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Right-wing nutjobs

Forward Synthesis #elitist #wingnut

[Universal franchise] made things worse. Abolishing the vote for most of both blacks and whites would be preferred, but I'm not a believer in absolute equality to begin with, so I don't care if we get there by bits and pieces. You're getting into the danger zone as soon as the voters don't comprise a small aristocracy of people who all know each other and have a vested interest in upholding a foundational constitution. Every little step away from ideal is bad, so yes, letting blacks vote more easily was worse for long term societal outcomes.

Wayne Allyn Root #forced-birth #wingnut

2/3rds of US households have a dog. Most people I know treat dogs like their children. They might love them more than their children- because a dog never leaves & never disagrees. Thats how I know Kristi Noem made worst mistake in political history. She brags about killing puppy for acting excited & having fun while hunting. OMG. Some of u didn’t get it. Worst optics in history. Her career should be over. Anyone who brags about killing a dog for being hard to train…or because it kills a few chickens…is a heartless, nasty person. Thats what puppies do! But it’s funny how Democrats are shocked by this story…but they want to murder babies until moment of birth. They should all be disqualified for being heartless, nasty killers. It goes both ways. Value life.

Donald Trump Jr. #conspiracy #wingnut

Hahahahahahahahahahaha but statistically almost impossible to not be true. For the record I did not/will not suicide myself!!!
imageImage of Happy Mother’s Day to all you “killer’ moms” out there! & Chelsea & Hillary Clinton
12:45 PM · May 13, 2024 · 305.6K Views
1,918 Reposts 111 Quotes 11.4K Likes 103 Bookmarks

Allie Beth Stuckey #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut

There is a trend on tiktok right now of women sharing their abortion stories and insisting they regret nothing - and they’re literally doing so between sobs because the “feelings are complex.” No, girl, you feel conviction and guilt. And as uncomfortable as those feelings are, they’re actually promising signals that your heart is still soft. Lean into those hard feelings. You should feel guilt. You did an awful thing. But there is abundant grace and total redemption available for you in Jesus. You’re not too far off. You can be forgiven and made new
6:51 AM · May 8, 2024 · 71.8K Views
246 Reposts 10 Quotes 2,247 Likes 48 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root quoting childhood best friend #fundie #magick #wingnut

And then real life story #2. My childhood best friend is a strong believer in God. But he is non-political. Yesterday he reached out to me via text to say, “I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”

There are those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Do you believe in miracles? It’s time to start believing. What’s happening is supernatural. Everyone is starting to see it. Everyone is starting to believe. The signs are there. Trump is “the Chosen One.” Trump is sent by God and blessed by God.

What we are all witnessing is “The Trump Miracle.”

AndrewC #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The biblical Exodus took place on Nisan 15 (early morning), 1476 BC, which freed the nation of Israel from physical slavery.

Exactly 3500 years later, (70 Jubilee cycles of 50 years), during the early hours of Wednesday, April 24, (according to the true biblical calendar), the second Exodus will take place, this time freeing modern Israel from financial slavery. (NESARA/GESARA, RV, GCR, etc.) In the process, the head of the snake, the evil, so-called elite (modern Egyptian first born) will also be taken down.

Are the White Hats going to be upset with me because I have revealed the timing of coming events ??

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut

Refuses to apologise? Typical. I got it right from FIRST DAY- lockdowns, masks, vaccine & Ivermectin. I was 100% right. How come I knew? This schmuck Chris Cuomo needs to get in boxing ring w/me. Let’s go for it. 100% purse to charity. I just want to kick your ass. Accept my challenge?

THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Disgraced Ex-CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Now Admits to Taking Ivermectin Daily — Refuses to Apologize for Shaming People Who Didn’t Take the Experimental Shot

Ben Garrison #wingnut



Cartoon published 05/06/2024

Those handling Biden’s reelection bid announced they would shorten his campaign speeches. They’ve all but acknowledged Joe’s cognitive decline. Biden can barely walk and he can barely talk — but he sure knows how to lie.

