
The narrow-minded fools at FSTDT laughed at my theories of Fractaral Psychoceramics! They called me mad! They called me a CRACKPOT! (tag for pseudoscience, pseudoscholarship and bizarre theories)

Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy paulstramer.net

We shall attempt to put this as plainly as possible for Americans and for everyone else.

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was deceitfully put forward for election as "a" President, not The President of this country.

People were deceived by the substitution and elected a "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, a British Territorial Municipal Corporation, instead of electing The President of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, nor even as President of our American Subcontractor, the States of America, also known as the Federal Republic.

Thus, Lincoln was elected under False Pretenses and under conditions of purposeful non-disclosure and semantic deceit--- and fraud.
1862 prepared the ground for The Great Fraud and the rampant personage and barratry crimes that would be inflicted by Rome and London for a century and a half afterward.

Thanks to these illegal, immoral, and unlawful acts undertaken under conditions of deliberate deceit, treason, and usurpation, millions of acres of our land were used as payola and to pay British debts and to wrongfully bring American land under the British Title and Trust System.

And just as the Brits were required to live their lives as either Indentured Servants or as Slaves in the British-Roman Caste System --- that is, as legally "dead" people, the groundwork was laid to do the same thing to millions upon millions of Americans.

It comes as a shock to living people when we forthrightly tell them that all the "persons" inhabiting the International Jurisdictions of the Land and the Sea and the Global Jurisdiction of the Air, are dead legal entities, yet no more crucial understanding is needed than this.
So even as we were being set up as the Fall Guys for Britain and Rome, even as we have endured the heavy bootheels of the British Raj in American drag, we haven't failed humanity.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

There are not many around anymore who are fully human

The further up the corporate ladder you go
The further up the military brass you go
The further up the government you go
The less human the people are

Now we are being bitch slapped
Through the manipulation of the air molecules around us
Called neural modulation

We are being forcibly linked to the blockchain
With its hypergraph networks and digital technology

Because they have nothing better to do
They are using our proteins for an interactive hypergraph
With molecular digitized protocols

And have created genospheres
Which are self assembling nucleic acid lipid nano particles
For targeted gene delivery

That forces receivers to follow commands
Using transcranial magnetic stimulation

Everyone is getting screwed up super bad
And no one is talking about it

They are sticking tiny computers into your body
Which disconnects you from your true essence

These implanted bio sensors should need our informed consent
But they do not care if you care

Your smart watch electronically collects your data
Which is then encrypted and anonymized via the blockchain

They are experimenting with cognitive bio technology
On replacements of former higher humans that were defeated
Which are us

Our great great great grandparents
Were popped out of some underground incubation station somewhere
Then put on orphan trains
And sold for 5 cents to someone for cheap labor

Places like Derinkuyu in Cappadocia Turkey
Are subterranean refuge sites from above ground attacks

The attacks were not from guys on horses with spears
But from advanced energy weaponry

Derinkuyu has 8 levels open to the public
But it goes down much further

Kaymakli also in Turkey has at least 4 kilometers of tunnels
Only 2 percent is open to the public

Even though our bodies are not our former ones
Our souls carry the legacy of our former incarnations

And we can direct our energy in positive ways
That uplift humanity and enhance our freedom

For starters
Do not worship some fictionalized dead guy on a cross!

Montalk(Thomas S. Minderle) #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

Reality is Myth. Myth is Reality.
Has history been altered by time-bending alien artifacts? Are we caught in a timewar between hyperdimensional forces? How does this fit into the greater spiritual battle between darkness and light? And what does this mean for our life mission and planetary destiny?

Explore the answers in this revolutionary synthesis of Gnosticism, Alchemy, Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Indo-European Mythology, Biblical Eschatology, UFOlogy, and Quantum Mechanics.

The Way of the Fool and the true meaning of Gnosis.
How we came to exist in a Fallen realm controlled by Archons.
The nature of the Demiurge and how it shapes our reality.
The occult science behind making the Philosopher‘s Stone.
How Nordic aliens factor into Grail lore and human history.
The Great Pyramid as a glowing, rumbling, plasma resonator.
How abusing the Ark of the Covenant let in the demon Yahweh.
What Christ is, from a Neoplatonic & Rosicrucian perspective.
Mythology that encodes ET technology and hyper-history.
Cyclical cataclysms and the coming dissolution of linear time.
What these epic puzzle pieces reveal about our greater purpose.

This profound exegesis of forbidden knowledge will completely blow your mind!

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

But according to Juan/John and his generals and AI, TRUMP cannot “function” as President and CIC because the “people” would erupt into “civil war”. But being bombed and EMP’d is perfectly all right….because it would “teach the people a lesson” because they have to “show” the people rather than “tell them the truth”.

What if Q the AI is wrong? What if bombing and EMPing us doesn’t work? What if the AI is in on the steal? What if our future belongs to us and not to those who would try to steal it from us… regardless of the color of their hats. What if civil war is what we have amidst an invasion and that we can fight on the ground. But what we cannot do anything about is if “they” decide to bomb us. For that we are sitting ducks. Watching an orchestrated light show of solar flares which are usually aimed away from Earth but this time will be aimed directly at us. Because both sides have decided that we deserve it. They want a new world at any cost. And we are the price THEY are wiling to pay.
Q is not a person it is an AI. And why do people think the predictions that Q has made so accurately are such genius. All Juan and the generals are doing apparently is taking notes, and then releasing into the public bits of intel from Q.

All the White Hats do is wrap the musings of Q the AI into clever little posts containing our future that they know and we don’t. Not very honorable really. Just taking orders, following a script. Just like the Illuminati do using the false Bible as their guide and all the minions that go around dutifully mimicking “scripture” and calling themselves “holy” and lovers of Christ because they say what they are taught to say on a daily basis. They are just the same. Little robots repeating what they have been told word for word. While the world burns and goes down a dark hole… while those following Q dutifully believe in a happy ending.

Clif High #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick clifhigh.substack.com

It is still valid in our Times; there is no Evil greater than Ignorance.

Assumptions are the base of Ignorance. If you are assuming that you do know, then you won’t seek to know. Assumptions are dangerous, especially unrecognized, and unacknowledged, as they blind you to what you do not know. Assumptions are built upon mountains riddled with tunnels and caves of ignorance.

There are no larger assumptions, in my opinion, than those arising from the TimeStream. Material, corporeal Life exists within the TimeStream. We are as blind to the TimeStream as a fish is to water.

Life is the fusion of Spirit and Matter bounded by Time. Life, dwells within the TimeStream, constrained, completed, and created by it.

There are three layers of ‘time’ perceptible by Life: TIME, the Pulse that creates Life within the Matterium; Time, the concept of persistence of existence; and time, the experience of duration within the Matterium.

Not all Life is equally ignorant of Time. As the pulse that creates the perceptible Matterium, TIME is perceived by all of Life as all forms of energy within the Matterium. The primary assumption of many TimeStream dwellers is that these perceivable forms of energy within the Matterium are separated by their sources, rather than arising from the same source, the Pulse of TIME.
The greatest level of alteration possible to Life, in this Matterium, will emerge from changes induced into its perception of The EverPresentNow, and thus TIME, Time, and time. Any alteration to Life’s perception of The EverPresentNow will cause all it’s assumptions about TIME, Time, and time, to become visible, and many to fall away.

Life faces no greater threat than its own assumptions. Nowhere in Life’s experience will the assumptions be more pervasive, and more misleading, than in its thinking about the TimeStream. These assumptions are so deeply placed in Life’s experience, that they form the base for all its assumptions about Life, self, and Everything.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

When the great flood was over, millions upon millions of humans and many of the Nephilim giants who roamed Mu had died.
From the Bible is learnt, and even more from other ancient texts from which the Bible was developed. The Flood wiped out most of the world’s population. The conflicts that went on behind the scenes between the Sirians and the Pleiadians, which eventually led to the great Flood, are here not mentioned, as this article focuses on the Lemurian civilisation, while in a future article we’ll tell what happened in the rest of the world, and in particular on another huge landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, which was also wiped out by the Flood. This, of course, was Atlantis.

