Tom Kirby #fundie

He pointed out that the Mayo Clinic had created glow in the dark kittens in order to do AIDS research, when they crossed the DNA of cats with that of jellyfish. He went on to say:

“Y’know the mermaids in the ocean, that’s been around for a long time. I don’t think we should create them. But if they exist, that’s fine.”

After opining on mermaids, Kirby moved on to centaurs:

“Y’know I really don’t like centaurs. They really have bad attitudes most of the time and we’ve got enough people with bad attitudes as it is.”

“I think man has been trying to fly forever, [and it would be fine] if it’s a natural genetic mutation.”

“(w)e don’t want to laboratorily [sic] create the werewolf.” (but thinks we should leave the already existing werewolves alone).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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