Biden is an experienced, accomplished liar and he has no shame about it—and even though many of the tales he tells have been proven to be completely untrue, he repeats those same stories anyway.

“Not a joke!”

His lies are too numerous to list, but here is a sampler:

He claimed he got into politics because he was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. Yet when he became senator he stood against issues such as bussing, saying he didn’t want his kids in a ‘racial jungle.’ He was friends with Senator Robert Byrd, a former KKK member. Joe was hardly a supporter of civil rights, but later on he claimed he walked and even said he graduated from a historically black college. Nope. Nor did he march with civil rights leaders or go to jail alongside Nelson Mandela. He did not get arrested for standing on a porch of a black family. Trump is not the racist—Biden is.

Doug Duff #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

In the realm of Identity Theft, if you recall, the first thing required by the thief is to determine YOUR identity. When they place ink on paper with your identification in all upper case letters (or, in any size letters) they just created an express (resultant) trust.

By creating an express trust, they have entered the world of Public finance, which covers all goods, all chattel paperwork and bank accounts. The SSN, which is public securities, becomes public finance.

The D.B.A. (Doing Business As), being recorded in your name (the ALL CAPS NAME at County level) is a bridge between Public Finance and Private Finance. Private is Real; Public is imaginary, mirror image, likeness, ink on paper, corporate, etc.
You make entry by screaming “Somebody’s trying to steal my property.” “Who gave you permission to use my property? That all caps registered name, the defendant, is my private property. Who gave you permission to use it? Are you intending to do a de son tort?

DE SON TORT. L. Fr. Of his own wrong. A stranger who takes upon him to act as an executor without any just authority is called an “executor of his own wrong,” (de son tort.) 2 Bl. Comm. 507; 2 Steph. Comm. 244.
If the judge stays on the bench when the defendant put in his proof he was the owner, he would have been caught being an “executor” de son tort. Would other parties be guilty as “Trustee” de son tort? If the Bailiff should come around you or stand behind you, you should ask, “Are you resurrecting an army against me on American land?” They are not allowed to do that. I came in as a foreigner. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act protects a foreigner. That is the law that diplomats have immunity under.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

In 1935, Edgar Cayce predicted that Russia would be “the hope of the world” by freeing humanity from the modern-day incarnation of the ‘Sons of Belial’ that had previously brought about the destruction of Atlantis. Known generally as a Satanic Cabal, Illuminati, or the Deep State, the ‘Sons of Belial’ have manipulated humanity throughout the ages by contriving international conflicts to bring about major destruction through economic collapses and major regional wars.
April of 2024 was the month when the planned war with Iran was to break out, happening after Israel’s unprecedented strike on an Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, Syria. Like a bad omen, Israel’s strike and Iran’s expected retaliation coincided with peak sunspot activity in our solar system. On April 13, sunspot activity passed 120, and from April 17 – 25, there were over 200 daily sunspots. Studies have shown that major wars consistently breakout during peak sunspot activity.

On April 14, during this peaking of sunspot activity, Iran retaliated against Israel with an unprecedented direct drone and missile strike. Five days later, Israel retaliated with an unprecedented direct drone and missile strike on Iranian territory. Fortunately, Russia intervened to play a critical role in ensuring that Iran constrained its responses to Israel’s attacks, thereby preventing a major regional war from erupting.
Importantly, positive extraterrestrial groups have been aiding Russia to deal with the advanced technologies used by the Deep State in making and conducting its plans. Russia also possesses a very capable, if small, secret space program that it has been using very effectively to neutralize the Deep State’s moves. And finally, Russia’s elite PSI Corps continues to play a critical behind-the-scenes role in anticipating and neutralizing Deep State activities.

