David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Ladies especially have to be careful because there are many women in this world (including in our churches) that HATE masculinity. They are female chauvinist pigs. In Baptist churches? Yes! Let me tell you... Americas churches are filled with carnal believers and feminists. I'm simply saying, be careful who you talk to! When these women poison your mind with garbage, and cause you to hurt your husband, they still have their marriage but you just ruined yours. I've seen this happen. People talk you into hurting your husband with the police, unkind words, leaving home, filing for separation, etc... but they would never do such a thing to their own husband! And then to add insult to injury, they don't even call you back to see how your doing after they gave you a knife to stab your husband with. This is how rotten people can be... I'm talking about church people here too. The bottom line is, seek counsel from God's Word... not people. If you do go to someone, be very careful who you go to, and what you do with their advice. Remember what God says..



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