The misuse of energy, the misuse of technology and elitism eventually became dominant in Atlantis, which was the main reason why the Flood happened.
What exactly is meant by the misuse of energy? Well, in Atlantis, just like today, it’s done in many different ways, but mostly through advanced technology and the misuse of sexual energies.

Where Sirians are present, there is always a tendency for this to happen. It’s up to us humans to see through their manipulation, or we’ll end up in a much worse situation than the Atlanteans. At least they were stopped by the Flood, otherwise we probably wouldn’t be here today.

ENLIL manipulated events to create the Flood, which will not be forgiven here; be aware that the Sirians also had a finger in things that really got out of hand after a while. It always seems inevitable. This is why Sirians are not to be trusted, despite what others may say.

In Atlantis; technology was a little different from what we use today, but there are similarities. As already mentioned, computers, but they also had space technology, of course, and a wealth of knowledge about the stars and the universe in general, and they flew to the Moon and to Mars, and probably to other planets within the Solar System as well.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick primedisclosure.com

Greetings Great Ascending Light Keepers of Divine Unity Consciousness
As our Gemini Sun brings in the Twin Flame Energies of Divine Union our local Solaris begins to become more active again, releasing 7 C Class Solar Flares today and 2 M Class Flares the most powerful maxing at M 2.32 at 4:00 UTC.

Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on the Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Papua New Guinea at 3:35 UTC. We also had a big blast of white light on the Schumann Charts as Gaia’s heartbeat reached higher amplitudes of 19 hz, 41 hz and a big blast of bright white light at 44 hz. Divine 44 Activations coming in through todays portal.

The Emerald Gateways to Agartha have been opened and activated all over this realm in every Nation to connect our Ground Crew Surface Team of the 144 with our Inner Tribe of the Agarthan Network, including the Telosians.

Our Starseed Earth Angelics can connect and call on our Inner Earth Ascended Masters in needing assistance in your missions of Light Work, Grid Work and working with the ley lines of Mother Earth in our Ascension Process of full Planetary Liberation.

Connect Now with your inner Bright Virtue of Buddha Mind as we realize our True Nature of Enlightenment and Walk our Sacred Middle Path with Heart and live in the Peace and Harmony of the Tao at one with Nature and Infinite Source Creator, the Great Spirit that is within all beings and surrounds us all.

Separation is part of the illusions of the simulated reality and Truth is the Freedom of Living from our Hearts as real Hue-man Beings of Eternal Life…A’Ho!

Vox Day #crackpot #dunning-kruger voxday.net

You don’t have to be stupid to still believe in evolution by natural selection in the light of genetic science, but it helps. Darwinian selection survived – barely – Mendelian genetics by virtue of what is now known as the Neo-Darwinian synthesis, but only because Mendelian genetics were insufficiently quantifiable to expose the obvious flaws in the Darwinian logic.

But now they are.

I’ve already pointed out the numbers before, so I’ll try to keep this very simple in the hopes that at least a few midwits might be able to grasp the logic.

1.There is zero evidence of a mutation being fixated across a population in an amount of time that would permit the transition from one species to another species given the known genetic differences between the two. Zero. Not in the lab, not in the wild, not between one mammal and another mammal, not between one fish and another fish.
2. Even the range of genetic differences between a single superspecies, such as homo sapiens, are too wide to be accounted for by the fastest-ever mutational fixation rate.
3. If mutations were being fixated fast enough to fit within the time scales observed, we would be able to observe them fixating in real time as well as within recent archeological time.

For example, the oldest sequenced human DNA is 400,000 years old, which represents 20,000 human generations, or 4.44 percent of the temporal distance from the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor. Given the estimated 15 million mutations that separate the CHLCA from modern humans, we would be able to observe 660,000 or so fixed mutations distinguishing that old DNA from all modern humans if the Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection were correct.

Watching evolutionists trying to criticize my disproof of evolution is rather like watching a chimpanzee trying to work an abacus. They make a lot of noise, but they never actually manage to work out any of the necessary math.

But we don’t. So, obviously, it isn’t. The numbers don’t add up, the logic doesn’t hold, so theory of evolution by natural selection has been conclusively and comprehensibly falsified. If you still can’t see, accept, and understand that, you’re observably stupid.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

We are living through the escalating terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare being waged through customized AI programs that are designed to counter the growing light of solar consciousness on the planet. These technological weapons are currently being introduced to the masses by the NAA groups for exerting more effective crowd control and behavioral modification. These include the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons, along with transmissions of assorted mind control scripts for sleep deprivation and consciousness suppression. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit,
For the NAA Controllers, the awakening Christos Starseeds combined with the solar symbiosis cycle building out the flowering sophianic plasmas of the Tantriahura solar based architecture in the Albion has been a major thorn in their side, as massive solar plasmas from sequential coronal mass ejections flood into the planetary grid system and are recoding dark matter and waking up the inner Christos light inside the sleeping consciousness of the masses.
Currently, we are deep into the impacts of the Electrical peak cycle with a series of plasma ejections from the sun within a short time, which catalyzes powerful geomagnetic disturbances which mainstream media says could compare to the intensity of the 1859 Carrington event, which disrupted global communications and set telegraph stations on fire. Apparently, this amount of coronal mass ejections is highly unusual and was referred to as an Extreme G4 Solar Storm Train, with Eight Geomagnetic Storms impacting the planet exactly during the pinnacle of the Electrical Peak, as we transitioned into Taurus Solar Alchemy.

Vox Day #crackpot #dunning-kruger voxday.net

Biologists should not be the least bit reluctant to leave the useless theories of Neo-Darwinism behind or to abandon evolution by natural selection. To the contrary, we now have a growing body of scientific evidence that humanity is not, and never was, alone in the universe. And whoever, or whatever, the parties responsible may be, we know that they have at least a modicum of what appears to be beneficial interest in us, or they would not have manipulated our genes to enhance our cognition and self-awareness as they appear to have done.

On a philosophical note, I very much doubt it is a question of God or aliens. Because the answer, in all probability, will somehow involve both. We know that God works through men, even through the most unlikely of men. Logic therefore suggests that if aliens of any kind exist, God will work through them too.

wakeupmypeoplespiritrain #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #ufo #quack #homophobia #conspiracy #ableist #biphobia beforeitsnews.com

Satan’s Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Retroviral MRNA Black Goo 666 Low Vibe Vaccines Have Cain’s Vampire Immune System DNA/GENES (Sinister Fallen Angel Bioshock Plasmids And Splicing Protocols) Within The Vile Curse-Alls Which Are NOT Cures!: (Satan’s Main Vile Man Of Sin/The Son Of Perdition Has Been Satanically Mutatively Monstrously Vaccinated With His Curses) Sinisterly Gay Barack Hussein Obama Has A Black Chimeran Vampire Master Clone Called The *IMAGE OF THE BEAST* Covertly Waiting In A Ancient Antediluvian Atlantean Retro-Engineered Deep Underwater Fortified Plasma Domed Base Called The Leviathan (Which Has *The Dark Knights Cloning Program* Cain Like Monstrous-Beastly-Chimeran-Vampiric-Black Goo 666 Body Loaded With Barack Hussein Obama’s Vile DNA/Genes On Stasis Also Known As The 8th Horn-King-Sinister World Leader) That Will Be Metaphysically Infused With The Cast Down Fallen Angel Spirit Of Satan Himself Deceptively Emerging From The Ancient Sodomittish Sea As The Bloodthirsty Murderous Chief *Cloned* Antichrist <...> Many Foolish People Being Removed From The Lamb’s Book Of Life For Sinfully Wickedly Taking Part In Satan’s Diabolical Irreversible Multiphase Vaccinations Process Of His Horrific Nightmarish Monstrously Mutative Beastly *Cain Like* Vampirism – REMEMBER THAT IMMINENT APOCALYPTIC TUNED GAMMA-RAYS WILL SUPERNATURALLY EXPOSE ALL OF WHAT’S INSIDE OF YOU AND OTHER FLESHLY CREATURES AT THE SPIRITUAL/DNA/GENETIC LEVELS – SO PLEASE DON’T SINFULLY PUT SATAN’S VACCINATION CURSES/CURSE-ALLS INSIDE OF YOUR TEMPLE
You Will Die In A Short Span Of Time Diminishing Your Life Due To Deadly Mutations – Be Overtaken By The Low Vibe Weaponized Microwaves Activated Demonic Zombism Airborne Vaxx A.I.D.S Plagues Plandemics That Many Sheeple Sinfully Unwisely Gullibly Wickedly Took As The CoronaVirus Covid-19 Vaccines Which Are All Part Of Satan’s Irreversible Multiphase Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir Cures-Alls Of Monstrous Extremely Mutative Death

Buddha via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

I am Buddha, and I am very happy to be back to share my wisdom with humankind. I was waiting for my opportunity to speak on the behalf of Ascended Masters.