Alexander G. Markovsky #psycho #wingnut #racist

[From “Israel: Terror Can Be Conquered Only With Greater Terror”]

Gangs of Hamas terrorists launched a violent assault on Israel, indiscriminately raping and killing women and children, torturing its soldiers, and taking hostages[…]
The indiscriminate bombing of Gaza appeared more as an act of desperation rather than a well-planned military campaign. It looked effective on TV screens but was often ineffective as a practical matter[…]
It became evident that despite decades of fighting terrorists, Israel has failed at the critical distinction that a war with terrorists differs from conventional wars[…]
Terrorism’s purpose is to terrorize, to break the will, and to paralyze society into submission

Therefore, terror cannot be defeated through conventional warfare. The terror can be conquered only with greater terror[…]
It is a reality of warfare that soldiers are expected to die. However, the deaths of women and children bring the horror close to home and demoralize the combatants and the entire society[…]
To destroy Hamas and prevent even greater tragedy in the future, Israelis must demonstrate unrestrained ruthlessness and unwavering determination[…]
The non-combatants are the terrorists’ mothers, fathers, brothers, and children. They provide moral, financial, and logistical support[…]
Israel shall keep in mind that friends will support it, while the international community will condemn Israel anyway. Therefore, as Nixon’s maxim goes, one pays the same price for doing something halfheartedly as for doing it completely[…]
The initial step involves doing as Churchill did: Continuing to bomb “until every home, factory, shipyard, and hospital is reduced to ruins,” and halting the irrational influx of humanitarian assistance, thereby increasing casualties while depriving the terrorists of vital resources such as sustenance, water, medical supplies, and weaponry. The second step is to offer these necessities only in exchange for the release of hostages

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut

Happy Earth Day. Joe Biden is using Earth Day to push climate change again. The climate change he desperately needs is spiritual climate change to trust God’s Word and the gospel and give up his evil ways regarding marriage, gender, and so much more.

Yes, we are to take care of the environment and use it for man's good and God’s glory. God gave man dominion over the creation (Genesis 1:26–28)—not the other way round, as Joe Biden is trying to force on everyone.

Oh—and Joe Biden should get a copy of my new book and learn the truth about climate change.

And Joe Biden, man will never destroy the earth!

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).
imageimageimageLast edited 4:46 AM · Apr 23, 2024 · 5,293 Views
52 Reposts 3 Quotes 191 Likes 8 Bookmarks

A.F. Branco #conspiracy #wingnut

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Third World Justice
A.F. BRANCO on April 19, 2024 at 5:00 am
imageA.F. Branco Cartoon – Almost everyone on the planet knows that Trump can not get a fair trial in New York, including the Democrats who are launching this travesty of justice. Trump is being charged with a misnomer that is beyond its statute of limitations, transformed into a felony based on a clerical error with no victim for the purpose of interfering in the 2024 election.

Byl Holte #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

If Trump has been convicted of committing rape, why isn't he behind bars?

If he tried to overthrow the election in 2021, why is he just being tried for it 3 years later.

If he stole top secret documents when he was president, why is it just becoming an issue 3 years later when he's running against Pedophile Joe Biden?

If he paid Smarmy Daniels hush money, how is that worse than what Clinton made his interns do?

All it takes is the right questions and you'll understand why we Christians love him.

We love him because his opponent is literally THE DEVIL.
11:00 PM · Apr 11, 2024 · 44.2K Views
327 Reposts 20 Quotes 1,859 Likes 14 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut

I recently gave a speech about open borders, why it's happening, who benefits, and what's behind it — "the great replacement." My speech was delivered at a conservative conference put on by and attended by sheriffs from across the USA.

My speech brought down the house and ended with a standing ovation. That's what happens when people get to hear raw truth. It's so rare.

You need to hear the details from my speech below — raw truth in writing, so you can study it, memorize it and share it.

And of course, you can watch the speech here:

But it's important to note how my speech has been demonized and shadow-banned by the media and social media. They don't want you to see it. They're clearly scared to death of raw truth.

NBC called it "racist." On X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and other social media, few can see my speech, or my posts about it. I might be the most censored conservative patriot in America.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

Obama also used the IRS to try to destroy his critics and opponents. I’m a witness. I was one of Obama’s victims.

