Ted R. Weiland #fundie christianheadlines.com

The left is always stealing Christianity's symbols, concepts, and language and reinventing them under their own banner--for example, the rainbow, stolen by the homosexuals.

Case in point: The phrase "politically correct." Yes, ironically, it too was stolen from us.

The alleged politically correct are neither biblically nor politically correct. One cannot be truly politically correct without being biblically correct. Politics cannot be severed from religion anymore than morality can be severed from legislation. One's political persuasion is a reflection of his morality (or, more often than not, his immorality) and one's morals determines his religion. Thus, applied politics is applied religion and applied religion is applied politics.

It is therefore imperative that we get our religion correct that we might get our politics correct



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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