We are overlooking your Ascension Process. Numerous messages by false prophets are praising everyone, on how amazing job you are doing on moving to 5D. If this is the truth, than why are you still here. They are just spreading not accurate information, which doesn’t help anyone in this important process of moving to a New Earth.
I personally spend thousands and thousands of hours on meditations to evolve from a physical being into an enlightened being. It’s not a simple task, it requires patience and daily dedication to do the required work. Humanity expects to be lifted into a higher dimension by the Light Beings. I can promise you, that is not going to happen. Your Collective Consciousness needs to reach a specific level of vibration for you to be able to move into 5D New Earth.

The fact that you are still fascinated by simple events such as Solar Flashes, Solar Flares, Magnetic Storms and etc., which have no effect at all on the Ascension Process, it tells me, that you need more time to be ready to ascend to 5D. All of these events are very common in the Cosmos and don’t help or speed up the evolutionary process of any civilization. Only silent meditations will bring harmony and peace into your life.
I am grateful for Divine leading me to receive my Nirvana. I wish the same for all of the humankind. You have an incredible opportunity to ascend with your bodies, so don’t miss out on this chance. The Advanced Souls can’t wait to leave this 3D reality, as they are tired of being here and waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Please remember, your Ascension is your responsibility. Ego needs to be let go off and be forgotten. Your soul’s responsibility is to lead you to a final destination on this planet of Ascension. Divine is working on your behalf, the same is expected from you.

Radionic Tech LLC/Dr. Thor #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon radionictech.com





This is the most powerful Scalar Energy Unit ever made and will be for many years to come. Not only a powerful tool of influence and empowerment, it connects you to a strong royal hertiage of Justice & Success like nothing else. Buying this Unit includes initiation into the Order of The Dracul. It is the first serious step to extreme power and ascension by becoming Light Being! All great tools are connected to great Spiritual Forces that empower them. King Arthur had Excalibur, The Atlantis King had a Sadmar Tool, Thor had Mjolnir, now you have the Extreme Force Unit! This is not only a Tool it is a way life, a master tool of healing, ascension and success like nothing else! This is the ultimate tech for those that want to change their life and help the world while ascending to the next level. Ascension is NOT given it is earned through achieving high states of consciousness. Here is your 50th century Master Tech to save mankind and bring great success to yourself and family!!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

We are at the end game

The poisoning of the air and weather warfare operations
Has created climate change
And a civilization of disease

We watch clones with fluttering eyes
Interviewing cyborg reptilians with bulging necks on news broadcasts
But 99 percent of the population have no clue as to what is really transpiring

Cancer is now being treated with MRNA injections
Of programmable hydrogel and polymers
That puts GPS signals inside the host

Food is poisoned and there is not an uproar
Nurofen pain killers contain graphene oxide

Microwave pulsing hits us while we sleep
Similar to a microwave oven

Dental anesthetic injections are loaded with hydrogel graphene
And nano smart dust to connect us to the Cloud

Synthetic thoughts are sent to make people feel negative toward each other
And negative towards themselves

Satanic freemasonry governs us behind closed doors

Virus in Latin means poison
And Corona means crown

Corona virus means the elite oligarchy
Who are the highest ranking Freemasons
Are poisoning the commoners

All smart devices are transmitters
That send information to the Cloud

Cell phones and computers modify you through your eyes
Sending infrared technology into the body
Creating automatons

But the Father of All Perfection is here
His Spirit will ascend from the earth to the heavens
And then descend back down

All things superior and inferior will receive the life force
It will be the glory of the whole world and will penetrate everything

The Spirit of God will separate the wheat from the chaff
And life will begin anew

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. Nothing more can be said about that at this point for strategic and security reasons, but an intel update for the surface population about that topic is expected soon.

All negative entities have been removed from other Universes, and only a very small amount of subquantum anomaly is present there.

Now the full focus is on this Solar System, and on the final liberation of planet Earth. In the last few weeks, a huge amount of subquantum anomaly has been removed from the Solar System.

As a result of this, one part of the Pleiadian fleet is about to return to this Solar System and they will resume liberation operations. Details need to remain classified, but extremely powerful astrological configurations are supporting this move.

The main aspect is Sedna conjuncting Alcyone on May 25th. This aspect happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle. This aspect will start exhibiting its full power one week before May 25th, and will remain in full force until one week after.

Light Forces have begun to decrease the activity of the multidimensional Dyson sphere around the Sun in order to allow more Solar activity to occur since the beginning of May, producing a huge solar storm last week:
At this volume, another multidimensional quantum technology of the Light Forces has been activated since May 1st, and it is called Gungnir:

Gungnir is an advanced planetary Ascension technology that is now directing immense amount of Electric fire towards this planet:

It channels huge energies from the top of the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) to the surface of the planet:

These energies are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation

J.E. Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

King Charles releases "Charles in Hell" painting on Israel's 76th birthday or 666,216 hours

Is he sending secret messages? Remember the white horse that got loose with blood on it and the disapearence of Kate? Is something going on here?

King Charles releases "Charles in Hell" painting on Israel's 76th birthday or 666,216 hours

"Prophecy" = 666 (Latin)
6*6*6 = 216

From and including: Friday, May 14, 1948
To, but not including Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Result: 27,759 days
Or 76 years excluding the end date.
Or 912 months excluding the end date.
666,216 hours

"King Charles in Hell" = 375 (Latin)
"Mark of Beast" = 375 (Latin)

"Charles in Hell" = 309 (Latin)
"Help me please" = 309 (Latin)
"Dracula" = 309 (Latin)
"Epstein" = 309 (Latin)

"Bloody Charles" = 58 (Reduction)
"Third Temple" = 58 (Reduction)

And From his inauguration to Charles in Hell display is 375 days just like...

"King Charles in Hell" = 375 (Latin)
"Mark of Beast" = 375 (Latin)

From and including: Saturday, May 6, 2023
To and including: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Result: 375 days

Strongs 375 Heb means "Where"
Strongs 375 Greek means "to send up"

Bloody white horse and painting dates
4 × 24 + 20 × 24 =576
5 × 14 + 20 × 24 = 550
576+550 = 1126

20 days between the bloody horse and the bloody painting
Wed Apr 24 2024 to Tue May 14 2024 is:
20 Days
"death" = 20 (Reduction)

It was commissioned back in 2020 to celebrate Charles’ 50 years as a member of the grant-giving body, The Drapers’ Company, in 2022, the palace said.
I don't know something's going on. Maybe they all are getting arrested! That would be soooo awesome! I don't think we're that lucky though!