Obama used the IRS to try to destroy my life. The IRS was his personal goon squad. Obama used the IRS to threaten, intimidate and terrorize conservatives and conservative non-profits.

When I went public and exposed Obama on Fox News, guess what happened next? Hundreds of GOP donors who had written checks to Mitt Romney’s campaign, contacted me to say they were also victims of IRS attacks only days after writing a check to Romney. You know what this means?

Obama used the IRS to rig the 2012 presidential race.

That was when the rigging and stealing of presidential campaigns begun. Take note President Trump. Trust me, it was Obama who came up with the plan to rig and steal your 2020 election.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger

While All in the Family is today considered to be a "groundbreaking" show in the history of television by the liberal media, it is a glaring reminder of Hollywood's unsuccessful attempt to demonize conservatives beginning in the early 1970s. Despite the promotion of liberal values by All in the Family, however, the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s mentioned that audiences looked up to Archie Bunker largely because of his stubborn rejection of the counterculture, and his chair was even included as one of the most famous exhibits in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.

John Horvat II #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

In the eyes of liberals, there is only one thing worse than Christian nationalism. It is white Christian nationalism. The addition of the adjective white supercharges the expression with vitriol and power, turning its followers (especially if they are male) into something everyone should love to hate.
People would think this white Christian nationalism, being such a broad and imminent threat, must have many ways of expressing itself and exerting its enormous influence over the population. It must have an articulate doctrine and a means of diffusing itself into every sector of society. It must have books, publications, think tanks and political organizations building its cause—a power base proportional to this overwhelming influence.

However, no vast network of influence exists. Aside from racist fringe groups with no projection, there is nothing in real America that remotely matches the description or even uses the WCN name. Most people cannot name a white Christian nationalist or say they know one personally. They also cannot recall growing up under this influence or hearing of its existence.

Indeed, to use the language of the liberals waxing hysterical over WCN, this danger is a social construct that exists much more in their superheated imaginations than in the public square. The expression serves to malign anyone who questions the woke agenda or takes their religion seriously. It is not meant to describe reality.
Politically, liberals use WCN as a social construct to help them explain the 2016 victory of Donald Trump and frame the upcoming elections. However, it is really a socialist construct since it creates a class struggle narrative of resentful white oppressors in the face of a class of woke oppressed.

Thus, the WCN moniker must be rejected for what it is: a social (and socialist) construct without foundation in reality that shifts the debate away from the serious existential questions and principles that need to be discussed for the nation’s future.

DanlBoon #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy

This is where we are at a stalemate of Resident Biden getting us into actual weapons WWIII war and CIC Trump moving into position of our present financial Republic WWIII war.

We have been going on for weeks and months for the RV, NESARA, GCR, QFS, R&R and EBS to be implemented, yet that has been stalled for our public unknown reasons.
Trump, the White Hats, the Chinese Elders and all the 1,600 world military generals are doing their own things, but are not in a final position of what the real answer is to get this done.
Now it is time for someone to pick up the pieces and get a so-called scare tactic out there providing an incentive for both sides to take advantage of it and it puts it in check of everyone here in America of what we are to do and who is willing to get involved, along with receiving their R&R and NESARA funds.

The Deep State called for the US Military Draft after the attack on Pearl Harbor and it was the Deep State that got us into WWII in the first place, but now we turn the tables on them and get it going for our own reasons and not theirs.

I am not promoting an actual weapons WWIII war, but it can get the illegal immigrants out of the country if they do not want to serve on our USA Republic side, which they will be deported as they cannot serve as Americans, and it also gets the lawful Sovereign Americans to be put in place to know what to do to receive their funding and check them off the list if they do not deserve them.
If we have the med beds then everyone can get in shape to serve in the US Military and there will be no more obese or unhealthy people, male, female and other genders. There will be no excuses this time as there are always positions to serve in public service while being handicapped.
Someone should put this out there so we can protest to get this financial WWIII finished and we The People take control even with our protest about this and get the January 6 protestors out of jail free of charge.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy

Do you wonder why “progressive” (i.e. batshit crazy) elite class women seem so unperturbed about the conspicuous number of rapes committed by “newcomers,” as they style illegal border-jumpers these days, who are by an overwhelming percentage “military-age men”? Because, having functionally transformed the ranks of American men into eunuchs, they relish the arrival of so many wild and lustful fellows on the scene, as long as — post the imagined bodice-ripping exploits — they can be dominated and domesticated into so many swimming pool cleaners and busboys to be ordered around.

