Speaking of organized Jewry—Another reason why I oppose Islamophobia is because certain segments of the organized Jewish community, particularly the neocons, employ Islamohpobia as a means of promoting their agenda. Their odious Christian Zionist lackeys have also hopped on the bandwagon.

Just to be clear, I am not singing the praises of Muslims, nor do I think that Western countries are enriched by their presence. I oppose the presence of large numbers of Muslims in the West, just as I would for any other non-white outsider group. However, it’s this obsessive singling out of Muslims that demonstrates problems within the white conservative movement. In fact, a good litmus test for whether or not a white conservative is genuinely fighting for his heritage is to see where he stands on the Muslim issue. If he bashes Muslims, but ignores the various other threats confronting Western civilization, then you’ll know that he’s more concerned with spewing empty rhetoric than preserving his culture.



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