Neogrendizer #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

So yeah, Trump held a rally in Jersey where he made a sarcastic remark about Hannibal Lecter, and as usual the typical media autists collectively shit their little diapers in unison as they wail to the heavens that "TrUmP eNdOrSeD a CaNnIbAl, sEe HoW eViL hE iS?!", and everyone who listened either laughed at them or told them to rightfully shut the hell up because no one cares! Everything that has been thrown at this man has failed! No, not just failed, spectacularly failed! His trial and mugshots ALONE have propelled his campaign far further than anything in 2016 and 2020 COMBINED, and the Leftoids are adding fuel to the growing shit-firestorm with their tantrums! At this point, Trump could drop the sacred N-word and every single African American would vote for him!

Nigel Kerner #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot amazon.com

Exposes the agenda behind the bio-robotic grey aliens’ genetic manipulation of certain human races

• Reveals the Grey’s nature as sophisticated self-aware machines created by a long vanished extraterrestrial civilization

• Explains how their quest to capture human souls appears in the historical record from biblical times

• Explains how the phenomenon of racism is a by-product of their genetic tampering

In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In this new book Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit.

Kerner explains that genetic manipulation by the Greys has occurred since biblical times and has led to numerous negative qualities that plague humanity, such as violence, greed, and maliciousness. Racism, he contends, was developed by the aliens to prevent their genetic experiments from being compromised by breeding with others outside their influence. Examining historical records, Kerner shows that Jesus, who represented an uncorrupted genetic line, warned his disciples about the threat posed by these alien interlopers, while Hitler, a pure product of this alien intelligence, waged genocide in an attempt to rid Earth of all those untouched by this genetic tampering. Despite the powerful grip the Greys have on humanity, Kerner says that all hope is not lost. Greys exist wholly in the material world, so if we follow the spiritual laws of reincarnation and karma, aiming for enlightenment and rising above the material--a state the Greys are unable to reach--we can free ourselves from their grasp.

Lev #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com

On 5 May 2024, Co-Creators passed an interim point in another ops’ series. Started in Georgia and Armenia, and carried out by stages, it had two main aims. The first was the removal of retro-karma, remained in the Earth’s field after the crucifixion of Christ. The second was the construction of new channels on a Subtle Plane and, through them, anchoring of infrastructural energies 3.85-3.9D, 4D and 5D on the planet. They also cause the powerful Solar flares of X-Class, which occur almost daily and sometimes several times within 24 hours.

Briefly about retro-karma, the problems it caused, and why Co-Creators chosen Georgia and Armenia for operations. Recall that Christ took upon Self all the karma of humanity at that time to work out and free from it the Souls, which incarnated on 3D Earth. For the complete success of the mission, Mary Magdalene, His wife and dipole, joined Him, ready to share the fate with husband. But when found out about her second pregnancy, she scared. Not for own life, but for the child. He started annihilating karma not only of men, but also of all women.
Ops in Georgia and Armenia were especially important not only because of the unique structures of these countries on a Subtle Plane. At the beginning of the 4th century of the new era, they were the first to convert to Christianity, saved the Savior’s relics and their peculiar energy field.
Both team leaders assimilated the Absolutes’ Primary Aspects, but not activated. Their light up was launched at midnight, at the beginning of the Christ Channel descent and spreading over Earth, and the next day reached the peak, bursting into a bright glow. By Absolutes’ request, their Aspects were settled in the ground team’s Logos, where fully fused into integral whole. Previously, its core housed aspects of the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs, Primary Light Archons, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Logos of Galaxies and the Local Universe, which energetically supported the operation.

Dennis Nappi II #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy amazon.com

Through this work, you will find that you are not alone in your experiences – as the author delivers validation to your most fearful spiritual encounters. Food for the Archonsbrings to light the collective vulnerability of the human condition. However, you will come to find that when you peel back the veil, what was once your greatest weakness is actually the source of your long-forgotten power, and a beacon of hope for yourself and all mankind.

Through research, experience, and intuition, the author explores the following:

We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations

We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication.

Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite.

Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

This book explores the potential of human consciousness to access information beyond the 5-senses via an electromagnetic field generated by the human heart. It is through our ignorance of this field, however, that mankind's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are being heavily influenced and manipulated. We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations.

We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication, healing, and the acquisition of knowledge. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

Liberty #crackpot #magick voyages-of-light.com

There are no more secrets! You can instantly know everything you need.

The magnetic grid holds the power that is yours in its right. Now is the time to reclaim the power that you have left behind in the grid as a result of your many incarnations on planet Earth. Yes, the grid remembers and knows everything about you! It stores this knowledge for yourself. So that one day you also remember everything about yourself and become who you really are.

All you have to do is be fragmented! It is enough not to remember ourselves and not to know our strength. Now you can, figuratively speaking, put yourself together piece by piece into a single whole. Now you have nothing to hide your power from yourself.


Because the grid has a honeycomb structure, you can visualize the cell of the honeycomb that you align with your energy field – and thereby connect to the grid. You can simply visualize the filaments of golden light connecting you to the Cosmos. You can imagine yourself in a pillar of golden light – and thereby come into contact with the grid. Dear ones, whatever and however you imagine, it will work if your visualization is combined with your intention.

Remember, the grid is your means of communication with God and the higher dimensions. It is a means of connecting everyone with everyone – each person with everyone. This is a means of communication between you and yourself! Discover the possibilities of the grid – now there are no limits to it. And you will discover how much is now available to you – as much as has never been before in the history of mankind

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #magick #quack disclosurenews.it

Our Sun is still harboring energy for the most powerful of flares which is “X-Class”.

Already there was an “X5.8-Class” flare on yesterday whose coronal mass ejection (CME) is on its way to our planet Earth with expected arrival some time today or by tomorrow. When it does arrive, the geomagnetic storm rating is expected to again reach either “G4” or “G5”.

In total thus far there have been about 7 CMEs which have hit our planet.

The KP Index is at a numerical 8.33 which is SEVERE STORM. This rating could again reach the number “9” as it was on yesterday which is INTENSE STORM when further “X-Class” flares occur.

The magnetosphere is densely pressuring into Earth.
These incoming waves that primarily consist of positively-charging protons are very acidic. This is one reason why drinking lots of spring water with lemon is highly recommended.

Although lemon is a citrus fruit, when it enters the blood stream, it becomes alkaline, and even though we need an acid/alkaline balance, the more alkaline our blood is, the less we are prone to attract imbalances, and thus, the stronger our immune systems become.

Water also, of course, gives us oxygenation and hydration and also assists in cleansing our cells.
Our Sun will also continue to transform. Its rays will be much brighter than they are now.

It used to have a yellow-like glow during the day, but now it is extremely bright. At dawn it still has a pinkish or peach glow, and at sunset it often has a deep yellow or orange glow, but during the day, as stated, it is very bright.

Our entire galaxy is receiving LIGHT from the Photon Belt.
It is wonderful that mainstream news around the world is reporting on the solar flares and CMEs that have been happening since Friday. However, they have yet to discuss the spiritual aspect of this, and we should not expect them to do so because they do not want to cause any religious upsets.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #conspiracy amg-news.com

You can see the clouds are moving through the waves generated by radio and electromagnetic frequencies. The HAARP facilities and ionospheric heaters are located globally but no telling how many there are that we don’t know about. Because why would the government ever hide anything from us?

HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an “ionospheric heater.” (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth’s upper atmosphere.)

Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antenna send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything — living and dead.
The Military’s Hidden Hand: Strategic Uses of HAARP and the Dire Implications
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, better known as HAARP, isn’t just a scientific enigma; it is a formidable tool in the modern warfare arsenal.
The implications are chilling. Imagine a world where droughts or hurricanes could be summoned as geopolitical weapons, where countries could be plunged into chaos without a soldier ever crossing their borders. The U.S. military, through HAARP, might possess the power to zap the upper atmosphere with a focused electromagnetic beam, as suggested in their own descriptions, turning the sky itself into an invisible battlefield.
As we gaze up at the enigmatic lights dancing across our skies, we must also cast a discerning eye on the entities wielding this formidable technology. The potential for HAARP to alter the very atmosphere raises not just possibilities but profound ethical concerns. Without stringent oversight, the line between defending our nations and dominating them becomes perilously thin.

