tiffanybw #fundie

A warning to all parents here, of even young ones in elementary school:

I had no idea or had never even heard of this charlie charlie game until Lucid posted about it here. And thank you so much for doing so! image

I don't know why, but as I posted the response here yesterday I felt within me a prompting (by the Holy Spirit I'm sure) to talk to my youngest daughter about this. She has just recently turned 9 years old and is in 3rd grade. I asked her had she ever heard of or played the charlie charlie game. She looked back at me, surprise in her eyes, and said why, how do you know about it, and kind of like she thought she was in trouble (by me).

I told her that she is not in trouble but that it is a very serious thing and that I needed for her to be honest with me in her answers. She told me about the game, which you can look it up if you google it (it's apparently quite the 'thing' to do right now and is taking the internet by storm and especially with young children), only she told me at the end of it they had to break up the pencils. She told me that she herself had never played the game but that she has watched her friends playing it, both at school and in our neighborhood (neighborhood kids she hangs out with range in age from 5-12). She told me that she has also looked at you tube videos of people doing it and that her friends talk about it a lot. She then brought up another 'game' her friends play, the Bloody Mary game.

I question seriously whether or not she has indeed played herself and just doesn't want to tell me but she insists she herself has not. We've watched the silly horror/paranormal movies before which come on lifetime network (I've been watching while she walks in and then starts watching and she has asked about horror movies and things like that and I've always told her that it's not true, it's all fake, just a movie, not real, etc...). She told me she thought the game was the same thing, that she knows there are real demons just as there are angels of the Lord but that she thought was just a game. I explained to her that the only one we ever talk to, pray to, ask questions, the ONLY one we ever go to is Jesus. I didn't want to scare her too badly but I made it clear that demons are very real and by playing such games, that it is NOT a game at all and that once a demon has any kind of hold on a person's life, that person's life could be made very difficult. I told her never again is she allowed to even watch her friends play the game and if they are doing it she is to tell them that she is a child of Jesus Christ and to turn and leave. I told her to tell her friends that they shouldn't be doing what they are and to make clear to them the evil that they are messing with and that they are messing with Satan. After our talk we prayed together, for forgiveness, for strength to not fall to peer pressure, and that any damage already done, any presence of any demon we rebuke in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Later in the evening, as she was on her ipad, she asked me was it ok to just watch videos of it but to not actually do it and I said NO Angelina! Not ok! And we talked again and let's just say I'm pretty sure I put the fear of God into her (if that is what it takes to keep her away from this occult garbage that is obviously very prevalent among children and in our schools, then that is what it takes). She has promised me and Jesus not to ever again do the charlie charlie game, to watch, to participate in any way and the same with ouija boards, tarot cards, fortune telling, and just anything that gives her a feeling in her spirit that she should not be participating in. (We talked about that feeling, which is the Holy Spirit within us which just tells us that we are doing something we shouldn't be and she did say she felt that feeling and also why she became upset and thought she was in trouble as soon as I asked her about the game.)

A warning to all out there, sit down with your children and talk to them about this. I've never really sat Angelina down and talked to her about demons, occult, ouija boards, etc. We only talked about Jesus, did devotionals, read from the Bible and I never thought was a need to make her aware of such evil at her young age. Obviously, I was wrong. No matter how young they are, talk to them and make them aware of the evil that is out there, and that with social media as it is, is so easy for them to fall prey to. imageimageimage



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