Of course, much of that archetypal psychodrama is only played out in the batshit crazy mind of batshit crazy women; for the sake of decorum it is never acted-out. The lurid, shameful fantasies are instead displaced onto Donald Trump, the archetypal “Big Daddy” who so insolently evaded the castration shears of Hillary Clinton
It is the way of Homo sapiens that moral codes derive generally from the supervision of fathers in the upbringing of human young and, later on, as children develop into adults, these codes are archetypally re-enacted and enforced by men in the greater social matrix. Why? Because it requires a strong sense of boundaries. Boundaries are the essence of the “patriarchy.” Remove men from the scene, or castrate them politically, and you are sure to end up with a problem knowing right from wrong. We’re apparently subject now to the misrule of women with boundary problems who rebelled against Daddy and never got over it. It’s a peculiar irony — so far unexplicated by the hierophants of social theory — that the more affluent and successful Daddy was, the more he was hated for it by his female offspring.

The result of all that is the Democratic Party of our time as run by the batshit crazy women, fearful of sex and its consequence (babies), paradoxically subject to biological promptings and unable to find suitable mates among the men they’ve turned into eunuchs.

Wayne Allyn Root quoting nephew #magick #wingnut

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctors office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

We all know. But no one in media will say it. Young 25 and 30 yr old bankers die in same week. The media blames “long work hours.” Really? Stop gaslighting us. Young bankers have worked 100 hour weeks for 50+ yrs. No one ever died. Never. 0. Not once in my lifetime. Until COVID vaccine mandates.

ZEROHEDGE.COM 25 Year Old BofA Analyst Dies Suddenly Of Cardiac Arrest While Playing Soccer At Industry Event

Wayne Allyn Root #transphobia #wingnut

Do you think illegal aliens should get free healthcare while you pay full price for everything? Democrats think so.

Do you want to be forced by government to rent a spare bedroom in your home to an illegal alien family? Democrats think so.

Do you want your children to be encouraged at school to change their gender, or to become cross-dressers? Democrats do.

Do you think children should be able to change their gender without parental consent, under the age of 18? Democrats think so.

Do you want your daughter alone in a bathroom, or locker-room with boys, or grown men pretending to be women? Democrats think it’s just fine.

Do you think your taxpayer dollars should be spent on sex change operations in the military, or in prisons? Democrats think so.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US issued the Severe G4 Geomagnetic Storm Watch late Thursday – the first such alert aired since 2005 when Earth was hit with the highest dose of radiation in a half-century. This time around, the ‘unusual event’ could disrupt electronic devices like GPS and parts of power grids, the American agency said – while citing how it may also drape a huge portion of the country in a spectacular circle of light. Just when you thought the news couldn’t get answer worse, welcome to Day 1,516 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:25 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, while the whole world is debating about man-made-climate change as the ‘worst threat to our existence’, it seems very few people are paying any attention to the Maker of our climate, He who even the winds and the waves obey. ‘Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth’s surface,’ the statement went on, stating how the storm could ‘potentially disrupt communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations.’ It also could ‘wipe out the internet’ for some, scientists further warned – as NOAA upped the Geomagnetic Storm Watch from Moderate to Severe for Friday through Sunday late Thursday. Oh, the things you don’t know when you don’t have a King James Bible. Today we bring you this breaking solar storm that may, or may not, wreak havoc on Planet Earth, along with everything else you need to know about what’s happening here in the closing moments of the Church Age!