Cloudy NS #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #crackpot #psycho youtube.com

Jim Carrey has always been one of them. He just likes to mess with the audiences because he knows they're idiots. Jim cut a ladys hair in the Jimmy Kimmel show. He said he cut it in the form of his hand, because it symbolizes the control he has over his fans. Jim is a very satanic person and he loves to make fools out of people he will tell you a bit of truth and then mix it with comedy and lies to cause confusion. That's why we have so many people that think he's a good guy trying to expose the elite. Which is far from the truth. All of the people in hollywood are Satanic. You don't to get to be a celebrity without an initiation.

Magestic #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #psycho #quack #wingnut youtube.com

He's actually laying it all out in the open, the secrets of life, the secrets that have been suppressed purposefully. He's doing it in the form of comedy, because it's the only way to get it out, without bringing the wrath of the control system down on him. Unfortunately everyone thought it was comedy, but all these years later with so many waking up it's shocking too see he was trying to help us all so long ago. It just goes too show how indoctrinated into the system we really were/are.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The time of Jesus was in the early 1500s
The time of Genesis was approximately 500 years earlier

In the 1600s
The Bible became canonized
Being revised form Hebrew and Gnostic sources

The fraud of the historic church was set up
And the control system of religion was institutionalized

The Gnostics believed in the prevalent story of a virgin goddess
Of Sophia giving birth to a divine being without a partner

Except the offspring had a serpent like body
With the head of a lion
Which is the Sphinx
Whom Gnostics call the Demiurge

The Demiurge ruled over his own section of heaven
And needed archons to assist him

Sophia gave birth to the Demiurge after descending to the lower heavens
And Mars became Ruler of the Underworld

Adam and Eve
Like the Demiurge and Sophia
Were Mars and Venus

Venus was born in a shell or lotus blossom
Which was a plasma formation

The Egyptian Coffin Texts say
The beautiful youth
The boy from the womb ascends to the lotus flower
And illuminates the land with his light

In the Mayan Book of Chilam Balam
The sun god is explicitly described as dwelling in the center of a 4 petaled flower

Heracles was brought back to life
By means of a reunion with his divine partner Astarte

Isis saw her child Osiris burning in the fire
This is the baptism by fire
In which newborns were wrapped in swaddling clothes
And moved around right above the flames

The cross and Ceiba tree were the same in Mayan belief
The Ceiba tree had 4 branches each going off in one of the 4 cardinal directions

The cross is called the Yax Chi
Which means the green tree
That was in the center of the cosmos

Just as the Yggdrasil tree in Norse lore was an evergreen tree
On which Thor was hanged

The Tree of life is the Aroura Borealis
When plasma surges up into the sky
And branches outward in electrical filaments

It is on the world tree that Venus set up her green garden
Which was also the holy cross

Jesus carrying his cross
Him falling down under its weight
And being stripped of his garments
Is Mars entering the plasma womb of Venus to be reborn!

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.

Nonetheless here are the rough outlines of what is about to happen: The United States of America Corporation will officially declare bankruptcy. The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it. It will build a new capital, possibly in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The state of Israel will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the state of Judea. The original Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) will manage the new state together with the European immigrants. Both peoples will have equal rights and guarantees of religious and personal freedom.

The United Nations Security Council will be replaced with a seven-member World Council. It will probably be headquartered in Laos. The members will be representatives from Africa, the Americas, China, andEast Asia excluding China (but including Oceania), Europe (including Russia), India and the Muslim world. Decisions on issues affecting the entire planet will be reached by a majority vote. Each region will have a veto only applicable to that region.
Israel will now have no choice but to surrender, just like the Ukraine.

The ICC will also definitely be issuing war crimes indictments against the criminal regime of Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine. Polish intelligence notes they are now rounding up “mentally disabled people, alcoholics and drug addicts, schizophrenics and epileptics,” for slaughter. This won’t last long because only 15 percent of conscripts are currently fighting, the sources say.

By the way, even though the fake Trump being shown on most US screens is a Zionist slave mouthing support of Israel and Ukraine, the real CIC Trump is throwing both under the bus as the source above notes.

Soul:Ask #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy soulask.com

In the 1990s, a renowned physicist from the USSR invented several unique devices, including a vortex inertial engine. He succeeded in generating vertical thrust by using a mechanism that accelerated mercury in a spiral path.

The origins of this discovery, however, date back much earlier than his work. In 1875, a Sanskrit manuscript known as the Vimanika Shastra was unearthed during archaeological digs in India, detailing a mercury-based anti-gravity engine. A decade after commencing his research, Dr. Talpade built a flying apparatus that ascended several tens of meters in the presence of onlookers. The scientific community has long been polarized.
Tesla asserted that his device was merely a receiver for an unidentified radiation originating from the ether, which could be harnessed in any amount. Turning to mercury, we are taught from a young age that it is hazardous and toxic, with school textbooks warning that mercury vapors can cause significant health damage. Despite this, mercury’s demonization raises questions, especially given the legal restrictions on its storage. Why does modern society instill a fear of interacting with this element?

Historically, mercury was well-known to our ancestors, who attributed magical qualities to it and utilized it in alchemy and medicine. Empires and cities were even captured for mercury. Ancient Roman texts by Pliny note that Rome once imported vast quantities of mercury from Spain. Mercury’s connection to the philosopher’s stone spans centuries.
Mercury is typically extracted through distillation, but a more archaic method involves heating red stones in a furnace until the minerals crack and release mercury. This method likely mirrors the extraction techniques of our forebears. Additionally, mercury’s unique electromagnetic properties are noteworthy. It is recognized for its ability to interact with a magnetic field, causing a motor’s rotating mechanism to spin rapidly upon contact with mercury.

Tom Dienes #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy tomdienes.substack.com


The Thinking Mind is a Dimensionless Mathematical Energy, and Matter is Dimensional Mathematical Energy Interconnected by Interconvertible Mathematical Transforms.

God uniquely imbues each human being with the potential to fulfill His divine purpose. Your freewill determines the outcome of either the fruit Light or darkness. Choose wisely for the consequences are eternal!

Attention Canada and the USA!!!

The Western cult of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is the Trojan Horse for the Destruction of Traditional Judeo-Christian Western Culture!

Islamization colonialism: If you can’t conquer the West by the sword, immigrate, infiltrate positions of power, and breed them out!

LGBTQIA2S+ colonialism: Celebrate & normalize all imaginable forms of sexual perversions, infiltrate positions of power, and destroy God ordained Judeo-Christian morality.
4 ~ Study, research, advocate, and uphold the scientific method as the golden standard for determining empirical facts which govern sound evidence based decision making. The governing “scientific consensus” shall not become as religious dogma, and must be subject to correction based on new emerging evidence, which clearly has it’s premise, rooted in the scientific method. Therefore, openly and transparently correct the “scientific consensus” based on the emerging knowledge. Learn to clearly distinguish between factual, theoretical, and dogmatic statements.

6 ~ Advocate for the health and well-being of mankind at all costs, and work to hold Pharmakeia’s governing officials accountable for their experimental medical crimes against humanity! All "health" authorities, doctors, scientists, politicians, lawyers, and clergymen who willfully chose the cowardly chameleon’s path of least resistance, will be held accountable for turning a blind eye to the scientific method which has proven that their C19 injections (bioweapons) are not safe or effective!

