anonymous #fundie

[ on someone supporting torturing the family members of alleged terrorists in order to get information ]

We wouldn't even be talking about this shit if leftists and phony rightists weren't so damn weak on Islam.

I don't blame TimeToTurn, I blame the left. The longer the west does nothing, the harder it will be to fight Islamic supremacism without compromising your own humanity. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to solve the problem of Islamization of the west humanely. We will either be stuck with a growing problem of terrorism, become a police state or it will be a bloody civil war when people have had enough of Islamic supremacists defiling our otherwise free and tolerant societies, forming no-go zones, calling for Sharia law, forming Sharia vigilante groups and doing terrorism etc.

When people peacefully criticized Islam - the left said that was "hateful" and "Islam is a religion of peace".

When people argued for restrictions on Muslim immigration - the left said that was "racist", even though Islam isn't a race and immigration isn't a right but a privilege.

When people argued that Muslim immigrants should integrate into western society or leave - the left said "no we have to be multicultural and all cultures are equal". A sensible immigration policy could have solved most of these problems, but the left opposed any discussions on it, ignored all the connections between Islamic doctrine (such as the perpetual warfare doctrine in Surahs 9:5 and 9:29) and Islamic terrorism so now Europe has a significant 5th column on their soil that they can't even identify easily let alone deport (because many of them are 2nd generation migrants with citizenship, action can only be taken after the terrorist attack has already been committed). And the left wants more. More Muslim immigrants and Muslim refugees, including with mandatory quotas so they want this imposed on Eastern Europe as well, which is barely recovering from half a century of communism. It's almost as if they're intentionally setting up conditions for a civil war in the west. Neither malice nor stupidity should be tolerated of our politicians.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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