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #wingnut #elitist

Joel Webbon is a Christian nationalist pastor at Covenant Bible Church in Texas[…]
Webbon also hosts a podcast called “Theology Applied,” which he uses to promote his far-right theology, as he did during a recent episode[…]
[quote=RightWingWatchWebbon says Americans are “degenerates” and therefore the Constitution doesn’t work anymore, so this nation needs a Caesar-like dictator who “Constitution be dammed, just rules with an iron fist”
—Right Wing Watch May 8, 2024

Last month, Webbon delivered a sermon called “Why Many Christians Don’t Want A Christian Nation”[…]
“Men must be governed,” he continued. “[…]Ideally, men would govern themselves … but when you don’t have a populace that is capable of self-governance—when the fruit of the Spirit that is self-control has left the building for decades and nobody seems to have it—then men must be governed”[…]
Webbon said that “must be governed” by someone who will “outwardly legislate in accordance with God’s law” and grant “special privileges and favor for his people.” When that happens[…]it will influence all the weak, ignorant people in the nation to begin to identify as Christians and “start putting a Christian flag in their bio on social media because they’re not free thinkers, they’re not courageous, they’re not intelligent”[…]
Webbon asserted that throughout human history, the proper form of government has always consisted of God appointing “some kind of ruler who is unapologetically Christian and he comes in with a sword and says, ‘I’m sorry, but lawlessness and wickedness will not be tolerated anymore'”

“He doesn’t go around forcing conversions,” Webbon insisted, “[…]what he does is he forces external morality. He doesn’t force a change of heart; only the Gospel can do that. But what a king can do is he can say, ‘Whether you’re regenerate or not, you’re going to pretend'”

Julian Kwasniewski #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

It’s funny to be writing this on a typewriter; but truly, I think there is a great deal to be said for the slogan “be different.” Pope Francis infamously told a World Youth Day audience to “make a mess,” and that is exactly what I’ve been doing with this typewriter for the past thirty minutes.

Spurred on by an editorial in the latest issue of The European Conservative, I have been marveling at the paradox we have arrived at: the new “normal” of the untethered radical Left is the result of their being different. What is now truly different is the old way of doing things; rebellion has become a rather drab and uniform affair of everyone being “different” in essentially the same rainbow way—all the while professing their diversity.
Pouring oil into oil doesn’t make a dressing; but pouring vinegar into oil does; and pouring vinegar into baking soda makes an explosion. Perhaps more lessons could be learned from exploring the condiments on our shelves, but for the time being let’s explore the contents of ourselves instead.

Have we become sufficiently different (in the modern sense) that we are much too similar to everyone else? Are we allowing the drab (even when rainbow) relativism of our postmodern, consumerist America to catch up with us?
I fear most of us are becoming homogenized fat. Symptoms include:

Forgetting what natural fruit juice tastes like
Reaching for our phone within the first few minutes of waking up
Only quoting movies, not books
Forgetting that fried chicken nuggets were once live animals
Forgetting that the current pontiff is a controversial figure
Not thinking of “having kids” and “having sex” as two sides of the same coin
Not knowing what the word esoteric means
Thinking of walking to work as inconvenient
Not batting an eye when you realize work is so far away that you can’t walk to work
Putting prayer off for tomorrow…or better yet, the weekend

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

How about the massive spending, welfare and debt that is crushing the US economy and producing the worst inflation in modern history. That’s not brain-dead Biden. That all started under Obama too. That’s all “Cloward-Piven.”

The open border and the mass foreign invasion of America. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

Paul S #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

I don't know what to make of the Catholic Church. They wear small hats, have a weird obsession with making lots and lots of money, constantly engage in strange sexual perversions, live in a tiny, tiny little nation state, are constantly tricking larger military superpowers into waging war against each other, and are constantly the only ones who ever profit from these wars of conquest that the larger superpowers fight.

Does that fit the profile of any other group we know?

People talk about Martin Luther, but nobody ever mentions who Luther's papal counter-party was -- Pope Leo X, a Jewish Pope from the House of Medici who literally purchased the Papacy for himself after the Medicis were kicked out of Florence during one of the Jewish expulsions.