Clif High #crackpot #magick #quack #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

"Thought” is conceived of by science (generally) as being electrical effects of a transitory nature that occur in the brain. Thus ‘thoughts’ are thought to be the result of electricity operating at bio-electrical potential levels (you can ‘think’ about this as being ‘low voltage’ circuits) that cause electrical disruptions to ‘steady state’ bio-electrical fields.
Basically, it’s all vibrations. Electrical vibrations at a cellular level. Vibrations in the sense of the change of bio-electric potential within individual cells all forming the totality of the ‘standing wave’ of the vibrational field that is your mind and you. Vibrations affect liquids very easily. Hormones are ‘liquids’ within the hypothalamus, and the rest of the glandular complex of the brain. These cells produce very thick liquids in the form of a near-oil that we call hormones. They vibrate. Hormones are, as with most liquids, unstable by the nature of their ‘construction’, their molecular arrangement. Hormones are also bio-electrically unstable, and they transmit that instability to the matter (your flesh) that they contact and affect.
The hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary, pineal, and thyroid complex of glands are the ‘time translators’ for our human bodies. The ‘translation’ of the ‘pulse of time’ that creates, then destroys, our Matterium 22 trillion times a second, results in changes in our hormones which are collected, stored, and distributed by way of these glands.

Hormones carry ‘time’ throughout our body. Note that this is a key component of the body’s production and use of hormones, that is, ‘time’.
Socially we also equate age with maturity, though increasingly those two deviate under the assault of the Elohim worship cult on the structure of the global human social order. The human proclivity for equating maturity to age had to exist for the Elohim worship cult to engineer it; so at that level (at least), they are aware of this level of analysis.

Doug Duff #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

In the realm of Identity Theft, if you recall, the first thing required by the thief is to determine YOUR identity. When they place ink on paper with your identification in all upper case letters (or, in any size letters) they just created an express (resultant) trust.

By creating an express trust, they have entered the world of Public finance, which covers all goods, all chattel paperwork and bank accounts. The SSN, which is public securities, becomes public finance.

The D.B.A. (Doing Business As), being recorded in your name (the ALL CAPS NAME at County level) is a bridge between Public Finance and Private Finance. Private is Real; Public is imaginary, mirror image, likeness, ink on paper, corporate, etc.
You make entry by screaming “Somebody’s trying to steal my property.” “Who gave you permission to use my property? That all caps registered name, the defendant, is my private property. Who gave you permission to use it? Are you intending to do a de son tort?

DE SON TORT. L. Fr. Of his own wrong. A stranger who takes upon him to act as an executor without any just authority is called an “executor of his own wrong,” (de son tort.) 2 Bl. Comm. 507; 2 Steph. Comm. 244.
If the judge stays on the bench when the defendant put in his proof he was the owner, he would have been caught being an “executor” de son tort. Would other parties be guilty as “Trustee” de son tort? If the Bailiff should come around you or stand behind you, you should ask, “Are you resurrecting an army against me on American land?” They are not allowed to do that. I came in as a foreigner. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act protects a foreigner. That is the law that diplomats have immunity under.

Dr. Michael Salla/Dr. Anton Anfalov #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

the early 1940s, Nazi Germany discovered a network of ancient tunnels around the world, where it began to develop a breakaway civilization (aka 4th Reich) with flying saucer and other advanced aerospace technologies. According to Dr. Anton Anfalov, the Nazis were helped by Inner Earth beings belonging to what he describes as the Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization (SUSTENC). He says that in addition to Antarctica, the Nazis created bases in Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Chile, Argentina and Brazil with the help of prominent European industrialist families such as the Wallenbergs.

Dr. Anfalov confirms that in addition to the USA, the USSR/Russia began secretly reverse engineering captured Nazi technologies along with spacecraft retrieved from SUSTENC for a secret space program. He further confirmed the use of psychics by the Russians to understand and operate the advanced antigravity technologies used by SUSTENC.

Dr. Anfalov has interviewed hundreds of Russian whistleblowers and been given documents on the UFO phenomenon dating back to the post-World War II era. He has gained much knowledge about UFO crash retrieval operations in the Soviet Union and Russia; learned about ancient underground tunnels built by SUSTENC that the Kremlin repurposed for its own deep underground military bases; and the development of a Soviet/Russian secret space program that uses psychics as a standard operating procedure.

Tommy Truthful #crackpot #conspiracy #magick tommytruthful.com

These Celebrities Are Actually Immortal

“Immortal” = 101(Ordinal) Eight Six=101, “nephilim” = 86(Ordinal)
Fame gives celebrities a taste of immortality, but after seeing the spitting image of some A-listers in photographs from the distant past (and noticing that Rob Lowe never, ever ages), we've begun to wonder if some stars really do shine forever. Sylvester Stallone's doppelganger lurks in a 16th-century Fresco painted by Raphael in Vatican City; a man who looks like Nicolas Cage was found in a Civil War-era picture; a young man photographed in Harlem in 1939 bears a striking resemblance to Jay-Z. What's their secret to eternal life — Vampire bites? Illuminati conspiracy? Time travel? We cooked up some (slightly outlandish) theories of our own. I will use Gematria in a few examples to show you the Connections, If you speak to someone who studies numerology they will tell you that there is an uncanny relationship between numbers and words. They’ll tell you that letters and words all have a numerical value and weight that is implicit of deeper meaning, connecting other words of similar weight. In fact, this concept has been given merit and studied in relation to biblical texts for hundreds of years. Kabbalist Jewish scholars call this study gematria and believe that there is a hidden code in the Torah that contains clues to current and future events.
Was Matt Damon Really Soviet Fighter Pilot Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub?
“Matt Damon” = 47(Keypad) “Kozhedub” = 47(KV Exception) Encrypted=47, Circle of Life=47,
Shia LaBeouf Has The Intensity Of A Young Albert Einstein
“Albert Einstein” = 46(Chaldean) “Shia LaBeouf” = 46(Keypad) Life and death=46, Sorceries=46,
Use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits; witchcraft. Hidden Codes=46,

Louise Reiss-James #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

This book, following on from the Lyran Disclosure the Agenda, reveals the many twists and turns that have been played out upon our people, the human being. This story is shared by the Lyran Narrators of Time from the perspective of 'an elder advising a younger.' Having experienced much if not all of what is playing out on our planet, the Lyrans have begun to reveal, to disclose the hidden agendas and influences of the Formless Ones, and those that work with them.From the outposts and galaxies within our own solar system to places beyond our realm of knowledge, the Lyran Narrators of Time pull back the curtains on the stage that is.<...>Take a journey into the past where shadows were not always what they seemed. Where travellers from outside our galaxy interfered with the original Terrans and created a slave population. Be present as both friends and allies gather to interpret the hidden maps and clues, once lost within the ancient language of the Lyrans. Mages, Princes, captains and Formless Ones… what have they in common. Why did the Anunnaki deceive the original inhabitants of our beloved earth, and rule in their stead? What were they after and why? What happened to the forests of walking trees? Do we see remnants of their descendants here today?Why do the Lyrans defend so vigorously against the Formless Ones and their cohorts? What is the continued agreement between the families of power and the joint forces of the Anunnaki and Formless Ones?You’ve read of The Agenda, now sit in the observer rooms of the Outposts and watch as The Anunnaki Influence is exposed, by the Lyrans, forever hold fast to their promise made so many epochs ago.This second part of the series peels back the curtain a little wider into a world of the True Lyran story and their assistance to Humanity while exposing the influence of the Anunnaki and Formless Ones.

Michael T McFall #fundie #ableist #crackpot onlinelibrary.wiley.com

Divine Hiddennesss and Spiritual Autism
ABSTRACT: If God exists and wishes to be known, then why do some not have a relationship with God? Arguments against atheist conclusions from divine hiddenness have been offered, but I ask how understanding autism may help to explain seeking reflective nonbelievers. Seeking reflective nonbelievers are in a state of spiritual autism. If a spiritual autist, one does not know God relationally. Autism is a significant disability in that it can preclude knowing others as persons qua persons. I provide an overview of autism and spiritual autism, review the problem of divine hiddenness, and address six issues that reveal how spiritual autism may be overcome.

freakinasuit #crackpot #psycho incels.is

[JFL] All Prosperity and Happiness Is Predicated On Debt

3 yrs in an economics degree and there was never a lecture about debt and interest. It was all pseudo socialist-marxian-keynesian theory bs.

Took me this long to realise that individual happiness (and normie relationships) are predicated on debt. If male normies don't get their slut wife the latest iphone, or buy a new "family" car, pay for his step-children to go to that "private college" or go on that overseas cruise, it is game over. And to afford this shit, they must go into debt. They literally slave until they drop.

Australians, on average, owe $2200 in credit card debt, and $19000 in car loans, and individual homeowners $350k in home loans. Fall behind on that and you loose everything. NEET life is almost stress free. All we worry about is whether the government will continue giving us our neetbux so that we vote for them at the next election - nobody really votes for what is best for the country, but what is best for them.

I'll laugh when the debt and financial markets crash. All those cucks and their slutty wives will find themselves screwed over. I actively look foward to the next great depression :feelskek:

JK Belle #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

Lol! Why do you think he’s had such a “mental breakdown?” For starters he’s the high satanic preset of the Hollywood coven #1 and then on top of that you can CLEARLY SEE all the “sacrifices”
He’s made (his younger girlfriend as just one of many)
AND he’s just become more and more DEMONICALLY POSSESSED “willingly” over the years! He’s a MJAOR handler in Hollywood. Hollywood ITSELF is the most satanic secret society “coven” there is! This is why they are surrounded by death and scandal CONSTANTLY!

Alexandra Bruce/Daniel Liszt #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

THE DOCUMENTARY THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has made a shocking discovery through his deep research that an area he refers to as the ‘HotZone’ between Miami, Bimini, Cuba, the Caribbean and Yucatan contains secret findings of mysterious ruins that hold the key to the ancient advanced culture of Atlantis.

ARCHAEOLOGY WARS ATLANTEAN SECRECY! By connecting the hidden network of Mystery Schools, Exotic Technology, Belial Cult, Psychic Spies and Covert Geopolitical Archaeology Wars, Dark Journalist takes us deep into a completely different way of understanding our ancient past and the Atlantean Poseidia TUAOI Global Power Station. Join Dark Journalist for this Breakthrough Documentary Presentation as he is interviewed exclusively by Kellsey Forest about The Craze In The HotZone!

MIND BLOWING REVELATIONS: LAND RISING NEAR BIMINI See how historical figures like the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce, Legendary Author Ernest Hemingway, AI Creator MIT Marvin Minsky, Convicted Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell (AKA Janet Atlantis), Anti-Gravity UFO File Scientist Thomas Townsend Brown are all connected to Hacking Atlantis. Learn how major Mystery School Movements like Theosophy and Anthroposophy with leaders Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner were deeply involved in revealing the truth that is about to emerge from Land Rising Deep in the HotZone!

Tommy Truthful #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo tommytruthful.com

Prepare to have your mind blown by the mind-boggling concept of a holographic asteroid strike orchestrated to manipulate the ocean! Unbeknownst to the masses, hidden powers have mastered advanced holographic technology and are planning a grand illusion to shift the oceanic tides. This audacious plan, veiled in secrecy, involves projecting a holographic asteroid impact onto the ocean's surface, creating the illusion of a cataclysmic event. The real motive behind this diabolical plot remains shrouded in darkness, but some suspect it to be part of a larger scheme to disrupt global economies, or even engineer a global crisis. Stay vigilant and question the official narrative, for the truth lies beyond the holographic veil. Uncover the hidden agenda and join the ranks of truth seekers determined to expose this grand deception. The holographic asteroid strike to move the ocean may be the key to unlocking a web of conspiracies that extend far beyond our wildest imaginations!

ZetaTalk via Nancy Lieder #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy zetatalk.com

Why the endless delays to set the 2020 election fraud right? If the 2020 election fraud was confirmed by a SCOTUS finding, presented to the US Senate last Memorial Day when Satellite Phones were issued to the Senate so that Biden could be impeached and Trump sworn in, then why is Trump allowed to endure endless civil trials?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/18/2024: The Junta has many challenges awaiting. In April 2021 when the illicit Biden had been sworn in, we mentioned they were dealing with a 5 front war - a CCP invasion, Satanist Moloch worship via a child sex traffic network, Antifa and Defund the Police, Deep State treason, and finally the 2020 election fraud. Where some of these issues have been resolved, others have emerged. The Southern Border is being overrun at the hands of the Biden Administration, and where demands to finance the Ukraine and Israel wars are pressing, the Junta has refused. The pending admission by Putin that Nibiru is a real and present danger also will cause panic that will need to be contained.

Meanwhile to avoid exhausting the US Military with a civil war when and if the Democrats erupt in anger over a Trump reinstatement, the Junta has delayed informing the public about the SCOTUS findings that the 2020 election results were fraudulent. The Senate was informed on Memorial Day, 2023 and sworn Trump in as President, but the public continues to be uninformed. The fact that President Trump is the true President at this time means that he cannot be harassed by civil lawsuits, by law.

Now the Junta is pressed to announce Trump as the sitting President, to end these frivolous lawsuits and cleanup the mistakes being done by the Biden Administration. Why does the Junta seem to have reluctance? They are waiting for the New Madrid Fault Line Rupture, which their scientific advisors say is imminent. The disasters up along both the New Madrid and East Coast Fault lines will force the issue, so that riots and panic will be contained.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

Is the real reason the blockchain evidence gathered by the NSA of the 2020 vote has never seen the light of day in court that there is some discretionary area of whether such surveillance violates constitutional right to privacy of voter’s data? Or is it because the blockchain tracing of crypto transactions specifically in Bitcoin is such a Key law enforcement tool in tracking big dollar hidden money laundering by cabal members?

Needless to say, the White Hats “show the people” principle stands here too but keeping in mind this is 5D chess… multiple applications are in play.

I am reflecting on how the lack of open dialog with the people (a choice) by the white hats has allowing the false idea that Biden won the election to shape our world. How allowing the dark deeds of the CCP and Illuminati to morph into what I call “the Biden Show” has required the U.S. to live under a false pretense while the White hats were better able to operate in secret. Yes, doing good deeds, possibly arresting dark actors and conducting military tribunals in secret. Proliferating clones and doubles of these same well known perpetrators and changing the landscape of the playing field in the process. I am focused on responsibility to the people and how decisions about our future are made and solidified by follow up actions. A trail of secret handshakes and acts known only to the few. Without this the Biden Show could not have persisted for so long.

Why using the system to destroy the system is perhaps not the best way to create a new world…

Fighting Monarch #crackpot #conspiracy #magick fightingmonarch.com

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Everyone in the world is implanted with cybernetics, so the losers in the deep state influence your thoughts, feelings, and motions all the time without you noticing it.

I learned to see how I had been hacked, in part, by studying under a man who had been taught by the spymaster, John Godolphin Bennett, who, in turn, had been taught by the spymaster, George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, not to mention a kung fu master who learned from Beijing’s greatest master, Wang Zhen Hua.

The name of the game is to observe your body and its apparently involuntary movements.

There are really others moving you, just like a video game character, as the little perverts sit in deep underground military bases or associated facilities.

More particularly, you can spot cybernetics by odd-counts on your fingers, since no American or Englishman naturally starts a finger count with their thumb.

Watch your hands move by themselves, and ask: who moved them?

Here’s a simple exercise.

The next time you eat potato chips, or crisps, put them in a bowl, which will slow your caloric intake.

Eat them patiently as you watch t.v., one at a time, using only one hand, as you pick each one up with your fingers and pop it into your mouth.

How long does it take for you to break this simple pattern, as one of your hands picks up a whole bunch of chips and stuffs them into your mouth.

Ask yourself, “Who did that?,” and you will begin to see your slavery.

Patricia Cota-Robles #fundie #magick #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Since the Equinox on March 19, 2024, wave after wave after wave of powerful Solar Light Codes from the newly opened Portals within the System of our Grand Central Sun have been blessing the Earth. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have all benefited from this influx of Light in amazing and very valuable ways. Humanity’s nervous systems have been strengthened and our ability to “see with new eyes” and “hear with new ears” has been greatly enhanced as well.