The Catholic Church has been compromised and in Jewish hands for a long time, but I don't know if it's *consistently* been in Jewish hands, or if a behind-the-scenes battle wages where different factions take power from one another. I suspect even the famous Knights Templar were (secretly) Jews sneaking around in Christian costumes -- when's the last time you heard about a group of "Christian" knights inventing modern international banking as we know it?

Whether Jewish or not, I suspect the Catholic Church has always been a simulation of an older, more authentic style of Christianity, on whose foundations it's been built. It's preserved many of those Christian traditions quite well (the Mass, the Eucharist, the feast days, the architecture), but it's always been semi-compromised even from day one. I think the true history of the Catholic Church is yet to be told, and once we learn it, we'll see it's something very different than what we've been led to believe (even by the "alternative" press).

Solid_Officer3975 and DualKoo #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia

My wife and her friends laugh at the pandering, and don't watch the movie/show. They think it's ridiculous, but they're not emotionally attached to IPs so they just move on to something else.

I have several gay friends, and black friends, and gay black friends, all of whom don't like the disingenuous nature of "inclusion" in modern cinema.

The message isn't intended to be a genuine method of gathering support. It's forced acceptance so there's no space for a nuanced conversation.

Which is why it’s known as Cultural Marxism. This is straight up 1984 type conditioning of the population.


Or in this case… there are more than “two genders”

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.

Zachriel #transphobia #wingnut

To the extent that the statement might have a glimmer of truth around the “inevitable” and “natural” adjectives, the motivation of the right-winger would be that the latest left-wing agitation is just plain silly, and not worth the upheaval. That’s what left-wing movements have been, since the storming of the Bastille: There is inequality, and addressing the inequity is worth the social upheaval. The “right wing” reaction to this is, no dice, sorry common sense must prevail at some point, a pre-op tranny doesn’t have a “right” to use the womens’ restroom. So the left wing is a sales pitch, for anarchy; the right wing is rejection of the sales pitch, or at least a hostility against the pitch…those who claim to be “moderates,” therefore, ultimately have to become “right wing” at some point, since to approve of social upheaval, all the time as a constant, is as decent a definition of extremism as any.

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #wingnut

Four years ago I was a very successful and popular President of the United States and, in November, went into an Election where I received more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country. Unfortunately, the Election was Rigged and Stolen, and our once great Country has quickly become a Nation In Serious Decline. Tomorrow morning I report to a New York Criminal Court for a Trial on, somewhat ironically, ELECTION INTERFERENCE, ruled over by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, before a Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge, a failed Soros funded District Attorney who didn’t want to bring this case, which could have been brought eight years ago, but wasn’t, in an almost completely Democrat District. Virtually every Legal Scholar and Expert says that there is NO CASE, NO CRIME, NO NOTHING! IT IS A SHAM THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT, EXCEPT TO TRY AND DAMAGE BIDEN’S POLITICAL OPPONENT, ME. SEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING!

4.51k ReTruths 15.9k Likes Apr 22, 2024 at 1:33 PM

Larry Tomczak #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Imagine an America where people hated sin as much as they hated other people. Gathering with nearly 200 Christians and Jews for a solidarity event in Nashville, a leader suggested we change “anti-Semites” to “Jew haters” to drive home the seriousness of hatred.

“Don’t mess with me about hate for Trump!” declared Nancy Pelosi. She’s not alone. Politicians, celebrities, late-night hosts and commentators do it daily with the election months away.
The brutal reality is that this is the state of multitudes in America today. Sad to say, this describes many professing Christians who say they identify as “Trump haters,” with scores seemingly ignorant or oblivious to the dangerous direction of our country.
We hear hateful remarks every day. Has this become some kind of merit badge people proudly wear?

Have we drifted so far from our core values of respect, civility and honor toward individuals and leaders with whom we differ that we must lower ourselves to embarrassing levels of contempt, disdain and vitriolic name-calling?