At this time, we are being told by the Beings of Light that every person’s I AM Presence is now in position to help us tap into the Sacred Knowledge that will reveal what our Divine Missions will be during this NEW phase of our Ascension process. All we have to do is go within to the Divinity of our Heart Flame and ask our I AM Presence to reveal this profound Truth to us.

Prior to the March Equinox, a Matrix was formed in the Realms of Cause through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The Divine Intent of this Matrix is to bring to the surface of each person’s conscious mind the realization that NOW is the time for all of us to clearly perceive the reality of our NEW Divine Missions.


Now, through the power of the Spoken Word and enhanced by the Divine Intervention of the Angel of Resurrection and the Angel of Renewal and Restoration I decree:

I AM the Resurrection and the Life, the Renewal and the Restoration of the Immaculate Concept of my NEW Divine Mission.

I accept that I AM my I AM Presence. I AM a Beloved Child of God. I AM a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. I AM the Open Door for the Light of God that no one can shut.


I AM charging All Life in, through and around the Earth with the full power and might of the 5D Resurrection Flame and the Flame of Renewal and Restoration.

I AM the Cause of this Blessing. I AM the Bridge over which this Sacred Fire flows. I AM the final effect of Divinity reestablished on Earth by this Sacred Fire.

And I AM Cocreating the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in all of its resplendent Glory in the physical World of form. And so it is, as God in Action,


Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.

Rawal Actual #racist #crackpot twitter.com

In historic terms, better at what exactly?
Military? Hell no.
Religion? Hell no.
Architecture? Hell no.
Art? Hell no.
Science and the Scientific method? Hell no.
Writing? Hell no.
Literature? Not even close.
Medicine? Nope.
Linguistics? Lol no.
Engineering? Nope.

Bureaucracy? Yep. Certainly. They are inventors of an autocratic state run by babudom.

Nearly everything worthy of human appreciation was born in Roman, Hellenic, Persian and Indic Empires. Chinese have been nothing more than footnotes. Nothing beautiful or glorious came out of those barbarians.

I would be glad to appreciate them, there is no evidence of theoretical 'Chinese superiority'.

They are a rice-munching civilization which bred like rats for thousands of years just to slaughter each other again and again, then repeat, copy paste.

DanlBoon #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

This is where we are at a stalemate of Resident Biden getting us into actual weapons WWIII war and CIC Trump moving into position of our present financial Republic WWIII war.

We have been going on for weeks and months for the RV, NESARA, GCR, QFS, R&R and EBS to be implemented, yet that has been stalled for our public unknown reasons.
Trump, the White Hats, the Chinese Elders and all the 1,600 world military generals are doing their own things, but are not in a final position of what the real answer is to get this done.
Now it is time for someone to pick up the pieces and get a so-called scare tactic out there providing an incentive for both sides to take advantage of it and it puts it in check of everyone here in America of what we are to do and who is willing to get involved, along with receiving their R&R and NESARA funds.

The Deep State called for the US Military Draft after the attack on Pearl Harbor and it was the Deep State that got us into WWII in the first place, but now we turn the tables on them and get it going for our own reasons and not theirs.

I am not promoting an actual weapons WWIII war, but it can get the illegal immigrants out of the country if they do not want to serve on our USA Republic side, which they will be deported as they cannot serve as Americans, and it also gets the lawful Sovereign Americans to be put in place to know what to do to receive their funding and check them off the list if they do not deserve them.
If we have the med beds then everyone can get in shape to serve in the US Military and there will be no more obese or unhealthy people, male, female and other genders. There will be no excuses this time as there are always positions to serve in public service while being handicapped.
Someone should put this out there so we can protest to get this financial WWIII finished and we The People take control even with our protest about this and get the January 6 protestors out of jail free of charge.

TM #wingnut #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The Good The Bad And The Fugly

In Our Present State One Must Consider Standing In The Position That All That Is Occuring On Our Planet Is Eventually For The Ultimate Good Of All…
Even All Of This Weather Modification.
There Isn’t Any Such Thing :As The False Science Implies As Climate Change Or Global Warming.

It Is All Of It ,Fear Mongering To Control The Masses… Such As In Allowing The Psychosis Of The Media To Create The Patterns Of History Through Human Mind Modification…

Therefore Do Not Allow Your Attention To Be Distracted… With The Exception; If You Are In Ground Zero.
In The End …
We Will All Of Us Experience Our Own…
Come To Jesus Moment In Time …
Giving Thanx And Accepting These Tough Blessons In Our Lives…
We Will Endure ,One Hope’s In Humility and Grace…
That Which Doesn’t Break Us
Will Only Make Us Stronger.
All Things Must Pass
As We Continue To Be Tested .

Place Your Beliefs Within The Loving Embrace Of Our Father…
Asking For Clarity And Grace From Our Mother…
Trusting In The Love Of The Son
That If We Are To Remain On Earth In Order To UpLift Humanity That We Will All Have A Place Within The Peaceful Paradigm Of The Reformation And Restoring This Earthly Paradise To It’s Originally Intended Form. In Order To Be Reestablished Within Creation ;
Before The Corruption Of The Fugly…

I AM Placing ALL Of My TRUST On Creator.

Only This, Allows Me To Navigate These End Of Days With The Semblance Of Inner Peace And Ease That Our Creator Has Intended Before Our Final Release.

Midwestcel #crackpot #racist incels.is

For those who know not what Chadrone is

Simple. Its a good looking guy who has one black parent and one white parent or one black parent and one half black/half white parent. Basically a cross between a Chad and Tyrone. Jeremy Meeks is the most famous Chadrone. His dad was black and his mom was mixed with black and white.


However, under the old one drop rule, they may still be considered Tyrone's. Under old American Jim Crow laws for example, Jeremy Meeks would have been considered black meaning he could only attend black schools, could only use the blacks only designated areas, would have been illegal for him to marry a white woman, etc. And when he fills out government forms he probably lists his race as African American.

But he's one of the more famous Chadrones. Muhammad Ali's grandson is a Chadrone. I mentioned him in this thread.

Foids lusting over Muhammad Ali's 17 y/o Chadrone grandson | Incels - Involuntary Celibate
https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/muhammed-alis-grandson-biaggio-ali-walsh-is-a-top-college-recruit-and-a-model.1044564/ Yet, if a guy over 20 lusts after a 17 y/o Stacy, he's a pedophile who can't get a woman his own age and needs to be jailed for life. If he even implies that a 17 y/o...

His mom is black and his father is a white man.

Prussian Society of America #crackpot #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Which Nations of Europe Besides Germans, Qualify as Non-Barbarians?"]

It can be stated with confidence, the only People in their original, unadultered form besides Germans who have Pioneered Europe and Mastery over this world as Fully Civilized and Cultured Peoples, were indeed the Greeks and Romans

One may at times, seek to ascribe the Egyptians or former Sumerians as the “True Light” in this world, however the Egyptians were a Prototype for the refined Greeks
Greeks and Romans, Traditionally have been staunch defenders of Monogamy in their civilizations, and regarded people who marked their bodies as less than animals
The truth is that without the combination of Roman and Teutonic Thinkers, there would be no Europe
The Russians can only dream and masturbate to the ideas of ever being on par with that of a German or Roman, hence his consistent desire to expand his form of Political and Philosophical Influences for many centuries into Europe. Russia is still an enemy to Europe today and will always remain a half-breed European
Only someone completely delusional who has an inferiority complex[…]could suggest that the Greeks or Romans were “Nordic”
The unfortunate current state of these People today, is that they are only a shell of the former Greeks and Romans in what they once were. Their blood has been diluted to a point where they have entirely lost the ability to exhibit all of the greatness they once did
The Germans along with the former Greeks and Romans are the only Nations of the World which are not of the Barbarian Stock
China is a Nation in service to the Rothschild Banking Dynasty, and their Nation has been inflicted and permanently had their Blood Purity altered by the Mongols and the actions of Ghenghis Kahn, Mao Zedong and also by the hand of the British Influence over them