Have we become so accustomed to profanity-laced attacks, rage and insults permeating our public discourse that we simply shrug our shoulders, wince and think, “Well that’s just the way it is today?”
Before we plummet to more dangerous levels of hostility, engendering the brewing societal civil war, we must stop and remind ourselves how seriously God views this escalating hatred. It’s demonically inspired, unacceptable, designed to destroy the fabric of our nation—and it is serious sin. The soon-to-be-released movie “Civil War” brings home this reality in a profound way.

Almighty God hates not people but sin! He is long-suffering but eventually will judge it and punish those who habitually practice it. He’s especially sensitive to those identifying as Christians yet hypocritical with hateful speech.

Steve Kirsch quoting Larry Cook #conspiracy #wingnut

Larry Cook: Both my elderly landlords of 18 yrs got the COVID vaccine (against my advice), got turbo cancer, and died (6 days apart). They were great people, hoodwinked by their doctors.
Steve Kirsch: Not a coincidence. COVID vaccines are not safe or effective.
image3:18 PM · Apr 18, 2024 · 17.3K Views
176 Reposts 7 Quotes 749 Likes 20 Bookmarks

Ben Garrison #wingnut

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Barack’s Vice President has flopped miserably. He has the lowest rating of any modern president. America is being invaded. Inflation is still high, and everyone aside from Baby Boomers cannot afford a house and can barely make ends meet. Biden is a war monger and a completely corrupt, hair-sniffing pedophile.

Kamala has a lower rating than Joe. She’s a joke and incompetent. A laughing hyena in high heels.

Gavin Newsom? Many Democrats want him to jump in and replace Biden, but he’s simply a younger version of Joe. Despite Gavin’s slick talking and slicked-back hairdo, he has destroyed California. They act like that’s an accomplishment, but Americans aren’t that stupid. Besides, he’s another white male.

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Therefore, don’t be surprised if they trot out Hillary once more during the Democrat Convention. They’ll say she’s the most experienced. She certainly is seasoned and she looks it, but she’s a year younger than Trump. Joe is on tilt and then can’t roll back his odometer…so don’t be surprised if Hillary is one again thrown into the breach. She wants so very badly to defeat Trump, and she will lose. Again!

Another Hillary loss will be glorious.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut

(About the Covid vaccine.)
The doctors know it’s bad but they’re just not allowed to tell you. Otherwise they lose their job. Their job is more important than your life.
7:23 AM · May 16, 2024 · 34.5K Views
787 Reposts 20 Quotes 1,949 Likes 87 Bookmarks

Tomi Lahren #wingnut

Trump is truly incredible. They force him into the courtroom all week long and even so, he comes out on the weekend and campaigns with the fire and energy of someone half his age.

He doesn’t quit.

America loves Trump.
8:39 AM · May 12, 2024 · 297.4K Views
2,161 Reposts 74 Quotes 15.9K Likes 41 Bookmarks

Clarence Thomas #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #mammon

US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decried “the nastiness and the lies” he and his wife Ginni have “had to endure” in recent years.

“There’s certainly been a lot of negativity for my wife and I in the last few years,” Thomas said Friday at a conference of the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Point Clear, Alabama. “But we choose not to focus on that.”

Thomas was the focus of controversy over Supreme Court ethics in 2023, after reports emerged that he accepted luxury travel via yacht and private jet from billionaire businessman and conservative political donor Harlan Crow without disclosing the gifts publicly. The justice also sold real estate including his childhood home in Georgia to Crow and failed to include those deals in his annual financial disclosures. ProPublica received a Pulitzer Prize on May 6 for its role in uncovering the financial connections.

On Friday, Thomas recounted a conversation with a friend during a walk around his neighborhood years ago. “That’s before they started attacking my friends,” Thomas said. “I hope I still have some.”

Thomas also described Washington as a place where “people pride themselves in being awful.”

“It is a hideous place as far as I’m concerned,” Thomas said.

“It’s one of the reasons we like RVing,” he added. “You get to be around regular people who don’t pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree.”